鈴木 慎太郎 田中 明彦 岸野(大木) 康成 村田 泰規 楠本 壮二郎 石田 博雄 安藤 浩一 白井 崇生 大西 司 相良 博典 瀧本 雅文
特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会
気管支学 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.38, no.2, pp.118-124, 2016-03-25 (Released:2016-03-30)

田中 明彦
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1986, no.82, pp.94-115,L10, 1986-05-17 (Released:2010-09-01)

Recent theoretical efforts in international relations focus increasingly on building grand and dynamic theories with major emphasis on cycles in addition to trends. This essay is to critically review an important part of these recent efforts: long cycles both in economic sphere as well as in political-military sphere and their linkages. First, recent researches in the Kondratieff waves are briefly summarized as those emphasizing on (a) technological innovations, (b) capital accumulation, and (c) resource abundance and scarcity. Second, George Modelski's “long cycles” theory is examined with particular emphasis on how it treats economic-political linkages. Third, a brief summary of the Wallersteinian “world-system” approach is given. How it relates long cycles in economics (the Kondratieffs) with the rises and declines of hegemony is the case in point. I summarize Bousquet's attempts to critically examine Wallerstein and others' early effort and to reconstruct it focusing on technological innovations. I suggest that current efforts in long cycles both in economic and political spheres have strong similarities with such early works by Toynbee and Akamatsu in the 1930s and 1940s. Recent efforts have clear advantages in research environment both in terms of increase of increase of empirical data and availability of computers, however. I argue, however, that more conceptual clarity and sophistication is necessary if the current efforts are to go beyond a simple revival of the research a half century ago.

3 0 0 0 OA 1.治療の変遷

田中 明彦 足立 満
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.102, no.6, pp.1327-1332, 2013-06-10 (Released:2014-06-10)
1 2

喘息に対する薬物療法の歴史は,吸入ステロイド(ICS:inhaled corticoteroids)出現前と出現後に大きく2つに分けられる.ICS出現前は,β2受容体刺激薬や抗コリン薬やテオフィリン薬などの気管支拡張薬が薬物療法の中心であった.その後,1978年に初めてICSが上市され,徐々にその有効性と安全性が認められ,ヨーロッパに続いて北米においては1980年代,我が国においては1990年代に薬物療法の中心として位置づけられ現在に至っている.本稿では喘息の病態概念と,これらの薬剤を中心に薬物療法の歴史的変遷について述べる.
鈴木 慎太郎 本間 哲也 眞鍋 亮 木村 友之 桑原 直太 田中 明彦 相良 博典 柳川 容子
昭和学士会雑誌 (ISSN:2187719X)
vol.78, no.3, pp.282-288, 2018 (Released:2018-10-20)

症例は38歳男性.自家製のお好み焼きを食べている最中から喉頭違和感,呼吸困難,眼球結膜の充血などを訴え救急搬送された.アナフィラキシーの診断で加療し,後日当科へ精査目的で来院した.患者には著しいダニ・ハウスダストによるアレルギー性鼻炎の既往があった.お好み焼きの具材に対する抗原特異性IgEによるアレルギー検査とプリックテストを行ったが全て陰性だった.問診上,開封後密封せずに常温で6か月以上経過した市販のお好み焼き粉を用いて調理したことが判明し,お好み焼き粉に混入したダニによるアナフィラキシーを強く疑った.お好み焼き粉を鏡検した結果,多数のコナヒョウヒダニが検出され,さらに,Dani Scan®(生活環境中のダニアレルゲン検出を目的とする簡易型検査キット)を用いた検査においても強陽性を示した.近年,お好み焼きやパンケーキ等の小麦粉製品に混入したダニを経口摂取して生じるアナフィラキシーの報告が急増している.診断のためには,調理に用いた小麦粉製品の保管状況の聞き取りと,感作が成立した同種のダニを発症前に摂取した調理材料中に証明することが求められる.今回,使用したDani Scan®は,一般家庭においても食品中のダニ汚染を検知する簡便なキットであり,本病態の診断や発症の予防に一定の効果が期待できるものと推察した.
肥田 典子 手塚 美紀 熊坂 光香 三邉 武彦 鈴木 立紀 龍 家圭 山崎 太義 廣澤 槙子 田中 明彦 大田 進 相良 博典 小林 真一 内田 直樹
昭和学士会雑誌 (ISSN:2187719X)
vol.75, no.5, pp.542-550, 2015

気管支喘息 (喘息) は気道の慢性炎症,可逆性のある気流制限,気道過敏性亢進と繰り返し起こる咳,喘鳴,呼吸困難で特徴づけられる閉塞性呼吸器疾患である.喘息予防・管理ガイドライン2012では吸入ステロイドが長期管理薬の中心に位置づけられ,治療目標として健常人と変わらない日常生活が送れること,喘息発作が起こらないこと,非可逆的な気道リモデリングへの進展を防ぐこと等が掲げられており,ガイドライン導入後の喘息死は確実に減少している.しかし,アドヒアランス不良による喘息発作による救急外来受診は少なからず存在し,入院治療を要する例もある.これまでに長期間の喘息治療薬の休薬が呼吸機能検査に及ぼす影響を検討した報告は多くあるが,短期間休薬の影響については検討が不十分である.今回,症状安定期の喘息患者において喘息治療薬を短期間休薬し,休薬前後での呼吸機能の変化を検討したので報告する.健康成人15名および喘息患者20名についての呼吸機能検査 (forced vital capacity; FVC,forced expiratory volume in one second; FEV1.0,forced expiratory volume % in one second;FEV1.0%,percent predicted forced expiratory volume in one second; %FEV1.0,V25,V50,peak expiratory flow; PEF) 結果を,2014年4月から7月に昭和大学臨床薬理研究所にて実施した治験のデータより抜粋して解析を行った.喘息患者では吸入ステロイドのみ継続し,治療薬の種類によって中止期間を指示した.長時間作用性β2刺激薬は48時間前から,ロイコトリエン受容体拮抗薬は24時間前から,抗アレルギー薬は72時間前からの休薬とした.各呼吸機能検査値について比較検討した.健康成人では2回目来院時ではFEV1.0%,V50,V25値の有意な増加を認めた.一方喘息患者では2回目の来院時のPEFが有意に低下した.特に喘息治療薬として吸入ステロイド/長時間作用性β2刺激薬配合剤を使用している症例では休薬によるPEF低下率が大きかった.喘息患者では,短期間の治療薬休薬によって自覚症状の増悪がなくてもPEF低下がみられることが確認された.短期休薬によるPEF低下と長期休薬による喘息コントロールの悪化との関連について今後の検討が必要であり,喘息コントロール良好を維持するためには,アドヒアランス向上を目的とした患者教育が重要と考えられた.
山影 進 田中 明彦 鈴木 一敏 阪本 拓人 山本 和也 保城 広至 服部 正太 木村 香代子 森 俊勝 光辻 克馬

上野 香奈 美濃口 健治 河野 泰郎 小田 成人 和田 記代子 宮本 正秀 横江 琢也 橋本 直方 美濃口 秀子 田中 明彦 國分 二三男 足立 満
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.51, no.7, pp.565-570, 2002-07-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

鈴木 慎太郎 本間 哲也 眞鍋 亮 木村 友之 桑原 直太 田中 明彦 相良 博典 柳川 容子
昭和学士会雑誌 = Journal of the Showa University Society (ISSN:2187719X)
vol.78, no.3, pp.282-288, 2018-06

症例は38歳男性.自家製のお好み焼きを食べている最中から喉頭違和感,呼吸困難,眼球結膜の充血などを訴え救急搬送された.アナフィラキシーの診断で加療し,後日当科へ精査目的で来院した.患者には著しいダニ・ハウスダストによるアレルギー性鼻炎の既往があった.お好み焼きの具材に対する抗原特異性IgEによるアレルギー検査とプリックテストを行ったが全て陰性だった.問診上,開封後密封せずに常温で6か月以上経過した市販のお好み焼き粉を用いて調理したことが判明し,お好み焼き粉に混入したダニによるアナフィラキシーを強く疑った.お好み焼き粉を鏡検した結果,多数のコナヒョウヒダニが検出され,さらに,Dani Scan?(生活環境中のダニアレルゲン検出を目的とする簡易型検査キット)を用いた検査においても強陽性を示した.近年,お好み焼きやパンケーキ等の小麦粉製品に混入したダニを経口摂取して生じるアナフィラキシーの報告が急増している.診断のためには,調理に用いた小麦粉製品の保管状況の聞き取りと,感作が成立した同種のダニを発症前に摂取した調理材料中に証明することが求められる.今回,使用したDani Scan?は,一般家庭においても食品中のダニ汚染を検知する簡便なキットであり,本病態の診断や発症の予防に一定の効果が期待できるものと推察した.
鈴木 慎太郎 田中 明彦 岸野(大木) 康成 村田 泰規 楠本 壮二郎 石田 博雄 安藤 浩一 白井 崇生 大西 司 相良 博典 瀧本 雅文
特定非営利活動法人 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会
気管支学 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.38, no.2, pp.118-124, 2016

田中 明彦
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1983, no.74, pp.134-153,L13, 1983-08-31 (Released:2010-09-01)

An information processing system to simulate the decision-making process of China's international conflict behavior is presented. This system, called CHINA-WATCHER, is designed to represent different models of Chinese cognitive process. Different models are specified in terms of the frame of reference (realist or revolutionary), the evaluation strategy (“dove”, “dawk”, or “hawk”), the support-side decision strategy (“dove” or “hawk”), and the involvement decision strategy (“dove” or “hawk”).No matter how different models are specified in terms of the above criteria, CHINA-WATCHER has key procedures applied in any model. Essentially, CHINA-WATCHER “understands” an inputted case (international conflict, crisis, etc.) and “decides” what China would do. To “understand” the current case, CHINA-WATCHER updates the “world amity-enmity map” showing who are China's friends and who are China's enemies. Then, it detemines the relations of the parties in the current case, i. e. whether the case is a confrontation between friends and enemies, a confrontation between friends and friends, etc.In addition, CHINA-WATCHER determines the contexts in which the current case is put. There are two contexts always to be determined no matter which model is specified; they are the narrative context and the precedential context. The narrative context is the preceding cases which constitute a longer, unfolding “stort, ” with the current case as its most recent episode. Setting the precedential context is the most important feature of the CHINA-WATCHER system. The essential, idea is to derive instructions for current action from an analysis of cases in memory that are similar to the current one in certain key respects. In other words, the decision-makers are assumed to understand the current case in part through the analogy of the past precedents.The second essential operation of CHINA-WATCHER is to decide what to do in the current case. CHINA-WATCHER decides (1) which side in the case to support and (2) to what extent China involves itself. The latter involvement decision consists of verbal involvement and physical involvement. The support-side decision is made essentially from the examination of the party configuration of the current case. The involvement decision is made through the analysis of the precedential context.As stated above, different models are specified in terms of the frame of reference, the evaluation strategy, the support-side decision strategy, and the involvement decision strategy. The frame of reference suggests the criteria of friends and enemies. to China and the criteria to determine the precedential context. The evaluation strategy is used to cope with uncertainty of friend-enemy evaluation. The support-side decision strategy is used to decide which side to support and the involvement decision strategy is used to decide the level of involvement based on the precedential context.We examine how CHINA-WATCHER with different models process information on each of the 385 cases of Chinese international conflict behavior from 1949 to 1978 and predict the decision to be taken by the PRC in each of them. It is found that the model with the revolutionary framework and the evaluation strategy of a “dove” performed better in the periods from 1949 to 1953, from 1957 to 1958, from 1968 to 1969, and from 1974 to 1976. Also found is that the model with the realist framework and the evaluation strategy of a “dawk” performed better in the periods from 1954 to 1956, from 1959 to 1967, from 1970 to 1973, and from 1977 to 1978. But it was found that the Chinese were consistent in the “hawkish” strategy for taking sides and in their “dovish” involvement decision strategy.
田中 明彦
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1990, no.95, pp.16-29,L6, 1990-10-20 (Released:2010-09-01)

Based on the ideas of cognitive balance developed mainly by F. Heider, R. P. Abelson and others, a framework to represent a relationship characterized by amity and enmity is presented; essential points of this framework include (1) your enemy's enemy is your friend, (2) if A has both friendly and hostile relations with B, A and B have “ambivalent” relations, and (3) if there are no “ambivalent” relationship within a system of actors, this system is “balanced”. This framework then is applied to a triangular relationship among three actors and eight possible types of trialgular relationships are derived.To derve possible directions of transition among these eight types, two assumptions and four transition rules are introduced. The assumptions are:(1) three actors differ in their influence; and (2) A weaker actor is more sensitive to imbalance in the system. The four rules are: (1) changes of relationship take place sequentially, i. e., one at a time; (2) actors change their relationships to make the system “balanced”; (3) in an unbalanced system, the relationship between the two weakest actors tends to change; and (4) among the four balanced systems, three can change to become unbalanced (for the precise rule, see the text.)With these four rules, possible directions of transitions among these eight types are derived; this derivation represents a theory to explain how a triangular relationship might possibly evolve (Table 9). To examine the validity of this theory, an analysis of the history of U. S. -U. S. S. R. -China triangular relationships in the postwar period is made (Table 10). Except for the deterioration of U. S. -U. S. S. R. relations in 1960 after the U-2 inicident, the isolation of the Soviet Union in the late 1970s, and the deterioration of Sino-American relations immediately after the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989, the theory explains the historical transitions in the triangle very well.
田中 明彦
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.116, pp.107-147, 1992-03

This paper describes and analyzes the development of the U. S. policy toward China since the Tiananmen Square crackdown in June 1989.It first summarizes the state of Sino-American relations immediately before the Tiananmen Sauare incident in terms of (1) mutual exchanges,(2) Chinese arms transfer issues,(3) U. S. relations with Taiwan (4) human rights issues, and (5) Sino-Soviet relations and points out that the relations between Washington and Beijing appeared one of the most favorable in the postwar history despite some differences especially over human rights issues.The paper then argues that the Tiananmen Square incident changed this situation by examining the initial reactions of the U. S. administration, Congress, and the U. S. business.The next part of the paper describes the development of U. S. policy toward China from the secret trip of Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger to Beijing in July 1989 to their second secret trip to Beijing in December 1989.How the sanctions that the U. S. government imposed immediately after the Tiananmen Square incident evolved and were relaxed is described in detail.The reasons of the secret trips and the relaxation of sanctions as presented by Eagleburger is also analyzed.The final part of the paper examines the development of U. S. China policy in 1990 and 1991, focusing on the issue of the MFN (most favored nation) status for China. The paper concludes itself with the observation that despite the willingness of the Bush administration to maintain more or less normal relations with Beijing, it has become increasingly defficult for the administration to do so unless China makes significant improvements in various issues including human rights, arms exports, and trade.
田中 明彦
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2000, no.124, pp.1-10,L5, 2000-05-12 (Released:2010-09-01)

International Relations Theory is in need of reconstruction. The end of the cold War is usually invoked to justify such need. But other factors are also relevant. First, the objects of IR studies are undergoing rapid changes: trends of globalization as well as those of anti-globalization, democratization and human rights protection, increasing activities of multinational organizations and NGOs, problems of “failed states” and persistance of civil wars, prospects of non-proliferation, traditional security as well as “human security, ” and so on. IR studies need theoretical frameworks to deal with such diverse phenomena. Second, academic debates conducted over the last two decades, mostly in North America, now appear to enter into a new, more productive phase of incorporating diverse ontological and epistemological approaches. The field could explore increasingly more diverse objects of study as discussed above with more open-mined viewpoints than in the 1980s when a narrow academic debates between “neo-realism” and “neo-liberalism” dominated the field. Third, theorybuilding activities in Japan is also in need of reconstruction mainly because theoretical gaps between Japanese IR studies and North American ones have been widened over the last two decades. While North American scholars were engulfed completely with the debates between neo-realism and neo-liberals and are now being challenged by the rise of constructivism, most theoretically inclined Japanese scholars paid relatively little attention to either trends of North American IR studies; their concerns were more to do with world systems dynamics and implications of decline of American hegemony. It is about time to narrow the gaps of academic concerns and start joint activities to reconstruct IR Theory. The following ten articles are all attempts to respond to such challenges.