長谷川 洋一 坂巻 弘之 山崎 学 岩月 進 生出 泉太郎 北田 光一 大箸 義章 須田 晃治 望月 正隆
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.2, pp.277-291, 2014-02-01 (Released:2014-02-01)
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The first crop of pharmacists graduating from 6-year programs in pharmaceutical l education arrived in April 2012, and it will be important to incorporate new factors when predicting future trends in supply and demand for pharmacists. If we project supply given an exam pass rate of 75%, the supply of pharmacists will increase for the next 10 years or so if the number of exam takers is about 10000, and no decrease in the total number of pharmacists is expected until 2035. At pharmacies, a high degree of demand for the services of pharmacists can be expected to result from increases in the number of elderly patients and the number of patients receiving prescriptions, together with expanded accommodation of home health care, if the proportion of prescriptions that are actually filled up to 70%. At hospitals, demand has been projected to increase over the short term, owing to such factors as the trend toward having a resident pharmacist in each ward, advances in team medicine, and the spread of outpatient chemotherapy. Given the rising enrollment quotas for schools of pharmacy, and if the current supply and demand for pharmacists are maintained, we cannot rule out the possibility that pharmacists will come to be in excess supply within a 10-year horizon if the number of unemployed continues to decrease and the employment rate continues to improve along with changes in economic conditions and the consciousness of graduates of the 6-year programs.
中村 裕義 木村 真春 山形 眞一 中村 均 大森 栄 北田 光一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.23, no.5, pp.437-444, 1997-10-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

In the present study, we examined the effects of light, temperature and humidity on the residual rate of alfacalcidol in four commercially available preparations of alfacalcidol (Alfarol® capsules, Alfarol® powder, Warkmin® capsules and Onealfa® tablets). The tests were performed for up to 10 weeks with PTP seals, or without PTP seals. The changes in residual rate of alfacalcidol in Alfarol® powder packaged with cellophane-laminate paper, and Onealfa® tablets packaged with cellophane-laminate paper after crushing were also examined.The residual rate of alfacalcidol decreased in Alfarol® capsules packaged with PTP seals under fluorescent lighting (1000 lux) and in Alfarol® powder without an aluminum seal under all conditions. There were no changes in the contents of alfacalcidol in Alfarol® capsules with PTP seals and Alfarol® powder packaged by aluminum seal. A slight decrease in the residual rate of alfacalcidol in Warkmin® capsules was found under fluorescent lighting. The residual rate of alfacalcidol decreased in Onealfa® tablets under high temperature and/or high humidity. Alfarol® powder packaged with cellophane-laminate paper and Onealfa® tablets packaged with cellophane-laminete paper after crushing were found to be unstable, indicating that long-term storage should be avoided when these formulations are prepared.
小林 進 落合 武徳 堀 誠司 鈴木 孝雄 清水 孝徳 軍司 祥雄 剣持 敬 島田 英昭 岡住 慎一 林 秀樹 西郷 健一 高山 亘 岩崎 好太郎 牧野 治文 松井 芳文 宮内 英聡 夏目 俊彦 伊藤 泰平 近藤 悟 平山 信夫 星野 敏彦 井上 雅仁 山本 重則 小川 真司 河野 陽一 一瀬 正治 吉田 英生 大沼 直躬 横須賀 収 今関 文夫 丸山 紀史 須永 雅彦 税所 宏光 篠塚 典弘 佐藤 二郎 西野 卓 中西 加寿也 志賀 英敏 織田 成人 平澤 博之 守田 文範 梁川 範幸 北原 宏 中村 裕義 北田 光一 古山 信明 菅野 治重 野村 文夫 内貴 恵子 斎藤 洋子 久保 悦子 倉山 富久子 田村 道子 酒巻 建夫 柏原 英彦 島津 元秀 田中 紘一
千葉医学雑誌 (ISSN:03035476)
vol.76, no.5, pp.231-237, 2000-10-01
