南 武志
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.117, no.5, pp.948-952, 2008-10-25 (Released:2010-04-27)

The present study represents an attempt to determine the sources of vermilion found in ancient Japanese burial mounds prior to the emergence of the ancient Yamato dynasty. For this purpose, cinnabar ores were collected from Chinese and Japanese mines, and samples of vermilion were also collected from ancient tombs. When the vermilion collected from the tombs was studied morphologically, different particle sizes were observed. However, the particle size of the artificial vermilion was found almost same. The metal contents of cinnabar ores were different for each Japanese mine: Niu (Mie Pref.), Yamato Mercury (Nara Pref.), Sui (Tokushima Pref.), and Itomuka (Hokkaido Pref.) mines. Arsenic (As) content was highest in cinnabar ore from Niu mine; Mn and Fe contents were highest in Yamato Mercury mine; and, the Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, and Sr contents were highest in Sui mine. When analyzing the metal contents of vermilion collected from ancient tombs in Nara Prefecture, vermilion collected from Kurozuka, Kamotsuba, and Tomio-Maruyama tombs showed a high As content, and vermilion from Tenjinyama tomb showed a high Mn content. Thus, the possibility was suggested of identifying the original vermilion mine from the metal contents. However, it is difficult to set borderlines for the metal contents of vermilion to identify the source mine. So, the ratios of sulfur isotope (δ34S) in ores and vermilion were compared. A high δ34S value of +22.6 ± 3.6‰ was found for the ore of Wanshan of Guizhou and from +6 to +10.6‰ for Xunyang of Shaanxi in China, as opposed to low values ranging from -7.3 ± 1.9 to -2.1 ± 1.6‰ for Japanese mines. It is thought that δ34S values are suitable for determining the sources of vermilion found in ancient tombs. In addition, high ratios from +7.4 to +22.8‰ were found in 1st- and 2nd-century burial sites in northern Kyushu and San'in, and lower ratios from -8.4 to -2.0‰ were found in burial sites of the 2nd through 6th centuries in central Japan. Therefore, powerful local chiefs living in northern Kyushu and San'in areas might have obtained vermilion through relations with China, but chiefs living in central Japan might have used vermilion collected from Japanese mines. In conclusion, the sources of vermilion collected in ancient tombs can be determined by measuring δ34S values. An additional analysis of a lead isotope ratio, for example, might also be necessary to determine the source of vermilion.
南 武志 河野 摩耶 古川 登 高橋 和也 武内 章記 今津 節生
地球化学 (ISSN:03864073)
vol.47, no.4, pp.237-243, 2013-12-31 (Released:2017-02-24)

Vermilion was collected from powerful people's mounds of places of Japan Sea coast depending on the period from the decline of the Yayoi to Kofun and was measured sulfur isotope ratio (δ34S value), and compared the value obtained from cinnabar ores of three Japanese mines, Niu, Yamato-suigin, and Sui, and two Chinese mines, Wanshan and Xunyang, which were selected from old records. The vermilion of the late Yayoi period, the 1st to 2nd century A.D., was from China, and the vermilion of the early Kofun period, from the late 3rd century A.D., was from Japan. During the late Yayoi and early Kofun periods, the 3rd century A.D., the vermilion showed the middle of the shift of Japanese cinnabar. It is concluded that the measurement of sulfur isotope of vermilion is an effective method for the determination of original sources of vermilion.
山田 祐也 迫田 寛人 井上 徹 久保 正治 伏見 尚子 南 武志 亀山 正邦
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.41, no.10, pp.933-936, 1998-10-30 (Released:2011-03-02)

鉛中毒を合併したインスリン非依存型糖尿病を短期間に2例経験した. 2例とも腹痛, 強度の便秘, 不眠などの自覚症状と貧血, ポルフィリン尿症を呈し, 血中尿中鉛濃度は高値を示した. 内服中の漢方薬 (珍芹降糖) に高濃度の鉛を検出した. 同薬の鉛含量にばらつきを認め長期内服で未発症例もあることから, 鉛の混入が推定された. Dimercaprol筋注により治療し症状, 検査所見ともに改善中である.
南 武志 武内 章記 高橋 和也 今津 節生 徳田 誠志 寺沢 薫 河野 一隆 島崎 英彦 豊 遙秋 河野 摩耶

南 武志 岩下 武史 中島 浩
vol.2011, no.65, pp.1-8, 2011-07-20

本論文では高周波電磁場解析の一手法である 3 次元 FDTD 法におけるキャッシュメモリを考慮した性能改善手法の提案と性能評価を行う.3 次元 FDTD 法の計算カーネルは時間発展に関するループにより与えられ,各タイムステップにおいて電場と磁場の値が交互に更新される.3 次元 FDTD 法の計算カーネルは演算あたりのロード/ストア量が大きく,一般にメモリ帯域の影響を受けやすい計算である.キャッシュメモリのヒット率を向上しメインメモリへのアクセスによる性能の低下を軽減する性能改善手法として,解析領域をタイルと呼ぶ小領域に分割し各タイル内で複数のタイムステップに関する処理を連続して行うタイリングと呼ばれる手法が存在する.しかし,単純な固定タイルによる実装では,タイル間での冗長な計算がオーバーヘッドとなっていた.そこで,本論文ではタイリング手法において,タイルの位置と形状を時間ステップごとに変化させ計算量の増加を防ぐ手法を提案する.提案手法を評価した結果,AMD 製クアッドコア Opteron プロセッサよる数値実験において 4 スレッドによる並列処理を行った場合,一般的な 3 次元 FDTD 法の実装と比較して計算時間を約 50% 短縮させることに成功した.This paper deals with performance improvement of three dimensional FDTD kernel for high frequency electromagnetic field analyses. The FDTD method is one of explicit time stepping methods. The electric and magnetic fields are updated alternately in each time step. Since the calculation of the FDTD method has a large byte/flop ratio, its performance is limited by memory throughput. For a remedy of it, there is a technique called tiling, in which the analyzed domain is divided into multiple small domains. By updating electrical and magnetic fields in each small domain in multiple time steps, we can utilize cache data efficiently. However, when we implement tiling based on simple fixed size tiles, redundant calculations are required between adjacent tiles. In this paper, we propose a new tiling technique for three dimensional FDTD method without redundant calculations. This method prevents an increase in the amount of calculations by changing the position and shape of the tile at each time step. Numerical tests on a quad-core AMD Opteron processor show that the proposed three dimensional FDTD method attains up to 50 percent reduction in the calculation time compared with an ordinary implementation of the three dimensional FDTD method.
山崎 秀夫 吉川 周作 南 武志 長岡 信治 國分 陽子 井上 淳 藤木 利之 辻本 彰 村上 晶子
