吉永 進一
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.29, pp.11-23, 2012 (Released:2019-09-18)

The writings of Suzuki Daisetsu (1870-1966) sometimes cause misunderstanding and unnecessary criticism because they often depended on their historical contexts. It seems necessary to examine his biography to understand his writings. In this lecture I pick up the few years between Suzuki’s entering the University of Tokyo (1892) and leaving for America (1897) , and show the relationship between Suzuki and other progressive young Buddhists during those years. In Meiji 20s Suzuki was one of those reform-minded young Buddhists called Bukkyō Seinen. He became a member of a society of such progressive Buddhists called Keiikai. This was the predecessor of the representative modernizing Buddhist movement, Shin Bukkyōto Dōshikai, of which Suzuki later became a member, too. The leading member of Keiikai was Furukawa Rōsen (1871-1899), who was said to be an ideological originator of Shin Bukkyōto Dōshika. Furukawa wrote an article about Tibetan Buddhism in 1895. In it he pointed out the vogue of Theosophy in Europe as an evidence to indicate the necessity of mystical experiences in conquering skepticism, and stressed the importance of Tibetan Buddhism. This opinion was influenced by his friend, Taoka Reiun (1870-1912), who tried to build his own mystical philosophy, which included Zen and the western Mysticism. In 1896 Suzuki wrote an article comparing Zen and the Western mysticism. This seemed to be written in response to other modernized interpretations of Zen. In Meiji 20s he was creating his own thoughts about Zen and Buddhism by exchanging opinions with other young Buddhists.
吉永 進一
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.10, pp.68-83, 1993 (Released:2018-03-29)

In Chapter XXVI of The Principles of Psychology,William James tries to argue for the existence of “will” using a physiological concept of the reflexive action. His argument of “will” seems to consist of the two seemingly conflicting standpoints, of which one is a physiological psychology and the other is an introspective psychology. The former enables him to discard the dualism of mind and matter and to connect the voluntary actions with the reflexive actions, the latter proving the existence of mind’s functions, that is, to choose an object of mind and to make an effort to attend to it. In the last analysis, James’ conception of mind could be thought of as the teleologically interpreted reflexive arc. This paper is intended to deal with the relationship of these psychological schemes and his theism, which is described in the papers included in The Will to Believe, such as “Reflexive Action and Theism”,“The Dilemma of Determinism”, and so on. His concept of “God” is a relative and functional term as his concept of “self” is. So his theism is not a traditional one, but something like an indeterministic world-view, which permits “chance” or “effort” to contribute, for its part, to the future of the world.
吉永 進一
人文學報 = The Zinbun Gakuhō : Journal of Humanities (ISSN:04490274)
vol.108, pp.123-125, 2015-12-30

特集 : 日本宗教史像の再構築 --トランスナショナルヒストリーを中心として-- ≪第III部 :神の声を聴く --カオダイ教, 道院, 大本教の神託比較研究--≫
吉永 進一
人体科学 (ISSN:09182489)
vol.17, no.1, pp.35-51, 2008-06-30 (Released:2018-03-01)

Taireido, literally meaning "the way of Great Spirit," was an alternative kind of psychotherapy which flourished from 1916 to 1929. Its founder, Tanaka Morihei, was once a poor working student with a nationalistic inclination. He tried to make a direct appeal to the emperor in 1903 to persuade him to take a military action to Russia. This event made him famous nationwide, but at the same time he was obliged to live in seclusion for a while. In 1905 Tanaka had a strange experience of automatic movement after he completed 90 days fast, and got a supernormal power of healing. After this experience his life was divided between political activities and psychotherapy movement, and Taireido he started was a combination of a school of hypnotism, a new religious movement, and a political body. In this paper I chronicled the biography of Tanaka Morihei, analyzed hypnotic, religious and political elements in Taireido, and discussed the relationship between his metaphysical and political thoughts. In conclusion, his theory on a kind of inner spirituality corresponds to his political program, and his worship of Tairei (Great Spirit) is related to his view of the modern nation of Japan.
吉永 進一 赤井 敏夫 橋本 順光 SHORE Jeff

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