中島 涼輔 吉田 茂生
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shallow water linear waves are investigated over a rotating sphere with an imposed equatorially antisymmetric toroidal magnetic field: B0Φ=B0sinθcosθ, where B0 is a constant, θ is the colatitude and Φ is the azimuth. This system can imitatively represent the dynamics of a liquid metal within a stably stratified layer at the top of the Earth's core, which was detected through seismological surveys (e.g. Helffrich & Kaneshima, 2010[1]) and also has been deduced from geophysical and geochemical knowledge (e.g. Buffett & Seagle, 2010[2]; Pozzo et al., 2012[3]; Gubbins & Davies, 2013[4]; Brodholt & Badro, 2017[5]). Because slowly propagating waves in the liquid core can result in geomagnetic secular variations, comparison between exhaustive studies of MHD waves in a rotating stratified fluid and observations of geomagnetic fluctuations should provide constraints on the obscure stratified layer in the outermost core (e.g. Braginsky, 1993[6]; Buffett, 2014[7]).The adopted configuration of the background field complicates solving the eigenvalue problem of linear waves due to the emergence of an Alfvén continuum and critical latitudes unless dissipation effects are taken into account. These result from non-dissipative Alfvén resonance, which occurs only when B0Φ/sinθ depends on θ, that is, regular singular points appear in the differential equation of linear problems. The solutions of the continuum are required to express the transient evolution of an arbitrary initial disturbance (e.g. Case, 1960[8]; Goedbloed & Poedts, 2004[9]). We can confirm numerically and analytically that introducing magnetic diffusion eliminates these Alfvén continuous modes and their singular structures around critical latitudes (Nakashima, Ph.D. thesis, 2020[10]).For the Earth's core-like parameter (B0≃0.5—5mT and magnetic diffusivity η≃1m2/s), westward polar trapped modes are obtained as eigenmodes, which have a period of around from several to 1000 years. We may be able to observe these modes as geomagnetic secular variations in high latitude regions, if the strength of stratification in the stratified layer is close to the estimate of Buffett (2014)[7]. The analyses of recent geomagnetic models and paleomagnetic data in terms of such waves could confirm the robustness of previous estimates of the properties of the layer.[ Reference ][1] Helffrich, G., Kaneshima, S. (2010) Nature, 468, 807. doi: 10.1038/nature09636[2] Buffett, B. A., Seagle, C. T. (2010) J. Geophys. Res., 115, B04407. doi: 10.1029/2009JB006751[3] Pozzo, M., Davies, C., Gubbins, D., Alfè, D. (2012) Nature, 485, 355. doi: 10.1038/nature11031[4] Gubbins, D., Davies, C. J. (2013) Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 215, 21. doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2012.11.001[5] Brodholt, J., Badro, J. (2017) Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 8303. doi: 10.1002/2017GL074261[6] Braginsky, S. I. (1993) J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 45, 1517. doi: 10.5636/jgg.45.1517[7] Buffett, B. (2014) Nature, 507, 484. doi: 10.1038/nature13122[8] Case, K. M. (1960) Phys. Fluids, 3, 143. doi: 10.1063/1.1706010[9] Goedbloed, J. P., Poedts, S. (2004) Principles of magnetohydrodynamics: with applications to laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.[10] Nakashima, R. (2020) Ph.D. thesis, Kyushu University. http://dyna.geo.kyushu-u.ac.jp/HomePage/nakashima/pdf/doctoral_thesis.pdf
中島 涼輔 吉田 茂生
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) shallow water linear waves are examined on a rotating sphere with a background toroidal magnetic field expressed as B0Φ=B0sinθ, where B0 is constant, θ is the colatitude and Φ is the azimuth. The MHD shallow water equations are often used in studying the dynamics of the solar tachocline (e.g. Gilman & Dikpati, 2002[1]; Márquez-Artavia et al., 2017[2]) and sometimes the outermost Earth's core (Márquez-Artavia et al., 2017[2]; Nakashima, Ph.D. thesis, 2020[3]) and exoplanetary atmosphere (e.g. Heng & Workman, 2014[4]). In this poster, we especially focus on the propagation mechanisms and the force balances of polar trapped waves and unstable modes (Márquez-Artavia et al., 2017[2]; Nakashima, Ph.D. thesis, 2020[3]).Comprehensive searches for eigenmodes yield two polar trapped modes when the main magnetic field is weak (the Lehnert number α=VA/2ΩR2<0.5, where VA is the Alfvén wave velocity, Ω is the rotation rate and R is the sphere radius). One is the slow magnetic Rossby waves, which propagate eastward for zonal wave number m≧2 (Márquez-Artavia et al., 2017[2]). As the Lamb's parameter ε=4Ω2R2/gh→0 (where g is the gravity acceleration and h is the equivalent depth), these branches asymptotically approach the eigenvalues of two-dimensional slow magnetic Rossby waves. Another is newly discovered westward polar trapped modes (Nakashima, Ph.D. thesis, 2020[3]).In the case when α>0.5 (the background field is strong), these novel westward modes merge with the westward-propagating fast magnetic Rossby waves. In addition, only when m=1, polar trapped unstable modes appear due to the interaction between these fast magnetic Rossby waves and westward-propagating slow magnetic Rossby waves. These growth modes are believed to be the polar kink (Tayler) instability (Márquez-Artavia et al., 2017[2]).In order to easily understand the propagation mechanisms and the force balances of polar trapped modes, we investigate a cylindrical model around a pole with an artificial boundary condition. This model provides the approximate dispersion relations and eigenfunctions of polar trapped modes, and indicates that stable polar trapped modes are governed by magnetostrophic balance and that the metric magnetic tension force causes the difference between the slow magnetic Rossby waves and the novel westward modes. For m=1 and α>0.5, the balance between Coriolis and Lorentz forces is disrupted and the part of magnetic tension with which Coriolis force can not compete induces kink instability.[ Reference ][1] Gilman, P. A., Dikpati, M. (2002) Astrophys. J., 576, 1031. doi: 10.1086/341799[2] Márquez-Artavia, X., Jones, C. A., Tobias, S. M. (2017) Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 111, 282. doi: 10.1080/03091929.2017.1301937[3] Nakashima, R. (2020) Ph.D. thesis, Kyushu University. http://dyna.geo.kyushu-u.ac.jp/HomePage/nakashima/pdf/doctoral_thesis.pdf[4] Heng, K., Workman, J. (2014) Astrophys. J. Sup., 213, 27. doi: 10.1088/0067-0049/213/2/27
井上 友樹 村上 拓彦 光田 靖 宮島 淳二 溝上 展也 吉田 茂二郎
日本森林学会誌 (ISSN:13498509)
vol.89, no.3, pp.208-216, 2007 (Released:2008-07-15)
5 2


1 0 0 0 OA 2.胃癌治療

吉田 茂昭
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.91, no.2, pp.674-684, 2002-02-10 (Released:2008-06-12)
村上 拓彦 吉田 茂二郎 高嶋 敦史
日本森林学会誌 (ISSN:13498509)
vol.101, no.4, pp.163-167, 2019-08-01 (Released:2019-10-24)

1660年頃作成の屋久島の古い絵図「屋久島古図」が存在する。この絵図は非常に詳細で,島内の集落名,山頂名,河川名,場所名,スギを含む数種の樹木の存在,島中央への歩道等が書き込まれている。そこで本研究では,この地図を現代図と重なるようにGIS上で補正し,当時のヤクスギ分布を推定した。さらに現代図のヤクスギ分布域との比較から,その間の変化を把握しかつその変化要因を分析し,最後にこの地図の今後の利用可能性を検討した。その結果,この地図は現代図と非常に良く重ね合わせることができ,当時のヤクスギ分布域は島東部の安房川流域に偏り,標高200 m付近の低標高域にも存在していたことが判明した。1660年当時にヤクスギが分布していた地域で,その後の伐採でヤクスギが消失した地域は,低標高の地域と川の近くに多かった。以上からこの屋久島の地図は,作成当時の森林状態を詳細に記録した地図として活用できる可能性が示唆された。
村上 拓彦 吉田 茂二郎 高嶋 敦史
日本森林学会誌 (ISSN:13498509)
vol.101, no.4, pp.163-167, 2019

<p>1660年頃作成の屋久島の古い絵図「屋久島古図」が存在する。この絵図は非常に詳細で,島内の集落名,山頂名,河川名,場所名,スギを含む数種の樹木の存在,島中央への歩道等が書き込まれている。そこで本研究では,この地図を現代図と重なるようにGIS上で補正し,当時のヤクスギ分布を推定した。さらに現代図のヤクスギ分布域との比較から,その間の変化を把握しかつその変化要因を分析し,最後にこの地図の今後の利用可能性を検討した。その結果,この地図は現代図と非常に良く重ね合わせることができ,当時のヤクスギ分布域は島東部の安房川流域に偏り,標高200 m付近の低標高域にも存在していたことが判明した。1660年当時にヤクスギが分布していた地域で,その後の伐採でヤクスギが消失した地域は,低標高の地域と川の近くに多かった。以上からこの屋久島の地図は,作成当時の森林状態を詳細に記録した地図として活用できる可能性が示唆された。</p>
福地 晋輔 吉田 茂二郎 溝上 展也 村上 拓彦 加治佐 剛 太田 徹志 長島 啓子
日本森林学会誌 (ISSN:13498509)
vol.93, no.6, pp.303-308, 2011 (Released:2012-03-13)
2 6

宮崎南部森林管理署管内に設定されている系統的配置法によるオビスギ密度試験地 (1972年設定) の測定データをもとに, 植栽密度が単木と林分単位の成長ならびに林木形質に与える影響を明らかにするとともに, 低コスト林業に向けた植栽密度について考察した。試験地は, Nelder (1962) が考案した円状のもので, 1箇所に2反復, 計2プロットがあり, 各プロットはha当たり376∼10,000本の範囲で10段階の植栽密度があり, 各密度区は36本の試験木からなる。解析の結果, 極端な高密度と同低密度では林木形質や目標サイズに達するまでの時間などから, ともに望ましくないことがわかった。利用上, 形質にこだわらない場合であれば, 高密度区ではha当たり蓄積が高いために有利であるが, 1,615本の植栽密度区以上ではほぼ一定であった。一方, 形質を求める場合は, 高密度の植栽では形質が悪く, 逆に低密度では良形質材の林分材積量が低かった。これらから, 植栽密度区6 (範囲は約2,000∼2,800本) の中間的な植栽密度が望ましいことが示唆された。
奥村 基生 吉田 茂
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.3, pp.245-257, 2007 (Released:2007-07-14)

The purpose of this study was to examine differences in the response selection of collegiate kendo players (mid- and high-level skill groups, n=9 for both groups) during matches from complex viewpoints. First, the subjects reported their own skill (or waza) knowledge utilized during practices and matches, and then participated in matches with players of the same group. We analyzed their thinking processes and frequencies of utilization of skill knowledge as processing contents, as well as the consequent processing times and starting times of defenders’ appropriate reactions to the response selection. Although differences in the thinking processes and processing times of the two groups were not significant, the high-level skill group utilized their skill knowledge more frequently and delayed the defenders’ appropriate reactions. The reported thinking processes, i.e., those that could be verbalized, reflected effective thought processes such as brief thinking. The processing times, which we expected to be significantly different between the two groups, were influenced by time variabilities produced by the players themselves, as they must utilize various processing methods in different match situations. Analysis of the processing contents also showed that the high-level skill group selected actions actively and frequently by using their skill knowledge to anticipate situations and assess non-immediate environmental information. This processing mode led to tactical “active response selection”, which we believe is an important factor in the creation of 100-ms delays in the appropriate reactions made by defenders, delays that translate into points scored. Such active response selection, which differs from passive processing of environmental information, i.e., the “passive response selection” that has been reported in highly skilled players in other sports studies, indicates that the processing mode in response selection changes according to the characteristics of a sport. Also, the mid-level skill group adopted passive response selection more frequently. Consequently, we suggest that 1) kendo players should aim towards active response selection, 2) should acquire effective skill knowledge, and 3) should utilize this knowledge actively and frequently in response selection.
中島 涼輔 吉田 茂生

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in a thin layer on a rotating sphere with an imposed toroidal magnetic field are investigated. The system is often considered as a model of the stably stratified outermost Earth's outer core or the tachocline of the Sun. The stratification of the outermost core is suggested on the basis of seismological evidence (e.g. Helffrich and Kaneshima, 2010; Kaneshima, 2018) and interpretations of the geomagnetic variations with MHD waves (e.g. Braginsky, 1993; Buffett, 2014; Chulliat et al., 2015). In order to provide constraints on the obscure stratified layer by comparing with wavy variations in the geomagnetic field, we studied the linear waves of the two-dimensional MHD and the MHD shallow water system over a rotating sphere.We adopt an azimuthal equatorially antisymmetric field (BΦ(θ) = B0 sinθcosθ, where θ is colatitude, Φ is azimuth) as a background magnetic field. On the other hand, an equatorially symmetric field (BΦ(θ) = B0 sinθ) was assumed in Márquez-Artavia et al.(2017), whose results we replicated and reported in JpGU 2018.Compared with previous results, the dispersion diagrams obtained with the toroidal equatorially antisymmetric field show that some fast magnetic Rossby branches remain, while slow magnetic Rossby waves disappear. Besides, a continuous spectrum is found in the range where an azimuthal phase velocity is coincident with a local Alfvén velocity divided by sinθ. Similar continuous spectra are also seen in various physical situations, including inviscid shear flow (e.g. Case, 1960; Balmforth and Morrison, 1995; Iga, 2013) and plasma oscillations (e.g. Van Kampen, 1955; Case, 1959; Barston, 1964; Sedláček, 1971). The continuous spectra are accompanied by a singular eigenfunction, which is physically meaningful only when they are integrated over the continuous spectra. Its integrated solutions generally decay with time, which is referred to as phase mixing. Unlike exponentially damped discrete modes, this decaying is proportional to negative powers of time.In the case of the shallow water system with the antisymmetric field, discrete eigenvalues buried in the continuous spectrum is found, which include unstable modes. For the Earth-like parameters, polar trapped modes with decadal period and equatorial trapped Rossby waves with a few years period are found when the stratification is weak.
石井 正則 金田 健作 関 博之 小林 直樹 八代 利伸 小林 毅 吉田 茂 栄 春海 森山 寛
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.37, no.5, pp.604-613, 1994-10-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

めまいや耳鳴を主訴とした患者の中には, 症状の増悪に患者の心理的因子や環境因子が関係することがあり, その治療には心身症としての側面を考慮する必要がある。とくにメニエール病では, ストレスが発症に関与していることが多く, ときとしてその治療に難渋することもある。そこで, 心身症や神経症に対して優れた臨床効果の報告がある抗不安薬 (Ethyl Loflazepate, メイラックス ®) を使用し, メニエール病を中心にめまいや耳鳴を主訴とした疾患に対してその臨床効果を検証した。その結果, この薬剤の内服により動揺感, 悪心・嘔吐, 耳鳴の大きさなどにその改善度や有用率が高いことがわかった。しかも心理検査のCMI検査や健康調査表でも服用後にCMIの値や健康調査の値が有意に低下することを認めた。以上により抗不安薬であるメイラックス ® が自律神経症状や動揺感を主体としためまい感や耳鳴の大きさに対する自覚症状を和らげる効果を示すことがわかった。