呉羽 真
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.2, pp.158-162, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-06-15)

The social distancing strategy adopted as a preventive measure during the COVID-19 pandemic has initiated a rapid transition from face-to-face to online communication. It is an established view in cognitive science that embodiment plays an indispensable role in cognitive activities such as communication and it is also a common view that cognitive activities organized through online media are disembodied. If both of these views pertaining to embodiment were true, the transition from face-to-face to online communication would have a negative impact on human relationships. However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, people seem to be adapting to the switch from offline to online modes of communication and continuing with their social activities. This observation calls for a critical reconsideration of our conception of “embodiment” in communication. In the past discourses on embodied cognition, a certain kind of embodiment may have been privileged whereas the other kinds of it have been ignored. Therefore, in this paper, I offer ideas pertaining to the embodied aspects of online communication from a philosophical perspective as well as with a consideration of other cognitive science domains. Specically, I criticize the view that online cognitive activities are disembodied and propose the following three theses about embodiment: (1) embodiment is negotiable, i. e., it changes in relation to technological conditions; (2) embodiment is pervasive, i. e., it accompanies all types of human cognitive activities; (3) embodiment is diverse, i. e., it depends on the cognitive subject.
呉羽 真
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.26, no.4, pp.174-181, 2017-12-25 (Released:2018-02-09)

本稿では,京都大学宇宙総合学研究ユニット(以下では「宇宙ユニット」と略記する)が中心になって推進している「宇宙倫理学」という学問分野を紹介する.まず,同ユニットにおける宇宙倫理学プロジェクトの概要を述べる.次いで,惑星科学と関係の深い宇宙倫理学の具体的な話題として,惑星保護に関連した宇宙環境の価値3 3 3 3 3 3 3 の問題と,宇宙科学と社会のコンフリクトに関連した科学の価値3 3 3 3 3 の問題について解説する.最後に,宇宙倫理学が惑星科学との間に築きうる関係性について,筆者の期待を交えつつ論じる.
呉羽 真
Japanese Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (JACAP)
Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (ISSN:18834329)
vol.11, pp.58-76, 2020-03-26

In this paper, I address social and ethical issues concerning telepresence technologies. New communication media such as smartphones, video-conferencing systems, and tele-operated communication robots bring forth novel modes of communication and alter the way human relationships are established and maintained. It is sometimes said that these technologies realize "social telepresence, " or being together with distant others. However, some theorists, such as Dreyfus and Turkle, argue that these media degrade the quality of our communication practices and impoverish our human relationships and social lives. These theorists stress instead the importance of non-mediated, face-to-face conversation. An aim of the present paper is to examine these critics' arguments against telepresence technologies and to show that they fail: their arguments, I will argue, are based on simplistic and false assumptions on the effect of communication media and are not supported by empirical evidence currently available. Thus, there turns out to be little basis for the claim that telepresence technologies have harmful effects on human relationships, though it is true that these technologies are sometimes used in inappropriate and ethically problematic ways. Another aim of this paper is to offer an explanation why such usage is problematic. Citing an actual case of inappropriate use of telepresence technologies, I will argue that what make it problematic is not certain intrinsic features of these technologies themselves, but "metamessages" the act of choosing them as communication media bears in certain situations. Thus, I will stress, we should pay critical attention to cultural contexts in which communication media are used and which partly determine how they are used.
呉羽 真
Contemporary and Applied Philosophy (ISSN:18834329)
vol.13, pp.62-82, 2021-10-14

本稿は、京都生命倫理研究会2021年3月例会(2021年3月20日、オンライン)での発表「日本人とロボット --テクノアニミズム論への批判」に基づく。
呉羽 真 近藤 圭介 一方井 祐子 稲葉 振一郎 神崎 宣次 寺薗 淳也 吉永 大祐 伊勢田 哲治 磯部 洋明 玉澤 春史
