高橋 原
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.14, pp.111-125, 1997-03-31

Recent research into C. G. Jung has shown that Jung's thought was unique and that Freud's influence was, in fact, not crucial. Jung's thought can best be understood, therefore, in the context of his life as a whole. Drawing from his autobiography and other materials published after his death, we now know that Jung, from childhood, was motivated to integrate his split personality. This split generated his two modes of experiencing religion - traditional Christianity and his particular experience of God - and he felt a tension between the two. Jung's mature thought always focused on Christianity. The "reinterpretation of Christianity" was one of the central themes of his thought, its purpose being the reconciliation between his own psychology and traditional Christianity. The answer had not yet been found in 1912, when his cooperation with Freud came to an end. It seems that the answer instead began to take form in the period between 1913 and 1918, his "critical years" (Homan's term). In this light, the Answer to Job (1952) occupies a special position in Jung's life and work. In that book, I suggest, we can see Jung's "starting point" and "end result" come together. He reinterpreted Christianity and "developed its myth" so as to give a place to his secret experience of God in a Christian context.
高橋 原
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.22, pp.21-32, 2005-03-31

This essay focuses on some recent criticisms of C. G. Jung's religious thought. Some of them are based on the newly discovered documents and put new light on Jung's thought. Two types of views can be pointed out among the critics ; one considers Jung as a clinical psychologist and another as a religious thinker.Typical Freudian criticism belongs to the former and doesn't find any value in Jung's religious writings ; that is, Jung's religious or theological writings are the results of his childhood psychological problems and/or his break with Freud influenced upon them. Richard Noll's controversial book, Jung Cult, belongs to the latter. According to Noll, Jungian psychology started as a cult whose charismatic leader was Jung himself. In contrast to these critical view, there are certain Jungians who welcome him like a prophet. Edward Edinger is one of such Jungians, who considers Jung's Answer to Job like a holy scripture. So, for the proper understanding of Jung's thought and his influence as a whole, it's important to have a look at the context or constellation of the recent controversy as well as those in Jung's life time.
吉永 進一 安藤 礼二 岩田 真美 大澤 広嗣 大谷 栄一 岡田 正彦 高橋 原 星野 靖二 守屋 友江 碧海 寿広 江島 尚俊

高橋 原 鈴木 岩弓 木村 敏明 堀江 宗正 相澤 出 谷山 洋三 小川 有閑

東日本大震災の被災地において、大量死に直面し悲嘆を抱える人々は様々な形で死者の霊の表象と向き合っており、それが「心霊体験」として表現されたときに、宗教者は地域文化や各宗派の伝統を参照しながら臨機応変に対応していることが明らかになった。本研究ではその対応の特徴として、 (1)受容と傾聴、(2)儀礼の提供、(3) 倫理的教育、(4)自己解決(自然治癒)の了解、という諸点を指摘したが、これは、さまざまな支援者が存在する中で、宗教者が担い得る「心のケア」の特質を考える時に貴重な示唆を与えるものである。
池澤 優 近藤 光博 藤原 聖子 島薗 進 市川 裕 矢野 秀武 川瀬 貴也 高橋 原 塩尻 和子 大久保 教宏 鈴木 健郎 鶴岡 賀雄 久保田 浩 林 淳 伊達 聖伸 奥山 倫明 江川 純一 星野 靖二 住家 正芳 井上 まどか 冨澤 かな

高橋 原
vol.10, pp.237-254, 2014-03-31

In this paper, the author provides an overview of how religious professionals (i.e. Buddhist monks, Christian pastors, etc.) are dealing with socalled occult phenomena in the tsunami stricken areas after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Most of the ghost tales seem to result from a variety of unconscious anxieties but there are no professional support workers available for people to consult with about them other than religious people, especially Buddhist monks. Furthermore, even these religious people do not necessarily have any particular prescription that has been prepared by their sect or denomination to deal with such tales. However, this could be an advantage for them from the viewpoint of spiritual care, because it makes it possible for them to listen in an open and frank manner, and with an unbiased view to these stories.The main characteristics of the care provided by such religious professionals is that they aim not only at removing troubling symptoms as medical doctors do, but also aim for creating a better quality of life for people by restoring their views of life and the world. The experts do this through conducting religious ceremonies intended to bring peace to the restless souls of the dead. Even if they believe that the “true” cause of occult phenomena is some secular anxiety, they deal with these phenomena as religious or spiritual issues instead of reducing them to secular matters to be resolved by secular means. This is why religious people can take a unique role among caregivers and it is of importance to reconsider the role of the religious professionals as social capital.