関 英治 小塚 美由記 米田(和田) 実央 村尾 咲音 山根 拓也 荒川 義人 大久保 岩男 藤原 佳史
日本補完代替医療学会誌 (ISSN:13487922)
vol.15, no.1, pp.21-28, 2018-03-31 (Released:2018-04-18)

鰹節の熱水抽出液(鰹だし)は,ジペプチジルペプチダーゼ IV(DPP IV)阻害活性(IC50 値; 3049 µg/ ml)を有することから,ヒトにおける鰹だしの血糖上昇抑制効果の有無について,ヒト試験を用いた糖負荷試験を実施した.鰹荒節500 gに10倍量の水を加え煮出して150 mlを供した.糖尿病やその他の重大な疾患がなく,かつBMIが30未満の健常人(男性14名)を対象とし,鰹だし摂取30分後に糖を負荷し,0 分~150分まで血糖値を測定した.鰹だし摂取時は,米飯摂取 75 分および90分後の血糖値 ± 標準誤差は,鰹だし摂取時110.0 ± 5.9 mg/ dl対白湯摂取時134.9 ± 6.9 mg/ dl値;p < 0.01( p = 0.006)および鰹だし摂取時110.3 ± 6.8 mg/ dl対白湯摂取時129.3 ± 6.6 mg/ dl値;p < 0.05( p = 0.036)が得られ,有意に血糖値の上昇抑制作用が認められた.鰹だしと白湯摂取後の血糖下曲線面積を比較すると 鰹だし摂取時の面積は4753.1 ± 439.7 mg/ dl × min,白湯摂取時の面積は6879.4 ± 728.1 mg/ dl × minであり,血糖降下作用が認められた( p < 0.01, p = 0.005 ).空腹時血糖に対して鰹だし摂取前と鰹だし摂取後30分後の血糖値には有意差が認められなかった.鰹だし摂取糖負荷150分後には,血糖値が空腹時血糖まで復帰した.本ヒト試験において鰹だしに糖負荷血糖上昇抑制作用が認められた.鰹だしにはα-グルコシダーゼ阻害活性が認められなかった.試験中に副作用と考えられる自・他覚症状は認められなかった.
山根 拓
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.41, no.1, pp.23-44, 1989-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

Modern newspapers, introduced into Japan in the 1870's, have diffused as one of the modern cultural elements throughout the country. From the human geographical aspect of modern newspapers, some geographers have remarked on the interaction between the newspaper system of publication places and circulation areas, and the central place system (Dickinson, R. E., 1947; Blotevogel, H. H., 1984 etc.). On the supposition that their ideas are also valid in the Japanese case, we can clarify the reformation process of modern spatial organization in Japan using the newspaper business as an indicator. This paper is composed of two sections. In the first section, the locational development process of newspaper publication is analyzed by comparison with the development process of the Japanese urban system. We examine the changing process of newspaper circulation spatial structure in the second section. In this case, our attention is directed to the core-periphery problem in newspaper circulation.The following results were obtained in this inquiry:First, we can find that there was a downward diffusional process of newspaper companies from the prefectural seats to the local centers. The concentration of political and economic functions and population had caused the prior location of newspaper companies in the prefectural seats. Until the 1930's, the number of newspapers had increased and publication places had diffused to the lower ranking centers. However, the distributional pattern wasn't uniform. Newspaper publication was concentrated in the Tokaido and Sanyodo regions, Nagano Prefecture, and Niigata Prefecture. On the prefectural scale, most of the newspapers were published at the prefectural seats. On a national scale, the capital of Japan, Tokyo, was the largest center of newspaper concentration. These situations at prefectural and national scales are explained by the importance of political functions concerning the location of newspapers. On the other hand, local community papers developed in some regions, for example in Nagano Prefecture. These contributed to the diffusion of newspapers in the lowest-class regions. However, in the 1940's many companies were integrated at the prefectural level under a national policy. So, the prefectural seats formed a monopoly of newspaper publication within each prefecture.Second, there are some findings as to the sales wars between metropolitan newspapers and local papers in the regional markets. The metropolitan newspapers were established in Osaka or Tokyo and expanded their substantial circulation area to peripheral regions with the times. The share of metropolitan papers had been relatively high in regional markets at the time when newspapers were first introduced into Japan. However, the growth of local papers supported by local political parties gave the dominant position to the local papers in many prefectures. Some metropolitan papers had been circulated at provincial or sub-national scale since the 1890's. The frontiers of metropolitan papers advanced along the railway routes extending from Tokyo toward peripheral regions. But the share of these papers was dominant merely in the neighborhood area of publication place. From 1900 to the 1910's, these papers gained the priorities of market share in the Kanto Region or Kinki Region. It was in about 1940 that the national newspapers appeared with regard to their share in the regional markets. The formation of“national newspapers”implies the cultural centralization of Japan. However in the national newspaper integration process, “provincial”papers, which had priority of share in the provincial regions beyond their prefecture of publication, had grown in two regional metropolitan cities: Nagoya and Fukuoka. Nagoya and Fukuoka became secondary centers of newspaper publication. The provincial papers formed cultural subregions in the modern spatial organization process.
山根 拓
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.43, no.1, pp.26-46, 1991-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

Before World War II, mass communications media had penetrated little into Japanese rural areas. So the rural populace had little access to a quantity of political, economic, social and cultural information, except for those belonging to the upper classes of rural societies. However, monthly community newspapers, called sonpo, were published in some villages of Nagano Prefecture and Ehime Prefecture from the 1920s to the 1930s.The purpose of this paper is to discuss the regional development process of sonpo publications and the spatial agenda-setting functions of the community media from the case study of Kita-uwa District, Ehime Prefecture. These agenda-setting functions are clarified by content analysis of the articles.The following results were obtained in this inquiry:1. When sonpo appeared in some villages, because of their periodical publication and delivery to all villagers, they occupied the main position in the rural information system. However, the distribution of these media was rare and regionally biased. We can explain the reasons of locational development of sonpo in terms of the political connections among village authorities but cannot find the reasons for the absence of sonpo in many regions. The editors and publishers of sonpo were village authorities or leaders belonging to the upper classes of rural societies. It seems that the composition of those members had an effect on the contents of the community media.2. We analyzed the contents of Aiji Sonpo published in Aiji village, Kita-uwa District, Ehime Prefecture, by means of two approaches. One is to assess the regional characteristics of sonpo based on the aggregation of the number of news-originating places in articles. Another approach addresses the press comments of sonpo. The comments indicate whether the medium depends on the ideology of the centralized state-nationalism, or the regional ideology-regionalism. So, we tried to divide the articles into two spatially characterized groups: the central-oriented articles and the regional-oriented articles. In the former approach, it was found that the community media contents were mainly composed of local news from Aiji village and partly of news from the upper political central cities in the urban system: the district center (Uwajima), the prefectural center (Matsuyama) and the national center (Tokyo). This result suggests that sonpo were in close contact with the local community. The latter approach clarified that the central-oriented ideology dominated the arguments of the community media. Thus we found that sonpo played the role of organizer which related many villagers to the national authority (the central government in Tokyo) beyond the spatial constraints of distance.
山根 拓 中西 僚太郎 岡島 建 河野 敬一 川崎 俊郎 天野 宏司 品田 光春

明治期から戦前期までの近代期のわが国における公権力が, どのように国土空間を認識していたのかという問題について, 研究代表者・分担者が各々の視角・アプローチから考察した。「公権力」の範疇には, 大久保利通や黒田清隆のような公権力者個人, 帝国議会や官僚集団のような権力的集合体, 地方権力者等, 多様なものが含まれる。それぞれが国土空間の各場所をいかに把捉し, 現実の政策にいかに関与したかが, 各時代に関して解明された。
山根 拓
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-24, 1987-02-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
2 1

The post office network has been developing in Japan since 1871. In the formation of this network, the post office has contributed to the formation of modern spatial organization in Japan. In order to explain this geographical situation concretely, the distribution of this communication facility during different development periods is compared with the growth of central places and the distribution of other public facilities, and so the hierarchical linkages in the postal system are presented as one example of a modern integrated system formed by rational interregional relations. This paper discusses these points based on a case study of Hiroshima Prefecture.The results obtained are as follows:(1) The history of the post office network can be divided into three phases (1871-1900; 1900-1945; 1945-), according to features of its growth.a) Before 1882, the post office network was developed in many places at the same time. This sudden expansion was caused by historical and political conditions in the Meiji era and the introduction of post office management by contractors. After 1882, a number of post offices were closed because of the contractors' financial difficulties. During the Meiji era, post offices developed in central places belonging to higher class than the lower order central places where primary schools and/or village offices were located.b) In the second phase (1900-1945) the post office network became denser. A number of non-collection-delivery post offices were concentrated in densely populated urban areas. On the other hand 70% of the settlements in rural areas having a town office or village office got post offices. The allocation of collection-delivery offices was nearly completed during this phase. The reformation of postal districts was carried out in order to bring them into conformity with administrative districts and the homogeneity of each area.c) The reopening of closed post offices in war-damaged cities (e. g. Hiroshima) characterized the locational development of these facilities in the postwar period. However the basic locational development pattern did not change. In urban areas the distribution of post offices has become denser in city centers and then expanded to suburban areas. Today most of the lower order central places in rural areas have also received post offices. Depopulation in rural mountainous areas has caused some closures of post offices in recent years. These closures will probably have an important effect on the locational development of post offices in the near future.(2) The hierarchical linkage among post offices is made clear by analyzing the internal organization of postal services. As indicators of this system, the grade of post offices, mail routes, the flow of funds used in post offices, and some designated post office were selected. As a result, it was found that the hierarchical linkage, which included the Hiroshima office as a first order center, and Kure, Fukuyama, Onomichi and Miyoshi offices as second order centers, has been formed and tightened in relation to modernization of the central place system. Especially, the centrality of the Fukuyama and Miyoshi offices has increased in recent years. Additionally, since the 1930's third order centers have began to appear, for example Mihara, Takehara, and Shobara offices. They have been established in central places reorganized as municipalities since the 1930's and had their status raised to ordinary post offices in the 1940's.Two aspects of the post office -its locational development and its hierarchical integration-were dealt with. These two aspects of the post office indicate effects of national policy and the reformation of the regional system at the same time.
山根 拓
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2017年度日本地理学会秋季学術大会
pp.100105, 2017 (Released:2017-10-26)

矢ケ崎 典隆 山下 清海 加賀美 雅弘 根田 克彦 山根 拓 石井 久生 浦部 浩之 大石 太郎
