根田 克彦
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.79, no.13, pp.786-808, 2006-11-01 (Released:2008-12-25)

根田 克彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.14, no.2, pp.345-363, 2019 (Released:2019-10-05)

香川 貴志 古賀 慎二 根田 克彦
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.64, no.6, pp.497-520, 2012 (Released:2018-01-24)
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Already more than 30 years have passed since the IGC was held in Tokyo. In that time, Japan’s cities have gone through major transformations, but that is in large part due to having experienced the appreciation of land values during the bubble economy of the late 1980s. In urban cores during the bubble, land rushes drove prices to appreciate, and that spilled over into the suburbs as well. The supply of residences in suburbs grew, and this facilitated the expansion of business and commercial functions into the suburbs. However, the drop in and stabilisation of land prices following the collapse of the bubble prompted the supply of tower-type condominiums in the surrounding areas of CBDs and also had a tremendous impact on the expansion of business function and retail sites. This paper tackles what urban geography involves and what it explains about environmental changes in urban areas of Japan. After the collapse of the bubble, people were impacted on a global scale by synchronised terrorist attacks, the Lehman Shock and other events. The various activities of people living and working in cities often became the focus of urban geographical studies, and that continues to this day. This paper sheds light on that trend in Japan’s geography circles.
根田 克彦
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.60, no.3, pp.217-237, 2008 (Released:2018-01-06)
2 2

In England, the 1980s were a period in which the central government adopted a stance favorable to retail developments. Many out-of-center large scale retail developments opened and they have caused or accelerated the decline of existing centers. In Sheffield City, the Meadowhall regional shopping center opened in 1990. It is by far the largest individual scheme in the revitalization of the Lower Don Valley in Sheffield’s old industrial heartland. Some papers claim that Sheffield’s central shopping area declined drastically within a few years after the Meadowhall center opened. But those papers ignored the effect of the Meadowhall center on district shopping centers in Sheffield. This study presents the trend in development of regional shopping centers in England and examines the changes of the central area and district shopping centers in Sheffield after the Meadowhall regional shopping center opened.In Japan, through the deregulation of the Large Retail Store Law since 1990, many large-scale stores were developed in greenfields or the countryside. By contrast, in England, regional shopping centers focused on urban areas for regeneration of the deprived inner city in the 1980s. Therefore, many proposals for large-scale retail development in greenfields were rejected in the UK.Sheffield’s Unitary Development Plan, which was approved in 1998, establishes a three-fold classification of centers and presents retail parks and the regional shopping center (Meadowhall shopping center) in its proposals map. Retail parks and the Meadowhall shopping center are not maintained and enhanced by the local planning authority in accordance with the Planning Policy Guidance of the central government. Therefore, the retail development in retail parks is limited to retail warehouses and the large-scale expansion of the Meadowhall shopping center was not allowed. That is why they are likely to result in serious harm to the vitality and viability of the central shopping area and district shopping centers.Meadowhall shopping center attracts shoppers from a much wider catchment area than did the central shopping area. Though the central shopping area and the Meadowhall shopping center are situated as regional shopping centers in UDP, the central shopping area may be the focus of the inner city. Retail warehouses located at the fringe of the central shopping area and the number of stores selling fashion goods have decreased rapidly in the central shopping area since the Meadowhall center opened. Many multiple retailers moved from the central shopping area to Meadowhall center. Now the Sheffield City Council has a plan for redevelopment to enhance the status of the central shopping area as a regional shopping center.The district shopping centers provide high levels of accessibility to a broad range of services and facilities for all the community as well as shopping facilities for local residents. Food retail development is promoted within district shopping centers. There are some district shopping centers in which superstores or retail parks have been developed. District shopping centers without large-scale stores are very small scale and have higher vacancy rates.In Japan, the City Planning Act establishes two types of commercial zones, Commercial Zones and Neighborhood Commercial Zones. But there are some cities that have established some Commercial Zones outside of the central area, and any type of large-scale store can be located in Neighborhood Commercial Zones. And there are many zones in which large-scale stores under 10,000 square meters of floor space can be built outside of Commercial Zones. Therefore, the City Planning Act does not assume the hierarchy of retail areas with the Commercial Zone in the central area at the top. The Large-scale Retail Store Location Act aims to harmonize large-scale retail stores with the local community.(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
根田 克彦
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.50, no.4, pp.363-382, 1998-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The purpose of this study is to review studies on the urban retailing system. The development of a systematic classification of retail systems was based to a large extent on the pioneering set of Berry's works on American cities during 1958-63. Berry (1963) identified that the urban retailing system is composed of three basic elements; nucleated centers, ribbon developments and specialized functional areas. He suggested that nucleated centers represent a hierarchy of business centers, these being either planned or unplanned. Berry (1963) also focused attention on changes in urban retailing system. An examination was undertaken of the relationship between population movements and the subsequent decline or expansion of the retail system.After Berry's works, there were many studies on the identification and description of the urban retail hierarchy. But there were few studies which attempted to distinguish between systematic variations in the three elements of the urban retailing system. Though Davies (1974) and Potter (1982) identified nucleated centers and ribbons in British cities, they pointed out clearly not to be able to distinguish them. It has long been argued that ribbon and specialized areas are not separate components of the retailing system but merely modifications of nucleated centers.In the USA since the 1960s, then in the UK since the 1970s, the organization of retailing and urban systems have been changing remarkably. Many works have been undertaken to update the Berry's framework through the incorporation of contemporary forms of shopping development, such as superstores, regional shopping centers and convenience stores. Dawson and Sparks (1980), by contrast, announced that hierarchical models are no longer adequate representations of the urban retailing system. Recently, Brown (1991) presented a non-hierarchical model of urban retail location. It is necessary to rethink urban hierarchical structures and build another model.Studies of the changes in urban retailing systems are divided into three basic categories: process studies, cross-sectional studies and stage type studies (Shaw, 1978). This study considers process studies and stage type studies.In stage type studies, the suburbanization or decentralization processes of retailing are divided into several stages. In American cities, retail decentralization involved the decline of the CBD and the development of shopping malls in the fast growing suburban areas. Now, the CBD is one of several regional shopping centers and no longer at the top of the retail hierarchy. Because Britain has experienced strong planning restrictions against urban sprawl and decentralization, there is little evidence of retail decline at the CBD.Process studies of the urban retailing system are directed to the processes of the natural dynamics of retailing-the unending sequence of shop openings, closures and relocations. Shaw (1978) and Brown (1990) examined the changes in central shopping districts in the UK, and Lord (1992) examined suburban automobile rows in the USA. Each of them examined the dynamics of retailing in one shopping districts. The changes of a shopping district are not only made by the accumulation of the change of shops within that district but also influenced by other retailing facilities within the urban area. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the dynamics of retail areas in the whole urban area.Planning restriction is closely associated with the location of retail activities. Public policy control aimed directly at retail development in the USA traditionally has been minimal. In many cities, large-scale investment in the CBD redevelopment has been undertaken to present better opportunities for the central area retailers. But, in many cases, inner-city ribbons have been left in an impoverished state. In British cities, the development of new retailing in a declining shopping district hastened the decline of remainder of that district.
根田 克彦
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.41, no.3, pp.148-159, 1989-11-30 (Released:2010-04-30)
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本研究では, 釧路市の新橋大通商店街を事例として, 大規模小売店の立地を契機とする周辺商業地の変化を考察した。結果は, 以下にまとめられる。新橋大通商店街では, 大規模小売店の開店以降, 最寄品販売の独立店の廃業と, 買回品を販売する駐車場を備えた多店舗小売業と, 飲食店および個人サービス業の進出という変化が主として生じた。また, 大規模小売店の立地により新橋大通商店街の買物吸引力は急激に高まったが, 現在この商店街来訪者の目的は, 主に大規模小売店の単独利用である。
根田 克彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.17, no.2, pp.319-337, 2022 (Released:2022-09-17)

根田 克彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2013, 2013

イギリスは1990年代以降センターと呼称される小売商業地を核とする地区を設定して,それらを保護し,それ以外の場所,すなわちセンター外における大型店の立地を規制してきた.しかし,小都市のシティセンター,中規模以上の都市でもインナーシティの中小センターの衰退は止まることはなかった.本発表で対象とするノッティンガム市のハイソングリーン・タウンセンターは,ノッティンガム市のインナーシティに位置する小規模な周辺商業地のひとつである.ハイソングリーン・タウンセンターは,近年周辺に居住するエスニックマイノリティを対象とする商品とサービスを提供する商店街として注目された.このようなセンターは近隣の住民ばかりではなく,観光客を集めることもできる.本研究では,ハイソングリーン・タウンセンターのエスニック的な特徴と,それを支える周辺環境との関係を分析したい. ノッティンガム市の人口は266.988人(2001年)である.白人が84.9%,アジア人7.1%,黒人4.3%であり,白人人口がイングランドの平均(90.9%)に比べると低い.アジア人のなかで多いのはパキスタン人(全人口の3.6%.以下同様),次いでインド人(2.3%),中国人(0.6%),バングラディッシュ人(0.2%)である.パキスタン・バングラディッシュ人口が多いことからノッティンガム市ではムスリムが4.6%を占める(イングランド平均3.1%).さらに,市全体のムスリムの49.3%がシティセンターとそれに隣接する北部のインナーシティの4地区に集中する(図1).ハイソングリーン・タウンセンターは,それらムスリムが集中する地区の中心に位置する.これらの地区の一部は,1998年にNew Deal for Communities (NDC)政策が対象とする最も貧困な17地区の一つとして選定された. ハイソングリーン・タウンセンターには,バス停と路面電車(NET)の駅がある.核店舗であるAsdaスーパーストアは,1990年に市営住宅の再開発により立地し,広大な無料駐車場を有する.ハイソングリーン・ディストリクトセンター内にはハラル料理販売の食料品店やレストラン,サリーなどの民族衣装販売店,ポーランド・スペインレストランが立地する.
根田 克彦
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.41, no.3, pp.148-159, 1989
3 2

本研究では, 釧路市の新橋大通商店街を事例として, 大規模小売店の立地を契機とする周辺商業地の変化を考察した。結果は, 以下にまとめられる。新橋大通商店街では, 大規模小売店の開店以降, 最寄品販売の独立店の廃業と, 買回品を販売する駐車場を備えた多店舗小売業と, 飲食店および個人サービス業の進出という変化が主として生じた。また, 大規模小売店の立地により新橋大通商店街の買物吸引力は急激に高まったが, 現在この商店街来訪者の目的は, 主に大規模小売店の単独利用である。
日野 正輝 富田 和暁 伊東 理 西原 純 村山 祐司 津川 康雄 山崎 健 伊藤 悟 藤井 正 松田 隆典 根田 克彦 千葉 昭彦 寺谷 亮司 山下 宗利 由井 義通 石丸 哲史 香川 貴志 大塚 俊幸 古賀 慎二 豊田 哲也 橋本 雄一 松井 圭介 山田 浩久 山下 博樹 藤塚 吉浩 山下 潤 芳賀 博文 杜 国慶 須田 昌弥 朴 チョン玄 堤 純 伊藤 健司 宮澤 仁 兼子 純 土屋 純 磯田 弦 山神 達也 稲垣 稜 小原 直人 矢部 直人 久保 倫子 小泉 諒 阿部 隆 阿部 和俊 谷 謙二

1990年代後半が日本の都市化において時代を画する時期と位置づけられる。これを「ポスト成長都市」の到来と捉えて、持続可能な都市空間の形成に向けた都市地理学の課題を検討した。その結果、 大都市圏における人口の都心回帰、通勤圏の縮小、ライフサイクルからライフスタイルに対応した居住地移動へのシフト、空き家の増大と都心周辺部でのジェントリフィケーションの併進、中心市街地における住環境整備の在り方、市町村合併と地域自治の在り方、今後の都市研究の方向性などが取組むべき課題として特定された。
矢ケ崎 典隆 山下 清海 加賀美 雅弘 根田 克彦 山根 拓 石井 久生 浦部 浩之 大石 太郎

根田 克彦 伊藤 悟
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.53, no.1, pp.149-163, 2004-10-29

The purpose of this study is to examine the development of shopping centers and retail land use in the Downtown area of Boston. This research focused on retail land use in the central shopping district, Back Bay and Beacon Hill In the Boston metropolitan area, there are nine super-regional shopping centers but they were not located in the City of Boston in 2002. However, there were two exclusive regional shopping centers and a festival marketplace in Downtown Boston. In the central shopping district, historical buildings are preserved and retail businesses are located on ground levels primarily as Boston Zoning Code regulate. In Back Bay and Beacon Hill, exterior architectural features are preserved within historic districts. Newbury Street is a main shopping street in Back Bay. Many exclusive speciality retail stores stand close together along both sides of this street and there are famous exclusive hotels in Back Bay. Charles Street, which is the main shopping street in Beacon Hills, has the characteristics of a neighborhood shopping street. Many high-income households have been situated in Back Bay and Beacon Hill from the nineteenth century. Shopping streets in Back Bay and Beacon Hill have been supported by these high-income households and tourists. The retail stores in Downtown Boston attract many people because the historical landscape and retail businesses are preserved by Boston Zoning Code.