山田 朋子
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.55, no.5, pp.428-450, 2003-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Hideaki Ishikawa was one of the most important Japanese modern city planners. He was convinced that cities had to enrich people's lives, and he wanted to establish modern city planning as a discipline. Ishikawa was well-known as a man of unique ideas and he enthusiastically studied amusement places (sakari-ba). In this paper, I focus on how he developed his ideas on amusement places and how he put them into practice in designing amusement places for rich people's enjoyment during the period of time he worked in Nagoya (1920-1933).To better understand Ishikawa's practices, I refer to H. Lefebvre's conception of recognition of space. Lefebvre's conception has three dimensions. "Representations of space": conceptualized space, the space of planners; "Space of representation": space as directly lived, the space of "inhabitants" and "users"; and, "Spatial practice": creation of space by the interaction of the other two dimensions. From this, therefore, city planning would be regarded as "representations of space", while amusement places in which people enjoyed their lives would be regarded as "space of representation." "Space of representation" has the possibility of creating a new movement of thought to counter the control of space by city planning.Ishikawa always criticized Japanese city planning as being just a plan for land use which did not significantly consider people's lives. So he searched for a way to create a city planning for the people. He wrote a series of thirty-four articles on "The story of a Local City" in the magazine, Creation of the City (Toshi Sousaku). He explained his vision of the modern city and about how city planning should be conducted. Ishikawa was gradually able to create his own theory of amusement places in his planning.The following four keywords characterize his modern city planning in his serial writing. The keywords are: "city planning for the night", "small city doctrine", "a bustling and lively square", and "hometown city". The first one, "city planning for the night", was an idea to restore the functional role of the night. Ishikawa thought that many planners made a plan for the "industrious time" when people worked during the daytime, but, at night, people were set free from their labors and relaxed. Ishikawa changed this idea and reorganized a plan for people to enjoy their leisure time at night. He paid attention to street lighting, especially lighting for buildings, the layout of amusement facilities, and so on.The next idea is "small city doctrine". Ishikawa rejected the big city. He insisted that an ideal city should be within the scale where people could feel intimacy among neighbors. Though a city may be big, each town in a city should have a center which would be a psychological anchor for people, which should be combined organically, and in which the center should be a lively square.The next idea is "bustling and lively square". Ishikawa recognized that people tend to gather in a square to look for closeness with one another, and also a square should offer people some way to satisfy their desires. Thus, he noted the importance of shopping and regarded shopping malls as "an casting vote". He therefore combined squares with shopping malls.The last keyword is "hometown city". Ishikawa recognized the importance of the square in Western cities, but stressed that Japanese city planning should not blindly imitate Western cities without considering the character of each city. Ishikawa thus decided to transform the Western square into an amusement place (sakari-ba in Japanese) where people could enjoy flowing down the street.
中村 考伸 出光 俊郎 塚原 理恵子 小山 尚俊 中村 哲史 飯田 絵理 正木 真澄 梅本 尚可 加倉井 真樹 山田 朋子 堂本 隆志 中川 秀己 伊東 慶悟
The Japanese Skin Cancer Society
Skin Cancer (ISSN:09153535)
vol.27, no.3, pp.350-354, 2013

33歳,女性。10年前から左足底に褐色斑があり,受診した。初診時,左足底に径7×5 mm大の黒褐色斑があり,辺縁不整で色調に濃淡がみられた。ダーモスコピーではparallel furrow patternとirregular fibrillar patternを示した。臨床的にはmelanoma <i>in situ</i>を疑う所見であったが,ダーモスコピーでは良性病変を示唆する結果であり,切除生検を施行した。病理組織では表皮内にメラノサイトが孤立性,あるいは胞巣を形成し,一部は付属器浸潤もみられるなどmelanoma <i>in situ</i>の可能性が否定できず,切除瘢痕辺縁から5 mm離して,再切除を施行した。<br> 病理組織像を再検討したところ,Saidaの提唱したpseudomelanomaに一致する良性の色素性母斑の可能性が高いと診断した。類似の診断名としてはmelanocytic acral nevus with intraepidermal ascent of cells(MANIAC)などが報告されている。足の色素性病変におけるダーモスコピー上の良性所見と組織学的にメラノーマに類似する所見の解離についてはさらに周知しておく必要がある。
山田 朋子
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.55, no.5, pp.428-450, 2003
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Hideaki Ishikawa was one of the most important Japanese modern city planners. He was convinced that cities had to enrich people's lives, and he wanted to establish modern city planning as a discipline. Ishikawa was well-known as a man of unique ideas and he enthusiastically studied amusement places (sakari-ba). In this paper, I focus on how he developed his ideas on amusement places and how he put them into practice in designing amusement places for rich people's enjoyment during the period of time he worked in Nagoya (1920-1933).To better understand Ishikawa's practices, I refer to H. Lefebvre's conception of recognition of space. Lefebvre's conception has three dimensions. "Representations of space": conceptualized space, the space of planners; "Space of representation": space as directly lived, the space of "inhabitants" and "users"; and, "Spatial practice": creation of space by the interaction of the other two dimensions. From this, therefore, city planning would be regarded as "representations of space", while amusement places in which people enjoyed their lives would be regarded as "space of representation." "Space of representation" has the possibility of creating a new movement of thought to counter the control of space by city planning.Ishikawa always criticized Japanese city planning as being just a plan for land use which did not significantly consider people's lives. So he searched for a way to create a city planning for the people. He wrote a series of thirty-four articles on "The story of a Local City" in the magazine, Creation of the City (Toshi Sousaku). He explained his vision of the modern city and about how city planning should be conducted. Ishikawa was gradually able to create his own theory of amusement places in his planning.The following four keywords characterize his modern city planning in his serial writing. The keywords are: "city planning for the night", "small city doctrine", "a bustling and lively square", and "hometown city". The first one, "city planning for the night", was an idea to restore the functional role of the night. Ishikawa thought that many planners made a plan for the "industrious time" when people worked during the daytime, but, at night, people were set free from their labors and relaxed. Ishikawa changed this idea and reorganized a plan for people to enjoy their leisure time at night. He paid attention to street lighting, especially lighting for buildings, the layout of amusement facilities, and so on.The next idea is "small city doctrine". Ishikawa rejected the big city. He insisted that an ideal city should be within the scale where people could feel intimacy among neighbors. Though a city may be big, each town in a city should have a center which would be a psychological anchor for people, which should be combined organically, and in which the center should be a lively square.The next idea is "bustling and lively square". Ishikawa recognized that people tend to gather in a square to look for closeness with one another, and also a square should offer people some way to satisfy their desires. Thus, he noted the importance of shopping and regarded shopping malls as "an casting vote". He therefore combined squares with shopping malls.The last keyword is "hometown city". Ishikawa recognized the importance of the square in Western cities, but stressed that Japanese city planning should not blindly imitate Western cities without considering the character of each city. Ishikawa thus decided to transform the Western square into an amusement place (sakari-ba in Japanese) where people could enjoy flowing down the street.
山田 朋子

山田 朋子
奈良女子大学教育学科年報 (ISSN:09183604)
vol.11, pp.157-172, 1994-01

This paper aims to clarify the reason why a selective examination in the high school sustem has been established in Japan, which is a part of a study on the development of upper secondary education in post - war Japan. The upper secondary school system was opened on April 1,1948 and was called "Shinsei Kotogakko". From the beginning, the number of applicants was higher than the capacity of high schools', therefor the system of entrance examination seemed to be inevitable. On the one hand, this gave the negative trends of establishing the examination system into the high schools and re -served the possibility that all applicants should enter into the high schools. On the other hand, the positive reason of establishing the entrance examination was a lack of the people, material, and financial conditions. While, the number of applicants for admission to upper secondary school was increased, the entrance examination system was changed in styles and contents. The standard of academic achievements was used more and more to select applicants. As to the system of entrance examination, the system of Osaka prefecture was the typical one, because of high percentage of students who go on a higher stage of education in comparison with other prefectures. Besides, in Osaka prefecture, the number of upper secondary schools was not decreased at that time. In other prefectures, the number of those was decreased. Because of this reason, the focus of this paper is centralized into the situation of Osaka prefecture. The author examined the transition of the numbers of new students and the points of evalution in the examinations in Osaka prefecture. The conclusions of this analysis are the following : 1. The lack of accommodation and the huge number of applicants caused to establish the en-trance examination system. 2. It shows the inclination of evaluating the academic performance during the process of establishment. 3. These conclusions suggest that the existing statuses and differences of high schools will accelerate the academic aspect of entrance examination.
山田 朋子
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.1, pp.123-137, 1996

The purposes of this paper are grouping of a pattern of a shift of upper secondary schools of the postwar Japan, and the analysis. This paper is a part of investigations of a role or a function of upper secondary schools of the present. In first the beginning, I must examine about the situation of a shift of the whole country from old system to new one. The problem which next I should consider is grouping of the shift. Those is classified into 5 types. Akita, Ibaragi, Shimane, Shiga, and Kagoshima prefectures are these paradigms. Moreover those paradigms should be examined by details. From these results, a conclusion which upper secondary schools were made various forms is found out. And what brought those difference was left as problem of not having solved. I intend to solve this problem in future.