島田 剛
国際開発研究 (ISSN:13423045)
vol.27, no.2, pp.69-84, 2018-11-30 (Released:2019-04-04)

This study examines Japan's experience as a recipient of the United States'aid for productivity improvement after World War II. Three points were identified as a result of the research. First, the US assistance was extremely strategic and large-scale. The goal of the US aid was to exclude the Soviet influence over Japan's labor unions because the labor unions were considered sympathetic to the Soviet Union during the cold war. The aid was implemented on an extremely large scale, including the acceptance of 3,986 Japanese trainees into the United States over seven years. Second, prior to the aid, labor-management relations in Japan were adversarial, but while Japan was accepting aid from the US, leaders of opposition labor unions were also invited to visit the United States. The aid gradually changed labor-management relations from conflictive to constructive. In other words, while working on improving productivity, collaborative labor-management relations were developed in Japan, which suggests that Kaizen can be implemented in other countries. Third, it was the private sector that played a central role in receiving aid from the United States, not the Japanese government. Instead, the government provided supplemental support for the active movement of the private sector, very likely an ideal industrial policy. It is also worth noting that while half the budget (132 million yen in half a year) was borne by Japan in accepting the aid, the majority of the budget was borne by the private sector. In other words, the commitment of the private sector was very high.
川原 和也 後藤 俊弘 川原 元司 島田 剛 大井 好忠 花房 明憲 竹 三郎 永田 進一 益田 正隆
Japanese Society of Chemotherapy
vol.36, no.9, pp.1184-1198, 1988

新しいキノロン系化学療法薬剤であるT-3262に対し, 基礎的・臨床的に検討した結果, 以下の結論を得た。<BR>尿路感染症患者の尿から分離された臨床株について本剤の抗菌力を測定し, Ciprofloxacin (CPFX), ofloxacin (OFLX) と比較検討した。<I>Citrobacter freundii</I> (<I>C.freundii</I>) は21株, 他の菌種は30株を対象とした。<I>Staphylococcus</I> spp., <I>Enterococcus faecalis</I>, <I>Klebsiella pneumoniae</I>に対してはT-3262が最も優れた抗菌力を示し, <I>Escherichia coli</I>, <I>Enterobacter cloacae</I>, <I>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</I>に対してはCPFXとほぼ同等の抗菌力を示し, <I>Serratia marcescens</I>に対してはCPFXとOFLXの中間の抗菌力であり, <I>C.freundii</I>, <I>Proteus mirabilis</I>, <I>Proteus vulgaris</I>に対してはCPFXが最も優れた抗菌力を持ち, T-3262とOFLXは同等であった。<BR>14例の急性単純性膀胱炎, 1例の淋菌性尿道炎の患者にT-3262を1回75~150mg, 1日2~3回, 3~7日間投与し, 24例の慢性複雑性尿路感染症の患者には1回150m9, 1日2~3回, 5~15日間投与した。UTI薬効評価基準に合致した急性単純性膀胱炎9例では著効5例, 有効4例で有効率100%であり, 慢性複雑性尿路感染症19例では著効10例, 有効6例, 無効3例で有効率は84.2%であった。淋菌性尿道炎の1例は, 主治医判定で有効であった。<BR>臨床検査値の異常はGOT, GPTの上昇, 好酸球の上昇が各1例認められたがいずれも軽度であり, 投与終了後速やかに正常に復した。また自他覚的な副作用は認めなかった。
島田 剛
国際開発研究 (ISSN:13423045)
vol.27, no.2, pp.69-84, 2018

<p>This study examines Japan's experience as a recipient of the United States'aid for productivity improvement after World War II. Three points were identified as a result of the research. First, the US assistance was extremely strategic and large-scale. The goal of the US aid was to exclude the Soviet influence over Japan's labor unions because the labor unions were considered sympathetic to the Soviet Union during the cold war. The aid was implemented on an extremely large scale, including the acceptance of 3,986 Japanese trainees into the United States over seven years. Second, prior to the aid, labor-management relations in Japan were adversarial, but while Japan was accepting aid from the US, leaders of opposition labor unions were also invited to visit the United States. The aid gradually changed labor-management relations from conflictive to constructive. In other words, while working on improving productivity, collaborative labor-management relations were developed in Japan, which suggests that <i>Kaizen</i> can be implemented in other countries. Third, it was the private sector that played a central role in receiving aid from the United States, not the Japanese government. Instead, the government provided supplemental support for the active movement of the private sector, very likely an ideal industrial policy. It is also worth noting that while half the budget (132 million yen in half a year) was borne by Japan in accepting the aid, the majority of the budget was borne by the private sector. In other words, the commitment of the private sector was very high.</p>
田辺 智子 山城 賢 島田 剛気 横田 雅紀 橋本 典明
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.69, no.2, pp.I_421-I_425, 2013 (Released:2013-11-12)

Recently, due to global warming, there are growing concerns about possible tremendous storm surge disasters which might be caused by furious typhoons more than ever. Actually, however, even in the present climate conditions, there were some typhoons which might be able to cause severe disasters if it were in the worst case scenario, for example typhoon 1216. Fortunately, the typhoon 1216 didn't cause serious damage in the Ariake Sea since its track was away from Kyushu district. In this paper, we conducted several storm surge simulations with the parameters of the typhoon 1216 by assuming several different typhoon tracks including the worst track. The results show that the maximum storm tide would exceed the existing disaster prevention plan even in the present climate conditions if it had passed in the worst track.
田辺 智子 山城 賢 島田 剛気 横田 雅紀 木梨 行宏 橋本 典明
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発) (ISSN:21854688)
vol.69, no.2, pp.I_1000-I_1005, 2013 (Released:2013-09-13)
