1 0 0 0 OA 元号と武家

北爪 真佐夫 Masao KITAZUME 札幌学院大学人文学部 Faculty of Humanities Sapporo Gakuin University
札幌学院大学人文学会紀要 = Journal of the Society of Humanities (ISSN:09163166)
no.68, pp.1-32, 2000-09-30

わが国の元号は中国より移植したもので, 最初の元号は「大化」(645)といわれているが「大宝」とみた方が確度がたかいとみることができよう。いずれにしても249程の「元号」が今日まで使用されてきているのだが, 現在の「平成」を除けばその決定権は天皇にあったものとみてよいであろう。法制史家滝川政次郎氏は元号大権とは「天皇が元を建て, 元を改められる権利であって, この権利は臣下の者の干犯を許さない天皇に専属せる権利」(同氏著「元号考讃」)であるといっておられる。古代国家の確立期に整備導入された元号制は十二世紀末あたりから確立した武家権門としての鎌倉幕府ならびにそれ以降の「武家」とはどんな関係にあったのか, こうした検討を通じて平安末期以降の「国王」及び「王権」の特質はどの点にあったのかに接近しようとの試みが本稿の課題である。なお封建時代を通じて元号制度が存続し得た理由として考えられるのは三代将軍家光の言といわれる「年号ハ天下共二用フルコトナレバ」という一言に端的に示されているし, それ以前でいえば, 「公武」ならんで用いるものとの考え方が定着しているのである。つまり, 「元号」はある天皇の時代を意味するものでなく, ましてや天皇の独占物でなくなったことが, 封建制下でも, なお維持存続した理由とみてよいであろう。
照屋 信治 Teruya Shinji 人文学部准教授 近現代沖縄教育史
沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集 (ISSN:13498479)
no.9, pp.1-12, 2012-12

本稿の目的は、沖縄県立第三中学校教諭であった豊川善曄(1888-1941)の思想と実践を分析し、1930年代初頭の沖縄における郷土教育の可能性と陥奔とを検討するものである。近代沖縄教育史は、「同化」「皇民化」という用語で説明されてきた。教師たちは日本政府の同化政策を無批判的に推し進めた存在だと理解されてきた。しかし、1930年代初頭の郷土教育が盛んな時期、豊川善曄をはじめ幾人かの教師たちは、強い「沖縄人」意識をあらわにし、その必要性を訴えていた。豊川は、郷土史教育の目的を沖縄の「民族魂」の鼓吹であるとまで高唱していた。なぜそのようなことが戦前日本の公教育の場で可能であったのか、その教育的、社会的背景を探り、その思想の輪郭を描き、陥奔を指摘する。また、それらの作業を通じ、全国的に展開された郷土教育が、沖縄においては異なった様相を呈したことを明らかにする。This paper examines the work of TOYOKAWA Zenyou (1888-1941), a little known teacher in Okinawa's third middle school who sought to develop students with a strong sense of their cultural roots. This examination is grounded in considerations that the Regional Learning Project of the early 1930s in Okinawa had both possibilities and pitfalls toward effective education. The history of Okinawa's modern education has been described in terms of uncritical, widespread "assimilation" (kōminka). That is, teachers were understood to blindly play their crucial roles in carrying out the assimilation policies promulgated by the Japanese government. In the face of these assimilation policies stood TOYOKAWA who expressed the importance of "Okinawan consciousness," insisting that local students understand their history and culture. TOYOKAWA argued that a primary aim of regional history education was to bring up students with a strong awareness and consciousness of Okinawa. What possessed TOYOKAWA to resist the assimilation policy and assert the importance of Okinawan consciousness? What were the principal features of his ideas and their shortcomings? This paper aims to answer these questions. Based on my research, it can be said that the Regional Learning Project in Okinawa was significantly different in its aims from those in the mainland.
日下 隆平 Ryuhei Kusaka 桃山学院大学文学部
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.17, pp.3-28, 2002-12-20

At the fin de siecle, the Celtic Revival was complex and multifaced movement, comprising a variety of approaches to the representation of Irish identity. In this paper, the influence of Matthew Arnold on the Celtic Revival will be mainly explored. He created a stereotyped image of the Celt as a “shy, sensitive and imaginative” race. The Irish people have greatly changed their image from what they used to be in the eighteenth century. The image of Irishman in England can be traced back to the age of Edmund Spenser and Jonathan Swift. Yahoo represents the savage people whom Jonathan Swift described in Gulliver's Travels (1726). The description of the Irishman as Yahoo was found in the cartoons and writings of the eighteenth century. Eiren, on the other hand, was a gloomy and beautiful woman, with long and dark hair. She was often drawn in the cartoons of the magazines at 1890s. The inclination for nostalgic representations of the Celt could be found in the figure of Eiren. In the first section, the discovery of the Celtic motif will be discussed in connection with the rise of Irish nationalism in the middle of the eighteenth century. The traditional Irish symbols such as the Celtic Cross, harp, and Irish wolfhound, will be referred in the poems and paintings. In the second section, I will deal with the image of the Irishman as Yahoo, in Gulliver's Travels and the cartoons of Punch. In the last section, the Celtic Revival and the transformation of the Irish image at the end of century will be discussed. The figure of Erin suggested Irish femininity itself. This figure of Erin cannot be separable from Arnold's opinion. As a critic points out, the Celt is a construct based on oppositions such as wild and tame, savage and civilized, or idealist and utilitarian. In this paper, an ambivalence in English attitude towards the Celt will be also explored.
四方 由美 大谷 奈緒子 北出 真紀恵 小川 祐喜子 福田 朋実 Yumi SHKATA Naoko OTANI Makie KITADE Yukiko OGAWA Tomomi FUKUDA 宮崎公立大学人文学部 東洋大学 東海学園大学 東洋大学 宮崎公立大学 Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities Toyo University Tokai Gakuen University Toyo University Miyazaki Municipal University
宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Miyazaki Municipal University Faculty of Humanities (ISSN:13403613)
vol.25, no.1, pp.63-80, 2017

本稿は、女性が被疑者・被害者とされる事件の報道を分析し、ジェンダーの視点から犯罪報道を考察したものである。新聞報道を対象にKH コーダーを用いて頻出語句を抽出した上で、共起ネットワーク分析を行い、事件報道において何がどのように関連付けて伝えられているのか、数量的かつ体系的にとらえることを試みた。その結果、犯罪事件の新聞報道における女性被疑者、および女性被害者の伝えられ方について、いくつかの特徴をみることができた。
王 志英 Wang Zhiying 沖縄大学人文学部
沖縄大学人文学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN:13458523)
no.15, pp.1-10, 2013-03-15

本稿は中国語の形容詞"漂亮"、"美丽"、"美"、"好看"という類義語の違いについて考察した。この四つの類義語はともに視覚を通して、人間、物事を描写することができる。 しかし、"美丽"、"美" の描写する対象は色彩がなくてならないのに対して、"漂亮"、 "好看"の描写する物事が色彩がなくても使える。"漂亮"、"美丽"、"美"は聴覚を通して、物事を描写することができるが、"好看"は物事を聴覚による描写ができない。 "美丽"、"美"で描写している物事が「美しい」だけでなく、人間に精神的な快感をもたらすことができる。本篇论文对汉语的4个形容词"漂亮"、"美丽"、"美"、"好看"之间的意思的区别进行了探讨。这4个同义词翻译成日语都表示「美しい」、「きれい」的意思,因此对学汉语的外国人来讲,要掌握和使用好这4个词,很不容易。"漂亮"、"美丽"、"美"、"好看"这4个同义词都可以通过人的视觉来对人、物进行描写。但是,"美丽"、"美"所描写的对象必须具有色彩,没有色彩的对象一般不用" 美丽"、"美"。" 漂亮"、"好看"描写的事物没有色彩也可以说。" 好看"不能用于听觉,用"美丽"、"美"时,不仅表示人或物的外观美,而且其事物还能给人带来精神上的快感。
髙良 沙哉 Takara Sachika 沖縄大学人文学部福祉文化学科
地域研究 (ISSN:18812082)
no.12, pp.45-56, 2013-09

出原 博明 Hiroaki DEHARA 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.22, pp.31-55, 2001-12

Detachment is particular to Kyoshi's attitude in telling stories. He hardly ever reveals himself. However, this short story has one scene in which he reveals himself. The scene is that of the red camellias. The story is a love story of 75 year old Kyoshi, the narrator, and 21 year old Eiko. At its early stage the story presents the scene of Kyoshi sitting in the garden of his house, watching the red camelliias in full bloom there. Those red flowers begin to dance in the air around him. He feels as if he were surrounded by young women and loses himself in ecstasy. Suggesting something very erotic, this scene could be evidence of 75 year old Kyoshi still keeping the fire of eros burning in him. He falls in love with Eiko when she calls on him for the first time with one of his disciples. Then he takes up a positive attitude. He produces a number of haiku suggestive of his love for her. He even gives the doll named Tsubakiko to her as a present. Let me compare this story with Yasunari Kawabata's novella The Sound of the Mountain, whose theme is also an old man's love for a young woman. Both stories are set in Kamakura, a few years after the end of World War II. Both Kyoshi and Kawabata were citizens of Kamakura. In Kawabata's story, 62 year old Shingo, the narrator, is shocked to discover a truth by means of thorough psychoanalysis of a very strange dream he had. The truth he digs out is that there are eros and sexual desire latent at the bottom of his love for 20 year old Kikuko, his daughter-in-law. He suffers a lot from this morally. He examines himself minutely in view of his conscience, which Kyoshi never does. Shingo is baffled and feels uneasy about his date with Kikuko. He has qualms of conscience, which Kyoshi would never have in the same situation. Kyoshi has a lot more nerve. He is beyond the weakness and susceptibility of the modern Japanese intelligentsia which Shingo represents. Kyoshi is bolder, stronger-minded, primitivistic, rooted in Nature itself, little influenced by modern Western thought. Kyoshi prefers the red camellia above all, which is symbolic of vitality, the fire of life, something primitive. A hundred haiku of his take the red camellia for their motif. In this story Eiko also makes a haiku: "I fear the naked tree among the cherry blossoms at night." The naked tree seems to symbolize something erotic, which attracts and at the same time scares Eiko, a virgin. She doubtless senses Kyoshi's erotic feelings for her. The things I point out above reveal Kyoshi's character. Kyoshi is quite different from Shingo who is a typical modern Japanese intellectual. He is a sort of sphinx in modern Japan. (With his strong will to live, Kyoshi took care of himself and sustained his reputation as one of the greatest haiku-poets until he died at the age of 85, while Kawabata, Nobel prize winner, committed suicide at the age of 73.)