斎藤 祥平
スラヴ研究 (ISSN:05626579)
no.58, pp.229-252[含 英語文要旨], 2011

Eurasianism was a movement created by a group of Russian émigré linguists, ethnologists, geographers, and historians in the 1920s and 1930s. Although the Eurasianists possessed no political power, their ideas have had a significant influence on a wide range of intellectuals, even to this day. The most famous member of the movement was N. S. Trubetskoy (1890-1938), a renowned linguist. While scholars have examined the political implications of Eurasianism in the context of the 1920s, this essay shifts the emphasis to the academic and theoretical development of Eurasianism from the late 1920s into the 1930s. The examination of this new turn that the Eurasianists went though during this period reveals new aspects of their movement. Trubetzkoy's linguistic ideas made a major contribution to determining the direction of Eurasianism. My approach to Trubetzkoy's Eurasianism with much attention paid to his non-political aspects could solve the question of why his social thought was called "Eurasianism" and not "Russianism." This essay shows that Trubetzkoy suggested Eurasianism as an alternative ideology to Bolshevism, an alternative racial theory to Nazi racism, and an alternative name for the USSR. Trubetzkoy did not support the Bolsheviks during his lifetime. He rather sought to promote an alternative view to Bolshevik policy in many respects. His struggle with Bolshevism led him to forge the idea of Eurasianism. As far as national policy in the Soviet Union was concerned, Trubetzkoy recognized both the applicability and the limits of Eurasianism vis-à-vis the Soviet Union. He claimed that the Soviet assimilation policy was the opposite of national diversity, assuming that every national culture was equally valuable in its uniqueness. Strictly speaking, he disagreed with Soviet national policy, contending that an alternative ideology to Marxism was necessary. Trubetzkoy considered it possible to bring a variety of nations together with their every uniqueness preserved. Accentuating cooperation among various races, Trubetzkoy's Eurasianism worked as a challenge to Social Darwinism. He was against the concept of the "the struggle for survival," as he found himself "socially and racially weak" as a Russian émigré in Western Europe. Social Darwinism was a theory of "the strong" at that time. In fact, in his letters to R. Jakobson, Trubetzkoy mentioned the racial discrimination he confronted in daily life. These letters and his article "On Racism" (1935) revealed that Trubetzkoy and his colleagues were already under pressure from the Nazis at that time. In this article, he criticized the Nazi's Indo-Europeancentrism and racial determinism. In this essay, I attempt to define Eurasianism in the 1930s as an endeavor to create an ideal type of "Eurasia" replacing Bolshevism. The linguists Trubetzkoy and R. Jakobson and geographer P. Savitsky used a multi-disciplinary approach, applying concepts deriving from Neo-Lamarckian evolutionism to their social ideas concerning Eurasianism. This methodology stemmed from Trubetzkoy's article "The Tower of Babel and the Confusion of Tongues" (1923). Later, in his article "On the Indo-European Problem" (1937), his linguistic ideas clashed with the Nazi's racial and pseudo-linguistic theory that involved the concept of a "Proto-Indo-European language." In the 1920s and 1930s, Eurasianism developed as a reaction against European intellectual trends, including Social Darwinism. Trubetzkoy's Eurasianism stood between the communism of the USSR and the fascism of Nazi Germany, not only politically but also academically and ideologically.
斎藤 祥平

Hokkaido University(北海道大学). 博士(学術)
渡部 弥栄子 今高 城治 斎藤 祥子 岩波 久威 鈴木 紫布 金谷 英明 桑島 成子 有阪 治 Yaeko Watabe George Imataka Shoko Saito Hisatake Iwanami Shiho Suzuki Hideaki Kanaya Shigeko Kuwashima Osamu Arisaka 獨協医科大学医学部 小児科学 獨協医科大学医学部 小児科学 獨協医科大学医学部 小児科学 獨協医科大学医学部 内科学(神経) 獨協医科大学医学部 内科学(神経) 獨協医科大学医学部 脳神経外科 獨協医科大学医学部 放射線科 獨協医科大学医学部 小児科学 Departments Of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine Departments Of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine Departments Of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine Neurology Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine Neurology Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine Neurosurgery Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine Radiology Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine Departments Of Pediatrics Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
Dokkyo journal of medical sciences (ISSN:03855023)
vol.41, no.2, pp.177-181, 2014-07-25

Tolosa-Hunt症候群(THS)は先行する片側眼窩部痛と眼球運動障害を生じ,病態は海綿静脈洞の非特異的炎症性肉芽腫病変と推測されている.発症は年間100万人あたり1人前後で,40歳台の成人に多く小児例は稀である.今回,1カ月続く右眼をえぐられる様な頭痛を主訴とした15歳のTHSを報告する.発症後,各種頭痛薬で改善がなく,各種検査を施行し異常がないため心身症に伴う反復する片頭痛と診断された.当院で脳MRIを施行し右内頸動脈の狭窄を認めTHSと確定診断した.プレドニゾロン(PSL)1?mg/kg/dayを朝1回開始し,翌日頭痛は改善した.以降,半年かけてPSLを漸減し再発はない.Tolosa-Hunt syndrome(THS)is characterized by periorbital pain accompanying opthalmoplegia. The pathogenesis is considered to involve non-specific granulomatous inflammation in the cavernous sinus, and the frequency is around one case per year per million people. Symptoms usually develop in adulthood, and pediatric cases are rare. We report herein a case of THS in a 15-year-old girl whose headache was diagnosed as psychosomatic disease in the early stage of the clinical course. Her chief compliant was headache with strong pain in the right eye, continuing for 1 month. Although several medications were trialed to alleviate headaches, no improvement was achieved. Various physical examinations proved uninformative. Headache was therefore tentatively diagnosed as psychosomatic disease associated with migraine. Brain magnetic resonance imaging in our university hospital revealed strangulation of the internal carotid artery, and headache was diagnosed as confirmed THS. Oral administration of prednisolone was started at 1 mg/kg/day, given once in the morning. Headache improved from the next day. Oral therapy with prednisolone was tapered over the course of 6 months and headache did not recur.
井澤 尚子 成田 巳代子 長塚 こずえ 斎藤 祥子 橘 喬子 小吹 史子 盛田 真千子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.59, pp.275, 2007

目的 本報はビジネスウェア着用者である男性と、その服装に客観的意見を持つであろう女性の意識に着目し、男女有職者を対象にクールビズ推進を含む職場環境や、夏期における男性のビジネススーツスタイルに対する意識調査を実施した。クールビズ環境下でのビジネススーツスタイルの意義を考え、気候と職場環境に適したビジネスウェアを提案するための資料を得ることを目的とした。方法 1)調査対象者:20~60歳代の男女有職者 1049名(男性 500名,女性 549名)、2)調査時期:2006年7月中旬~10月上旬、3)調査場所:全国11地域、4)調査方法:質問紙留め置き調査、5)調査内容:基本属性(3報と同様),職場などの冷房設定温度,夏期における男性のビジネススーツスタイルに対する意識(23項目)など、6)分析:単純集計,因子分析を用いて考察した。結果 因子分析の結果、男性のビジネススーツスタイルに対する意識について、男性は7因子で構成され、女性では「ビジネススーツスタイルの必要性」,「スーツやシャツの素材」,「ビジネススーツスタイルの擁護」,「ビジネススーツスタイルのカジュアル化」,「シャツの着こなし」,「個性の表現」,「おしゃれ感」,「身だしなみ感」の8因子が抽出された。身だしなみは相手への好印象に繋がり、女性特有の因子と考えられる。さらに男女ともに職場の室温設定28℃が46%,43%、職場でのクールビズの推進は73%,60%と、職場環境に浸透するなか、男女とも男性のビジネススーツスタイルに否定的でないことがわかった。これらから、今後のクールビズにおける衣服環境は、軽装化のみならず涼しく快適に着用できる素材の選定、デザインの提案、着こなしの工夫が不可欠と考えられる。
武井 玲子 芦澤 昌子 伊藤 陽子 蒲池 香津代 斎藤 祥子 田岡 洋子 橘 喬子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.60, pp.47, 2008

田岡 洋子 高森 壽 井澤 尚子 斎藤 祥子 椋梨 純枝 青木 迪佳 高木 くに子
京都短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13483064)
vol.34, no.1, pp.1-12, 2006-03

田岡 洋子 井澤 尚子 高森 壽 斎藤 祥子 青木 迪佳
京都短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13483064)
vol.35, no.1, pp.17-39, 2007-03

杉浦 秀一 山田 吉二郎 根村 亮 下里 俊行 兎内 勇津流 貝澤 哉 北見 諭 坂庭 淳史 川名 隆史 室井 禎之 渡辺 圭 今仁 直人 堀越 しげ子 堀江 広行 斎藤 祥平 山本 健三
