町田 洋 新井 房夫 百瀬 貢
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.30, no.2, pp.49-70, 1985-07-01

The Aso-4 pyroclastic flow is one of the largest of late Pleistocene age in Japan covering extensive areas of Kyushu around the Aso caldera and western part of Honshu. We have recently discovered a distal ash which has very similar petrographic and chemical properties to the flow deposits at several localities of Japan, and is assumed to be an airfall part of the Aso-4 unit. The ash, named the Aso-4 ash, is a crystal-vitric fine-grained ash, consisting of rhyodacitic bubble-walled glass shards, and brown hornblende and orthopyroxene (bronzite) as mafic phenocrysts. Its identification is carried out by combined parameters ; refractive index of glass ranges 1.506-1.511, low refractive index of orthopyroxene (γ=1.699-1.701) and relatively high index of hornblende (n_2=1.687-1.688). In addition glass in the ash is characteristically rich in potassium. These properties are similar to those of the Aso-4 pyroclastic flows. It is suggested that the ash is a coignimbrite airfall deposit of fine-grained materials from the upper part of an eruption column formed at the same time as the Aso-4 flow. The ash mantles extensive areas from Kyushu to Hokkaido and is also recognized and identified in several piston cores from the Sea of Japan and the northwest Pacific Ocean. The fallout area of this ash is now known to attain approximately 4×10^6 km^2. It is striking that in the eastern part of Hokkaido, ca. 1700 km distant from the source, the ash with the thickness of 15 cm is well preserved immediately below the Kutcharo pyroclasitc flow deposits II/III. The bulk volume of this ash is estimated to be more than 400 km^3, possibly larger than that of the flow deposits. The stratigraphic position of this ash in standard sequence of South Kanto shows that it occurs after the Obaradai interstade (ca. 80 ka) and before the Misaki interstade (ca. 60 ka). Thus the Aso-4 ash provides a very important datum plane in late Pleistocene sequence in and around Japan.
白石 建雄 新井 房夫 藤本 幸雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.31, no.1, pp.21-27, 1992-02-29 (Released:2009-08-21)
9 10

秋田県男鹿半島の上部更新統潟西層から阿蘇4火砕流 (Aso-4pfl) および三瓶木次軽石 (SK) 由来の漂流軽石と阿蘇4火山灰 (Aso-4) が発見された. SK漂流軽石は模式地の潟西層最上部付近に含まれ, Aso-4pfl由来の漂流軽石はAso-4直上に存在する. このことにより, 潟西層は関東地方の下末吉層より新しく, ほぼ小原台期に対比されること, ならびにSKおよびAso-4が堆積した7~9万年前には日本海を北上する海流があったことが明らかになった. また, 男鹿半島で下末吉層相当層と下末吉段丘に対比される段丘を確定することがこれからの課題となった.
長岡 信治 奥野 充 新井 房夫
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.107, no.7, pp.432-450, 2001-07-15 (Released:2008-04-11)
23 23

100~30 kaにおいて姶良カルデラでは, 日木山降下スコリア堆積物(103~95 ka), 金剛寺火砕サージ堆積物, 福山降下軽石堆積物(95~86 ka), 岩戸テフラ(60 ka, )大塚降下軽石堆積物(32.5 ka), 深港テフラ(31 ka), 毛梨野テフラ(26.5 ka)の7層のテフラが認められる.これらの噴火口は, カルデラの東半部に集中している.これらのテフラの噴出と並行して敷根安山岩などの溶岩も流出しており, 平均噴火間隔は7500年に1回となる.27 kaの姶良火砕噴火直前の32.5~30 kaでは噴火間隔は約1000年と短くなるが, 噴出量は逆に減少する傾向にある.姶良カルデラ火山は100 ka以降は活動期にあたる.この100~30 kaの噴火活動は, 最新の活動期の前半にあたっている.
町田 洋 新井 房夫
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.88, no.5, pp.313-330, 1979-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
45 27

The eruptions of the Daisen Valcano (35°22'N, 133°33'E) were mainly rhyodacitic and of the paroxysmal type, producing several extensive sheets of tephra. The Kurayoshi pumice (DKP, for short), one of the excellent Late Pleistocene markers arising from the Daisen valcano, is rhyodacitic in composition with abundant hornblende and orthopyroxene crystals and relatively small amount of biotite. Its identification can be made from the above mentioned mineral assemblages as well as from the characteristic refractive index of orthopyroxene (γ=1.703-1.708) and of hornblende (n2 = 1.673-1.682) and the specific crystal habit of orthopyroxene. This pumice-fall deposit occurs on marine and fluvial terraces in the San'in and Hokuriku districts facing the Japan sea and extends eastward beyond the Northern Japan Alps to north Kanto plain as a thinner discontinuous layer. Stratigraphic relation with the dated tephra layers in north Kanto indicates that the pumice was probably deposited between about 47, 000 and 45, 000 years ago. That is, this pumiceous deposit is found at the intermediate horizon between Yunokuchi Pumice (UP, slightly younger than 49, 000 YBP) and Hassaki Pumice (HP, 40, 000-44, 000 YBP) in north Kanto, about 500 km far from the Daisen.Daisen Kurayoshi Pumice wonld be particularly valuable for establshing chronological framwork as a fundmental time-marker in arears where no suitable markers have yet been documented. Moranic deposit of the Murodo glacial advance at Mt. Tateyama, Northern Japan Alps, is mantled by this marker and overlies the Raicho-dai pumice-fall deposit, products of the earliest stage of volcanic activity of Tateyama III, which is correlated with the Omachi EPm deposit approximately 60, 000 years old. Distribution of these two unreworked tephras indicates that major valley glaciers had nearly disappeared by the times of these initial tephra falls. The glacial advance at Mt. Tateyama, the most extensive of the advances during Last Glacial age, therefore, apparently culminated between about 55, 000 and 50, 000 years ago. On the other hand, a filltop terrace repesented by Uwadan terrace along the River Joganji flowing from Mt. Tateyama, is covered by DKP and is nearly younger than the pyroclastic flow deposit of Tateyama III. Accumulation of the river of Uwadan stage is, therefore, simultaneous and probably associated with the Murodo glacial advance.
町田 洋 新井 房夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.17, no.3, pp.143-163, 1978-11-30 (Released:2009-08-21)
137 118

A Holocene volcanic ash layer comprising abundant glass shards occurs as near-surface, soil-forming parent materials in south to north Kyushu and in Shikoku. This layer has been given several local names such as “Akahoya”, “Imogo”, “Onji”, etc. by farmers and pedologists. Its remarkable characteristics as a parent material of soil stimulated the interest of many pedologists to study its source, pedological features, distribution, etc. However, opinions on its source and proper identification varied considerably from one author to another.Detailed petrographic observation and accurate determinations of the refractive indices of the glass and several phenocryst phases in the tephra, together with extensive field work, have led to the conclusion that the Akahoya ash is the product of a single major eruption of the Kikai caldera.The ash is dacitic in composition and contains abundant bubble-walled glass shards and plagioclase, hypersthene, augite and opaque minerals as phenocrysts. The refractive index of the glass ranges from 1.505 to 1.514, and that of the hypersthene, from 1.705 to 1.714. The thickness contour of the ash layer and its grain-size distribution clearly indicate that this ash represents ejecta from the Kikai caldera, which is one of the largest calderas in Japan with an approximate diameter of 20km and largely submerged beneath the sea.The formation associated with this widespread tephra consists of three members; (1) a pumice-fall deposit as the earliest stage, (2) pyroclastic-flow deposits as the middle to the latest stages, and (3) an ash-fall deposit approximately contemporaneous with the pyroclastic flow. The 3rd member is assigned to the Akahoya ash and has the most extensive lobe with an axis length of over 1, 000km, covering most of southwest to central Japan and northwest Pacific Ocean. The volumes of the Akahoya ash-fall deposits must be greater than those of the pyroclastic flows.More than twenty-seven radiocarbon dates of the ash have been obtained so far, ranging rather widely from ca. 3, 000y.B.P. to ca. 9, 000y.B.P. However, the average value of the carbonated woods and peaty materials containing in the layer and the stratigraphical relationships with human remains give a probable age of the ash between 6, 000y.B.P. and 6, 500y.B.P. This marker-tephra is thus extremely significant for studies of Holocene climatic changes and sea levels, as well as for the correlation of archaeological sites.
町田 洋 新井 房夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.88, no.5, pp.313-330, 1979
53 27

The eruptions of the Daisen Valcano (35&deg;22'N, 133&deg;33'E) were mainly rhyodacitic and of the paroxysmal type, producing several extensive sheets of tephra. The Kurayoshi pumice (DKP, for short), one of the excellent Late Pleistocene markers arising from the Daisen valcano, is rhyodacitic in composition with abundant hornblende and orthopyroxene crystals and relatively small amount of biotite. Its identification can be made from the above mentioned mineral assemblages as well as from the characteristic refractive index of orthopyroxene (&gamma;=1.703-1.708) and of hornblende (n<SUB>2</SUB> = 1.673-1.682) and the specific crystal habit of orthopyroxene. This pumice-fall deposit occurs on marine and fluvial terraces in the San'in and Hokuriku districts facing the Japan sea and extends eastward beyond the Northern Japan Alps to north Kanto plain as a thinner discontinuous layer. Stratigraphic relation with the dated tephra layers in north Kanto indicates that the pumice was probably deposited between about 47, 000 and 45, 000 years ago. That is, this pumiceous deposit is found at the intermediate horizon between Yunokuchi Pumice (UP, slightly younger than 49, 000 YBP) and Hassaki Pumice (HP, 40, 000-44, 000 YBP) in north Kanto, about 500 km far from the Daisen.<BR>Daisen Kurayoshi Pumice wonld be particularly valuable for establshing chronological framwork as a fundmental time-marker in arears where no suitable markers have yet been documented. Moranic deposit of the Murodo glacial advance at Mt. Tateyama, Northern Japan Alps, is mantled by this marker and overlies the Raicho-dai pumice-fall deposit, products of the earliest stage of volcanic activity of Tateyama III, which is correlated with the Omachi EPm deposit approximately 60, 000 years old. Distribution of these two unreworked tephras indicates that major valley glaciers had nearly disappeared by the times of these initial tephra falls. The glacial advance at Mt. Tateyama, the most extensive of the advances during Last Glacial age, therefore, apparently culminated between about 55, 000 and 50, 000 years ago. On the other hand, a filltop terrace repesented by Uwadan terrace along the River Joganji flowing from Mt. Tateyama, is covered by DKP and is nearly younger than the pyroclastic flow deposit of Tateyama III. Accumulation of the river of Uwadan stage is, therefore, simultaneous and probably associated with the Murodo glacial advance.
長岡 信治 新井 房夫 檀原 徹
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.1, pp.121-152, 2010-02-15 (Released:2010-05-21)
5 7

The study investigates the past 1 Ma tephrostratigrapy of the Miyazaki plain in southern Japan. There are over 50 tephra layers, 80% of which originate from Kirishima volcano 25 km west of the plain. Several widely spread marker tephra layers in the layers and fission-track dating are used to establish tephrochronology. The explosive eruptive history of the volcano was reconstructed on the basis of tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology. The history has two volcano groups: Pre-Kirishima 900-600 ka and Kirishima 600-0 ka. Pre-Kirishima volcanoes are unknown in detail. Kirishima volcano is divided into the Older Kirishima volcano, 600-330 ka, and the Younger Kirishima volcano, 330-0 ka. The Older Kirishima is characterized by calder-forming eruptions and large-scale pyroclastic flows, > 100 km3 in volume. Older Kirishima consists of four stages: O1 (600-530 ka), O2 (530-520 ka), O3 (520-340 ka), and O4 (340-330 ka). The tephra of O1 includes over five crystal-enriched ash fall layers, which indicate that vulcanian and phreatomagmatic eruptions occurred intermittently at that stage. O2 is the first calder-forming stage, in which the Kobayashi-Kasamori pumice fall and pyroclastic flows and Kobayashi caldera were formed. The pumice falls and a co-ignimbrite ash fall of the pyroclastic flow were dispersed over 1000 km east of the source, and covered the western half of the main island of Japan. O3 tephra layers are composed of over ten tephra layers formed by intermittent plinian and phreatomagmatic eruptions. The latter indicates that lakes emerged in the caldera. O4 stage is a large-scale eruption with the Kakuto pyroclasatic flow and Kakuto caldera forming. The Kakuto pyroclastic flow was accompanied by a pumice fall and a scoria fall. They were small-scale scatterings near the source from small-scale eruptions, while the co-ignimbrite ash fall reached Kanto, which is 1000 km east of the source. The Younger Kirishima began with intermittent pumice and scoria falls soon after the O4 stage. The Younger Kirishima forms the main landform in the Kirishima volcano. Most of the Younger Kirishima tephra layers of more than twenty scoria and pumice falls were caused by plinian and sub-plinian eruptions accompanied by lava flows. The activity of the Younger Kirishima volcano is subdivided into four stages: Y1 (330-130 ka), Y2 (130-50 ka), Y3 (50-30 ka), and Y4 (30-0 ka) on the basis of thick soil and erosive horizon, which suggest quiet volcanic activity with no eruptions or only lava flow eruptions. Y1 includes over five tephra layers from sub-plinian eruptions in the western part of Kirishima volcano. There is a long quiet period between 240 ka and 130 ka. Y2 has six scoria falls, which show sub-plinian eruptions in the western part of the volcano. Y3 tephra is composed of Uchiyama pumice fall, Iwaokoshi pumice fall, and Awaokoshi scoria fall. Iwaokoshi from Onaminoike 40 ka old and Awaokoshi from Hinamori-dake 30 ka old, were much larger eruptions than other tephra of the Younger Kirishima volcano. Forming stratovolcano at the source, they reach the Pacific Ocean and Miyazaki plain 50 km east of the source, while most of the Younger Kirishima tephra are distributed near Kirishima volcano. Y4 has more than ten pumice, scoria, and ash falls, which include historically recorded tephra layers. Of them, the Kirishima-Kobayashi pumice fall from Karakuni-dake 16.7 ka spread over the widest area, covering half of the Miyazaki plain and reaching the Pacific Ocean.
山縣 耕太郎 町田 洋 新井 房夫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.62, no.3, pp.195-207, 1989-03-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
4 4

北海道南部の函館付近には後期更新世に噴出したと考えられる数枚のテフラ層が分布し,別個のテフラ層として銭亀沢火砕流堆積物・女那川火山灰という名称が与えられていた.本稿は従来明らかでなかったこれらのテフラの対比を行なうとともに給源火山,分布,層序を解明することを目的とした. まず層序,岩石記載的性質を調べた結果,上記の名称をもつテフラは,同一の給源火山から降下軽石の噴出に始まり火砕流の噴出で終わる一連の噴火によって堆積したことがわかった.この一連のテフラを銭亀一女那川テフラ(Z-M)と呼ぶ.このテフラ層の岩石記載的性質は垂直方向に顕著な変化を示す.これは分帯構造をもつマグマ溜りが存在していたことを示唆し,かつテフラの同定に役立った.次にその給源火口は,降下軽石と火砕流堆積物の層厚・粒径分布をもとに,函館東方の津軽海峡浅海底にある火口状凹地と推定された.またZ-Mのうち降下テフラは亀田半島から日高,十勝まで分布することがわかった.Z-Mテフラの噴出年代は,既存の14C年代やテフラと河成段丘堆積物の層位関係などから総合して, 3.3万年前と 4.5万年前との間と考えられる.
町田 洋 新井 房夫
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.17, no.3, pp.143-163, 1978
56 118

A Holocene volcanic ash layer comprising abundant glass shards occurs as near-surface, soil-forming parent materials in south to north Kyushu and in Shikoku. This layer has been given several local names such as &ldquo;Akahoya&rdquo;, &ldquo;Imogo&rdquo;, &ldquo;Onji&rdquo;, etc. by farmers and pedologists. Its remarkable characteristics as a parent material of soil stimulated the interest of many pedologists to study its source, pedological features, distribution, etc. However, opinions on its source and proper identification varied considerably from one author to another.<br>Detailed petrographic observation and accurate determinations of the refractive indices of the glass and several phenocryst phases in the tephra, together with extensive field work, have led to the conclusion that the Akahoya ash is the product of a single major eruption of the Kikai caldera.<br>The ash is dacitic in composition and contains abundant bubble-walled glass shards and plagioclase, hypersthene, augite and opaque minerals as phenocrysts. The refractive index of the glass ranges from 1.505 to 1.514, and that of the hypersthene, from 1.705 to 1.714. The thickness contour of the ash layer and its grain-size distribution clearly indicate that this ash represents ejecta from the Kikai caldera, which is one of the largest calderas in Japan with an approximate diameter of 20km and largely submerged beneath the sea.<br>The formation associated with this widespread tephra consists of three members; (1) a pumice-fall deposit as the earliest stage, (2) pyroclastic-flow deposits as the middle to the latest stages, and (3) an ash-fall deposit approximately contemporaneous with the pyroclastic flow. The 3rd member is assigned to the Akahoya ash and has the most extensive lobe with an axis length of over 1, 000km, covering most of southwest to central Japan and northwest Pacific Ocean. The volumes of the Akahoya ash-fall deposits must be greater than those of the pyroclastic flows.<br>More than twenty-seven radiocarbon dates of the ash have been obtained so far, ranging rather widely from ca. 3, 000y.B.P. to ca. 9, 000y.B.P. However, the average value of the carbonated woods and peaty materials containing in the layer and the stratigraphical relationships with human remains give a probable age of the ash between 6, 000y.B.P. and 6, 500y.B.P. This marker-tephra is thus extremely significant for studies of Holocene climatic changes and sea levels, as well as for the correlation of archaeological sites.
町田 洋 新井 房夫 村田 明美 袴田 和夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.83, no.5, pp.302-338, 1974
25 17

This paper presents the basic data for tephrochronology of the Middle Pleistocene events of South Kanto, Central Japan. The tephra preceding to the last interglacial age (the Tama tephra) is found in highly dissected terraces (Fig. 1) much thicker than the younger tephra formations (Fig. 2). It is subdivided into five formations from T-A to T-E in order of increasing age (Table 1 and Fig. 2). This classification is based not on the eruptive history of the volcanoes but on the sequence of terraces. The relationship between these two is shown in Fig. 2.<BR>Of the four columnar sections (Fig. 6), section 1, synthesized from many sections in the Ooiso Hill (Fig. 3), 25 km east of the Hakone volcano, provides a standard section for South Kanto. There are so many tephra layers of the Tama stage (about 150 m in thickness) preserved in a relatively fresh state, that they are expected to cover a long time in the Middle Pleistocene. A detailed description is therefore needed for specifying any particular tephra bed. 75 marker beds have been selected, and described in terms of lithological and petrographical characteristics as in Table 2 and Fig. 4. The most valuable for characterizing marker tephras are the refractive indices of orthopyroxene and hornblende.<BR>The distribution and the petrographic character of tephras indicate that the tephras mainly comprising two pyroxene phenocrysts might come chiefly from the Old Somma of the Hakone volcano (Fig. 8-1 and 8-2) and partly from the Ashitaka volcano. Whereas such salic tephras with abundant hornblende, biotite and other phenocrysts as GoPi and TE-5 might originate from distant volcanoes (Fig. 8-3).<BR>As a result of precise examination, tens of the marker beds have been traced eastward to the environs of Tokyo and Yokohama (Fig. 6), where the standard Quaternary sequence had been established. Furthermore, several marker beds have been recognized within the Middle Pleistocene marine sediments in the Boso Peninsula. By use of these the Quaternary stratigraphy already established in South Kanto is significantly revised (Table 3 and 6).
新井 房夫 小林 国夫 直良 信夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.10, no.4, pp.191-201, 1971-12-25 (Released:2009-08-21)
1 1
町田 洋 新井 房夫 杉原 重夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.19, no.3, pp.233-261, 1980-11-15 (Released:2009-08-21)
34 41

The middle Pleistocene time range is defined here the period before the last interglacial in the Brunhes epoch. In Japan, the Shimosa-Kazusa Groups around the Tokyo Bay in Kanto and the upper part of the Osaka Group in Kinki both represent the standard middle Pleistocene sequences and have been studied in detail. These groups are characterized by the cyclic sedimentation caused by transgression and regression corresponding to climatic changes.The purpose of this paper is to attempt the correlation of the Kazusa Group and the Osaka Group by identification of widespread marker-tephras. Accurate determinations of the refractive indices of volcanic glass, orthopyroxene and hornblende, together with other determinations, have enabled successful characterization for correlation to be made for several tephra layers in southern Kanto and Kinki. The following marker-tephras are found over two districts, resulting in the establishment of several important datum planes in the middle Pleistocene sequences.The vitric tephra called Ks 11, which is sandwiched in the Kasamori Formation and its correlatives in southern Kanto, can be identified as a marker tephra of the Osaka Group called Sakura ash, in the vicinity of Osaka and Kyoto. The estimated age of this tephra, about 450, 000 years, is based on its stratigraphic relationship with the underlying dated tephra, Kinukawa ash (460, 000-470, 000 years). Stratigraphically, it is included in the deposits immediately below the transgressive horizon (Tama-f and Ma 7) and also occurrs in the biozone of Stegodon orientalis in both districts. The vitric tephra called Ku 1, sandwiched in the Kokumoto Formation, is identified and correlated with a tephra called Imakuma I ash. It is included in the deposits immediately above the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary. The very important dated tephra, Azuki ash (870, 000 years), in the Osaka Group, can be correlated with Ku 6C tephra in the lower part of the Kokumoto Formation by their peculiar petrographic properties. Both are sandwiched in the deposits below the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary.From the relationship between the identified tephras and marine sequences, it is concluded that during the period from 700, 000 years to 450, 000 years at least three interglacial-glacial cycles are recorded, and that after 450, 000 years the following major interglacial episodes are indicated; 450, 000YBP, 370, 000YBP, 300, 000YBP, 230, 000YBP, and 130, 000YBP.
早川 由紀夫 新井 房夫 北爪 智啓
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.106, no.5, pp.660-664, 1997-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

The Edifice of Hiuchi Volcano was founded on the Mokake ignimbrite plateau which is directly underlain by the Nanairi pumice. They erupted from near the present summit successively about 350ka. On the plateau, the Ozorizawa cone was first established about 100 ka. Next, the Shibayasugura cone having twin peaks, Shibayasugura (2, 356 m) and Manaitagura (2, 346 m), was built shifting slightly southeast. At 19ka, the Jubeike lava flow and Kumazawa Tashiro lava dome were issued from the northeastern flanks. The latter was accompanied by a devastating blast. Southward-opening horseshoe depression is source of the Nushiri debris avalanche, which dammed up the Nushiri River and formed the Oze marsh about 8ka. The Akanagure lava dome and flows immediately occupied the depression. The youngest volcanic feature at Hiuchi is the Miike lava dome, 300m south of the Manaitagura peak. It emplaced during the 16th century, just before the Shirohikemizu flood descended the Hinoemata River on July 28, 1544. Hiuchi Volcano has erupted 17 × 1012 kg of magma since its birth, 350 thousand years ago. Average discharge rate is 4.9 × 1010 kg per thousand years, an order of magnitude smaller than that of the most active Japanese volcanoes.
森脇 広 松島 義章 町田 洋 岩井 雅夫 新井 房夫 藤原 治
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.41, no.4, pp.253-268, 2002-08-01
2 7

姶良カルデラ北西縁の平野を対象に,完新世の地形発達および相対的海水準変動,地殻変動を,地形と堆積物の観察,<sup>14</sup>C年代測定,テフラ分析,考古遺跡,貝化石と珪藻化石の分析結果にもとづいて検討した.3面に区分される完新世海成段丘は,それぞれ7,300cal BP(6,500yrs BP)~3,500yrs BP,3,000~2,000BP,古墳時代(1,500cal BP)以降に形成された.姶良カルデラ周縁では,カルデラ中心部へ向かって傾き上がる傾動隆起が生じ,その隆起量は7,300cal BP(6,500yrs BP)以降,最大10m以上に達する.この地域の海面高度は8,700cal BP(8,000yrs BP)頃には現海面高度にあり,現海面上4~5m(8,500~8,400cal BP:7,700yrs BP頃),現海面上6m(8,100cal BP:7,300yrs BP頃)を経て,7,300cal BP(6,500yrs BP)頃に現在の海抜12mの高さに達した.その後,海面は次第に低下し,現海面上5~7m(3,000~2,000yrs BP),現海面上2~3m(1,500cal BP)を経て現在に至った.この特異な相対的海水準変動は,姶良カルデラの火山活動に伴う地殻変動が影響しているとみられる.8,100~8,000cal BP(7,200~7,300yrs BP)には,海進は内陸深く及び,溺れ谷が形成された.この時期,米丸マールを形成したベースサージは,別府川流域の内湾を大きく埋積した.その後,汀線は段階的に前進し,縄文時代後期(3,500yrs BP頃)には現在の海岸に近い位置にまで達した.約8,000~7,000cal BP(約7,300~6,000yrs BP)の時期に,池田カルデラ,桜島,鬼界カルデラでも大規模な噴火が起こり,縄文海進最盛期に形成された南九州のリアス式海岸は急激に変化した.
白石 建雄 新井 房夫 藤本 幸雄
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.31, no.1, pp.21-27, 1992
4 10

秋田県男鹿半島の上部更新統潟西層から阿蘇4火砕流 (Aso-4pfl) および三瓶木次軽石 (SK) 由来の漂流軽石と阿蘇4火山灰 (Aso-4) が発見された. SK漂流軽石は模式地の潟西層最上部付近に含まれ, Aso-4pfl由来の漂流軽石はAso-4直上に存在する. このことにより, 潟西層は関東地方の下末吉層より新しく, ほぼ小原台期に対比されること, ならびにSKおよびAso-4が堆積した7~9万年前には日本海を北上する海流があったことが明らかになった. また, 男鹿半島で下末吉層相当層と下末吉段丘に対比される段丘を確定することがこれからの課題となった.
森脇 広 松島 義章 町田 洋 岩井 雅夫 新井 房夫 藤原 治
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.41, no.4, pp.253-268, 2002-08-01 (Released:2009-08-21)
3 7

姶良カルデラ北西縁の平野を対象に,完新世の地形発達および相対的海水準変動,地殻変動を,地形と堆積物の観察,14C年代測定,テフラ分析,考古遺跡,貝化石と珪藻化石の分析結果にもとづいて検討した.3面に区分される完新世海成段丘は,それぞれ7,300cal BP(6,500yrs BP)~3,500yrs BP,3,000~2,000BP,古墳時代(1,500cal BP)以降に形成された.姶良カルデラ周縁では,カルデラ中心部へ向かって傾き上がる傾動隆起が生じ,その隆起量は7,300cal BP(6,500yrs BP)以降,最大10m以上に達する.この地域の海面高度は8,700cal BP(8,000yrs BP)頃には現海面高度にあり,現海面上4~5m(8,500~8,400cal BP:7,700yrs BP頃),現海面上6m(8,100cal BP:7,300yrs BP頃)を経て,7,300cal BP(6,500yrs BP)頃に現在の海抜12mの高さに達した.その後,海面は次第に低下し,現海面上5~7m(3,000~2,000yrs BP),現海面上2~3m(1,500cal BP)を経て現在に至った.この特異な相対的海水準変動は,姶良カルデラの火山活動に伴う地殻変動が影響しているとみられる.8,100~8,000cal BP(7,200~7,300yrs BP)には,海進は内陸深く及び,溺れ谷が形成された.この時期,米丸マールを形成したベースサージは,別府川流域の内湾を大きく埋積した.その後,汀線は段階的に前進し,縄文時代後期(3,500yrs BP頃)には現在の海岸に近い位置にまで達した.約8,000~7,000cal BP(約7,300~6,000yrs BP)の時期に,池田カルデラ,桜島,鬼界カルデラでも大規模な噴火が起こり,縄文海進最盛期に形成された南九州のリアス式海岸は急激に変化した.