杉原 重夫
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.43, no.12, pp.703-718, 1970-12-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
11 12

下総台地の西部を構成する地形面を,とくに関東ローム層の層序に注目して区分・対比し,台地の地形発達を明らかにした. (1) 関東ローム層をのせる地形面は,上位から下総上位面,下総下位面,千葉第1段丘,千葉第2段丘に分けられる. (2) 下総上位面は海岸平野,下総下位面は海岸段丘又は氾濫原平野,千葉第1段丘,千葉第2段丘は河岸段丘である. (3) 下総上位面,下総下位面の分布状態から,下末吉海進の海が海退に転じた直後の古東京湾中部における古地理を明らかにすることができた.古東京湾の海が南(東京湾方向)と北東(鹿島灘方向)に分化した時期は,少なくとも下末吉ローム層中部のPm-1軽石層堆積以前である. (4) 周辺諸台地との対比をおこなった結果,今まで下末吉面と武蔵野面の2段に区分されていた地形面は, S1・S2・Mの3面に分けられるべきことが明らかになった.このうち台地の主面として広く分布するのは, S1・S2面で,これまでの武蔵野面 (M面)は,ごく狭い地域にしか分布しない.
杉原 重夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.107, no.3, pp.390-420, 1998-06-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
1 3 1

Hachijojima, one of the Izu Islands, is located on the Volcanic front of the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) Arc which lies south to north along the boundary of the Pacific plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. Hachijojima consists of two stratovolcanoes : Higashiyama and Nishiyama. There is a sharp contrast between Higahshiyama, which is a well-dissected mountain, and Nishiyama, which is cone-shaped. It is topographically clear that Higashiyama was formed earlier than Nishiyama. The following is a summary of the results of this study.1) The eruptive history of Higashiyama can be divided into six ages : Sokodo I (40-50 ka), Sokodo II (ca. 25-33 ka), Sueyoshi (ca. 17-25 ka), Nakanogo I (ca. 11-17 ka), Nakanogo II (ca. 5.8-11) and Mitsune (ca. 5.8 ka and later).2) At Higashiyama, a large amount of dacitic magma erupted in the Sokodo I Age and the Sueyoshi Age, and formed a caldera. In the Sokodo I age, the early stratovolcanoes were subjected to landslides and collapsed, and the Higashiyama caldera emarged. In the Sueyoshi Age, the summit of Higashiyama stratovolcanoes were subject to landslides and collapsed to form the Nishihakuunzan caldera.3) the Higashiyama stratovolcano (young stratovolcano I) was formed in the Sokodo II Age and Mihara stratovolcano (young stratovolcano II a, b) in the Nakanogo I Age by eruptions of basalt and andesite magma.4) Higashiyama formed a central cone at the end of Nakanogo I Age and eruptions from the summit ended around ca. II ka. Thereafter, it transformed into a flank eruption which issued andesite magma in the Nakanogo II age. In the Mitsune age, volcanic activities of Higashiyama receded.5) In the Nishiyama region, eruptions became active from the Nakanogo I Age and issued mainly basaltic tephra and pyroclastic surges. However, dacitic tephra was also issued. Occasional finding of pumice fall deposit suggest the generation of daciticmagma.6) On Higashiyama, deposits Aira-Tn ash (ca. 24.5 ka) and Kikai-Akahoya ash (ca. 6.3 ka) were transported by westerlies from the Kyusyu area. They prove to be important marker tephras clarifing the tephra stratigraphy and eruptive history in this region.
杉原 重夫 嶋田 繁
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.107, no.5, pp.695-712, 1998-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
2 3

Hachijo Island, located on the volcanic front of the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) arc, consists of two stratovolcanoes : Nishiyama and Higashiyama. Nishiyama (Alt. 854.3 m) is a scarcely dissected cone called “Hachijo-fuji”. Nishiyama began its volcanic activities about 10, 000 years ago. Many lateral volcanoes exist around Nishiyama, and one of them, Kandoyama (Alt. 194.9 m) is a tuff cone which was formed by a phreatomagmatic eruption. This study discusses the stratigraphy of deposits, and the eruptive types and the eruption ages of Nishiyama after the formation of Kandoyama. The results are summarized as follows.1) This study names four air-fall pyroclastic materials “Ny1-4”, which erupted from Nishiyama after the pyroclastic surge eruption of Kandoyama (ca. 2, 500 y.BP). All of them are scoriaceous.2) Ny2 erupted from a lateral volcano on the west of Kandoyama. This scoria cone is composed of agglutinate.3) Ny3 erupted from the summit crater of Nishiyama ca. 1, 100 y.BP. Ny3 was widely distributed on the southeast flank of Nishiyama, but it did not reach the foot of Higashiyama. Prior to the eruption of Ny3, a large amount of lava flowed down the southeast flank of Nishiyama.4) Ny4 erupted from a crater row along the southeast side of Nishiyama. From the description found in archives, it is clear that the eruption of Ny4 corresponds to A.D. 1605 (Keicho 10th) eruption. Ny4 deposited around the vents as agglutinate, and air-fall materials were widely distributed on the southeast side of Nishiyama. However, the total volume of Ny4 was the same or less than that of the Miyakejima 1983 eruption and the Izu-Oshima 1986 eruption.5) There are descriptions in the archives of at least four eruptions and about ten occurrences of earthquakes and tsunami in and around Hachijo Island. The fissures and tsunami deposits which followed historic earthquakes were found at the Yaene site located on the south side of Nishiyama. The pyroclastic materials from Nishiyama date these past earthquakes.
杉原 重夫
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2011年度日本地理学会春季学術大会
pp.83, 2011 (Released:2011-05-24)

日本各地で産出する黒曜石(黒曜岩)は、石器時代における石材資源として貴重な存在であった。これらの黒曜石製遺物の産地推定は、顕微鏡による晶子形態の観察、フィッション・トラック年代測定、機器中性子放射化分析(INAA)、蛍光X線装置(WDX・EDX)やエレクトロンプルーブX線マイクロアナライザー(EPMA)による元素分析など、さまざまな方法が用いられている。なかでもエネルギー分散型蛍光X線分析装置(EDX)を用いた産地分析は、多数の試料を非破壊且つ短時間内に処理できることから、現在では主流な方法である。 明治大学文化財研究施設では、日本全国の黒曜石原産地の調査成果を基に、各地の石器時代遺跡から出土した黒曜石製遺物の原産地推定を行ってきた。これまでに原産地推定の対象にしたのは250遺跡、遺物数は約30、000点に上る。その結果、北海道白滝・置戸産の黒曜石が樺太の遺跡から、霧ヶ峰産黒曜石が青森県山内丸山遺跡から、神津島産黒曜石が三重県や能登半島の遺跡で利用された例など、広域にわたる黒曜石の原産地―消費地の関係が明らかになってきた。今回は関東各地の旧石器時代~縄文時代遺跡の黒曜石原産地推定データを基に、海洋運搬の手法を効果的に利用したと想定される伊豆諸島・神津島産黒曜石の流通経路や流通範囲の変遷について、海洋環境の変化との関係から考察する。 1) 日本列島に人類が渡来した酸素同位体ステージ3(MIS3)の当初から、神津島産黒曜石は石器石材として使用された。MIS2~1の低海面期の東京湾は陸化しており、神津島産黒曜石については相模湾を北上し相模野台地から武蔵野台地へ至る流通ルートが推定される。 2) 縄文時代早期~前期~中期初頭は縄文海進最盛期と前後し、伊豆大島を中継地とする相模湾北上ルート・東京湾北上ルート・太平洋沿岸ルートが海上経路として開拓されたと推定できる。神津島の南方にある御蔵島や八丈島も神津島産黒曜石の流通圏に含まれる。 3) 縄文時代中期は神津島産黒曜石の流通が最も活発になり、伊豆半島・南関東地方の遺跡では高い比率で利用される。また、古鬼怒湾周辺地域の遺跡からも、太平洋沿岸ルートより搬入したと推定される神津島産黒曜石の利用が卓越する。伊豆半島東部の見高段間遺跡は伊豆半島を縦断して駿河湾東部沿岸地方に至る黒曜石の流通ルートとして重要な中継地であったと推察できる。 4) 縄文時代後期~晩期になると、伊豆諸島では依然として神津島産の利用比率が高い状態が維持されるものの、その他の地域では利用比率が低下し、相模湾北上ルート・東京湾北上ルートに限定される。このことは伊豆大島・下高洞遺跡における神津島産黒曜石の時期別利用比率の変化からも認められる。 神津島産黒曜石の利用を考えた場合、伊豆大島が神津島産黒曜石の流通ルート上において重要な位置を占めていたと推定できる。このような黒曜石の流通には海洋環境に適応した運搬手段(舟・筏等)が利用されたと考えられる。今後は全黒曜石製遺物を対象とした分析や新たな遺跡発掘調査により、神津島産黒曜石の流通圏について議論を深めたい。
島田 和高 鈴木 尚史 飯田 茂雄 杉原 重夫
明治大学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:13420941)
no.11, pp.1-28, 2006-03

Yadegawa sites, which have yielded many localities of microblade assemblage are located at Minamimaki village, Minami-saku county, Nagano prefecture. Microblade industries are distributed widely throughout Japan in the final stage of Late Paleolithic period. In Yadegawa sites, Yadegawa I site is a place of the first discovery that maicroblade industry exists in Japan in 1954. Afterward, Yadegawa I site was excavated twice in 1954 and 1963, and assemblages composed of microblades, microcores, scrapers and flakes and chips were recovered. Now the mass of them are garnered at Meiji University Museum. In this article, we would report a result of obsidian source analysis by using X-ray fluorescent (EDXRF). The materials are thirty-nine microcores excavated at Yadegawa I site. The analysis of EDXRF was operated at Meiji University Cultural Properties Laboratory. As a result of analysis, it proves that seventeen of microcores are identified with obsidian that came from Onbase Island, nine from Tsumetayama/Mugikusa pass, six from west Kirigamine, two from Wada pass/Takayama, one from Omekura and four were not identified. Onbase Island is situated in the Pacific at a distance of about 50km from the edge of Izu peninsula. Of course some kinds of the voyage technology might had existed for obsidian transportation from the Pacific to the main land. In addition, it has a distance of about 150km from the edge of Izu peninsula to Yadegawa sites. Other obsidian sources mentioned earlier are located at the central highlands in Nagano prefecture, the region of which is close to Yadegawa sites westward beyond Yatsugatake mountain range. It has a distance of about 20-40km. Based on these results, we attempted to do comparative studies in the technology and the form of microcores between those made from "exotic obsidian" and from "local obsidian". A category of "Ryo-chu type microcore" is applicable to them likewise. When "exotic obsidian" and "local obsidian" are compared in this context, some distinct chracteristics become apparent as follows. Whereas thick flakes are applied to microcores made from "exotic obsidian" as blanks, the numbers of microcores made from "local obsidian" were manufactured from small size of obsidian rocks directly. This represents that the differences of obsidian source bring large varieties into the technology and the form of "Ryo-chu type" microcores. In addition, this implicates the existence of a complex obsidian circulation network between areas of the mountain and the ocean in the final stage of Japanese Late Paleolithic period as well.
杉原 重夫 叶内 敦子 梅本 亨 竹迫 紘 小疇 尚

町田 洋 新井 房夫 杉原 重夫
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.19, no.3, pp.233-261, 1980-11-15 (Released:2009-08-21)
34 41

The middle Pleistocene time range is defined here the period before the last interglacial in the Brunhes epoch. In Japan, the Shimosa-Kazusa Groups around the Tokyo Bay in Kanto and the upper part of the Osaka Group in Kinki both represent the standard middle Pleistocene sequences and have been studied in detail. These groups are characterized by the cyclic sedimentation caused by transgression and regression corresponding to climatic changes.The purpose of this paper is to attempt the correlation of the Kazusa Group and the Osaka Group by identification of widespread marker-tephras. Accurate determinations of the refractive indices of volcanic glass, orthopyroxene and hornblende, together with other determinations, have enabled successful characterization for correlation to be made for several tephra layers in southern Kanto and Kinki. The following marker-tephras are found over two districts, resulting in the establishment of several important datum planes in the middle Pleistocene sequences.The vitric tephra called Ks 11, which is sandwiched in the Kasamori Formation and its correlatives in southern Kanto, can be identified as a marker tephra of the Osaka Group called Sakura ash, in the vicinity of Osaka and Kyoto. The estimated age of this tephra, about 450, 000 years, is based on its stratigraphic relationship with the underlying dated tephra, Kinukawa ash (460, 000-470, 000 years). Stratigraphically, it is included in the deposits immediately below the transgressive horizon (Tama-f and Ma 7) and also occurrs in the biozone of Stegodon orientalis in both districts. The vitric tephra called Ku 1, sandwiched in the Kokumoto Formation, is identified and correlated with a tephra called Imakuma I ash. It is included in the deposits immediately above the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary. The very important dated tephra, Azuki ash (870, 000 years), in the Osaka Group, can be correlated with Ku 6C tephra in the lower part of the Kokumoto Formation by their peculiar petrographic properties. Both are sandwiched in the deposits below the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary.From the relationship between the identified tephras and marine sequences, it is concluded that during the period from 700, 000 years to 450, 000 years at least three interglacial-glacial cycles are recorded, and that after 450, 000 years the following major interglacial episodes are indicated; 450, 000YBP, 370, 000YBP, 300, 000YBP, 230, 000YBP, and 130, 000YBP.
宇津川 徹 細野 衛 杉原 重夫
ペドロジスト (ISSN:00314064)
vol.23, no.2, pp.p134-144,図4p, 1979-12

The morphologies of animal opal, "Opal Sponge Spicules" in the tephras, distributed in Ichihara districts in Chiba prefecture were investigated. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1) The tephra deposits at the localities of Figure 1. in Ichihara terrace land were Anegasaki Formation (mainly AW type tephra) (AF), Shimosueyoshi Loam (SL), Musashino Loam (ML) and Tachikawa Loam (TcL). 2) The contents of animal opal were rich in Anegasaki Formation and Shimosueyoshi Loam, as shown in Figure 2. 3) The animal opals found in tephras were morphologically divided into eight types. They are diaxon type, tryaxon type, tetraxon type, polyaxon type, sterrasters type, desma type, lattice type and anthasters type in table 1. 4) The size of diaxon type animal opal was 100-1100 μ in length, 20-100 μ in width, tryaxon type animal opal was 100-400 μ. in length, 30-80 in width, tetraxon type animal opal was 500-800 μ in length, 70-120 μ in width, polyaxon type animal opal was 150-750 μ in length, 40-70 μ in width, sterrasters type animal opal was 100-200 μ in length, 100-220 μ in width, desma type animal opal was 400-800 μ in length, 30-100 μ in width, lattice type animal opal was 400-900 μ in length, 30-100 μ in width, anthasters type animal opal was 100-500 μ in length, 10-30 μ in width. 5) Except for sterrasters type, there were wide and narrow openings in tubes, some were stuffed with foreign materials. Fragments of spicule type had tubular form the diameter of which was 2-30μ. 6) Optical character of animal opal was distinguishable under microscope, colorless or pale pink color, dark in cross nicols (indirect procedures). The refractive indices of diaxon type animal opal was ; n=1.452-1.453, the refractive indices of sterrasters type animal opal was ; n = 1.440-1.446. Spicules of Recent opal sponge (Sponge spicules of a opal sponge of Sagami Bay) was colorless and transparent. The refractive indices of diaxon type spicules of Recent opal sponge was ; n = 1.441±, the refractive indices of sterrasters type of Recent opal sponge was ; n = 1.440±. From these facts the animal opals were non-crystalline (amorphous).
杉原 重夫

富士火山や東伊豆の大室山単成火山群・伊豆諸島の完新世テフラを調査し、これらのテフラ累層中から考古学的な発掘によって発見された人類遺跡の遺物・遺跡との層位関係を明らかにした。その成果の要約は次の通りである。1.伊豆半島東部の伊東市三の原遺跡では,厚さ3〜4mの褐色風化火山灰層が分布し、上位から大室山スコリア層、鬼界ーアカホヤ火山灰層、小室山スコリア層、姶良Tn火山灰層、地久保スコリア層の4枚の示標テフラが認められた。このうち鬼界ーアカホヤ火山灰を狭んで、大室山スコリア層と小室山スコリア層の間の層準から、縄文草創期・早期・前期の遺物が発見された。2.千葉市神門遺跡は村田川低地に立地する数少ない縄文時代早・前期の遺跡である。この遺跡では、自生と考えられるオキシジミと廃棄された貝殻に混じって茅山式(縄文早期後半)と・黒浜式(縄文前期中葉)の土器が出土する。オキシジミについて ^<14>C年代測定を行い、テフラ試料について鬼界ーアカホヤ火山灰を検出するために鉱物分析、屈折率測定を行ったほか電子線マイクロアナライザ-による分析を検討中である。3.伊豆半島南部の蛇石火山・大池で、約6mのボ-リングを行ない、カワゴ平軽石層、鬼界ーアカホヤ火山灰、姶良Tn火山灰を採取し、これらの示標テフラの年代を明らかにするために、ボ-リング・コア(泥炭)について ^<14>C年代測定を行った。このうち,カワゴ平軽石層については中部日本に広域に分布することが明らかにでき、縄文後期から晩期にかけての土器形式との層位関係を調査した。4.以上の成果を総合して、火山活動史と考古学編年に関する考察を行なった。
吉村 武彦 杉原 重夫 加藤 友康 川尻 秋生 柴田 博子 市 大樹 加藤 友康 川尻 秋生 柴田 博子 市 大樹
