中村 滋 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.45, no.240, pp.209-219, 2006-12-01

HOSHINO Kasui (1885-1939), who graduated in mathematics from Tokyo Higher Normal School, wrote and published The Study of Geometry by the CHART System, a math study book for entrance exams, in 1929. Since then, the study books, which are named CHART System, have been published for over 75 years. Therefore, it can be said that the CHART System is an established method of study used in study books. However, there exists no previous research on the CHART System or its founder, HOSHINO Kasui. This paper clarifies the following two points: 1) Origin of the CHART System: The CHART System was developed by Hoshino Kasui in cooperation with his business involving the publication of a monthly magazine and several study books for entrance exams as well as through his managing and teaching experiences in a cramming school. 2) Features of the CHART System: The features of the CHART System become evident upon comparing the solution provided by Hoshino and that provided by a previous study book with regard to the same question. Hoshino led students to the solution by providing CHARTs, which were precepts based on solution scenarios that did not require dependence on rare inspiration. Hoshino's CHART System, which he extracted from numerous solution scenarios, was the first step in the compilation of solutions to questions in study books into a manual.
杉山 滋郎
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.3, pp.61-86, 2008

Not a few scientists did write their scientific papers inr omaji (or Roman script) or advocated to write Japanese in romaji in the period between 1880s and 1940s. Other people than scientists, such as Japanese linguists, educators, politicians and businessmen, were indeed among proponents of writing in romaji. And those people working in different sectors in society united to carry out campaigns to promulgate among the public the use of romaji in writing Japanese sentences. The campaigns have been designated Romanization Movement. Why, then, did scientists get involved in the movement? Did they have any interest specific to scientists in writing in romaji? Did they present any distinctive causes as scientists in the movement? The paper aims to answer these questions in taking into account the following circumstances that Japanese scientists had to meet after Meiji Restoration in 1868. Scientists generally communicate their achievements not only to the members of scientific community but also to the general public in cooperation with educators, science journalists, and others. However, when Japanese scholars started scientific research in 1870s, all members of scientific communities around the world, except those of fledgling societies in Japan, did not understand Japanese, while the general public who were to absorb scientific ideas only knew Japanese language and could use kanji (or Chinese character), and kana (or phonetic syllabic script consisting of two separate forms of katakana and hiragana), though they were troubled with kanji's complexity and inconvenience. The analysis that follows explicates what happened with regard to language, terms, and script used in scientific communications between scientists, and scientists and the public in a country where native language was not English or other Western language commonly used in scientific world. The paper also discusses what the history of the Romanization Movement implies for science communication in these days in Japan.
杉山 滋郎
杉山 滋郎
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.12, pp.44-60, 2012-12

In this paper, we analyze the participants' process of understanding and discussion in a deliberative poll that requires them to acquire a certain amount of scientific knowledge. Changes in the understanding and opinions of individuals are traced through transcripts of actual discussions and responses to questionnaires. This reveals, on the one hand, that people gain information not only through written documents, movies, and professional comments that answer their questions, but also through small-group discussions. It also shows that a small-group discussion helps participants, even those who do not talk much, to form their own opinions. On the other hand, our analysis shows that some parts of the small-group discussion proceeded with the participants having an improper or insufficient understanding of scientific contents involved in the discussion topics. This led us to believe that deliberation is not possible based on a single deliberative poll but rather on a series of deliberative polls, or other events that aim to induce deliberation.
中村 滋 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.45, no.240, pp.209-219, 2006 (Released:2021-08-11)

HOSHINO Kasui (1885-1939), who graduated in mathematics from Tokyo Higher Normal School, wrote and published The Study of Geometry by the CHART System, a math study book for entrance exams, in 1929. Since then, the study books, which are named CHART System, have been published for over 75 years. Therefore, it can be said that the CHART System is an established method of study used in study books. However, there exists no previous research on the CHART System or its founder, HOSHINO Kasui. This paper clarifies the following two points: 1) Origin of the CHART System: The CHART System was developed by Hoshino Kasui in cooperation with his business involving the publication of a monthly magazine and several study books for entrance exams as well as through his managing and teaching experiences in a cramming school. 2) Features of the CHART System: The features of the CHART System become evident upon comparing the solution provided by Hoshino and that provided by a previous study book with regard to the same question. Hoshino led students to the solution by providing CHARTs, which were precepts based on solution scenarios that did not require dependence on rare inspiration. Hoshino's CHART System, which he extracted from numerous solution scenarios, was the first step in the compilation of solutions to questions in study books into a manual.
杉山 滋
長崎大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:13451359)
vol.62, pp.23-28, 2000-03

In the veneer cutting process, restraint caused by a double-face bar plays an important role, but few studies have dealt with the effects of depth of restraint (γ_<t(2)>) and the acting position of restraint (l_<t(2)>) upon the cutting phenomena of veneer (Fig.1). Therefore, the main purpose of this report is to obtain quantitative information on these aspects. Air-dried and water-saturated specimens of white seraya were used for this study. After being set on the experimental apparatus equipped with a two axis dynamometer, the specimens were cut with a tool equipped with the other dynamometer. The main (F_<H(B・K)>) and thrust (F_<V(B・K)>) components of the cutting force (R_<(B・K)>) acting on the workpiece, and the main (F_<H(K)>) and thrust (F_<V(K)>) components of the cutting force (R_<(K)>) acting on the tool were measured.
杉山 滋
長崎大学教育学部紀要. 自然科学 (ISSN:13451359)
vol.63, pp.21-26, 2000-06

In the veneer cutting process, restraint caused by a double-face bar plays an important role, but few studies have dealt with the effects of depth of restraint (r_<t(2)>) and the acting position of restraint (l_<t(2)>) upon the cutting phenomena of veneer (Fig.1). Therefore, the main purpose of this report is to obtain quantitative information on these aspects. Air-dried and water-saturated specimens of white seraya were used for this study. After being set on the experimental apparatus equipped with a two axis dynamometer, the specimens were cut with a tool equipped with the other dynamometer. The main (F_<H(B・K)>) and thrust (F_<V(B・K)>) components of the cutting force (R_(B・K)) acting on the workpiece, and the main (F_<H(K)>) and thrust (F_<V(K)>) components of the cutting force (R_(K)) acting on the tool were measured (Figs. 2,3,and 4). In addition, the cutting phenomena were observed and measured (Figs. 5&acd;7). The variation of various components of the cutting force with r_<t(2)> and l_<t(2)> was made clear, and the relation of the cutting phenomena to them was discussed.
川本 思心 鈴木 努 種村 剛 杉山 滋郎 田中 幹人 石井 哲也

杉山 滋郎
科学技術社会論研究 (ISSN:13475843)
vol.5, pp.22-30, 2008-06-30 (Released:2021-08-01)

Communicators in Science and Technology Education Program (CoSTEP for short) was established in Hokkaido University in July 2005. This program is open not only to graduate students, but also to working publics. It is a one-year program, but no degree is granted. Tuition is free. The number of students has been 44 in the year of 2005 and 60 in 2006. The percentage of female and male is almost at the same rate. The main features of CoSTEP are: 1) promoting two-way communication; 2) learning through practices; 3) community based science and technology communication activities. CoSTEP graduates are already taking initiative to promote science and technology communication in their communities and worksites. There are several challenges for the future that we would like to work on: 1) matching human resource development and job market; 2) de-centralizing science and technology communication (encouraging science and technology communication in local communities); 3) contextualizing the CoSTEP program and the postgraduate education; 4) collaborating with other educational institutions or science centres.
高橋 幸紀 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.43, no.231, pp.138-149, 2004 (Released:2021-08-12)

This paper deals with a string of gravity measurements conducted by TANAKADATE Aikitu(1856-1952), one of the first graduates from the College of Science, University of Tokyo. These measurements were conducted with no substantial help from the Western scholars in the 1880s, when approximately only a decade had elapsed since the beginning of full introduction of Western sciences into Japan, and only a couple of years had passed since Tanakadate's graduation from the college. The aim of the measurements, the hypothesis considered prior to each measurement, and the manner of dealing with the data acquired are clarified to the maximum possible extent by careful examination of the existing documents. Some common features are found in their studies when compared with those conducted by the Western researchers at the same period. Tanakadate and other Japanese scientists, who worked with him, aimed at confirming their hypothesis that the gravity anomaly around the Japan islands should be positive. The gravity anomaly at Bonin island, in particular, was known to be the largest in the world and a geodesic or geophysical explanation for this was expected. When Tanakadate became aware of the anomaly, he considered that it could be caused by 'some failure in measurements', which led him to attempt a second measurement of the gravity at the same point. On the other hand, scholars in Europe had already acknowledged that gravity anomalies on isolated islands were generally larger than those observed on the continents and along the coasts, and no longer raised any doubt regarding the reliability of the data provided on isolated islands. They subsequently tried to determine the geophysical cause of the large anomalies and attempted to invent a suitable method for reducing the data, while Tanakadate and other Japanese researchers never applied the necessary reduction techniques to the data they had obtained.
田中 明恵 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.43, no.230, pp.65-73, 2004 (Released:2021-08-12)

Juichi Obata (1888-1947) was a member of the Electrotechnical Laboratory for approximately ten years, since he graduated from Tokyo Imperial University in 1910. Since 1922, he was with the Aeronautical Research Institute, till the end of WWII. In the history of science, so far Obata has been recognized as a scientist of acoustics. However, we have unveiled another aspect of his study which has not been mentioned in the history of science until now, that is "the measuring of minute vibrations by the electric method. " This paper clarified the following two points : 1) In the early stages of Obata's membership at the Aeronautical Research Institute, before he began his research on sound, he developed an interest in the methods of measuring minute vibrations. He conducted several measurements of minute vibrations by improving the meter that measures minute vibration by the electric method (=using the electronic circuit containing vacuum tube). 2) Thereafter, Obata adopted the approach of exploring "an objective state (vibrating state) through sound, " by paying attention to the correspondence relation between minute vibrations (object), measured using the method of measuring minute vibrations and the sound emitted by the vibrations.
上田 理沙 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.42, no.226, pp.76-87, 2003 (Released:2021-08-13)

We demonstrate in this paper how scientists in the 19th century did researches on nervous system; some scientists tried to make the nature of "nerve impulse" clear only to fail, while others chose to investigate how nervous system works, leaving the nature of the impulse unknown. A. Mosso and H. D. Rolleston, for example, attempted to detect heat produced in nerves with a view to elucidating the nature of the impulse. The heat, they believed, would suggest that "nerve impulse" was nothing but "a wave of chemical reaction" or "a wave of molecular vibration." On the other hand, C. S. Sherrington who introduced the term synapsis in 1897 to refer to the special connection between nerve cells-special in the sense it offers an opportunity for "nerve impulse" to change in its nature- refrained from examining the nature of the impulse. He believed that it was impossible for science at the time to elucidate the nature. He, therefore, focused his attention to reactions of muscles in an animal caused when various stimulations were applied on animal's skin in a remote area from the muscles. He did not probe into the working of the nerves running between the part where stimulation was given and the part where corresponding reaction occurred. He pursued his studies by using phenomenalistic approach. We call his approach "phenomenalistic" because his research focused only on contractions of muscles easily seen without probing into minute arrangement in a body. Gotch and Horsley, like Sherrington, did not argue about the nature of "nerve impulse." But unlike Sherrington, they made experiments with electrical changes produced in nerves or a spinal cord, based on the idea that "nerve impulse" should accompany certain electrical changes. Making use of their electrical method effectively, they obtained a series of quantitative data as to the electrical changes. The data they collected allowed them to explore distribution of nerves deep in a body and even led them to contemplate the existence of "field of conjunction" in a spinal cord. They introduced the concept to explain decrease in quantity and delay in transmission time of the electrical change, which was observed when a nerve impulse traversed a certain part of the spinal cord. This idea was considerably similar to "synapse" introduced six years later by Sherrington.
栃内 文彦 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.40, no.220, pp.205-214, 2001 (Released:2021-08-16)

Seitaro Tsuboi, a professor of petrology at the Imperial University of Tokyo, played the central role in introducing Bowen's theory to the petrological community in Japan before World War II. Influenced by his predecessors, Tsuboi became interested in so called "new petrology " employing physicochemical methods. To Tsuboi, Bowen's theory was the most important amoung them. Based on both his uniquely developed optical method to examine minerals and his own research philosophy, he could add more details to Bowen's theory. Facts suggest that Tsuboi's study was received certain recognition in his days. However, it does not mean that Bowen's theory was either well accepted or deeply understood since such a "new petrology " was not necessary for the majority of researchers who employed traditional descriptive methods. Although no strong dislike to Bowen's theory came up, some petrologists felt somewhat uneasy about the research methods. Nevertheless, there were not serious controversies between Tsuboi and those scholars partly because their understanding the theory and physicochemical methods was not deep enough to develop effective criticisms and partly because the theory and Tsuboi's methods were not widely penetrated into the community. However, after World War II, serious controversies around the theory came up where Tsuboi was criticized as a man of formalism who neglected the observed facts. The fact was that Tsuboi actually always kept it in his mind that Bowen's theory was neither perfect nor absolutely true; therefore, he pursued the logical clarity between theoretically induced ideas and observed facts. These will be discussed in later papers.
杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.30, no.178, pp.120-130, 1991 (Released:2021-08-27)

The author demonstrates the following three theses in this paper. 1.In his works in 1850s John Tyndall tried to explain the deportments of magnetic and diamagnetic substances in magnetic fields from the viewpoint of action-at-a-distance theories, which were then prevalent on the Continent and had established their own tradition as different from that of field theories. It was, however, in an attempt to provide an alternative theory to Plticker's which was itself an action-at-a-distance theory, rather than to oppose the field theories, that Tyndall carried out his experimental investigations, at first in collaboration with Knoblauch. 2. Tyndall's researches on magnetism were guided by his conception of matter which conceived magnetic and diamagnetic substances, and eventually all substances, as consisted of minute particles. 3. Tyndall's approach to magnetic phenomena as well as his particulate conception of matter were established under the influence of the works by Knoblauch and de Senarmont on the anisotropic features of various substances.