寺田 新 大森 一伸 中村 好男 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.3, pp.343-352, 1999-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of fructose ingestion on maximal exercise performance capacity following prolonged steady-state exercise compared with glucose or placebo ingestion, in 7 male college students (age 23.3±0.7 yr, height 171.3±1.9 cm, weight 68.4±1.4 kg, Vo2max 3.5±0.2 L/min, mean ± SEM) . The subjects cycled constantly on an ergometer at 59± 2 % Vo2max for 100 min divided in the middle by a 5-min rest, and then performed 10 min of all-out self-paced cycling. They ingested either 8 % fructose solution (F), 8 % glucose solution (G) or artifi-cially sweetened placebo (P) before and during exercise (at 20, 40, 65, 85 mm) . Before exercise and at 50 and 100 min of exercise and 5 min after the performance ride, blood samples were collected for determination of the concentrations of blood lactate, serum glucose and serum FFA. In the G trial, the serum FFA level was significantly lower than in the P and F trials at any of the time points dur-ing and after exercise (vs. P ; p<0.01, vs. F ; p<0.05) . However, glucose ingestion maintained serum glucose at a significantly higher level during and after exercise than placebo ingestion (p< 0.01) and improved the total work output in the 10-min performance ride (G vs. P ; 135± 8 KJ vs. 128± 8 KJ, p<0.05) . Although in the F trial, the serum FFA level was elevated during exercise compared to that in the G trial and the serum glucose level was significantly higher than in the P trial (vs. P ; p<0.01), the blood lactate level after exercise was lower than in the G trial and total work output was similar to that in the P trial (123± 8 KJ, vs. G ; p<0.01) . These results indicate that fructose ingestion before and during exercise cannot improve the ability to perform high-intensity exercise late in prolonged exercise despite maintaining the serum glucose level.
久枝 光 中村 好男 久野 譜也 福永 哲夫 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.345-355, 1996-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究では1) レジスタンストレーニングにおける高速度運動が, トレーニング後の運動速度に与える影響を明らかにすること, および, 2) トレーニングでの運動速度の差異が筋の肥大に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的とし, 健常な一般人に対して, 週4回8週間の肘関節屈曲トレーニングを行った.トレーニングには一定負荷を用い, 急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動によるトレーニング (Type R) と, 低速度運動によるトレーニング (Type S) の2種類を行った.トレーニングに用いた運動速度の差異がトレーニング効果に与える影響を明らかにするために, 一定負荷のもとにおこなう肘関節屈曲の運動速度, 肘関節屈曲の等速性筋力および上腕屈筋群の筋横断面積を検討した.その結果, Type Rは高速度域 (300deg/s) での等速性筋力を有意に増加させなかった.一方, 一定負荷のもとに行う運動速度の増加率はType Rにおいて高い傾向がみられた.これらの結果より, 急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動によるトレーニングは同様式の運動速度を増加させるが, 運動様式が異なる高速度域の等速性筋力を必ずしも増加させないことが示唆された.さらに, 筋横断面積の増加率はType Rにおいて有意に高値を示した.このことから, 低速度運動に比べ急速な力発揮を伴う高速度運動は, 8週間のトレーニングにおいて, より筋の肥大を起こしやすいということが示唆された.
林 直亨 中村 好男 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.2, pp.279-286, 1995-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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A study was conducted to investigate the effect of exercise intensity on the recovery of autonomic nervous activity after exercise. Ten subjects performed four kinds of 10-min cycle exercise with target heart rates of 100, 120, 140, and 160 beats/min (THR 100, THR 120, THR 140 and THR 160, respectively) following 5 min of exercise to increase the heart rate to the target level. The beat-by-beat variability of the R-R interval was recorded throughout the experiment including the 5-min pre-exercise control period and the 30-min recovery period. Spectral analysis (fast Fourier transform) was applied to every 5-min R-R interval data set before, during ( 5-10 min) and after exercise at the target heart rate. The low- (0.05-0, 15 Hz : P1) and high- (0, 15-1.0 Hz : Ph) frequency areas were calculated to evaluate sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) nervous activities as P1/Phand Ph, respectively. During exercise, SNS of THR 160 was significantly higher, and PNS of THR 140 and THR 160 was significantly lower than the respective pre-exercise values (p<0.05) . Althouglt all indicators recovered to, or overshot the pre-exercise values at 20-30 min after THR 100 and THR 120, heart rate and SNS were still higher and PNS was still lower than the pre-exercise value after THR 160. These results suggest that the recovery of cardiac autonomic nervous activity is slower after high-intensity exercise than after low-intensity exercise, and that the recovery of autonomic nervous activity after acute exercise does not always corrrespond linearly on the exercise intensity.
星川 秀利 木村 裕一 玉木 啓一 藤本 浩志 中村 好男 村岡 功
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.17, no.3, pp.173-182, 1993-08-01 (Released:2016-10-31)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of training level on indices of effectiveness (IE). Six male cyclists and non cyclists performed pedalling bouts for I minute using a cycle ergometer against the work load of 1 50, 200 and 250W. The subjects were directed to maintain 90 rpm of pedalling rate during the cycling bouts. Rotary encorders and triaxis force sensors were mounted on the ergometer for measuring crank angle, both pedal forces and both pedal angles. Using these data, the resultant pedal force (FR) and the force perpendicular component of the crank force (FE) were calculated. IE represents the ratio of the force component perpendicular to the crank to the appplied force to the pedals and was calculated by FR and FE . IE was not different between cyclist and non cyclist groups. On the other hand, peak FR during 250W was significantly lower in cyclists than non cyclists ( 344.9±37.6 [N] and 398.4±24.6 [N] respectively, p<0.05). Those results suggested that pedalling skill would be reflected by the lower pedalling force which was related with a reduction of negative force during up phase rather than its efficiency converting to effective torque.
岩川 孝志 中村 好男 村岡 功
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.50, no.4, pp.491-499, 2001-08-01
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本研究では自転車ペダリング運動中の活動筋における筋酸素化動態を自転車競技選と一般学生とで比較した.被験者として大学自転車部員6名 (サイクリスト群) と一般学生5名 (非サイクリスト群) を用いた.被験者には自転車エルゴメータ上で2分間の安静を保たせた後, 50 Wattでのウォーミングアップを2分間, 引き続いて150 Wattでの本運動を5分間行わせた.ただし, 本運動でのペダル回転数は40, 60, 90, および120 rpmの4種類とし, それぞれを1試行ずつ計4試行を行った.また, どの試行においてもウォーミングアップ時のペダル回転数は60 rpmとした.安静時から運動終了まで左脚外側広筋部の筋酸素化動態を近赤外空間分解法によって測定した.<BR>Oxy-Hb/Mbはサイクリスト群で非サイクリスト群と比較して有意に高い値を示したが, 群とペダル回転数による有意な交互作用は観察されなかった.従って, ペダル回転数の変化に対する筋酸素化動態の応答には, 両群で違いがないことが示唆された.<BR>またペダリング頻度の増大に伴って全身の酸素消費量は増大し, エネルギー効率が低下する一方で, Oxy-Hb/Mbはペダル回転数が毎分90回転までは有意な変化がなく, 毎分120回転に達すると安静時, および他のどのペダル回転数と比較しても有意に低値を示した.さらに, Deoxy-Hb/Mbも同様にペダル回転数が毎分90回転に達するまでは有意な変化はなく, 毎分120回転に達すると安静時, および他のペダル回転数と比較して有意に増大した.<BR>このことから, 毎分120回転では外側広筋部において脱酸素化が亢進したものと考えられ, 毎分120回転では外側広筋において酸素消費が, 低い回転数と比較して急増したことが示唆された.このことは逆に, 毎分120回転前後にペダル回転数を増大させると, 外側広筋での効率が大きく低下する可能性を示しており, 外側広筋での効率を急に低下させない最も高いペダル回転数は毎分90回転前後で発現すると思われる.