小林 吉之 嶺 也守寛 藤本 浩志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.725, pp.274-279, 2007-01-25 (Released:2011-03-04)
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To determine the accuracy of foot position sense in the means of foot placement, young adults were asked to place either medial edge or lateral edge of their feet along the base line on the floor as close as possible, and the edge of placed feet were scanned by using laser displacement gauge. From the collected data, constant error, the distances between the edge of placed feet and the base line on the floor, and absolute error, the absolute distances between the edge of placed feet and the base line on the floor were defined and compared between the medial or lateral trials, and dominant leg or indominant leg. The statistical analysis showed significant differences of constant error between the trials only. The trials to place their medial edge tend to place their feet away from the base line, and the trials to place their lateral edge tend to place their feet in to the base line. These results indicate that we tend to expect the position of our feet more medially than actual, and these discrepancy may be one of a reasons of tripping or banging of our feet to the obstacles while walking.
西村 崇宏 平川 純 土井 幸輝 藤本 浩志
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.19, no.2, pp.199-206, 2020 (Released:2020-04-30)

This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the work posture due to palm rejection on the mental workload caused by handwriting using a stylus. We conducted an experiment, in which the work posture due to palm rejection and the screen tilt angle were evaluated using the input time and the NASA task load index. The results indicated that when the screen tilt angle was 0-30°, the mental workload could be reduced by enabling palm rejection; however, the input time was not affected. Moreover, after examining the influence of the screen tilt angle, we concluded that tilting the screen by 20-30° would be most preferable, regardless of whether palm rejection occurred or not.
星川 秀利 藤本 浩志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.69, no.680, pp.1080-1085, 2003-04-25 (Released:2008-02-26)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of lower saddle height on the knee joint. Five healthy male pedal at 60 rpm against the work load of 100 and 200 W. Three saddle heights of 80, 90 and 100% of trochanteric leg height are selected in this study. During each trial, the position data of the right lower limb's joints by the video camera and the force data of the right pedal by the force sensor are measured. Using these data, the inverse dynamics analysis is done, and the following results are obtained. The peak link force acting on the knee joint and the peak knee extension moment do not indicate any change over the three saddle heights, however, the angles at their peak values shift to the knee flexion as the lower saddle height. These results indicate that the lower saddle would overload at the knee joint.
藤本 浩志 滝田 久芳 有田 道生 小金沢 鋼一 加藤 一郎
vol.9, pp.241-251, 1988
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Conventional A/K prostheses have been designed only for level walking, so A/K amputees have been compelled to walk on stairs with unnatural posture. To expand A/K amputees' daily mobility, the goal of this study is to develop an A/K prosthesis which allows amputees to ascend/descend stairs as well as to walk on a flat surface. The WLP-8 R developed in our study featured a mechanism that can generate a powerful moment at the joints large enough to ascend the stairs. First, this paper presents the Hydraulic/Electric Hybrid Actuator composed of a hydraulic power assembly and an electric power assembly to realize level and stairs walking. In level and downstairs walking, the amputee can walk only with the hydraulic power assembly that generates the extension moment of knee joint during a swing phase using the hydraulic power which has been previously accumulated by the passive rotation of the two joints (knee and ankle) during the last stance phase. So no additional power system is necessary as to realize level and downstairs walking. In upstairs walking, the amputee can walk using the Hydraulic/Electric Hybrid Actuator. The electric power is transmitted through the ball-screw driven by the DC motor to the piston-rod of the knee joint, which has also been pushed up by the hydraulic power as well as level walking so that the knee joint is extended by the combined powerful force of hydraulic and electric power. Second, the Automatic Dorsal-Flexion Mechanism that improves the posture during level walking is described. Third, the construction of the WLP-8 R system is described. Performance of amputees wearing the WLP-8 R and walking is described and discussed. Two A/K amputees could walk on a flat surface and stairs like normal subjects. These walking experiments confirmed the applicability of this system.
藤本 浩志 加藤 一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.61, no.582, pp.641-646, 1995-02-25 (Released:2008-02-26)
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This paper deals with the method of controlling an A/K prosthesis which allows disabled persons to ascend a staircase. Since conventional A/K prostheses are capable of only the function of walking on a level surface, disabled persons wearing conventional A/K prostheses have been compelled to walk on stairs with unnatural posture. The research study of developing powered A/K prostheses has the important themes of not only developing the mechanism of the prosthesis but also devising the controlling method. By measuring the axial forces acting on the socket ; which is the man-machine-interface, during walking, using the six axis force-moment sensor, the torque of a disabled side hip joint was calculated. We devised the control method using this torque as the control signal. Results of clinical walking experiments showed that a subject wearing the A/K prosthesis was able to walk with a joint angle pattern similar to that of unaffected persons. Furthermore, from the results of the inverse dynamics analysis, the subject was found to generate a similar torque pattern and power pattern at his disabled side hip joint. Thus the effectiveness of the controlling method proposed in this study was confirmed.
横地 義照 藤本 浩志 木塚 朝博 横井 孝志
Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.38, no.1, pp.54-62, 2002-02-15 (Released:2010-03-12)
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下肢の筋力が衰えると (とりわけ高齢者では), 手を大腿部について起立動作を行うことが多い. その場合膝関節から上方では, 大腿部・体幹部・上肢が閉じたリンクを構成するため, 関節点の位置情報からだけでは股関節モーメントを逆問題として解けなくなる. そこで本研究では, 床反力と併せて, 手をつくことにより大腿部へ作用する力ベクトルを計測することで, 下肢関節モーメントの逆動力学解析を行うことを試みた. 実験は健康な成年男子10名を被験者として, 椅子の高さ2条件と, 大腿部に手をつくかつかないか2条件の組み合わせ4条件にて行い, 下肢関節モーメントの解析を行った. その結果, 起立動作中に大腿部に手をつくことで, 上体の前傾動作の制御が可能となり, 特に水平方向への移動の安定性が保たれ, 上体を前方移動するための下肢による協調作業が軽減された. さらに膝関節最大モーメントの減少により, 動作時の膝関節負担が低減されたことを確認した.
梅沢 侑実 土井 幸輝 藤本 浩志
一般社団法人 日本人間工学会
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.52, no.2, pp.88-95, 2016

本研究では,人差し指第3関節(中手指節間関節,以下MP関節)の屈曲錯覚を生起させる振動提示条件と,そのときの錯覚特性を明らかにした.実験要因は振動周波数とし,50,70,90,110,130,150,170,190 Hzの8条件とした.実験参加者には,錯覚が生起したか否かを二肢強制選択で回答させた.生起したと回答した場合,明瞭度を等間隔主観5段階評価で回答させた.また,錯覚特性としては,振動提示から錯覚生起までの反応時間と,人差し指MP関節が屈曲したと感じた角度を再現してもらい,その角度を錯覚角度として計測した.実験の結果,錯覚生起率・明瞭度が高い振動周波数は70,90,110,130 Hzであった.また,これらの条件において,反応時間は5秒であり,最大の錯覚角度はおよそ40度であった.本研究により得られた知見は,運動錯覚を用いた新たなインタフェース開発を行う上で,一助となることが期待できる.
土井 幸輝 小田原 利江 林 美恵子 藤本 浩志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2003, pp.201-204, 2003

点字は, 視覚障害者にとって自らが読み書き出来る唯一の文字として一般に知られているが, 近年, スクリーン印刷による紫外線硬化樹脂インク点字(以下UV点字と記す)サインが, 共用品として急激に普及している。しかし, 製作者ごとにUV点字パターン(点間隔・高さなど)が大きく異なるため, 触読しにくいことが指摘されている。そのため, 現在, UV点字に関する日本工業規格化が検討されている。そこで, 本研究では, 触読しやすいUV点字パターンを明らかにすることを目的とし, ヒトの指先の皮膚感覚レベルで, 点字の点間隔・高さの違いがどの程度識別容易性に影響を与えるのかを調べた。実験には, 点字触読における経験要素を排除するため, 晴眼者に参加してもらい, さまざまな点間隔・高さの6文字(1点欠け)について, 同定課題を行った。これより, 識別しやすいUV点字パターンの有用な基礎データが得られた。
坂口 歳斗 土井 幸輝 西村 崇宏 藤本 浩志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.84, no.863, pp.18-00119, 2018 (Released:2018-07-25)

Acupuncturists determine muscle stiffness by pressing their fingers down. To shorten the palpation time and minimize discomfort to the patient, a good palpation technique is required to determine the stiffness of the patient's muscles with as few presses as possible. However, palpation is dependent on the experience of the practitioner. Therefore, an investigation of human hardness discrimination characteristics is necessary to provide some quantitative guidance. In this study, to determine the relationship between different numbers of presses and the accuracy of discriminating hardness, we investigated the differential threshold of hardness for different numbers of presses (1, 3, or 5). We used 7 elastic test pieces, each with a different Young's modulus, as the presented stimuli. We conducted an experiment using the constant stimuli method to calculate the differential threshold of hardness as an evaluation index of hardness identification. In the experiment, the participants repeatedly pressed for either 1, 3, or 5 sets by using 2 presented stimuli and then distinguished the hardness of the stimuli. The results of the experiment showed that when the pressing forces were 5 and 10 N, as the number of presses decreased, the differential threshold of hardness increased. However, when the pressing force was 15 N, the differential threshold of hardness was small regardless of the number of indentations. This knowledge will be useful for the improvement of the palpation technique in acupuncture schools. For example, the index of the hardness discrimination characteristic used in this study may be used as a quantitative numerical target and for performance evaluation.
土井 幸輝 開発 勇喜 豊田 航 西村 崇宏 藤本 浩志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.850, pp.16-00470-16-00470, 2017 (Released:2017-06-25)

Tactile characters aid in providing information to visually impaired persons. The Japanese Standards Association enacted basic design methods for embossed tactile patterns in March 2011. However, data on the appropriate size of tactile alphabets are not necessarily enough available. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of the size of a tactile alphabet on identification and to investigate the perceptible size for people without rich tactile experiences. The participants of this study were 15 young people and 15 old people who were unfamiliar with tactile characters intended for visually impaired people. They were asked to discriminate tactile alphabets of six different sizes by using their forefingers without the aid of eyesight. The results showed that the younger and older participants were able to discriminate the presented stimuli faster and more accurately as the stimulus size was increased. Concretely, when the size was 28 mm, each participants regardless of young or older groups could identify the tactile character accurately and quickly. In addition, a trend was seen in that the older group needed larger tactile alphabet sizes than the younger group. We determined the relationship between the tactile alphabet size and discrimination ability of younger and older people without rich tactile experiences.
坂口 歳斗 土井 幸輝 藤本 浩志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.851, pp.17-00059-17-00059, 2017 (Released:2017-07-25)

Hardness identification is one of the most important tactile senses in humans. People use their hands in various ways to identify the hardness of an object. For example, acupuncturists identify stiffness in a muscle by pressing down with their forefinger held flat over the affected area. However, experimental evidence for the role of the pressing method in the identification of an object's hardness even when the same finger is used has not been shown yet. In this fundamental study, we investigated the differential threshold of hardness for different finger postures of pressing (pressing down with one's forefinger held “flat” or “vertically”) to determine the relationship between the different finger postures of pressing and hardness identification. We used seven elastic test pieces, each with a different Young's modulus, as the presented stimuli. We conducted an experiment using the constant method to calculate the differential threshold of hardness as a measure of hardness identification. The results showed that the differential threshold of hardness was higher when pressing down with a forefinger held “flat” than when pressing down “vertically” with the same force. This finding will be useful in evaluating the tactile identification of hardness in acupuncturists.
星川 秀利 木村 裕一 玉木 啓一 藤本 浩志 中村 好男 村岡 功
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.17, no.3, pp.173-182, 1993-08-01 (Released:2016-10-31)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of training level on indices of effectiveness (IE). Six male cyclists and non cyclists performed pedalling bouts for I minute using a cycle ergometer against the work load of 1 50, 200 and 250W. The subjects were directed to maintain 90 rpm of pedalling rate during the cycling bouts. Rotary encorders and triaxis force sensors were mounted on the ergometer for measuring crank angle, both pedal forces and both pedal angles. Using these data, the resultant pedal force (FR) and the force perpendicular component of the crank force (FE) were calculated. IE represents the ratio of the force component perpendicular to the crank to the appplied force to the pedals and was calculated by FR and FE . IE was not different between cyclist and non cyclist groups. On the other hand, peak FR during 250W was significantly lower in cyclists than non cyclists ( 344.9±37.6 [N] and 398.4±24.6 [N] respectively, p<0.05). Those results suggested that pedalling skill would be reflected by the lower pedalling force which was related with a reduction of negative force during up phase rather than its efficiency converting to effective torque.
藤本 浩志 土井 幸輝 植松 美幸

小林 吉之 嶺也 守寛 藤本 浩志
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.30, no.2, pp.85-92, 2006-05-01
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小林 吉之 嶺 也守寛 藤本 浩志
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.725, pp.274-279, 2007-01-25

To determine the accuracy of foot position sense in the means of foot placement, young adults were asked to place either medial edge or lateral edge of their feet along the base line on the floor as close as possible, and the edge of placed feet were scanned by using laser displacement gauge. From the collected data, constant error, the distances between the edge of placed feet and the base line on the floor, and absolute error, the absolute distances between the edge of placed feet and the base line on the floor were denned and compared between the medial or lateral trials, and dominant leg or indominant leg. The statistical analysis showed significant differences of constant error between the trials only. The trials to place their medial edge tend to place their feet away from the base line, and the trials to place their lateral edge tend to place their feet in to the base line. These results indicate that we tend to expect the position of our feet more medially than actual, and these discrepancy may be one of a reasons of tripping or banging of our feet to the obstacles while walking.