渡辺 仁資 井上 理 金塚 文子 栗原 祐史 松浦 光洋 吉濱 泰斗 代田 達夫 羽鳥 仁志 新谷 悟
Dental Medicine Research (ISSN:18820719)
vol.30, no.1, pp.57-62, 2010-03-31 (Released:2013-03-26)

公 告掲載論文の取り下げについて 本誌,Vol.30 No.1 (2010年 3月号)に掲載された「当科における過去 3年間の口腔悪性腫瘍症例の臨床統計的検討」渡辺仁資,井上 理,金塚文子,栗原祐史,松浦光洋,吉濱泰斗,代田達夫,羽鳥仁志,新谷 悟 上記論文につきましては,データ解析のための統計学的方法とその解釈に不備があっため,著者本人の依頼により取り下げに致します.なお,論文審査過程において指摘できなかったことを真摯に受け止めて,今後の論文審査を実践いたします.2013年 10月 30日 Dental Medicine Research編集委員長 中村雅典
松浦 光吉
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2016, no.45, pp.170-183, 2016 (Released:2018-06-02)

Since 1992 Poland has enjoyed positive GDP growth for 25 years, including 2009 which was a harsh year due to the global recession. It is also forecasted that its good development will further continue for several coming years. Some economic analysts attribute the important role of EU funds (grants from the EU) and foreign direct investments (FDI) for the successful GDP growth. The GDP ratio of foreign capital is 3.2% and 4.8% for EU funds and for FDI respectively, which is a relatively high ratio totaling 8% of the Polish economy. 20% of EU funds are allocated to Poland, and this makes it the top beneficiary. The inflow of FDI is also the top among Central and Eastern European Countries (11 countries).Despite its long period of successful economic growth, it seems that an economic level (represented by GDP per capita) has not converged with the EU average and has been stagnant in recent years. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that arguments for the Middle-Income Trap in the Polish economy are gradually increasing. That is whether Poland faces the Middle-Income Trap or is already in it.What is the background of the Middle-Income Trap? Here we look at not only the positive side of foreign capital but the negative side as well. The positive side is its function as a powerful engine to drive the Polish economy. The negative side is an unwanted effect causing an excessive dependence on foreign capital, which constrains or at the very least, deteriorates self-sustainable growth, resulting in stagnation of future growth. In order to keep competitiveness needed for continuing growth and to avoid the Middle-Income Trap, it is essential to reform the industrial structure from labor-intensive to capital/knowledge-intensive industry through successive innovation.On February 16, 2016 Polish authorities released the Action plan for responsible development of Poland. It is a remarkable plan, because it officially acknowledged five development traps (The Middle-Income Trap, Lack of balance trap, Average product trap, Demographic trap, and Weak institutions trap), which Poland currently faces. Before the publication of this plan, Polish authorities often appealed for EU funds or FDI, and claimed the acquisition as their diplomatic or political achievement without any mention of possible traps.On June 23, 2016, it was decided that the UK would withdraw from the EU through a referendum, known as Brexit. As the UK’s economic size is the second largest in the EU, there is concern about continued political and economic turbulence for at least a couple of years. And the withdrawal of the UK from the EU will cause a reduction in the EU budget including EU funds, which will be an external shock on Polish economic growth.This paper focuses on the background and development of economic growth and the Middle-Income Trap in Poland.
松浦 光吉
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2015, no.44, pp.87-98, 2015 (Released:2017-08-18)
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Poland has shown strong economic growth for 20 years since 1995, and is also the only EU country that achieved positive GDP growth in 2009 during the global recession. Several studies have looked at the causes of this good economic performance, and attribute it to such as the effective utilization of EU Funds, stimulus by macroeconomic policy, devaluation of Polish currency, prudential control or regulation in the financial system and so forth. Poland is a country well favored with foreign aid both before and after its accession to the EU from international institutions including the EU. When the focus is given to EU Funds after joining the EU on May 1, 2004, it is easy to understand that such funds play an important role as key driver of economic growth in Poland. Poland enjoys a comparatively big allocation of EU Funds, indeed it was the top recipient of funds when the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) was in effect (2007–2013). The financial transfer of EU Funds is 3.7 times greater than the Polish contribution to the EU, and this amounts to 4% of Polish overall GDP (3% by Structural Fund and 1% by Common Agricultural Policy (so called CAP)) according to 2013 statistics. Furthermore the ratio of EU Funds to the governmental budget is 10-20%. The G20 members at the London Summit 2009 agreed to a financial stimulus of around 3% of GDP to mitigate the global recession. Thus the 4% of GDP from EU Funds should contribute greatly to Polish GDP growth. EU funds can be classified by 2 main categories, one is Structural Funds and the other is CAP payments mentioned above. Structural Funds are used to support the modernization of infrastructures by member states or between member states. Therefore it can be utilized as fiscal investment to promote GDP growth. Most CAP payments are allocated to farmers as direct-aid payments, which may result in an expansion of domestic demand (as household consumption). In fact, GDP ratio of the construction industry in Poland is 2% higher than in other EU member states, and the consumption propensity is also 5% higher. EU Funds are costless financial grants from the EU without any fiscal burden falling on the Polish government. Hence there is no serious concern about crowding-out in the financial market, nor about rising interest rates of government bonds. EU Funds are, therefore, a very effective tool for Polish authorities to control economic growth. As they fully understand its function and importance in their national economy, Poland had tried as much allocation of EU Funds as possible under the current MFF regime. In the recent economic forecast by the EU, Poland is expected to continue its good economic performance in the coming years mainly due to robust domestic demand. But there is fear that the Polish economy may fall into the Middle-income trap over the long-term, if they continue to depend on EU Funds for the progress of their economy.
島 晴信 大野 康亮 松浦 光洋 松井 義郎 道 健一 江川 薫 滝口 励司
特定非営利活動法人 日本口腔科学会
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.47, no.2, pp.155-164, 1998-04-10 (Released:2011-09-07)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the anatomical basis of the cranio-and maxillofacial rehabilitation using implants. In the present study, 30 cadavers from the dissection room were evaluated. In particular measurements of the craniofacial bones, including height, width, and thickness of the cortical bone were performed. The results were as follows:1. Orbital areaIn the lateral and superior orbital rim of the placement site of implant of orbital prosthesis, the maximal thickness of the inner and outer sides was 16.0 mm, and the minimum was 9. 2 mm. The maximal thickness of the width was 11.1 mm and the minimum was 6. 8 mm. The maximal thickness of the cortical bone was 2.5 mm, and the minimum was 2.1 mm.2. Temporal bone1) At the placement site of the implant of an auricular prosthesis, the maximum thickness of the width was 10.4 mm, and the minimum was 2. 8 mm. The maximum thickness of the cortical bone was 3.7 mm, and the minimum was 3.7 mm.2) At the placement site of the bone anchored hearing aid, the thickness of the inner and outer sides was 8.6 mm. Thickness of the cortical bone was 3.0 mm.3. Frontal and nasal boneIn the center of the frontal and nasal bone, the thickness of the inner and outer sides was 19.3 mm. The thickness of the coronal bone was 3.0 mm.4. MaxillaThe thickness of the inner and outer sites at the site 1 of the maxilla (5 mm distal to the center) was 13 mm. The thickness of the width at site 1 was 10. 1 mm. Tne thickness of the cortical bone at site 1 was 1.4 mm.From these results, the anatomical basis on the cranio-and maxillofacial rehabilitation using implants could be clarified.
歌門 美枝 鈴木 規子 齋藤 浩人 山本 麗子 松浦 光洋
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.49, no.12, pp.674-677, 2003-12-20 (Released:2011-04-22)

The speech function of a 55-year-old woman with a speech disorder due to a large torus palatinus was evaluated before and after surgery. Auditive impressions were assessed by a speech intelligibility test of 100 syllables, an articulation test, and a diadochokinetic ability test. Speech functions were measured by static palatography, tongue cephalography with contrast media, and acoustic analysis. The results showed slight speech disorder during production of /hj/, /kj/, and /gj/ before surgery and improvement in speech function without speech therapy after surgery.
松浦 光宏 田口 智也
宮崎県水産試験場研究報告 (ISSN:13445863)
no.11, pp.18-28, 2007-03

小坂 俊文 金子 吉史 中田 陽子 松浦 光信 田中 茂男
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.58, no.10, pp.963-967, 1996-10-25

イヌマクロファージおよび好中球介在性免疫応答に対する綿状キトサンの皮下埋没の影響について化学発光法(CL)を用いて検討を行った. 白血球数はコントロール群では術後120時間目まで有意に減少した(P<0.05). しかしながら, キトサン埋没群では白血球数,特に好中球数は24から96時間目まで増加した(p%lt;0.05). 全血におけるCL反応は, コントロール群では術後48時間目および96時間目に減少した(p<0.05)のに対し, キトサン群では埋没後120時間目まで高い活性が持続した(p<0.05). CL法によるマクロファージ活性の測定ではコントロール群では術後24, 48, 96時間目に著しく減少した(p<0.05). 5 mg/kgキトサン群では24および48時間目では減少した(p<0.05)が, 72時間目から120時間目までは高い活性が認められた. 10 mg/kgおよび20 mg/kgキトサン群では術後のマクロファージのCL反応の低下は認められず, 20 mg/kg キトサン群では術後120時間目まで高い活性が持続した(p<0.05). これらの結果よりキトサンは術後の免疫抑制に対する予防として有効で有用な免疫賦活物質であることが示唆された.