吉村 彰大 松野 泰也
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.15, no.1, pp.54-69, 2019 (Released:2019-01-25)
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鉄道は環境負荷の小さい交通機関であり、低炭素社会の構築に重要でありながら、近年は赤字路線の廃止と他輸送機関への代替が続いている。近年、費用便益分析が鉄道存廃の判断基準に用いられているが、鉄道の廃止に伴う周辺道路への影響や交通権の保障などの観点から、費用便益分析のみを判断基準とするのは好ましくない。そのため本研究では、鉄道路線の廃止が並行道路に与える影響の評価と、それに伴う経済的 / 環境的負担の比較、検討を通じて、路線が持つ社会的な存在意義の評価に新たな切り口を提供することを目的とした。具体的には、鉄道の存廃による並行道路の混雑変化への影響と、CO2排出量変化を評価した。さらに、路線の赤字と廃止によって必要となる道路改良費を比較した。対象は、既に廃止された2路線と、経営安定性の低い13路線とした。その結果、廃止された2路線では、利用者の80%が自動車利用に転換しても道路混雑は悪化しないと推計され、実際の道路状況とよく一致した。現存する13路線では、7路線が廃止によって並行道路の混雑を悪化させると予測され、うち6路線では大幅な悪化が予想された。この6路線では、鉄道の赤字額が周辺道路の道路改良費を下回ったことから、路線の維持がより合理的であることが示唆された。CO2排出量では、利用者数の最も少ない阿佐海岸鉄道を除いて鉄道の運行によって軽減できていると推計された。この結果から、鉄道の運行によってCO2排出量を削減するためには、一定以上の利用が必要であるという既存研究と同様の結果が確認された一方、排出量の削減効果と経営安定性との相関は、混雑変化と経営安定性に比べ弱いことが示唆された。本研究を通じ、並行道路の混雑変化と財政負担、CO2排出量変化を個々に比較、検討することが、地方鉄道の社会的な存在意義を評価する新たな切り口となることが示唆された。
醍醐 市朗 五十嵐 佑馬 松野 泰也 足立 芳寛
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.93, no.1, pp.66-70, 2007-01-01
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During the last two decades, the total material input in Japan has been about 2 billion tons, and approximately 50%, i.e., about 1 billion tons has accumulated as the net addition to stock in the form of buildings, social infrastructure, and various kinds of products. The amount of the net addition to stock is calculated annually from the differential between the input and the output. Therefore, the contents of the accumulated stock are unknown. It is said that these unknown contents include material that has already been discarded as invisible waste. In this study, dynamic material flow analysis was conducted to quantify the amount of stock that is not associated with social activities and cannot possibly be collected as scrap in the future. First, we defined some terms: in-use stock, hibernating stock, and overall stock. Hibernating stock comprises the steel used for the constructional material of land fill site, the steel dissipated by corrosion and erosion, etc. Furthermore, we defined the system boundary to account for the steel stock and constructed equations to calculate the three types of stock. To calculate the amount of in-use stock, a dynamic model-the population balance model-was adopted. The amounts of in-use stock and hibernating stock in Japan from 1980 to 2000 were calculated. The result shows that 0.96 billion tons of the in-use stock is included in the 1.22 billion tons of overall stock in the year 2000.
吉村 彰大 松野 泰也
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.83, no.1, pp.23-29, 2019-01-01 (Released:2018-12-25)
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In this paper, a novel method for recovering platinum using molten FeCl3-KCl system as “dry aqua regia” is presented. The method consists of the dissolution of platinum by molten FeCl3-KCl system and the recovery of dissolved platinum by the solvent leaching of frozen FeCl3-KCl, using the different solubility between platinum compounds and iron compounds for the solvents. Platinum dissolution was conducted in the molten FeCl3-KCl system at 585-655 K. The maximum dissolution rate of platinum was 0.45 mol・m−2・h−1, which is fast enough compared with the hydrometallurgy process using aqua regia or electrochemical dissolution process in ionic liquid. And dissolved platinum recovered as K2(PtCl6) by the solvent leaching of frozen FeCl3-KCl using water or ethanol. This “dry aqua regia” process have a number of advantages, including low energy consumption, easy operation and low toxicity of chemicals compared with pyrometallurgy process and hydrometallurgy process, as recycling process of platinum.
高橋 和枝 染村 庸 國岡 達也 根本 康恵 松野 泰也
日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集 第7回日本LCA学会研究発表会
pp.191, 2011 (Released:2012-02-16)

玉城 わかな 五十嵐 佑馬 藤巻 大輔 林 誠一 友田 陽 松野 泰也 長坂 徹也
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.92, no.5, pp.340-345, 2006-05-01 (Released:2009-06-19)
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1.91 milliont of steel scrap was exported from Japan to Korea in 2003, which accounted for more than 30% of the total steel scrap exported to other countries from Japan. Change in steel scrap demand in Korea in the future will make a great influence on the amount of Japan's steel scrap domestic consumption and export. In this work, quantitative data about the steel production, steel scrap demand and consumption during 1977-2003 in Korea were collected to analyze the amounts of inhouse, industrial and obsolete scrap generation, and total steel accumulation in Korea. Then, the steel scrap demand in Korea in the future was estimated. The total accumulation of steel in Korea was estimated as 380 million t in 2003 and 548 million t in 2010, respectively. The amount of obsolete scrap generation in Korea was 7.1 million t in 1996 and 9.0 million t in 2003, which was about 3.0% and 2.4% of the total steel accumulation in each year. Supposing that the amount of crude steel production, scrap consumption percentages in B.O.F and E.A.F will be stable, the obsolete scrap generation in Korea in 2010 were estimated as 13-17 million t. This significant increase in obsolete scrap generation in Korea could exceed the current amount of the scrap import. So, self-sufficiency of steel scrap could be achieved in around 2010 in Korea.
吉村 彰大 末益 航洋 松野 泰也
日本LCA学会誌 (ISSN:18802761)
vol.16, no.1, pp.29-39, 2020 (Released:2020-01-25)

近年、航空機エンジンの性能や燃費向上にニッケル基超合金が用いられ、高温クリープ特性向上にレニウムが添加される。しかし、天然資源に乏しいことから供給は不安定である。本研究では、航空機用途のレニウムについて、物質フロー分析を通じて 1980 年から 2017 年にかけての需要、ストック、およびリサイクルポテンシャルを推計した。その結果、1980 年以降航空機の新造向けのレニウム需要、およびストックは増加を続けており、最大値はそれぞれ2016 年の 49.9 t、および 2017 年の 708 t と推計された。一方メンテナンス向けの需要は整備周期に依存し、4 年周期、 6 年周期、8 年周期とした場合、それぞれの最大値は 2017 年の 29.8 t、18.3 t、および 12.2 t となった。また、退役機に由来するリサイクルポテンシャルの最大値は 2015 年の 15.3 t と推計された。2013 年以降、航空機向けのレニウム需要が一次地金の生産量とほぼ同量となったことから、需給バランスは退役機からのスクラップのリサイクルで維持されていると示唆された。ただし、将来的に退役機数、および退役に起因するスクラップ発生量の減少が予想されたことから、安定的な供給にはスクラップからのリサイクル率の向上が重要であることが示唆された。
梅原 佳那 松野 泰也
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.80, no.4, pp.247-252, 2016 (Released:2016-03-25)

Previously we studied a novel process for recycling gold from secondary sources: the leaching of gold using dimethyl sulfoxide solutions containing copper bromide and precipitation with water, which could offer a number of advantages, including eco-friendliness, ease of operation and low cost. In this study, we have further investigated a more environmentally benign solvent, Propylene Carbonate (PC), with CuBr2 and KBr for the leaching and recovery of precious and rare metals. The mechanism of dissolution was investigated using electrochemical measurements. Metal wires were dissolved in a PC solution with 0.2 M of CuBr2 and 0.2 M of KBr at 343 K. Next, 10 ml of dilute sulfuric acid aqueous solution at pH 1 was added to the solution at ambient temperature and shaken to biphasically separate the dissolved metals. The contents of each element in the sulfuric acid and PC phases were measured by ICP-OES. The results of the electrochemical measurements indicated that the anodic dissolution of sample metals in the PC containing CuBr2 occurred at relatively negative potentials and was paired with the cathodic reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+. It was found that Au, Pd, Cu, Sn, Co, Ni and Zn could be dissolved at relatively fast rate, while Ag, Ta, Ti and W could not be dissolved. In addition, 98% of Au and 94% of Pd remained in the PC phase, while most other dissolved metals migrated to the sulfuric acid phase. This indicated that the dissolved Au and Pd could be effectively separated from other metals via biphasic separation with sulfuric acid. Next, the gold in the PC phase was recovered by the reduction of ascorbic acid or calcination. The cost analysis for recovering gold by this system resulted in 0.34 USD/g-Au.
松野 泰也 稲葉 敦 Manfred SCHUCKERT
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
日本エネルギー学会誌 (ISSN:09168753)
vol.77, no.11, pp.1070-1079, 1998-11-20 (Released:2010-06-28)
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Primary aluminum consumes much energy in its production process-es leading a great quantity of emissions. In Japan, 99 ‰ amount of primary aluminum is currently imported from other countries. In this work, Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Acidification Potential (AP) values for primary aluminum ingot produced in Brasilia, Russia, Australia, Venezuela, U. S. A., Norway and Island have been investigated. The average GWP and AP values for Japanese import mixtures were calculated. The mini-mum GWP and AP values for primary aluminum ingot produced with best available tech-nology have also been estimated.It was found that GWP value of primary aluminum ingot produced in each country varied from 10.4 to 27.4 kg-CO2 equiv./kg, while AP value varied from 0.0172 to 0.135 kg-SO2 equiv./kg. The average GWP and AP values for Japanese import mixtures were 15.5 kg-CO2 equiv./kg and 0.0516 kg-SO2 equiv./kg, respectively. GWP value of primary alu-minum ingot could be reduced up to 6.32 kg-CO2 equiv./kg if it is produced with best available technology, and AP value could be reduced up to 0.0103 kg-SO2 equiv./kg. The environmental impact of primary aluminum ingot widely varies according to which coun-tries primary aluminum ingot was produced in and which technology was used in its pro-duction process.
松野 泰也 稲葉 敦 BETZ Michael SCHUCKERT Manfred
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
vol.77, no.12, pp.1162-1176, 1998

Since most industrial products consume electricity during their life cycle, the results of inventory analyses are usually sensitive to the data of electricity. In Japan, electricity is supplied by 10 electric companies that have their own regions to supply electricity. Constitution of power stations differs with each electric company. Thus, resources consumption and emissions per kWh of electricity are different with each electric company. It is, therefore, necessary to develop the inventories for electricity grid mix of each electric company for LCA practitioners in Japan. In this work, life cycle inventories for electricity gird mix of 10 electric companies in Japan have been developed.<BR>It was found that average CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions related to 1 kWh of electricity distributed by electric companies were 0.45 kg-CO<SUB>2</SUB>/kWh, whereas average SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NOx emissions were 0.51 g/kWh and 0.47 g/kWh, respectively. Relative contribution of fuel production and fuel transport to CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions was 4-12 % of total emissions. On the other hand, relative contribution of fuel production and fuel transport to SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NOx emissions was around 50 %. Average values of CO, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, NMHC and dust emissions were 1.3&times;10<SUP>-4</SUP> kg/kWh, 1.3&times;10<SUP>-3</SUP> kg/kWh, 3.3&times;10<SUP>-4</SUP> kg/kWh and 2.4&times;10<SUP>-5</SUP> kg/kWh, respectively. Heavy metal emissions into air were also investigated.
松野 泰也 谷川 寛樹 藤本 郷史 村上 進亮 中島 謙一

平戸 崇博 醍醐 市朗 松野 泰也 足立 芳寛
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.95, no.1, pp.96-101, 2009-01-01
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Recently, prices of natural resources have rapidly risen, so recovery of materials from the end-of-life products as secondary resources is of great interest. However, it is generally a challenging task to estimate the in-use stock of materials, especially in developing countries, because of lack of data. In this paper, two approaches, a top-down approach and a bottom-up approach, were adopted for estimating the in-use steel stock in end uses. A top-down approach uses time-series data of consumption and trade of materials and product lifetime data, whereas a bot-tom-up approach uses the numbers of units of a specified product in a designated area and its material intensities. In this paper, the steel stock in Japan divided into six end uses was estimated by the top-down approach. The steel in-use stock in Japan was estimated as approximately 1,000Tg in 2005. Steel stock in automobiles in 2005 was estimated as 105Tg by the bottom-up approach and compared with that estimated as 125Tg by the top-down approach. In addition, applying the bottom-up approach, steel stock used in automobiles in U.S. was estimated and compared with that obtained by the previous research using a top-down approach. Steel stock used in automobiles in 2000 in U.S. was estimated as 480-870Tg by the top-down approach and 754-767Tg by the bottom-up approach. Both approaches have some uncertainties in the parameters used in the estimation. Therefore, complementary use of the two approaches is helpful to estimate in-use stock of materials.