林 良一
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.16, no.1, pp.25-50_8,202, 1973-10-20 (Released:2010-03-12)

The Greek word “rhyton” does not essentially mean “a drinking-vessel in the shape of a horn.” “ρυτον” is the name of a vessel which is derived from a verb “ρεω”. “ρεω” means “to flow out.” Actually, in the Aegean world, the rhyton had the spout at the lower part, which permitted a stream of wine to flow out of the vessel, and probably which was opened and shut by a finger.The so-called rhyta from the ancient Iran are classified into the follow ing five classes by Ghirshman.1. Vessels in the form of an animal.2. Vessels in the form of an animal head.3. Vessels in the shape of a horn with the form of an animal head.4. Goblets with the form of an animal-protome.5. Amphorae.But these contain vessels that do not have the spout, through which stream of liquid can flow out, athough the “rhyton” had originally such a function. Therefore, according to function, we get the following classification:1. Vessels which have an original function of the rhyton.a. Those with the spout at the upper part.… The zoomorphic rhyton: the spout at the animal mouth.… The amphora-rhyton: the spout at the handle.b. Those with the spout at the lower part.… The zoomorphic rhyton: the spout at the breast.… The rhyton with the protome of an animal: the spout at the breast.… The amphora-rhyton: a few spouts at the base.2. Vessels which do not have an original function of the rhyton.… The cup with an animal head.… The cup in the shape of a horn with an animal head.… The goblet with the protome of an animal.So the writer think that the vessel which does not have an original function of the rhyton should not be called a “rhyton” but a “cup in the shape of a horn” and should be distinguished from the rhyton.In the Parthian period long horn rhyta were prevalent, mostly with the protome of an animal or the bust of a woman, though there were also the Greek rhyta with the form of a bull head. In the Sassanian period the form of the old traditional rhyton of the form of an animal or an animal head revived and was used as the real rhyton. There were also amphora-rhyta, and those with the mixed forms of jar and an animal head.The vessels in the form of an animal head which do not have an original function of the rhyton were probably used for drinking with from their circular brim like regular vessels, and seem to have been used at banquets and ceremonies, as is seen in the drinking scene on the relief from Assyria.On the other hand, of vessels which have the function of the rhyton, those in the form of an animal were used for the libation of the religious ceremony. and the same may be true of the amphora-rhyton with the spout at the handle. As for the rhyton with the form of an animal head, especially of a bull head, we should note the Bakchos scene on the silver plate from north-west India (the British Museum) and the silver cup in the Sasanian times (the Cleaveland Museum), in which the hero raises the rhyton high up and drinks from the spout at the bull mouth. Because Dionysos was identified with the spirit of Haoma, these vessels were probably used at the ceremony related to such a faith. It is surmised that the rhyton in the form of a bull head from Deilaman was used for the libation in the rites of Drvaspa, because it has the head of Drvaspa, guardian deity of cattle.The amphora-rhyton is not a drinking-vessel, but may be a pouring-vessel. The amphora-rhyton found in the ancient tomb at Tchertmlik in southern Russia has a sieve at the neck with which to filter dregs of wine, and three spouts through which to pour clear wine into cups. The amphora-rhyton found at Mazandaran shows Anahita, or her servant under the arcade of a grape vine. The Aban Ya
塚本 直幸 林 良一
大阪産業大学人間環境論集 (ISSN:13472135)
vol.8, pp.83-93, 2009-06

安部 浩之 佐々木 伸雄 平林 良一 廉沢 剛 西村 亮平 竹内 啓 山口 和久
Japanese Society of Veterinary Anesthesia & Surgery
獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 (ISSN:09165908)
vol.22, no.2, pp.53-57, 1991

A 4-year-old female toy poodle was admitted with signs of unconsciousness, left head tilt, nystagmus of the left eye, paralysis of the limbs and severe salivation due to falling downstairs. Medical therapy including dexamethasone, diazepam administration was started just after the admission, and then radiography and a CT-scan were performed under xylazine sedation. As a result, the left articular process of the occipital bone was fractured and the bone fragment seemed to compress the cervical spinal cord. The patient received the surgery under GOP anesthesia. The ventral aspect of the occipito-atlantal joint was incised and a few bone fragments around the spinal cord were removed. On the 2nd day of postoperation, the light reflex of the both eyes appeared and the patient recovered consciousness on the 3rd day. On the 7th day, the patient showed a good appetite, and anal reflex and postural reflexes of the right forelimb reversed. On the 14th day, the postural reflexes of all the hindlimbs appeared and the patient could show voluntary walking. At the 8th month of postoperation, the gait and other behaviors were almost normal.

1 0 0 0 OA 日本の美

林 良一
駒沢大学文化 (ISSN:02896613)
vol.10, pp.73-107, 1987-03

一八五三年、日本が開国してから、ヨーロッパには、日本産の美術品や工芸品がさかんに輸入され、いわゆる「ジャポネズリーJaponaiserie(日本趣味)」の流行をみ、やがてそれはアメリカにもひろがっていった。江戸期の陶器、蒔絵の硯筥(すずりばこ)や櫛(くし)、印籠(いんろう)、牙彫りの根付(ねつけ)、青銅の鍔(つば)や矢立て、香炉、その他煙管(きせる)などの日用の小物類が、各地のコレクションや美術館に蒐集された。なかでも、何十万点という浮世絵が買いつけられていったことは、パリやニューヨークの好事家たちの、想像以上の心酔ぶりをうかがわせている。一八八六年に、日本へ来朝したアメリカの有名な画家ジョン・ラ・ファージ(John La Farge)は、日本の美術の装飾性と手際の良さを賞讃し、ことに手仕事の根付や鍔などの小品にみられる斬新な意匠や入念な仕上げは「芸術と工業との幸福な結合」と絶唱している。(久富貢・桑原住雄訳『画家東遊録(An Artist's Letters from Japan)』)また、パリを中心とした印象派や後期印象派の画家たちに、日本の浮世絵が、大きな影響をあたえたことは、よく知られている。浮世絵の単純化した形象や装飾的な明るい色調、ことに視点を自由にとった大膿な構図は、ただひたすらに、古代ギリシア以来のレアリズム美術を本領としてきた作家たちにとって、全く新しい美の世界であった。一言でいえば、これまでのヨーロッパにはかつてみられなかった印象主義的な美術に、眼をひらかれ、この「日本の美」の発見が、かれらの新しい美術を産みだすエネルギーとなったのである。
堀川 直顕 三宅 和正 林 良一 福井 崇時 森 邦和 中西 彊

この研究はスピン偏極した陽子をつくり、高エネルギ-実験に利用することを一つの動機として原子状水素ガスの生成を目指した開発研究である。このため、いくつかの装置の製作、測定手段の開発を手がけ、原子状水素発生のテストに入る段階にきた。ここで、これまでの成果をまとめておく。(1)超伝導電磁石の冷却と励磁。最高6.4テスラを得、軸上磁場分布を測定。(2)磁場モニタ-用ホ-ル素子(Matsushita OHOO3)の低温での較正。(3)希釈冷却器の製作とテスト(ヘリウムー3ガスで0.4Kまで冷却)。(4)ヘリウムー3ガス循環精製器の製作とテスト。(5)冷却系、磁場強度等の自動モニタ系製作。(6)ラジオ波による水素ガスの放電効離条件のテスト。(7)原子状水素検出のためのボロメタ-の製作とテスト。ヘリウム超流動膜の消滅を示す信号を検出。(8)スピン偏極原子状水素をNMRで検出するための回路の製作。最終年度の報告が遅れたのは、上記の項目等を達成するのに時間がかかったためである。現状では希釈冷却器での水素解離は行っていないが、ガラスデュワ-中で超伝導磁石を冷やして励磁し水素ガス解離と検出のテストをくり返しており、希釈冷却器については機能向上のための改造を施している。今後の予定としては、(1)ガラスデュワ-中での原子状水素の確認、(2)希釈冷却器の希釈モ-ドテスト、(3)希釈冷却器内での原子状水素の貯蔵と検出、(4)ボロメタ-による密度測定、(5)ESR又はNMRによるスピン偏極度に測定、(6)マイクロ波による原子状水素ガスの取出し、等のテストに進んで行くことになる。なお、この研究と並行して高エネルギ-スピン実験も実行した。
西田 玄 林 良一 高倉 健
情報処理学会研究報告マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2002, no.32, pp.49-54, 2002-03-28

ネットワーク上で個人情報を扱うITサービスが多数提供されているが,多くのユーザはサービスプロバイダの個人情報の取り扱いに不安を抱いている.そこで筆者らは,ICカードを用いて個人情報をユーザ自身が管理し,安全に利用するための個人情報管理システムを提案してきた.そのプロトタイプを構築し,相手に応じて個人情報の提供範囲を判断する開示制御機能と,個人を特定させずにカスタマイズサービスを受けるための匿名サービス利用機能とを実現したので報告する.また,これらの機能を用いた個人情報管理システムによる仲介機能についてもプロトタイプでのサービス例として紹介する.While there are so many services on the net that ask for personal information of customers, much portion of people still have concerns about the treatment of sensitive information by the service providers. We have proposed a system that enables a user to manage her/his personal information by her/himself. In this paper, we introduce a proto-type implementation of the system that natively supports policy-based access control. With the system's "anonymous credit" function, a user can enjoy customized services without giving any sensitive information to service providers. We also present sample application of infomediary functions built on the system.
小野 智彦 小倉 恵 小沢 敏彦 林 良一郎 清野 清春 広瀬 晴三
vol.1996, no.1, 1996-03-11
