Liyanage Yasoja S. 横山 博 的山 央人 細谷 久信 若林 久嗣
The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology
魚病研究 (ISSN:0388788X)
vol.33, no.5, pp.489-494, 1998-12-15
1 9

粘液胞子虫 Thelohanellus hovorkai によるコイの出血性テロハネルス症の発病条件について調べた。養魚池で採集されたエラミミズと同居飼育することでニシキゴイとマゴイに同程度に病徴がみられ, 筋肉1g当たりの胞子数は5×104個に達した。一方, ミミズ槽からの排水で飼育した群は軽度に感染したものの発病はしなかった。同居飼育群では腸管と腹部皮下結合織, 排水飼育群では鰓に最も多く寄生した。以上より放線胞子虫寄生エラミミズを経口摂取することで発病に到ることが示唆された。
横山 博 井上 大輔 熊丸 敦郎 若林 久嗣
The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology
魚病研究 (ISSN:0388788X)
vol.32, no.4, pp.211-217, 1997-12-15
2 13

コイ稚魚の鰓ミクソボルス症において宿主に対する害作用が異なる大小2型シストの発生状況, 組織観察, 胞子の形態学的, 血清学的比較を行った。大シストの発生率は7月が最高で約25%であったのに対し, 小シストは8月がピークでほぼ100%に達した。両者は魚への侵入時期や鰓での発育部位において顕著な差異がみられたものの, 胞子の形態学的, 計測学的比較, および間接蛍光抗体法を用いた血清学的比較により, Myxobolus koi Kudo, 1920と同一種であることが示された。
横山 博 檀上 智則 小川 和夫 有馬 多恵子 若林 久嗣
The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology
魚病研究 (ISSN:0388788X)
vol.31, no.1, pp.19-23, 1996-03-15
5 20

コイの筋肉繊維間にシスト形成する粘液胞子虫 Myxobolus artus について, 0才稚魚池における寄生状況と病魚からの胞子排出を定期的に調べた. 寄生率は9月に10%に達し, 以後約10ヶ月間続く胞子排出の過程で慢性的斃死がみられた. 瀕死魚は幼若赤血球の増加を特徴とする貧血症を呈した. 鰓薄板毛細血管内が貪食細胞により輸送された胞子で充満し, 毛細管の拡張や崩壊および鰓薄板上皮の剥離がみられ, 鰓からの出血が示唆された.
横山 博 金 正鎬 佐藤 純 佐野 元彦 平野 慶二
The Japanese Society of Fish Pathology
魚病研究 (ISSN:0388788X)
vol.31, no.2, pp.99-104, 1996-06-15
8 23

Uvitex 2B 蛍光染色をブリ・ヒラマサべこ病の原因微胞子虫 Microsporidium seriolae の胞子検出法として用いた. 体側筋肉ホモジネートの塗抹標本に Uvitex 2B 染色を施した場合の胞子検出率は, 剖検による"シスト"検出率より高く, 迅速診断法として有用と考えられた. パラフィン切片の Uvitex 2B-H & E 染色では, 成熟胞子のみが明瞭に識別でき, 微胞子虫の発育過程や宿主細胞による胞子の貪食, 被包化, 他器官への輸送などが観察され, 病理組織学的研究にも応用可能であった.
長宗 留男 横山 博文 福留 篤男
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.37, no.1, pp.1-8, 1992-04-01

Earthquake swarms which have frequently occurred off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula since 1978 are investigated, and the relationships between the swarms and the submarine volcanic eruption at Teisi Knoll in 1989 are discussed. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Shapes of epicentral areas of the earthquake swarms can be classified into the following two types, Type I and Type II. The former is an ellipse elongated NE-SW; the latler, an eilipse elongated approximately NW-SE. The swarms in the early years are of Type I, and those in the later stage (in particular, since 1984), for the most part, are of Type II.2) The largest earthquakes in the respective swarms for Type I are located along a straight line in the NE-SW direction, and those for Type II, along a curve line in the E-W to NW-SE directions. These two lines are probably indicative of active tectonic lines. 3) The epicentral areas for Type I and Type II, migrate periodically with a recurrece time of 6-7 years along the tectonic line in the NE-SW direction, and with a recurrence time of about 3.7 years along the tectonic line in the E-W to NW-SE directions, respectively. 4) Teisi Knoll where the submarine volcanic eruption took place on July 13, 1989, is situated in the northwestern part of the tectonic line trending E-W to NW-SE. The eruption was triggerd by the largest shock in the swarm which occurred around the northwestern end of the line.
宇平 幸一 永福 順則 山本 博二 横山 博文 荒木 卓次
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.29, pp.S36-S44, 1984-12-28

A swarm of earthquakes, precursory indication of the eruption, began to be recorded at Miyakejima Weather Station at 1358 on 3 October, 1983, although none was recorded at any other seismic station of JMA until the onset of the eruption. On the other hand, another swarm of earthquakes that resumed after the onset of the eruption was caught by seismographs around Miyakejima. Precursory earthquakes were grouped into two types, i.e., high frequency earthquakes and low frequency ones, according as their predominant frequencies were higher than 2.5 Hz or not. It is unpromissing to try to determine hypocenters of precursory events, but, both the first motions of 5 high frequency earthquakes and the particle motions of 2 low frequency ones in the horizontal plane inidicate that their sources were located to the SW of the seismograph, probably on the island. Gradually increasing continuous tremors started immediately after the earthquake at 1522 which had a predominant frequency of about 1.4 Hz from initial motion through coda. The following continuous tremor had almost the same predominant frequency. Major eruptive activity probably began with this low frequency earthquake. The magnitudes of two large precursory earthquakes were estimated to be about 3.0 by applying the relation between the magnitudes of post-eruption earthquakes and their maximum amplitudes or duration times of vertical component at Miyakejima Weather Station. However, this estimation was not appropriate because earthquakes of such size were large enough to be recorded at seismic stations other than Miyakejima. The seismograph at the sea bottom off Omaezaki (named "TK1OBS" in the seismological bulletin of Japan Meterological Agency), about 180 km W of Miyakejima, detected post-eruption earthquakes of magnitude about larger than 2.5, but did not record any pre-eruption earthquakes. The background noise on 3-4 October had remained at a similar level of 0.02 milikine, which corresponds to the expected maximum velocity of the vertical component on TK1OBS when an earthquake of magnitude 2.4 occurs at Miyakejima. Therefore, precursory earthquakes seem to be of magnitude less than 2.4.
内納 和浩 山口 広貴 安藤 友三 横山 博夫
公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会
日本化学療法学会雑誌 (ISSN:13407007)
vol.54, no.4, pp.321-329, 2006-07-10 (Released:2011-08-04)

38℃以上の咽頭炎. 扁桃炎, 急性気管支炎を対象としたlevofloxacin (LVFX) の特別調査症例8,856例のうち, 感染症以外の合併症・基礎疾患を有さない7,597例について昨ステロイド性消炎鎮痛薬 (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: NSAIDs) 併用時の安全性を検討した。NSAIDsの併用率は64.4% (4,890/7,597) で, 「併用注意」と記載されているフェニル酢酸系・プロピオン酸系NSAIDsと併用率は37.2% (2,828/7,597) であった。NSAIDs併用有無別の中枢神経系副作用発現率は, NSAIDs非併用群で0.04% (1/2,707), フェニル酢酸系・プロピオン酸系NSAIDs併用群で0.07% (2/2,828), その他のNSAIDs併用群で0.10% (2/2,062) であり, NSAIDs非併用群とNSAIDs併用群との間に有意差は認められなかった。中枢神経系副作用の種類は, めまいが2例, ふらつき感不眠, 眠気が各1例報告されたが, 痙攣は認められなかった。LVFXの1日投与量別の中枢神経系副作用発現率は, 200mg分2/日投与群で0% (0/458), 300mg分3/日投与群で0.07% (4/5,716), 400mg分2/日投与群で0.10% (1/1.031), 600mg分3/日投与群で0% (0/65) であり, 4群間に有意差は認められず, NSAIDs併用の有無で層別した結果でも有意差は認められなかった。年齢別の中枢神経系副作用発現率は, 65歳未満で0.06% (4/7,088), 65~74歳で0.28% (1/358), 75歳以上で0% (0/151) であり, 有意差は認められなかった。さらにNSAIDs併用の有無で層別した結果でも有意差は認められなかった。以上の結果より, 基礎疾患・合併症を有さない症例においてLVFXに対するNSAIDsの影響はきわめて小さいことが示唆された。
飯田 明由 小久保 あゆみ 塚本 裕一 本田 拓 横山 博史 貴島 敬 加藤 千幸
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.73, no.732, pp.1637-1646, 2007-08-25

The aim of this investigation is to understand the generation mechanism of aero-acoustic feedback noise radiated from rear-view mirrors. In order to clarify the relationship between the velocity fluctuation and radiated noise, correlation in terms of aerodynamic noise and velocity fluctuations were measured in a low-noise wind tunnel. The experimental results showed that noise level of the tonal-noise depended on the ratio of the height of the bump to the thickness of the boundary layer. Strong tonal-noise was generated when the height of the bump was almost equal to 40% of the height of the boundary layer. The tonal-noise level also depended on the length between the trailing-edge of the bump and the edge of rear-view mirror. The frequency of the tonal noise can be calculated by modified Rossiter equation. The tonal-noise was disappeared in the case of the bump was placed at separated boundary layer. It revealed that the seed of the tonal noise was small disturbances generated by the bump on the surface of the rear-view mirror.