武中 美佳子 岡井 沙智子 小原 依子 井上 健
vol.31, no.1, pp.43-55, 2005-03-25

竹内 竜也 幾留 沙智 森 司朗 石倉 忠夫 中本 浩揮
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2018-1809, (Released:2019-02-06)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the influence of individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency on efficiency in observational motor learning. First, twenty participants each having higher or lower automatic imitation tendency were chosen from 210 according to their reaction times in the imitation-inhibition task indicating automatic imitation tendency. Each group performed the observational motor learning that alternately repeated action observation and execution. The participants in each group were further divided into two groups: appropriate model group that observed a model performing the task correctly and inappropriate model group that observed a model performing the task incorrectly. Results revealed that when participants observed the appropriate model, people with higher imitation tendency demonstrated better task performance in the acquisition phase and retention test than did those with a lower imitation tendency. On the other hand, when the participants observed the inappropriate model, the higher imitation tendency group exhibited lower performance in the acquisition phase and the retention test than did the lower imitation tendency group. Additionally, the higher tendency group was more influenced by difference between the appropriate and inappropriate model than was the lower tendency group in learning efficiency. These findings indicate that individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency affect the learning efficiency and retention in observational motor learning. Further, automatic imitation is likely to have a strong influence on observational motor learning regardless of the learnersʼ intention.
古村 沙智代 佐々木 宣介 橋本 剛 飯田 弘之
vol.2002, no.27(2001-GI-007), pp.33-39, 2002-03-15

田中 沙智
公益社団法人 日本農芸化学会
化学と生物 (ISSN:0453073X)
vol.56, no.7, pp.469-474, 2018-06-20 (Released:2019-06-20)

藤井 紀之 中本 浩揮 幾留 沙智 畝中 智志 森 司朗
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.41, no.2, pp.93-103, 2014-12-05 (Released:2015-04-14)

This study aimed to investigate whether individual differences in viewpoint (route or survey [bird's eye] view) while playing football are associated with mental rotation ability and domain-specificity. Seventeen varsity football players were assigned to Experienced and Non-Experienced survey view groups according to a questionnaire about their experiences with survey view while playing football. Three tasks were used to compare mental rotation and viewpoint switching ability between groups: a mental rotation task to assess the ability to operate upon visuospatial mental representations; a viewpoint switching task to assess the ability to switch viewpoint internally from route to survey view in response to non-domain-specific information (e.g., toysʼ configuration); and the complex task to assess the ability to switch viewpoint from route to survey view in response to domain-specific information (e.g., playersʼ configuration) and to operate upon visuospatial mental representations. There were significant between-group differences in response time for the mental rotation and complex tasks, but not in response accuracy for any tasks. This indicates that the experienced survey view group could quickly operate upon mental representations and switch viewpoints from route to survey view, but only in a domain-specific environment. Therefore, individual differences in viewpoint when playing football are associated with mental rotation ability and viewpoint switching ability in response to domain-specific information. More specifically, mental rotation ability and viewpoint switching is contingent upon domain-specific information for the attainment of survey view during football gameplay.
竹内 竜也 幾留 沙智 森 司朗 石倉 忠夫 中本 浩揮
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the influence of individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency on efficiency in observational motor learning. First, twenty participants each having higher or lower automatic imitation tendency were chosen from 210 according to their reaction times in the imitation-inhibition task indicating automatic imitation tendency. Each group performed the observational motor learning that alternately repeated action observation and execution. The participants in each group were further divided into two groups: appropriate model group that observed a model performing the task correctly and inappropriate model group that observed a model performing the task incorrectly. Results revealed that when participants observed the appropriate model, people with higher imitation tendency demonstrated better task performance in the acquisition phase and retention test than did those with a lower imitation tendency. On the other hand, when the participants observed the inappropriate model, the higher imitation tendency group exhibited lower performance in the acquisition phase and the retention test than did the lower imitation tendency group. Additionally, the higher tendency group was more influenced by difference between the appropriate and inappropriate model than was the lower tendency group in learning efficiency. These findings indicate that individual differences in the automatic imitation tendency affect the learning efficiency and retention in observational motor learning. Further, automatic imitation is likely to have a strong influence on observational motor learning regardless of the learnersʼ intention.
古村 沙智代 佐々木 宣介 橋本 剛 飯田 弘之
情報処理学会研究報告ゲーム情報学(GI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2002, no.27, pp.33-39, 2002-03-15

将棋種の起源に関する研究はたくさんなされているが,文献上の記述があいまいで,実際にどのようにプレイされていたのかを正確に知ることはできない.そのような中で,将棋種の進化論的変遷を解明するためにゲーム情報学的アプローチと呼ばれる,コンピュータ解析を用いたゲーム比較が注目されるようになった.本稿では,その過程と,今後の課題,そして,現時点で取り組むべき,重要な課題について述べる.本稿で焦点を当てる2点は,将棋種の進化の過程で盤サイズの大きい将棋種はほぼ絶滅したにもかかわらず生き残っている中将棋,そして,詰めの概念が導入された経緯,についてである.In a previous study we have investigated the evolutionary changes when going from Heian shogi (an old version of shogi) to modern shogi, using a computer analysis. The novelty of our approach was combining a computer analysis with a historical study when investigating the evolutionary history of games. We also previously proposed a measure to obtain more insight into the evolutionary changes of chess-like games. This measure is based on the game statistics such as the average possible moves and gema length. To collected such data, a method of computer self-play has been incorporated. The present contribution focuses on two unsolved points: (1) the survaival of Chu shogi, the only large shogi variant that is still being played, and (2) the notion of a check and mate. To explore the two points, we performed some expriments of human games on Heain shogi variants, and computer self-play.