小川 雄一 Momin Md. ABDUL 倉本 誠 河野 靖 椎木 友朗 山本 一哉 近藤 直
一般社団法人 レーザー学会
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.39, no.4, pp.255-261, 2011-04-15 (Released:2015-09-03)
7 7

The fluorescent substances in citrus fruit peels were investigated by NMR analysis and excitation, and
原 修一 河野 靖美 松田 沙織 内勢 美絵子 柏田 圭一 ハラ シュウイチ カワノ ヤスミ マツダ サオリ ウチセ ミエコ カシワダ ケイイチ Shuichi HARA Yasumi KAWANO Saori MATSUDA Mieko UCHISE Keiichi KASHIWADA
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.17, pp.89-96, 2016-03

Aim: We conducted two studies to elucidate the relationship between heartbeat rhythms and relaxation among Japanese babies, young children, and their parents.Subjects and Methods: STUDY 1: Seven parents (age M = 34.3, SD = 5.5 years) with infants or toddlers (age M = 9.4, SD = 6.7 months) participated by listening to three conditions—a heartbeat sound, music, or music with a heartbeat sound—while completing a semantic differential exercise assessing musical imagery. Three types of music (classical, music box, and children’ s songs) were used. Image scores were compared among the three conditions in each type of music. STUDY 2: Participants included 161 parents who listened to three pieces of music, each with a different heartbeat rhythm (patterns A, B, and C). The parents reported their baby or child’ s responses to the music and also self-reported feelings they experienced. Finally, the parents indicated the piece of music they most preferred and related images using the SD exercise. To perform our analyses, we also assessed acoustic characteristics of the three heartbeat sounds.Results: STUDY 1: In the music arranged for a music box, participants evaluated musical imagery as significantly more “airy,” “comfortable,” “feels good,” “relaxing,” “easy,” “awake,” and “amusing” when listening to music with a heartbeat sound, in comparison to the other two conditions (p < .05). STUDY 2: “Rocking the body” and “heard quietly and slept” were the infants’ and toddlers’ responses to the music with a heartbeat sound. Fifty-six parents (34.8%) preferred “pattern A” music, 47 (29.2%) preferred “pattern B,” and 10 (6.3%) preferred “pattern C.” In analysis of “pattern A” acoustics, the mean number of heartbeats per minute, mean heartbeat frequency, maximum heartbeat frequency, and heartbeat Pitch Period Perturbation Quotient (PPQ) were 58/min, 120.3 ± 32.8 Hz, 248.4 Hz, and 11.39%, respectively.Conclusion: This research suggests that a heartbeat sound effective for relaxation has a rhythm of 60 beats/min, low-frequency bandwidth (120–220 Hz), and low percentage of PPQ. Our studies also indicate that music arranged for a music box with a heartbeat sound might be beneficial for inducing relaxation.
中司 弘樹 河野 靖美 松田 沙織 夏目 季代久
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング (ISSN:09135685)
vol.114, no.437, pp.39-45, 2015-01-22

原 修一 河野 靖美 松田 沙織 内勢 美絵子 柏田 圭一 ハラ シュウイチ カワノ ヤスミ マツダ サオリ ウチセ ミエコ カシワダ ケイイチ Shuichi HARA Yasumi KAWANO Saori MATSUDA Mieko UCHISE Keiichi KASHIWADA
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.17, pp.89-96, 2016-03

Aim: We conducted two studies to elucidate the relationship between heartbeat rhythms and relaxation among Japanese babies, young children, and their parents.Subjects and Methods: STUDY 1: Seven parents (age M = 34.3, SD = 5.5 years) with infants or toddlers (age M = 9.4, SD = 6.7 months) participated by listening to three conditions—a heartbeat sound, music, or music with a heartbeat sound—while completing a semantic differential exercise assessing musical imagery. Three types of music (classical, music box, and children' s songs) were used. Image scores were compared among the three conditions in each type of music. STUDY 2: Participants included 161 parents who listened to three pieces of music, each with a different heartbeat rhythm (patterns A, B, and C). The parents reported their baby or child' s responses to the music and also self-reported feelings they experienced. Finally, the parents indicated the piece of music they most preferred and related images using the SD exercise. To perform our analyses, we also assessed acoustic characteristics of the three heartbeat sounds.Results: STUDY 1: In the music arranged for a music box, participants evaluated musical imagery as significantly more "airy," "comfortable," "feels good," "relaxing," "easy," "awake," and "amusing" when listening to music with a heartbeat sound, in comparison to the other two conditions (p < .05). STUDY 2: "Rocking the body" and "heard quietly and slept" were the infants' and toddlers' responses to the music with a heartbeat sound. Fifty-six parents (34.8%) preferred "pattern A" music, 47 (29.2%) preferred "pattern B," and 10 (6.3%) preferred "pattern C." In analysis of "pattern A" acoustics, the mean number of heartbeats per minute, mean heartbeat frequency, maximum heartbeat frequency, and heartbeat Pitch Period Perturbation Quotient (PPQ) were 58/min, 120.3 ± 32.8 Hz, 248.4 Hz, and 11.39%, respectively.Conclusion: This research suggests that a heartbeat sound effective for relaxation has a rhythm of 60 beats/min, low-frequency bandwidth (120–220 Hz), and low percentage of PPQ. Our studies also indicate that music arranged for a music box with a heartbeat sound might be beneficial for inducing relaxation.
杉本 秀樹 黒野 真伸 高野 圭子 河野 靖 佐藤 亨
日本作物學會紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.69, no.1, pp.24-30, 2000-03-05

北条市の水田で(瀬戸内平野部)1997年に緑肥レンゲをすき込み夏ソバを栽培したところ, 気象条件に恵まれ無施肥で250g / m^2を越える比較的高い収量が得られた.1998年には北条市と本匠村(九州中山間地)の水田で, 冬季休閑した休閑区とレンゲをすき込んだレンゲ区とを設け夏ソバを栽培した.北条市では, 播種期前後の多雨のため苗立ちが揃わず, 全般に生育も阻害され収量も低かった.この傾向は休閑区で特に著しく, 同区の収穫は皆無に近かった.しかし, レンゲ区では112g / m^2と前年の47%の収穫があった.本匠村では開花期以降の降水量が平年の2.76倍にも達し, 粒数不足のため収量は低く, レンゲ区で219g / m^2, 休閑区ではさらに低く143g / m^2であった.北条市のように生育初期段階に, あるいは本匠村のように開花期以降に土壌過湿仁おかれた場合でも, 夏ソバの生育阻害ならびに減収の度合いはレンゲ区の方が休閑区より少なかった.以上の結果は, 緑肥レンゲの作付けとすき込みが, 夏ソバ栽培にとって有効であること, 夏ソバの湿害を軽減する効果があることを示唆するものである.
近藤 直 飯田 訓久 難波 和彦 栗田 充隆 谷脇 滋宗 河野 靖 西 卓夫
