浅野 亮
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.133, 1997-03

The aim of this paper is to construct a new framework for analyzing the economic activitie of Chinese People's Liberation Army. Most precedings studies on the PLA have mainly focused on the sidebusinesses of troops and their effect on military discipline. Haoever, economic activities should be analyzed in a broader perspective since they are not merely a military matter within the PLA. When Deng Xiaoping's military reform was extended to the economic sectors of the PLA, management reforms for military industries were initiated and a new financial system was introduced. Management itself was changed from a rigid administrative style to market-oriented management. Because Chinese military industries no longer receive major preferen-tial treatment from the government, they must find new ways to survive. One of these ways is the production of civilian goods. In spite of long-term guidelines to promote the separation of military functions from economic ones, the PLA has been actively involved in profitmaking activities. As one PLA researcher argues, the PLA is “one army, [but] two systems.” Shortages in the military budget are often said to be the major reason for the incomplete separation of PLA military and economic functions. However, profit-making activities by military organs were widely observed in both the KMT and the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, it is possible to assert that PLA economic activities have their roots in Chinese culture.
浅野 亮
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2012, no.167, pp.167_27-41, 2012-01-30 (Released:2013-09-21)

Main propose of this paper is to analyze the strategic culture of China. Advocates of thesis of strategic culture, both in China and Western countries, persistently claim that China has uniquely non-belligerent strategic culture which has been formulated in its long history, and that China firmly maintains its pacifistic character no matter how China's security environment becomes deteriorated.They persistently contend that military thought of Sunzi, a prominent strategic thinker in ancient China, is a humanitarian pacifist, ant that modern China as well as ancient China is essentially a peace-loving country because modern China also employs Sunzi's traditional non-aggressive military thought.However, this argument is fundamentally misleading because tremendous number of sentences and expressions of Sunzi cited in China's classical and modern documents and speeches on military strategy does not necessarily reflect reconciliatory tendency of China's actual strategic behavior. Almost no academic study on China's strategic culture could prove that China has consistently employed a pacifistic strategic behavior in its history. Most of researchers on this field have failed to show a significant positive causal relationship between China's peace-loving rhetoric and its actual behavior.Likewise, even though ancient Sunzi also stresses the imperative importance of coherent and comprehensive grand strategy which not only comprises military but also extensively covers political, diplomatic, psychological and economic factors, it does not automatically mean that China has almost always maintained a farsighted and coherent grand strategy.Academic studies on major warfare and diplomatic negotiations among the major countries during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period usually show that the main reason why Sunzi emphasized the need of minimal exertion of military force and coherent grand strategy was mainly because he intended to reduce the huge cost of actual battle thus avoiding an unexpected protract of armed conflicts; otherwise his country would be suffered by an unfavorable risk of diplomatic and military intervention by other hostile countries.Idealizing of Sunzi in Western countries has been endorsed when some leading military analysts and politicians such as Hart and Weinberger criticized the existing Western military strategy and thinking, with stressing a sharp contrast between the reality of political and military institutions and idea of Sunzi, in order to emphasize the necessity of promoting a radical reform of existing political and military institutions.In China of the 21st century, China's major strategic thinkers utilize Sunzi to convince the mainstream of China's public opinion to accept their blueprint of increasing China's international role in a prudent, patient and tightly self-restrained manner without carelessly activating a devastating confrontation/crisis with the existing powerful hegemonic countries, while some belligerent Chinese claim emotionally to accelerate the pace of increasing China's international influence and to employ a more coercive approach to challenge the “iniquitous order of international ancien regime dominated by the United States.”
太田 出 神長 英輔 赤松 紀彦 河原 典史 土屋 由香 川島 真 奈良岡 聰智 下平 拓哉 石原 俊 浅野 亮 太田 淳 楊 名豪

金子 芳樹 浅野 亮 井上 浩子 工藤 年博 稲田 十一 小笠原 高雪 山田 満 平川 幸子 吉野 文雄 福田 保

本研究のASEANを①拡大と深化の過程、②地域横断的イシューの展開 、③域内各国の政治社会変動分析という観点から「国際・地域・国内」の3次元で捉え直すという目的に沿って、第1年目の平成29年度においては、各担当者が現地調査や文献調査を中心に国別、イシュー別の調査を進めた。また、本研究のもう一つの特徴である「ASEANとEUとの比較」という観点については、その第1歩としてEU研究者を報告者に招聘して研究会を複数回開催し、EUの組織や地域統合のあり方などについて研究分担者・協力者の理解を深める活動を行った。その際、ASEANとEUの両研究分野の相互交流や共同研究を今後進めていくことについても、その体制造りなどを含めて意見交換を行い、具体的な段階へと歩を進める準備を行った。さらに、本研究の研究成果を逐次社会に公表していくという目的と、研究の新たな展開と蓄積のために他国や他分野の研究者との情報・意見交換を進めるという目的に沿って、国内の公開シンポジウムや学会ならびに他国開催の国際研究集会に研究分担者・協力者を派遣もしくは参加支援を行った。また、各研究分担者・協力者は、本研究のテーマもしくは関連テーマに関する論文および書籍の発表・刊行を積極的に行った。これらを通して、研究成果の公表とフィードバック、新たな研究知見の獲得、国内外での研究人脈の形成といった面でそれぞれに成果を得ることができた。上記のような諸活動を通して、1年目の目標であった本研究の基盤作りを着実に進めることができ、2年目以降のステップアップに向けた準備を整えることができた。
浅野 亮
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2000, no.123, pp.195-204, 2000-01-28 (Released:2010-09-01)
黒柳 米司 浅野 亮 稲田 十一 小笠原 高雪 金子 芳樹 菊池 努 佐藤 考一 玉木 一徳 吉野 文雄 山田 満
