田中 裕介
一般財団法人 日本英文学会
英文学研究 支部統合号 (ISSN:18837115)
vol.1, pp.127-144, 2009-01-10 (Released:2017-06-16)

It seems strange that Matthew Arnold, who could be regarded as a realistic relativist, devoted himself to the belief that 'culture' is an abstract and absolute idea, in his most famous work, Culture and Anarchy. In this paper, I will recount the how (not the why) of his thoughts by examining the transition of his use of critical terms such as 'culture' and 'state.' Through his early prose works, Arnold struggled to abandon the romantic sentiments that overwhelmed him as a young poet and confirm his own view of poetry by idealising the verbal reproduction of the 'actions' described in ancient Greek plays. In On Translating Homer, a creative activity based on 'models' was generalised as a form of recognition 'to see the object as in itself it really is', which he called 'criticism.' In 'Function of Criticism at the Present Time,' he defined 'criticism' as a mediating art to diffuse normative knowledge to a whole society; in his educational reports, he considered 'state' as an 'art' of creating or maintaining national unity. 'State' became a normative idea in Culture and Anarchy, where 'culture' was considered to function as a medium through which the English could attain the ideal. However, in his critical terminology, the word 'culture' has diverse meanings. In his early politico-historical essay, 'Democracy,' there is a strong indication of the general mode of the lives of the English aristocracy. Originally, it was a concrete noun that suggests a particular national life, though it gradually became an abstract concept that referred to general humanity. In 'Function of Criticism at the Present Time,' he stressed the social instrumentality of 'criticism' while restraining himself from pushing 'culture' to the forefront. Prior to Culture and Anarchy, he appeared to hesitate to use the word 'culture' extensively, especially in his literary criticism, since it is a term that implies nationality and is closely associated with romanticism, which he negated in his earlier writings. Thus, how did he manage to employ 'culture' as a normative concept in Culture and Anarchy? Paradoxically, he achieved this by defining it as an art. Based on the parallelism with the concept of the state, it follows the process by which 'state' changes from an instrumental framework to a normative idea. In this work, Arnold not only absolutised but also personalised the term 'culture', which appeared to be a medium or an image of God. Arnold claimed that the English adored 'culture' as it could function as a medium for their intellectual perfection. Absolute diction enabled him to use the word with a kind of transcendent significance. For this reason, we can consider the quasi-religious language of Culture and Anarchy as the discourse of idolatry.
田中 宏
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2001, no.30, pp.25-39, 2001 (Released:2010-10-27)

More than one decade has passed since“Berlin wall”fell down in 1989 in the Eastern Europe. This transformation has opened the door for East European countries to be integrated into the global economy. What influence did this globalization put on the regional changes in the transition of Eastern Europe?The purpose of this paper lies in analyzing the problems of these regional changes, aiming at breaking through the limits of research studied on the basis of the analysis unit of the state, industrial sector and enterprise.Chapter 1 characterizes the regional changes of Eastern Europe as follows, (1) rising and expanding of the new regional differentials in the whole European continent, (2) expanding of north-south differentials inside the Eastern Europe, (3) appearance of the new 4 types of area differential inside any East European country (leading areas, loser areas, negatively continuative areas and new entry areas in market transition), (4) administration, infrastructures, institutions and policies concerning the region are being restructured and newly shaped, upon which pressure of joining the EU has given a decisive influence.Chapter 2 is confined to Hungary, analyzing how the area-territorial structure has been changed under the influence of foreign capital investment inflows. The point to understand here is that the multilateral functional elements accumulated in the long term in the local areas constitute their characters by coming in touch with FDI.Chapter 3 is devoted to review the above regional changes in the historical perspective of 20th century, during which this East European region has been transformed three times. The industrialization in the beginning of 20th century gave birth to disproportionate and uneven regional development. Introduction of state socialism after the WW II produced the convergence of regional unevenness and contractions in a degree with some differentials among the areas left to some extent. And then, at the end of this century, the regions are faced with the alternative choice of mercantilist type development of regional economy or multinational firm one.As for this choice, developing of post-Fordism in the whole European continent has put great influence upon regional development in the Eastern Europe.
田中 里美
北ヨーロッパ研究 (ISSN:18802834)
vol.12, pp.37-45, 2016 (Released:2017-12-01)

フィンランドでは2015年、経済的な持続可能性の保障、行政運営方法の改良とともに、 民主主義の強化を目的として、自治体法が改正された。ここでは、民主主義の強化と関連して、自治体が設置可能な機関として、地域の委員会が取り上げられた。本稿では、これに先行して地区委員会を運営してきたロヴァニエミ市を取り上げ、自治体が、住民の参加と影響力行使の権利を保障するしくみの具体と課題を、現地調査、文献調査によって明らかにする。地区委員会設立後まもなく、ロヴァニエミ市によって行われた調査では、地区委員会の理念、意義について、肯定的な評価が多くみられたが、試行終了を翌年に控えた2015年現在、市の地区委員会担当者は、経費の大きさ、決定にかかる時間の長さから、現状での存続を危ぶむ見方を示している。ロヴァニエミ市地区委員会の例からは、近隣民主主義を実行に移す際の難しさがあらためて明らかになった。
田中 里美
北ヨーロッパ研究 (ISSN:18802834)
vol.10, pp.67-77, 2014 (Released:2018-10-01)

フィンランドでは、2000 年代後半に加速した自治体合併、および投票率の低下等をきっかけとして、地域レベルでの民主主義があらためて問われている。人々が自治体の運営に参加し、影響力を行使するための制度的、集団的な手段の一つとして期待されているのが、地区委員会である。国内の類似の組織の中で最も強い権限を持っているとされるロヴァニエミ市ウラケミヨキ地区委員会は、20年にわたり、地区住民へのサービスの手配および地域開発の2つの役割を担ってきた。ロヴァニエミ市は2013年から、このしくみを旧ロヴァニエミ市=中心部をのぞく全市に拡大している。本稿は、地区委員会が、フィンランドの農村地域で取り組まれてきた村運動の伝統を生かした参加型民主主義のしくみであることを指摘する。またこれが、身近な地域で利用できるサービスの減少について農村部住民が感じる不安に対して、具体的な解決策を講じていることを指摘する。
田中 里美
北ヨーロッパ研究 (ISSN:18802834)
vol.9, pp.13-22, 2013 (Released:2018-10-01)

フィンランドでは1990 年代の不況期を経て地域間の格差の拡大に関心が高まった。差は、都市部自治体と農村部自治体の間で見られ、農村部の自治体の中でも、都市近郊農村自治体と過疎自治体の間に認められる。格差拡大の抑制のため、現在、人口流出が続く過疎自治体においても、十分な人口が確保される必要がある。 フィンランドには、他のOECD諸国に先駆けて、農村をターゲットにした農村政策が登場した。現在では、これが農村住民の生活の維持、農村の活性化に働いている。また、フィンランドには、1970年代に遡る村運動が存在している。フィンランドでは1995 年のEU 加盟後、EUの農村開発手法であるリーダー事業を取り入れ、EUの農村開発資金が活用できるようになった。これにより、住民による農村の維持、活性化が強化されている。
沼 柊門 田中 共子
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.47, no.2, pp.132-133, 2021-11-30 (Released:2022-02-28)

The aim of this study was to clarify how successful aging was related to the perception of aging from the relationship among "ikigai", which is a view of happiness peculiar to Japanese people, "gerotranscendence", and "adaptive acceptance". In a questionnaire-based survey covering these scales, ADL, degree of health, and basic attributes, efficacious responses were obtained from 186 Japanese people aged 60 and above. As a result of covariance structure analysis, it was suggested that recognizing and accepting their own changes as they aged would be important as an adaptive aging method, which leads to happiness in the present and future.
鈴木 康之郎 能渡 真澄 田中 圭 沢宮 容子
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.47, no.1, pp.12-24, 2021-07-31 (Released:2021-10-31)

In this study, the relationship among interpersonal problems, the discrepancy between expectation and fulfillment of the role behaviors from a significant other, and mental states was examined. In Study 1, we conducted a multiple regression analysis and investigated the relationship between interpersonal problems and mental states including depression, social interaction anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation. The results indicated that five subscales of interpersonal problems, namely, vindictive, cold, socially avoidant, nonassertive, and intrusive were related to mental states. In Study 2, we focused on the discrepancy between expectation and fulfillment of the role behaviors from a significant other. In order to investigate the relationship among the discrepancy between expectation and fulfillment, interpersonal problems, and mental states, we conducted a covariance structural analysis. The results revealed that the discrepancy between expectation and fulfillment were related to mental states indirectly through interpersonal problems. Specifically, the discrepancy between expectation and fulfillment about supportive behaviors was related to mental states indirectly through interpersonal problems.
田中 圭 沢宮 容子
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.46, no.2, pp.139-148, 2020-11-30 (Released:2021-02-28)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of skills used in shallow relationships on behavioral activation. University students (n = 466) completed self-report measures including Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale, Skills Used in Shallow Relationships Scale, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), and Social Anxiety Scale. Structural equation modeling indicated that 'pleasure feigning skill' can decrease depression and social anxiety through activation. Moreover, it was shown that 'conflict avoidance skill' can decrease depression and social anxiety through activation and avoidance. Conversely, it was shown that 'superficial agreement skill' can increase depression and social anxiety through activation. These results suggest that 'pleasure feigning skill' and 'conflict avoidance skill' promote the activation of goal-directed activities. Results are discussed in terms of the potential of skills used in shallow relationships to contribute to behavioral activation, along with issues for future research.
小林 敦子 田中 堅一郎
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.46, no.1, pp.33-44, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-10-31)

We examined experiences of violence between couples and their attitudes regarding such violent experiences by using data of married men and women. We first examined the correlation between experiences of being abused and indulging in physical and psychological abuse from the perspective of violent interactions between couples. Results of chi-square analysis indicated a partial interaction; such that men and women indulge in similar types of acts that they have suffered. However, men indulge in acts of violence even without suffering similar acts. Then, attitudes regarding domestic violence (ADV) were considered a factor in determining violence and the correlation between violent attitudes and physical and psychological abusive behaviors were examined. Results of discriminant analysis indicated that abusive behaviors were positively related to several ADV items in men, whereas abusive behaviors were not related to ADV in women.