小田中 悠
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.39, pp.101-111, 2017 (Released:2021-04-01)

In this paper, we develop the basis for a game theoretical analysis of everyday interaction, focusing on the construction of an intersubjective set of action choices. For this purpose, we refer to Schutz's studies of action choice and intersubjectivity, because previous studies demonstrated a similarity between his theory and game theory. Therefore, we showed that the hypergame, a framework that deals with the situation where each actor’s perception differs of misperceptions, lies, or secrets, can represent interaction conforming to Schutz's ideas. This suggests that the game theoretical approach is one effective way to clarify interaction order, especially where there is an asymmetry of perception among actors.
立石 裕樹 宮津 大輔 田中 博和 平川 雅章
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.8, pp.397-404, 2021-08-10 (Released:2022-08-10)

A drug-drug interaction (DDI) caused by a drug combination may cause clinical problems. This study evaluated the frequency and details of potential DDI (pDDI) in the discharge prescription and the relationship between pDDI and number of drugs used. The study included patients who were discharged from the rehabilitation ward for a duration of two years between 2018 and 2019. Lexicomp Drug Interactions, a DDI screening program, was used to detect pDDI. Clinically important pDDI was detected in 22.8% (59/259) of patients. The DDI mechanisms were based on pharmacodynamic interactions in 63.6% of cases and on pharmacokinetic interactions in 29.9%. Central nervous system depressant related pDDI was the most frequent type of pDDI detected. Use of hypnotics, antidiabetic drugs, antidepressants and antipsychotics was significantly higher amongst patients with detected pDDI. The incidence and frequency of pDDI increased with the number of drugs used. It is necessary for pharmacists to correctly evaluate the pDDI detected by the DDI screening program and contribute to the optimization of prescriptions and patient treatment.
田中 明恵 杉山 滋郎
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.43, no.230, pp.65-73, 2004 (Released:2021-08-12)

Juichi Obata (1888-1947) was a member of the Electrotechnical Laboratory for approximately ten years, since he graduated from Tokyo Imperial University in 1910. Since 1922, he was with the Aeronautical Research Institute, till the end of WWII. In the history of science, so far Obata has been recognized as a scientist of acoustics. However, we have unveiled another aspect of his study which has not been mentioned in the history of science until now, that is "the measuring of minute vibrations by the electric method. " This paper clarified the following two points : 1) In the early stages of Obata's membership at the Aeronautical Research Institute, before he began his research on sound, he developed an interest in the methods of measuring minute vibrations. He conducted several measurements of minute vibrations by improving the meter that measures minute vibration by the electric method (=using the electronic circuit containing vacuum tube). 2) Thereafter, Obata adopted the approach of exploring "an objective state (vibrating state) through sound, " by paying attention to the correspondence relation between minute vibrations (object), measured using the method of measuring minute vibrations and the sound emitted by the vibrations.
小林 龍彦 田中 薫
科学史研究 (ISSN:21887535)
vol.27, no.166, pp.110-115, 1988 (Released:2021-09-06)

There used to be a field called Senkyo problem or Common Part Problem in Wasan which the old Japanese mathematicians or Wasan experts earnestly studied during the Edo period. We have already explained in some journals that Takakazu Seki (1642?-1708) was able to solve the problems without using integral calculus. This time, we have found a new description about the missing note of T Seki in the introductory remarks and in the main body of KTangen Sanpo", which was wr ten by Shukei Irie in 1739 According to Irie's description, he called it uKongenki Enjutsu 16 Problems" And in the main body of the text Irie had cited, in order to solve a Senkyo Problem, that T.Seki had used an approximate formula to find the area of a segment of a circle. We were able to restore this approximate formula as follows: If we let d be the chord, c the altitude of a segment of a circle, and S the area, we have, (2d+c)cπ/10=S Through research of Irie's statement, regardless of it being true or not, we obtained some new facts about T. Seki as follows: Firstly, it is obvious that Seki studied "Sanpo Kongenki" written by Seiko Sato in 1669, from which he learned an approximate formula like the one mentioned above. We believe that this matter may create a new point of view on the study of T. Seki. Secondly, T. Seki must have made a note called "Kongenki Enjutsu 16 Problems" immediately after "Kokon Sanpoki" by Kazuyuki Sawaguchi was published. This is because K. Sawaguchi did not solve 16 out of 150 problems in "Sanpo Kongenki", which Sato poured out as new questions for Wasan experts of that time. Thus, we are able to place the missing note in an early time of his work. Thirdly, it is certain that Seki's successors have passed on this missing note for mathematical education and it existed until around the end of the first half of the 18th century.