盛永 審一郎
富山大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:1882191X)
vol.13, no.1, pp.1-8, 2013-06

ライター ヨハネス 盛永 審一郎
研究紀要 : 富山大学杉谷キャンパス一般教育 (ISSN:03876373)
vol.35, pp.11-19, 2007-12

移植医療ほど急速に発展した医療分野はないだろう。1954年にアメリカの外科医が、若い男性から彼の病気の双子の兄への腎臓移植をはじめて成功させたのは、まさに53年前のことである。それから今日に至るまで、ドイツにおいては、一日当たり7 つの腎臓が、そして3つの肺、1つの心臓が移植されている。2006年には、ドイツにおいて4646の臓器が移植された。臓器の需要はいまではかつての2 倍近くになっている。2006 年の時点でドイツにおいては、腎臓病の患者は、新しい臓器を5年半待たなくてはならなかった。命を救う臓器提供がなかったために、毎日3人の人間が亡くなっている。臓器不足が発生しているのは、ドイツにおいて臓器提供者が不足しているからというだけではなく、臓器移植はまた、構造的にも引き起こされているのである。つまり、次第に増えているより良い免疫抑制の可能性、臓器移植の事由が拡大し続けていること、そして改善された技術的な可能性によって、より大量の臓器が必要とされている。
ライター ヨハネス 盛永 審一郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.19, pp.201-212, 2001-10-20 (Released:2018-02-01)

Vor dem Hintergrund der medizinethischen Diskussion in Deutschland und den USA geht es in diesem Beitrag um eine Klarung des Begriffs Medizinethik sowie um die insbesondere in Deutschland derzeit aktuell debattierten Problembereiche Praimplantationsdiagnostik und Ziichtung und Verwendung menschlicher Stammzellen.
盛永 審一郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.17, pp.237-243, 1999-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

This report concerns a method of the final terminal medical treatment. Recently, the viewpoint of the "death of the second person" has been discussed. Firstly, the general idea of the "death of the second person" was explained in comparison with that of the "death of the third person". The "death of the third person" means a functional physical stop. And the "death of the second person" means the death of the "person" existing in face-to-face relations. However, the "Patient-Physician Relationship" must be the "relation of the second person" so that a patient may be considered a person. Secondly, in light of modern medical treatment, whether these relations could be realized or not was examined, but modern medical treatment has put too much emphasis on the current era of technology and systematic organization. Therefore, it seems impossible to adopt the idea of the second person to the "Patient-Physician Relationship." Thirdly, an attempt to present an ideal model of the "Patient-Physician Relationship" in which such an idea can be realized as a moral framework was examined. In other words, a model that incorporates all of the important ethical appeals that result from human relationships was considered. However, this moral framework must result in the neglect of the person himself. Fourthly, it was asked what will be done in medical treatment regarding the limitation of natural science. It is not that medical treatment is a substitute for religion. We must recognize that modern medical treatment is "powerlessness" Under this recognition, according to Jaspers' interpretation, the meaning of Hippocrates' proposition " latros philosophos isotheos" becomes clear.
盛永 審一郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.18, pp.12-23, 2000-12-15 (Released:2018-02-01)

Pre-implantation diagnosis (PDG) is a new technique which makes it possible to investigate hereditary diseases and chromosomal defects of an embryo produced by in vitro fertilization (IVF) prior to its implantation into a woman's uterus. Embryos with unwanted genetic characteristics can then be destroyed, and only 'healthy embryos' implanted. PDG thereby is offered to couples at high risk for having children with genetic disorders. This technique is already available as a service for those couples in developed countries. In Germany, PDG is implicitly prohibited by the Embryo Protection Act (Gesetz zum Schutz von Embryonen =ESchG). Because of this under the ESchG, it is an offense to fertilise a human egg for any purpose other than to start a pregnancy in the woman who produced the egg. Also, no embryo research is permitted and the removal of a totipotent cell is prohibited. Under the ESchG, the embryo attains full moral status at conception. However, German Criminal Code (s. 218) surprisingly allows interruption of a pregnancy up to the first 12 weeks, and up to birth, where there is a risk to the woman's life, or a risk of serious physical or mental injury to the woman. In practice, the risk of mental injury to the woman is interpreted to encompass abortion following pre-natal diagnosis. There are some arguments which recognize the application of this new technique without amending the law. For example, the report of the German Medical Association takes the view that there are no differences between pre-natal and pre-implantation diagnosis, if PDG is performed on a embryo at the non-totipotent cell stage (2000). But is it a woman's right to select abortion on eugenic grounds, compatible with the view that human zygotes have moral status? In this paper I will try to discuss those ethical issues which are specific to, or intensified by, pre-implantation diagnosis.
盛永 審一郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.11, pp.1-13, 1993-10-01 (Released:2018-02-01)

Hans Jonas proposes "Future-oriented" ethics in his writings : "Das Prinzipi Verantwortung" and "Technik, Medin und Ethik". It is "a commensurate ethic of foresight and responsibility " and in this ethical theory the concept of "responsibility" is central. According to these ethics the categorical imperative is as follows: "Act so that the effects of your action are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life"; that is, act so that mankind may exist. Now I analyze these writings and intend to make clear the principle of these ethics. Firstly, I analyze why such an imperative is enjoined, in relation to a problem of modern technology. He insists that the nature of human action has changed with modern technology, and that ethics should change with its changed nature, since ethics is concerned with action. Secondly, I analyze his grounds for such an imperative. Wishing to found its rational ground, he takes a plunge into ontology and struggles to draw the ontological proof of the command: that Man should exist. The naked ontic fact of mankind's existence is the basis of a valid claim to being and "ought to be." Then, proceeding to its subjective and psychological ground, he finds the archetype of all responsibility in the parents of the child, for the parents are receptive to the child's appeal, which finds its response in their mind. It is the feeling of responsibility. As a result of these analyses three things are clear: (1) the concept of responsibility is not the empty and formal one of every agent being responsible for his acts but the substantive one which makes him responsible for the particular object that has a claim on his acting; (2) the ontology of responsibility is not that of eternity but of time, for every agent can be responsible only for the changeable and perishable; and (3) the ethics which may be erected on the principle of responsibility must not remain bound to anthropocentrism.
盛永 審一郎 加藤 尚武 秋葉 悦子 浅見 昇吾 甲斐 克則 香川 知晶 忽那 敬三 久保田 顕二 蔵田 伸雄 小出 泰士 児玉 聡 小林 真紀 品川 哲彦 本田 まり 松田 純 飯田 亘之 水野 俊誠

盛永 審一郎 加藤 尚武 秋葉 悦子 磯部 哲 今井 道夫 香川 知晶 忽那 敬三 蔵田 伸雄 小出 泰士 児玉 聡 小林 真紀 坂井 昭宏 品川 哲彦 松田 純 山内 廣隆 山本 達 飯田 亘之 水野 俊誠

盛永 審一郎
生命倫理 (ISSN:13434063)
vol.11, no.1, pp.135-142, 2001-09-17
