高橋 英之 伴 碧 近江 奈帆子 上田 隆太 香川 早苗 石原 尚 中村 泰 吉川 雄一郎 石黒 浩
研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:21888760)
vol.2019-HCI-181, no.13, pp.1-7, 2019-01-14

石原 尚 若狭 みゆき 吉川 雄一郎 浅田 稔
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.100-113, 2011 (Released:2011-09-07)

Maternal mind-mindedness is known to be a tendency of caregivers to interpret their socially immature infants as social agents and researchers have indicated this is one of promotion factors of infant social development. In this paper, we focused on such caregiver's tendency in mutual imitation of vowels and modeled infant vowel development to investigate the effect of caregivers on infant development. Computational simulation results in our previous study of caregiver-infant mutual imitation showed what we call auto-mirroring bias of the caregiver has a guiding effect in vowel development. This hypothesized bias is the tendency to interpret infant's utterances as more accurate imitations of the caregiver's precedent utterances and considered to be one of behaviors of the mind-mindedness. To verify this bias, we further examined how adult's interpretation was biased by measuring their imitations of synthesized vowels. The result of this subject experiment indicated the bias was enhanced by the anticipation to be imitated. These results of our studies imply the possibility that the way caregiversimitate their infant based on their interpretation of their infants lets them learn caregiver's way of interpreting others, i.e. sociality.
石原 尚志 柳瀬 義男 五十嵐 英夫
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.61, no.5, pp.619-623, 1987

生理中にタンポンを使用していた16歳女性が, 高熱, 咽頭痛を訴え, さらに典型的なToxic shocksyndromeの症状を呈した. 迅速な治療により患者は徐々に改善し, 第12病日までには急性期の症状は消失した. 体幹の枇糖様落屑と四肢末端部の膜様落屑が回復期に認められた.使用したタンポンと膣分泌物より黄色ブドウ球菌が分離された. この分離株はtoxic shock syndrome toxin-one産生性で, コアグラーゼVII型であった. 本症例は生理中のタンポンと膣分泌物から毒素産生性黄色ブドウ球菌が証明された本邦第1例と思われた.
小島 友裕 遠藤 信綱 笹本 勇輝 石原 尚 堀井 隆斗 浅田 稔
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._2A1-X06_1-_2A1-X06_4, 2014-05-24 (Released:2017-06-19)

Several observational studies suggest that the infant vocalization towards language acquisition develops through interactions with caregivers. However, what kind of underlying mechanisms works and how caregiver's behavior affects on this process have not been made clear since it is very difficult to control the infant vocalization. In order to attack this issue, we built an infant-like vocal robot "Lingua" as a controllable vocal platform. Lingua has two features; infant-like voice and high articulation capability. The shape of its vocal tract resembles that of a 6-monthold infant based on the anatomical data, and this may contribute to the former. 7-DOFs for articulation in the tongue is realized by sophisticated design of linkage mechanisms inside miniaturized vocal tract for high capability of its articulation. Preliminary experiments showed that the robot succeeded in vocalizing almost the same fundamental frequency vowel-like utterances similar to that of an infant.
Kitano Motoo Hirano Masao Ishihara Takashi YOSHIDA Aichi HATTORI Shosaku UEDA Naoko CHIJIWA Takahito OHNO Motonori キタノ モトオ ヒラノ マサト イシハラ タカシ ヨシダ アイチ ハットリ ショウサク ウエダ ナオコ チヂワ タカヒト オオノ モトノリ 北野 元生 平野 真人 石原 尚 吉田 愛知 服部 正策 上田 直子 千々岩 崇仁 大野 素徳
南太平洋研究 (ISSN:09160752)
vol.23, no.1, pp.11-18, 2002

Trimeresurus flavoviridis (Tf) serum proteins were fractionated by anmnonium sulfate precipitation to five portions depending on the differences of its saturation percentages, that is, 0-20%, 20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, and 50-70%. The effects of these proteins on Tf venom-induced rat skeletal muscle damage were investigated with closer attention to histopathological features of impairment, necrosis, and regeneration ofmuscle fibers. The knowledges which portion of Tf serum proteins is effective for prevention of local lesions caused by Tf venom should shed light on the effective medical treatment after bitten by Tf snake. In consequence, it was found that the necrotic change of the rats inoculated with Tf crude venom together with the serum protein fraction of ammonium sulfate saturation percentage 40-50% was the smallest compared to those of the rats tested with other Tf serum protein fractions.