高柳 俊祐 上條 敦史 石川 勉
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.27, no.5, pp.271-280, 2012 (Released:2012-09-04)

This paper presents a natural language processing tool, called CONV, which can translate Japanese sentences to well-formed formulas on an extended predicate logic, focusing on the knowledge representation scheme and the translating method to the scheme. This tool has been developed aiming to apply to several intelligent systems such as semantic information retrievers, dialogue systems and so on. In this tool, both a simple sentence and a complex sentence are represented by a single atomic formula, using ordinary words as predicate symbol and terms. Subordinate clauses in complex sentence are represented by embedded in the predicate or terms of the atomic formula for main clause, using the same form as main clause. Sentences are parsed using existent natural language processing tools and electronic dictionaries, and then are translated to logic formulas by newly developed rules.
川島 貴広 石川 勉
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.20, no.5, pp.326-336, 2005 (Released:2005-07-05)
3 5

We have developed a knowledge base of words as a tool to measure the semantic similarity between words. In this paper, we evaluate the knowledge base of words comparing with thesauruses, which are commonly used for measuring similarity. Thesauruses of NIHONGO-GOI-TAIKEI(NGT) and Japan Electronic Dictionary(EDR) are selected for the evaluation. For similarity calculation methods using thesauruses, we adopt a newly proposed method, in which each word is represented with vector using the structural feature of thesauruses and the degree of similarity between words is calculated by the inner product of their vectors, in addition to traditional methods based on the path length between categories or the depth of the subsumer. Evaluation is carried out through the two methods, that is, a traditional method based on human rating and the method we have already proposed, feasible for evaluating automatically without human judgment. Evaluation result shows that the knowledge base of word is superior to the both thesauruses(NGT outperforming EDR) as measurement tools, and the proposed calculation method outperforms the traditional ones. The result also shows that our evaluation method is a practical one, by investigating the correlation of both methods.
笠原 要 松澤 和光 石川 勉
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.38, no.7, pp.1272-1283, 1997-07-15

人間は,単語の意味を表す「概念」間の類似性を,その単語が扱われる文脈や状況の変化に応じて柔軟に判別する.本論文では,属性とその重みより構成した概念の知識ベース(「概念ベース」)を用い,文脈や状況等を表現する単語(「観点」)を指定したときに,観点に応じて概念間の類似性を判別する方法を提案する.この方式は,概念どうしの類似性判別を行う前に,概念中の属性の重みを観点に基づいて強調することを特徴とする.概念ベースは,まず国語辞書等の語義文から自立語の出現頻度に基づいて属性とその重みを獲得し,次いで得られた概念ベースの自己参照による新たな属性の追加,および不要な属性の統計的な除去からなる精錬を行うことによって,完全に機械的に構築した.実際に作成した約4万の日常語に関する概念ベースで方式評価を行った.この結果,提案の類似性判別方式がシソーラスを用いる従来の方式に比べて有効であり,また,この判別において観点が効果的であることを明らかにした.We propose a method for measuring the semantic similarity berween words using a largescale knowledge base that is automatically constructed from machine-readable dictionaries and is self-refined.This method of measuring similarity takes into consideration the fact that similarity changes depend on situation or context,this is what we call a 'viewpoint.'A feature of this method is that certain parts of the overall concept of measured words,compared with each other,are emphasized by using the viewpoint when calculating the degree of similarity.An experimental knowledge base,which contains knowledge of 40,000 Japanese daily-used words,was employed in order to evaluate the proposed method of measurement.The similarity measurements with the proposed method were closer to those decided by human judges than were similarity measurements made using the conventional way of using a thesaurus.Moreover,it was found that consideration of the viewpoint was effective when measuring the semantic similarity.
笹子 三津留 石川 勉 松江 寛人 山田 達哉 木下 平 丸山 圭一 岡林 謙蔵 田尻 久雄 吉田 茂昭 山口 肇 斉藤 大三 小黒 八七郎
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.23, no.9, pp.2191-2195, 1990

リンバ節転移の無い早期胃癌を特定化し局所切除をすればリンパ節郭清をともなった手術と同等の治療成績を挙げることが期待される.1962年から1985年までに国立がんセンター病院で切除された単発早期胃癌1,440例のリンパ節転移についての検討より, リンパ節転移を否定しうる病変は, IIb, 2.0cm以下の潰瘍性変化の無いIIc, 2.0cm以下のIIa, 腺腫内癌であった.そこで安全誤差をいれて,(1) 1.5cm以下のIIa,(2) 1.5cm以下の胃炎類似型IIcまたはIIb,(3) 腺腫内癌の3つを局所治療の適応とした.切除標本の組織学的検索結果により完全切除は厳重な経過観察, 粘膜内断端陽性は外科的局所切除, 粘膜下層浸潤もしくは脈管浸潤例はR1以上の胃切除を行うという治療体系を作った.現在までの11例中8例は局所切除のみで, 3例では外科的切除が追加された.この治療体系は癌が根治する可能性を下げることなく局所切除を行える優れた治療体系である.
チャンサカオ スニー 石川 勉 関 宏子 関根 啓子 岡田 峯明 樋口 義洋 チャイチャンティピュース チャイヨー
vol.42, pp.49-54, 2000

"Kwao Keur." which had been identified as Puraria mirifica (Leguminosae), has long been used in Thailand and Burma as a rejuvenating folk medicine and has a fascinating history. A potent estrogenic principle has been known to be an unusual phenol miroestrol (1). Although the possible presence of an alternative active component was suggested, there has been no isolation of any other powerful phytoestrogens. with further studies leading instead to the isolation of isoflavonoids. These situation made us re-investigate the estrogenic principles of P. mirifica. The bioassay-guided separation of the ethyl acetate extract of the tuberous roots of P. mirifica by chromatographic techniques resulted in the successful isolation of a new phytoestrogen. (+)-deoxymiroestrol (4). together with (+)-1 and (+)-isomiroestrol (7). The structure of (+)-1 had been determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis and its enantioselective total synthesis was recently reported. Thus. the structure of (+)-deoxymiroestrol (4) was established by comparison of its NMR data with those of (+)-1. The growth-promoting effect of them on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells showed the strongest activity with 4. Interestingly. 4 was easily converted into 1 and 7 by aerial oxidation. suggesting that 4 may be the actual phytoestrogen of P. mirifica. On the other hand daidzein (2), genistein (3), and coumestrol (6) belong to isoflavonoids were isolated as phytoestrogens with lower activity. In addition, it was found that kwakhurin (5). a characteristic isoflavonoid in this plant. also showed the same activity as 2.
熊本 卓哉 石川 勉 大村 智
社団法人 有機合成化学協会
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.62, no.1, pp.49-58, 2004-01-01

Kinamycin antibiotics, strongly active against gram-positive bacteria, were isolated from the culture broth of <I>Streptomyces murayamaensis</I>. Their structures were firstly determined to be a benzo [<I>b</I>] carbazoloquinone skeleton with <I>N</I>-cyanamide [N-C&equiv;N] moiety. After that, prekinamycin was isolated from the same organism as a biosynthetic precursor and the same 6-6-5-6 ring system was also proposed for the structure. But problems still remained on the determination of substituent pattern at <I>N</I>-cyanamide moiety by spectroscopic means. Recently, the structures of kinamycins and prekinamycin were revised to be a benzo [<I>b</I>] fluorene skeleton with diazoalkane moiety [C<SUP>-</SUP>-N<SUP>+</SUP>&equiv;N]. However, a synthetic compound with the revised structure for prekinamycin was found to be different from natural prekinamycin, instead an isomeric benzo [<I>a</I>] fluorene skeleton, a 6-5-6-6 ring system was proposed for the natural product, which was newly named as isoprekinamycin. Herein the chemistry of kinamycins and their related compounds with structural confusions is reviewed, especially focused on the history of structural determination and recent synthetic studies.
笹子 三津留 木下 平 丸山 圭一 岡林 謙蔵 田尻 久雄 吉田 茂昭 山口 肇 斉藤 大三 小黒 八七郎 石川 勉 松江 寛人 山田 達哉
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.23, no.9, pp.2191-2195, 1990-09-01

チャンサカオ スニー 石川 勉 関 宏子 関根 啓子 岡田 峯明 樋口 義洋 チャイチャンティピュース チャイヨー
天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集 42 (ISSN:24331856)
pp.49-54, 2000-10-01 (Released:2017-08-18)

"Kwao Keur." which had been identified as Puraria mirifica (Leguminosae), has long been used in Thailand and Burma as a rejuvenating folk medicine and has a fascinating history. A potent estrogenic principle has been known to be an unusual phenol miroestrol (1). Although the possible presence of an alternative active component was suggested, there has been no isolation of any other powerful phytoestrogens. with further studies leading instead to the isolation of isoflavonoids. These situation made us re-investigate the estrogenic principles of P. mirifica. The bioassay-guided separation of the ethyl acetate extract of the tuberous roots of P. mirifica by chromatographic techniques resulted in the successful isolation of a new phytoestrogen. (+)-deoxymiroestrol (4). together with (+)-1 and (+)-isomiroestrol (7). The structure of (+)-1 had been determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis and its enantioselective total synthesis was recently reported. Thus. the structure of (+)-deoxymiroestrol (4) was established by comparison of its NMR data with those of (+)-1. The growth-promoting effect of them on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells showed the strongest activity with 4. Interestingly. 4 was easily converted into 1 and 7 by aerial oxidation. suggesting that 4 may be the actual phytoestrogen of P. mirifica. On the other hand daidzein (2), genistein (3), and coumestrol (6) belong to isoflavonoids were isolated as phytoestrogens with lower activity. In addition, it was found that kwakhurin (5). a characteristic isoflavonoid in this plant. also showed the same activity as 2.
上條 敦史 石川 勉
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.439, pp.47-52, 2010-02-22

高柳 俊祐 中山 敬太 石川 勉
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.25, 2011

石井 永 石川 勉 小林 純一 関 宏子
no.34, pp.518-525, 1992-09-10

Toddacoumalone (4) and toddacoumaquinone (5), isolated from Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. (T. aculeata Pers.) (Rutaceae), were established to be novel unique mixed dimers based on a coumarin by spectroscopic means mainly 2D-NMR. Toddacoumalone (4), C_<31>H_<31>NO_6, was isolated as colorless prisms, mp 202-204℃ (AcOEt), in a racemic form. Its IR, UV, and NMR (Table 1) spectra including the COLOC experiment based on three bond correlations (Table 2) indicated the presence of a 8-substituted 5, 7-dimethoxycoumarin like 6 and an N-methyl-2-quinolone like 7 in 4. A monoterpene bridge of CH=CHC(Me)CH_2CHCH=CMe_2 with cis arrangement between the two vinyl groups was interposed between the coumarin and the quinolone units. Though lack of coupling between the conjugated olefinic protons gave us no clue to the geometry, an E geometry for the double bond could be deduced by appearance of conjugated (E)-olefinic protons in toddalenol (12) as a 2H singlet and coexistence of toddasin (13) in the same plant. Connection of the C_<10> unit to the coumarin and the quinolone systems resulted in drawing the structure of 4 for toddacoumalone. Toddacoumaquinone (5), C_<23>H_<18>O_7, was isolated as orange prisms, mp 278-281℃ (AcOEt). The same 8-substituted 5, 7-dimethoxycoumarin moiety was also found to be in 5. In this case presence of an 8-substituted 2-methoxy-6-methyl-p-naphthoquinone system was reasonably deduced by spectral data. Thus, toddacoumaquinone should be a biaryl compound consisting of a coumarin and a naphthoquinone, the structure of which could be depicted as 5. Both the dimers would be synthesized in a plant body through Diels-Alder type cycloaddition reaction. The synthetic works based on this biogenetic consideration are now in progress.
見上 晋一 谷口 和之 石川 勉
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:00215295)
vol.47, no.3, pp.357-369, 1985-06-15

成熟日本ウズラの膵臓内分泌島の免疫細胞化学的研究を行い, 膵島の分布, 細胞構成, 島細胞の微細形態について観察した. ウズラ膵島は主としてA細胞とD細胞からなるα島と, B細胞とD細胞からなるβ島, およびA, B, D細胞からなる混合型β島に区分された. β島は各膵葉に分布し, α島と混合型β島は膵葉と第三葉に限局して分布していた. A細胞は抗グルカゴン血清および抗グリセンチンC端血清に対して陽性の球形顆粒を有し, B細胞は抗インシュリン血清および抗アヒルC-ペプチド血清に対して陽性の多形性の顆粒を含んでいた. D細胞は抗ソマトスタチン血清に対して陽性の球形顆粒を含んでいた. 混合型β島は膵葉と第三葉のβ島にA細胞が混入して形成される. B細胞のみから成るβ島は著しく小型で, 膵臓全体に分布していた.