角川 隆明 萬久 博敏 荻田 太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.385-400, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

Through pressure measurement and underwater motion capture analysis, the aim of this study was to clarify how propulsive forces, Froude efficiency, and stroke parameters change with swimming velocity during front-crawl swimming. Eight male swimmers performed 2 trials, once using pressure measurement and underwater motion capture analysis and once using a MAD system. In the analysis using pressure measurement and underwater motion capture, each swimmer performed 16-m front-crawl swimming 10 times at various velocities. During the trials, pressure forces acting on the hand and hand kinematics were analyzed to obtain the hand propulsive forces at each velocity. In the analysis using the MAD system, each swimmer performed 25-m front-crawl swimming 10 times at various velocities while pushing the pad set under the water, and the propulsive force at each velocity was obtained from the pushing force of the pad. This revealed that the mean propulsive force increased exponentially with the increase in mean swimming velocity, and the propulsive index n was 2.62 on average for the 8 participants. Maximal propulsive forces and maximal propulsive powers at maximum were significantly correlated with the results obtained using the MAD system. Froude efficiency varied considerably among the participants, being 0.54 ± 0.05 on average for all trials.
角川 隆明 萬久 博敏 荻田 太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18053, (Released:2019-02-25)

Through pressure measurement and underwater motion capture analysis, the aim of this study was to clarify how propulsive forces, Froude efficiency, and stroke parameters change with swimming velocity during front-crawl swimming. Eight male swimmers performed 2 trials, once using pressure measurement and underwater motion capture analysis and once using a MAD system. In the analysis using pressure measurement and underwater motion capture, each swimmer performed 16-m front-crawl swimming 10 times at various velocities. During the trials, pressure forces acting on the hand and hand kinematics were analyzed to obtain the hand propulsive forces at each velocity. In the analysis using the MAD system, each swimmer performed 25-m front-crawl swimming 10 times at various velocities while pushing the pad set under the water, and the propulsive force at each velocity was obtained from the pushing force of the pad. This revealed that the mean propulsive force increased exponentially with the increase in mean swimming velocity, and the propulsive index n was 2.62 on average for the 8 participants. Maximal propulsive forces and maximal propulsive powers at maximum were significantly correlated with the results obtained using the MAD system. Froude efficiency varied considerably among the participants, being 0.54 ± 0.05 on average for all trials.
與谷 謙吾 今泉 英徳 桐本 光 北田 耕司 田巻 弘之 荻田 太 竹倉 宏明
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.12, no.3, pp.139-146, 2007

Visual stimulation-reaction time and subsequent strike time in the sport of kendo were assessed using electromyographic (EMG) reaction time. Fourteen male college students (kendo athletes (n=7), non-kendo athletes (n=7)) were asked to perform a kendo strikes in response to visual stimulation from a flashing light signal. The strikes employed, the Hiki-Men (HM) and Hiki-Kote (HK), were performed using a bamboo sword, or Shinai, using both of the upper limbs as quickly as possible. The EMG signals from the right (R) and left (L) biceps brachii, the R-, and L-triceps brachii, and R-flexor carpi ulnaris muscles were recorded simultaneously together with the elbow joint angle and hitting shock signals. Total task time (TTT), pre-motor time (PMT), motor time (MT), and action time (AT) were measured for the HM and HK tasks. The photo stimulation body reaction time (BRT) was also measured. Significant strong positive correlations were observed between PMT and TTT for both HM and HK tasks (p<0.01, r=0.93-0.94). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the contribution of each component of the model in TTT. The standardized partial regression coefficient (β) was significant (P<0.01) for MT (β=0.36-0.38), AT (β=0.49-0.56) and was highest for PMT (β=0.79-0.80). The individual time ratio for PMT, MT and AT to TTT was approximately 50%, 20% and 30%, respectively. No significant correlations were observed between BRT and TTT for the HM and HK tasks (r=-0.02, 0.16). These results suggest that PMT is the most important component contributing to the TTT, and that BRT is not correlated to the TTT in kendo strikes.
田中 孝夫 荻田 太 田巻 弘之 齊藤 和人

恒吉 玲代 永山 寛 涌井 佐和子 浜岡 隆文 齋藤 和人 前田 明 図子 浩二 井上 尚武 和田 智仁 隅野 美砂輝 荻田 太 吉武 裕
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.4, pp.433-442, 2008-08-01
4 6

There have so far been no studies examining the physical fitness and physical activity (PA), measured using objective measures, in homebound elderly people. The purpose of this study was to examine physical fitness levels and PA patterns and evaluate their relationships in homebound elderly people. In 2004, a total of 3964 community-dwelling elderly aged 65 years and over participated in a base line survey. The subject data were directly collected by in-home interviewer. Subjects were defined as being homebound if they went outdoors less than once a week. However, the subjects who could not go out without assistance due to sickness and/or disability were excluded from the analysis. In 2005, 38 homebound (22 men, 16 women) and 70 non-homebound (33 men, 37 women) older adults who participated in the base line survey were selected. Measurements of physical fitness levels and PA patterns measured using an accelerometer, were taken in 2005. The total steps per day did not significantly differ between homebound and non-homebound men and women. The time spent in 1.8 METs activity (corresponding to activity level 1 of the accelerometer) was significantly higher in women than in men for non-homebound and homebound, respectively. The time spent in lower-, moderate-, and high-intensity PA did not significantly differ between homebound and non-homebound men and women, respectively. Handgrip strength, knee extensor strength, leg extensor power, stepping and maximum walking speed were significantly higher in non-homebound than in homebound men and women. These results suggest that the physical fitness levels of homebound were lower than those of non-homebound, but no difference was observed in the PA levels between homebound and non-homebound.
北島 正樹 若吉 浩二 高橋 篤史 高橋 繁浩 野村 照夫 荻田 太
水泳水中運動科学 (ISSN:18806937)
vol.9, no.2, pp.31-38, 2006 (Released:2007-04-25)

The purpose of this study was to determine the critical combination of all four elements which expressed the threshold of fatigue in interval training by using the critical swimming velocity that was an effective index when we set training strength, and to make a model that we could use as an indicator when we prescribed the training menu that accepted an individual. Only for 50m at repeated distance, we set a different rest time in three phases of different swimming velocity each and performed a test to let subjects repeat exercise up to fatigue. In addition, we measured the maximum repetitions that could repeat exercise. As a result, it became clear that the maximum repetitions that could repeat interval training without reaching fatigue in a certain swimming velocity was in proportion to the total rest time. And then, we were able to see the relations with the repetitions and the rest time in three phases of different swimming velocity. Furthermore, we were able to get relations with the rest time and the swimming velocity which expressed the threshold of fatigue in the arbitrary repetitions by fixing the repetitions. It was concluded that we were able to determine the critical combination from the above-mentioned by this study.
田中 孝夫 荻田 太 田巻 弘之 浜岡 隆文

【目的】本研究は、一流競泳選手を対象とし、泳成績と生理的、力学的指標との関係からパフォーマンスの規定要因を解明し、さらに年間トレーニングにおける各指標の変化と泳成績の変化との関連性や、技術要因の数値化を試み、国際競技力向上に資するための実践的資料を得ることを目的とした。【方法】被検者は、オリンピック、アジア大会、ユニバーシアードなどの国際大会出場選手を含むインカレ3連覇中のチームに属する女子競泳選手であった。本研究では、生理的指標として最大酸素摂取量、最大血中乳酸濃度、OBLAが、力学的指標として抵抗-泳速関係、抵抗係数・指数、最大推進パワー、および推進効率が計測され、各距離種目の泳成績との関係、縦断的変化が検討された。力学的指標の測定は、本学で開発されたMAD(Measurement of Active Drag)システムを用いて行われた。【結果及び考察】一流選手における各距離種目の泳成績と、生理的および力学的指標との関係を検討した結果、体力の代表指標とされてきた最大酸素摂取量とは必ずしも相関はなく、短距離種目ではより大きな機械的パワー発揮と無酸素性エネルギー供給能力、さらにはそれを生み出すための大きな筋量(体格)が、長距離種目では低い乳酸蓄積と、抵抗係数を小さくする泳技術が重要な要因であることが示唆された。また、縦断的に同一選手の測定を行い、そのときの泳記録の変化との関係を検討した結果、記録の向上は最大努力泳時の抵抗の低下のみと有意な相関が得られ、エリート選手における記録の更新は、体力要因の維持向上はもちろんであるが、特に抵抗を軽減させるような泳技術の改善に起因していたことが示唆された。また、一流選手における規定要因については、年間のトレーニングを通じて有意差が出るほど顕著な変化が得られないこと、さらに本被検者における推進効率は73.2±8.3%であり、これまで報告されている値よりも高く、非常に優れた技術を有していることも明らかとなった。
田口 信教 田中 孝夫 荻田 太
