齊藤 愼一 海老根 直之 島田 美恵子 吉武 裕 田中 宏暁
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.57, no.6, pp.317-332, 1999-12-01 (Released:2010-02-09)
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エネルギー所要量は栄養所要量の基礎とされている。幼児期から高齢期まで生涯にわたり健康で活力のある生活を送るには, どれだけ食べればよいかを考えることに加えて適切な運動を生活に取り入れることが重要である。一方, 激しいトレーニングを行うスポーツ選手では, 不適切なエネルギー摂取は競技成績の低下につながりやすい。このような点から, 我が国に限らず世界各国で1日のエネルギー消費量の適正な測定法に関心が集まっている。二重標識水 (Doubly Labeled Water; DLW) 法は, エネルギー消費量測定法の比較的新しい方法であり, 実験室内でも実験室外でも幅広く使用できる。日常生活状態のエネルギー消費量を測定できるゴールドスタンダードであり, 得られた値はより実際に近い状況でのエネルギー消費量の基準となると考えられている。しかし, 使用する安定同位体の酸素-18 (18O) の価格及び分析機器が高額なので, 多数の被験者を用いる実験や疫学的調査あるいは教育プログラムへの応用には制限がある。ここでは, この原理と実際の測定について解説し, 加えて健康づくりの運動やスポーツへの応用についても述べた。
呉 堅 山川 純 田畑 泉 吉武 裕 樋口 満
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.49, no.5, pp.543-548, 2000-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究では閉経後女性を対象にして, 2年間の水泳運動が骨量減少に対し抑制効果をもつか否かを調査した.本研究には22名の水泳実施者 (平均年齢59.5歳) と19名の対照者 (平均年齢59.3歳) が参加した.水泳群は1回1時間の水泳運動を週平均1.5回行った.骨密度は腰椎 (第2~第4椎骨) と大腿骨頸部近位部 (大腿骨頸部, 大転子部とワーズ三角部) を二重エネルギーX線吸収法 (DXA) により測定した.また脚伸展パワーは脚伸展パワー測定装置を用いて評価した.測定はベースライン, 1年と2年後に行った.身長, 体重, カルシウム摂取量および日常の身体活動状況はベースラインにおいて二群間に差がなく, 2年間における変化も小さかった.脚伸展パワーにおいては, 水泳群にのみ1年と2年後に有意な増加があった.水泳群では2年間で大腿骨頸部, 大転子部とワーズ三角部の骨密度にそれぞれ4.4%, 5.7%と3.4%の増加がみられた.これに対して, 対照群では三ヶ所の骨密度の変化はそれぞれ-0.2%, 1.0%と-1.4%であった.これら3部位の骨密度の変化率を2群間で比較すると有意差が認められた.しかし, 水泳群の腰椎の骨密度は対照群と同様に減少を示し, 変化率に関して対照群と差がなかった.これらの結果は, 閉経後女性において2年間の水泳運動が大腿骨近位部の骨密度および脚伸展パワーに有益な影響を及ぼすことを示唆している.
樋口 博之 綾部 誠也 進藤 宗洋 吉武 裕 田中 宏暁
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.1, pp.111-118, 2003-02-01
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Daily energy expenditure has been measured by the physical activity recording and/or the questionnaire method. Recently, the accelerometer or pedometer is used to measure daily energy expenditure. The purpose of this study was to examine validity of the pedometer with accelerometer and to compare the daily physical activity between young and older Japanese. To examine validity of the pedometer, 10 young subjects worn the pedometer (Lifecorder) on the waist and then performed the walking test. Energy expenditure was measured by the expired gas analysis during the test. Fourty-three young and 54 older subjects worn the Lifecorder on the waist during free-living condition for 14 days. The intensity of Lifecorder had a high correlation with the physical activity intensity (METs) (r=0.958, P<0.001). In the free-living condition, daily energy expenditure was 2171±305 kcal in young and 1617±196kcal in older (P<0.001). Total step in young was significantly higher than older (young : 9490±2359 steps ; older : 6071±2804 steps. P<0.001). There was no significant difference in the duration of physical activities at the Lifecorder intensity 1 such as desk working, watching TV sitting on a sofa and driving a car. However, the duration more than the intensity 2 corresponding to 2.2 METs in young subjects was longer than that in older (P<0.001). We concluded that in older subjects, not only amounts of daily energy expenditure but also intensities of daily living were lower compared to the young subjects.
高橋 勉 吉武 裕美子

山本 直史 萩 裕美子 吉武 裕
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.2, pp.257-268, 2007-04-01 (Released:2007-05-25)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of walking 10,000 steps/day on the body composition, blood pressure, blood biochemical parameters and physical fitness. Sixty-one women, aged 56.0±5.3 yrs (mean±SD), participated in a hyperlipemia prevention program. The length of the program was 90-min and it was performed one time per week for 3 months. The program consisted of stretching and aerobic exercise (cycle exercise, walking or aerobic rhythmic gymnastics). The participants were asked to walk 10,000 steps/day or more during the program. The number of steps and physical activity (PA) were monitored using a single-axis accelerometer during the program. PA was categorized into three activity levels, namely light (L), moderate (M) and vigorous (V) PA. After 3 months in the program, the participants were divided into two groups according to the average number of steps taken daily during the program : one group (GA) walked more than 10,000 steps/day, while the other (GB) walked below 10,000 steps/day. The time spent in LPA, MPA and VPA in GA were significantly longer than in GB (LPA : 79.4±19.2 min VS 58.2±10.0 min, MPA : 38.5±9.6 min VS 21.6±6.1 min, VPA : 6.3±4.9 min VS 2.6±2.0 min, p<0.001). Decreases in the percent body fat (p<0.001), body fat mass (p<0.001), fasting glucose (p<0.001), hemoglobin A1c (p=0.026), and triglyceride (p=0.036) and an improved performance when balancing on one leg while standing with eyes closed (p=0.027) were found respectively after the program for GA. These findings indicated that GA affected the percent body fat (p=0.036), body fat mass (p=0.040) and fasting glucose (p=0.009). According to a stepwise multiple regression analysis, the time spent in MPA showed a significantly negative correlation with the change in the body fat mass (p=0.025), and the change in the body fat mass showed a significantly positive correlation with the change in the fasting glucose (p<0.001), hemoglobin A1c (p=0.002) and triglyceride (p<0.001). We thus concluded that walking 10,000 steps/day resulted in an increased amount of time spent in MPA, and thus leading to decrease in the amount of body fat. This decrease in body fat is also considered to contribute to improvement in the coronary risk factor profiles.
斉藤 慎一 吉武 裕 鈴木 正成
Center for Academic Publications Japan
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (ISSN:03014800)
vol.29, no.1, pp.45-52, 1983 (Released:2009-04-28)
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A possibility whether an oral feeding of citrate, which has been reported to inhibit phosphofructokinase in vitro, following exercise to exhaustion could increase the rate of glycogen repletion in liver and soleus muscle was tested in treadmill running trained (experiments 1 and 2) and swimming trained rats (experiment 3). An exhaustive running or swimming was loaded at the end of the experiments, resulting in a significant reduction in liver and soleus muscle glycogen stores. The feeding of 1.0 and 0.5g of citrate per kg of body weight just after the exhaustive running could significantly increase the liver glycogen repletion during a 2-hr recovery period, but this was not observed in soleus muscle (experiment 1). As compared with a single feeding of 3.3g of glucose per kg of body weight, a mixed feeding of 0.5g of citrate and 3.0g of glucose after an exhaustive running (experiment 2) and swimming (experiment 3) could significantly enhance the repletion of glycogen stores in both liver and soleus muscle. These results clearly indicate that the postexercise feeding of citrate can stimulate the glycogen repletion in liver and skeletal muscle during an early period of recovery.
高橋 勉 坂本 夏澄 Withun HEMSUWAN 吉武 裕美子
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2016 (ISSN:24242896)
pp.0617, 2016 (Released:2017-06-19)

A newly developed innovative wind / water turbine mechanism that is driven by longitudinal vortex is introduced. The blades of a conventional propeller type windmill with a horizontal rotation axis are replaced to the simple circular cylinders and a ring shaped plate is placed in the wake region. Once the propeller starts to rotate a certain direction, the longitudinal vortex appears stably behind the cylinder and the steady lift force is generated. It can rotate to the CW or CCW direction and the rotation direction is decided by the initial rotation direction. This new turbine is the simple structure, toughness and high torque feature. Therefore, it has a great possibility to use as a wind turbine to generate electricity even in the high speed wind without the pitch controller. It can apply for wider purposes, such as a turbine with high corrosion resistance and temperature resistance. We can also manufacture a micro-size turbine easier.
吉武 裕 安部 晃 村上 心 梶原 修平 古川 隼人 坂本 竜二郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00164-17-00164, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

This paper deals with the vibration quenching problem of the one-degree-of-freedom system with a limited power supply. This system is forced by centrifugal force of rotating unbalance, and the system is quenched using a Hula-Hoop and a motor to assist the rotation of Hula-Hoop. The entrainment region, the amount of vibration quenching, and the energy consumptions of the system are studied from the approximate analysis using the averaging method, the numerical integration analysis, and the experiment. Following was made clear: (1) When the unbalance is large, the entrainment region of the voltage of the assistant motor is large. On the other hand, when the unbalance is small, the entrainment region becomes narrow. (2) When the unbalance is large, by setting the voltage of the assist motor to a value smaller than the optimum value for vibration control, within the range that satisfies the allowable vibration amplitude level, the increase amount of the energy consumption becomes low. (3) The approximate solutions obtained by the averaging method are in good agreement with those obtained by the numerical integration method, and the characteristics of these results coincide with those of the results obtained by experiment.
吉武 裕美子 勝身 俊之 南口 誠 西川 雅美 宮 正光 近藤 みずき 白仁田 沙代子 田辺 里枝 山本 麻希
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 オープンエデュケーションセンター 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.19, pp.31-42, 2016-07

吉武 裕 末岡 淳男 森山 智樹 山崎 正則
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.66, no.646, pp.1785-1792, 2000-06-25

This paper deals with the quenching problem of self-excited vibrations by using a device composed of a Hula-Hoop and a generator. This device is also additionally able to generate electricity. The Runge-Kutta-Gill method is applied to the numerical analysis of a Rayleigh's type self-excited system with the device. The solutions obtained are divided into two main categories ; periodic solutions and chaos accompanied by Hula-Hoop's vibration and rotation. An optimum approach for quenching the self-excited vibration was discussed. As a result, it was clarified that for the optimum design of the device there existed a certain relation among the moment of inertia, the mass of Hula-Hoop and the capacity of generator, and the vibration at that time was chaos as in the impact damper which we analyzed before. The condition of maximum generation of electricity was not equal to that of minimum vibration amplitude of the self-excited system. An experiment was performed to quench vortex-induced vibration and to generate electricity by using the device. The experimental results agreed well qualitatively with those from the numerical computational analysis.
恒吉 玲代 永山 寛 涌井 佐和子 浜岡 隆文 齋藤 和人 前田 明 図子 浩二 井上 尚武 和田 智仁 隅野 美砂輝 荻田 太 吉武 裕
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.4, pp.433-442, 2008-08-01
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There have so far been no studies examining the physical fitness and physical activity (PA), measured using objective measures, in homebound elderly people. The purpose of this study was to examine physical fitness levels and PA patterns and evaluate their relationships in homebound elderly people. In 2004, a total of 3964 community-dwelling elderly aged 65 years and over participated in a base line survey. The subject data were directly collected by in-home interviewer. Subjects were defined as being homebound if they went outdoors less than once a week. However, the subjects who could not go out without assistance due to sickness and/or disability were excluded from the analysis. In 2005, 38 homebound (22 men, 16 women) and 70 non-homebound (33 men, 37 women) older adults who participated in the base line survey were selected. Measurements of physical fitness levels and PA patterns measured using an accelerometer, were taken in 2005. The total steps per day did not significantly differ between homebound and non-homebound men and women. The time spent in 1.8 METs activity (corresponding to activity level 1 of the accelerometer) was significantly higher in women than in men for non-homebound and homebound, respectively. The time spent in lower-, moderate-, and high-intensity PA did not significantly differ between homebound and non-homebound men and women, respectively. Handgrip strength, knee extensor strength, leg extensor power, stepping and maximum walking speed were significantly higher in non-homebound than in homebound men and women. These results suggest that the physical fitness levels of homebound were lower than those of non-homebound, but no difference was observed in the PA levels between homebound and non-homebound.