加藤 翔太 西田 究
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

地震波干渉法は2観測点で観測された地震波形記録の相互相関関数を計算することにより、片方を仮想的な震源とし、もう片方を観測点とした場合の観測波形を推定する手法である(e.g. Snieder et al., 2013)。地震波干渉法解析では、地震波動場がランダムかつその強度分布が等方・均質であることを仮定する。ランダムな波動場として海洋波浪起源の脈動を解析に用いる場合には、周期5-20 sの帯域で表面波が卓越することが知られている。そのため、脈動を用いた地震波干渉法は地殻・上部マントルの3次元構造の推定に適している(e.g. Shapiro et al., 2005)。近年では、表面波だけではなく実体波の抽出が試みられている。その一例として、マントルの410/660 km不連続面からの反射P波の抽出が報告されている(Poli et al., 2012, Feng et al., 2013)。しかし、これらの反射P波を抽出した先行研究の対象地域は大陸に限られていた。本研究の目的は、防災科学技術研究所Hi-netの上下動記録に地震波干渉法を適用することにより深さ410/660 km不連続面からの反射P波を抽出し、日本列島下の不連続面をイメージングすることである。本研究では以下の手順で各観測点ペアに対する相互相関関数を計算した。用いた波形記録は防災科学技術研究所Hi-net観測点のうち西南日本に存在する240点の上下動記録(2007年-2018年)である。まず、Hi-netの上下動記録を2 Hzにダウンサンプリングした。その上で各観測点について翌日の観測波形との差を計算して元の観測波形の代わりに用いた(高木ほか、2019)。これは、Hi-netの機器ノイズ(Takagi et al., 2015)の相互相関関数への影響を抑えるためである。次に、得られた1日長の波形を1024 sの時間窓に分割し、周期5-10 sおよび10-20 sの平均2乗振幅によって時間窓を選択した。選択した時間窓について周波数領域で白色化を行い、周期1-10 sの成分について全観測点ペアの相互相関関数を計算した。まず4-th root vespagramを全観測点ペアに対する相互相関関数について計算した(Rost and Thomas 2002)。その結果、410 km不連続面の反射P波がオフセット距離0-300 kmで見られ、660 km不連続面の反射P波はオフセット距離50-100 kmで見られた。また、660 km不連続面の反射P波は410 km不連続面の反射P波に比べて弱いことがわかった。次に、得られた反射P波を不連続面の深度に変換するため、Common Middle Point (CMP)重合を行った(e.g. Stein and Wysession, 2003)。具体的には、オフセット距離が500 km以内の各観測点ペアについて反射点の位置でグループ分けを行い、各グループに対して不連続面が水平と仮定しCMP重合を行った。速度構造はJMA2001(上野ほか、2002)を用い、深度推定は410 km不連続面についてのみ行った。その結果、地域ごとに410 km不連続面深度の変動が見られ、特に東経134°-135°北緯33°-36°に反射点を持つグループでは不連続面が上昇している結果が得られた。これは、従来の地震波を用いた不連続面深度に関する研究(Tonegawa et al., 2005, Tono et al., 2005)と整合的である。本研究では地震波干渉法により西南日本の410 km不連続面深度の推定を行った。今後は用いる観測点を増やして対象領域を日本全国へと拡大するとともに、今回扱わなかった660 km不連続面の推定も行う予定である。謝辞:本研究では防災科学技術研究所のHi-netの上下動記録を用いました。記して感謝いたします。
山谷 里奈 望月 公廣 悪原 岳 西田 究 市村 強 藤田 航平 山口 拓真 堀 高峰
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Off Ibaraki region is located at the southern end of the focal area of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake (Tohoku Earthquake). A dense network of 32 ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) was deployed at this region with a station interval of about 6 km from October 2010 (11 OBSs started from February 2010) to October 2011. A large number (> 10,000) of aftershocks following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake were detected by this network. However, precise determination of these hypocenters and focal mechanisms is challenging due to uncertainties of seismic properties of thick sediment layers beneath the seafloor. The P-wave velocity structure has been reasonably constrained by active-source seismic surveys (Mochizuki et al., 2008), but the S-wave velocity structure is still unrevealed despite its importance.To constrain the S-wave velocity of the shallower portion, we apply the ambient noise interferometry to the short-period OBS data in this study. After dividing the data into ten-minute segments, we deconvolve the data with instrumental response function, remove trends, and discard data dominated by seismic events. Then, we apply a one-bit normalization and spectrum whitening. Finally, we calculate cross-correlations for vertical-vertical, radial-radial, and transverse-transverse components to retrieve Green's functions.We measure average phase velocity in the array using spatial auto-correlation method (Aki, 1957; Nishida et al., 2008). The phase velocities of the fundamental Rayleigh, the first-higher Rayleigh, and the fundamental Love modes are 0.5 to 2.5 km/s (in the frequency range of 0.1 to 0.3 Hz), 0.8 to 1.5 km/s (0.17 to 0.3 Hz), and 0.5 to 2.0 km/s (0.25 to 0.1 Hz), respectively. Next, we infer the 1-D average S-velocity isotropic structure by non-linear inversion, whose sensitivity is mainly ~5 km. The results show ~1000 m thick sediment with S-wave velocity of 300–1000 m/s immediately beneath the seafloor. At last, we apply band-pass filter with frequency range of 0.125 Hz and measure travel-time anomaly of the phase velocity in each frequency range, following Nagaoka et al. (2012). We apply non-linear inversion (Rawlinson & Sambridge, 2003) and find low-velocity anomalies in the deeper of the northern part and in the shallower of the center part.
長岡 優 西田 究 青木 陽介 武尾 実 大倉 敬宏 吉川 慎

2011年1月の霧島山新燃岳の噴火に際し、地殻変動の圧力源が新燃岳の北西5km、深さ約8kmの位置に検出され、噴火に関わるマグマだまりであると考えられている(Nakao et al., 2013)。しかし、このマグマだまりを地震学的手法によってイメージングした研究例はまだない。マグマだまりの地震波速度構造を推定できれば、マグマ供給系に対して定量的な制約を与えられることが期待される。 本研究では、地震波干渉法により霧島山周辺の観測点間を伝播する表面波を用いて、マグマだまりの検出を試みた。地震波干渉法は脈動などのランダムな波動場の相互相関関数を計算することによって観測点間の地震波の伝播を抽出する手法である。相互相関関数は観測点間の速度構造に敏感であるため、地震波干渉法は局所的な構造推定に適している。 解析には、霧島山周辺の38観測点(東大地震研、京大火山研究センター、防災科研、気象庁)の3成分で記録された2011年4月~2013年12月の脈動記録を用いた。脈動記録の上下動成分どうしの相互相関関数を計算することにより観測点間を伝播するRayleigh波を、Transeverse成分どうしとRadial成分どうしの相互相関関数からLove波を抽出した。抽出された表面波の位相速度推定では、まず解析領域全体の平均的な1次元構造に対して分散曲線を測定し、次に各パスの位相速度を領域平均構造に対する速度異常として測定する、という2段階の手順を踏んだ。各パスの位相速度を用いて表面波位相速度トモグラフィーを行い(Rawlinson and Sambridge, 2005)、各グリッド点の位相速度から、S波速度構造(VSV, VSH構造)を線形化インバージョン(Tarantola and Valette, 1982)を用いて推定した。 海抜下4 km以浅の浅部では、VSV, VSH構造ともに標高に沿った基盤の盛り上がりに対応する高速度異常が見られた。VSV構造では、海抜下5 kmで霧島山の約5 km北西に強い低速度異常が現れ、海抜下10 kmにかけて深くなるにつれて、山体北西から山体直下にかけて広く低速度異常が見られたが、VSH構造ではこの低速度異常が現れず、radial anisotropyが確認された。2011年噴火の地殻変動源はこの低速度異常の北西上端に対応していることから、低速度異常は噴火に関わるマグマだまりであると推定される。さらに、この低速度異常の南東下端に当たる海抜下10 kmからさらに深部(海抜下25 kmまで)の山体下で低周波地震が発生している。以上を踏まえ、マグマは山体の真下からマグマだまり内へ供給され、北西の地殻変動源の位置を出口として浅部へ上昇する、という描像が得られた。 今後同様の手法を他の火山に適用し、マグマだまりやradial anisotropyの存在を系統的に調べることは、活動的火山のマグマ供給系を理解する上で重要だろう。
矢部 優 今西 和俊 西田 究
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

In order to deal with COVID-19 pandemic, social activities have been reduced around the world. Tokyo metropolitan area is no exception, where more than 30 million people live. Self-restraint was requested in various situations by local and Japanese governments, which drastically changed our life. Working from home or layoff was introduced in many companies. Shopping malls were closed. The movement of people was reduced, and economic activities stagnated.A part of noise observed by seismometers is due to human activities including transportations and machine vibrations. It is well known that seismic noise level in the daytime is higher than in the nighttime. The social activity reduction for COVID-19 is expected to decrease seismic noise in a different way from regular pattern, which would provide us a good opportunity to improve our understanding of seismic noise. Better understanding of seismic noise may also provide us a new way to monitor human activities using seismic observations. This study investigated continuous record of seismic stations in Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net) maintained by National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED). Seismic stations of MeSO-net are settled at the bottom of shallow borehole (~20 m) in the Tokyo metropolitan area. We measured hourly seismic noise level and compared its temporal changes with a timeline of COVID-19 in Tokyo metropolitan area.We observe two types of seismic noise reduction associated with different causes in MeSO-net stations. The first one is often observed in frequency bands higher than 20 Hz. This seismic noise reduction started at the beginning of March 2020. This timing corresponds to when Japanese government closed schools. As many MeSO-net stations are settled in school property, human activities there are considered to influence seismic records of MeSO-net stations strongly in a high frequency band. The second seismic noise reduction is often observed in lower frequency band between 1-20 Hz. This seismic noise reduction started on April 13th 2020. This timing corresponds to the first beginning of week after the Japanese government declared a state of emergency in Tokyo metropolitan area on April 8th 2020. Seismic noise reduction in lower frequency band is expected to be related with stagnated economic activities, such as decreasing transportations and closing buildings or factories.
武尾 実 大湊 隆雄 前野 深 篠原 雅尚 馬場 聖至 渡邉 篤志 市原 美恵 西田 究 金子 隆之 安田 敦 杉岡 裕子 浜野 洋三 多田 訓子 中野 俊 吉本 充宏 高木 朗充 長岡 優
海洋理工学会誌 (ISSN:13412752)
vol.24, no.1, pp.45-56, 2018 (Released:2018-08-30)

Nishinoshima is an andesitic stratovolcano located in Ogasawara Islands, Japan. In November 2013, island-forming eruption started. Before the eruption, Nishinoshima was a small island of the area of 0.29 km2 and elevation of 25 m but it had a huge edifice rising 3,000 m from the sea floor. By March 2016, area and elevation reached 2.7 km2 and 140 m, respectively. We conducted various types of geophysical observations at this “difficult-to-access island” (950 km from Tokyo taking 90 min by Jet plane, or 24 h by ship). In June 2016, we conducted airborne observations using unmanned helicopter, collecting 250 grams of scoria and detailed 4K images of lava flows. OBSs (Ocean Bottom Seismometers) were deployed around Nishinoshima in four periods. From February 2015 to May 2017, characteristic waveforms dominated at 4–8 Hz band were frequently observed. Comparisons with infrasonic records and video images revealed that the 4–8 Hz seismic signals were associated with eruptions at pyroclastic cone. The number of seismic signals of this type declined from July 2015, and disappeared in November 2015, suggesting that the eruptive activity started declining in July 2015 and ceased in the middle of November 2015. In October 2016, we landed and deployed a broadband seismometer and an infrasonic sensor in the old Nishinoshima, collecting a lot of new lava, deposits, and ash samples. We demonstrated a capacity of remote-island volcano monitoring system for one day test navigation circling around Nishinoshima. After one and a half year quiescence, a new eruptive phase started in April, 2017. Our on-land seismic sensor detected precursory signals as early as April 17. The seismometer also recorded characteristic waveforms during the very early stage of the new eruption phase before data transmission was terminated on April 21.
綿田 辰吾 西田 究 関口 渉次 関口 渉二

西田 究
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.61, no.Supplement, pp.115-121, 2009-07-31 (Released:2013-11-21)

It has long been believed that only large earthquakes excite free oscillations of the solid Earth. In 1998 a few Japanese groups reported existence of Earth’s background free oscillations even on seismically quiet days. The excited modes are almost exclusively fundamental spheroidal modes with amplitudes of about 0.5 nGal (10-11 m/s2), and they fluctuate persistently in little correlation with their neighboring modes. Cumulative effects of many small earthquakes are too small to explain the amplitudes. These features suggest that the background free oscillations are excited persistently by random disturbances globally distributed near the Earth’ surface. The intensities of these modes clearly show annual and semiannual variations with the largest peak in July and a secondary peak in January. The observed amplitudes of some modes are anomalously large relative to the adjacent modes. These are the modes that are theoretically expected to be coupled with the acoustic modes of the atmospheric free oscillations. All of these features suggest that atmospheric disturbance is one of the most likely excitation sources of this phenomenon. Assuming that atmospheric pressure disturbance acting on the Earth’s surface is a primary excitation source, some quantitative comparison has been made between the atmospheric pressure disturbance and Earth’s background free oscillations. Shortly after the discovery, some groups proposed oceanic excitation mechanism. This mechanism is based on two observations; (1) The typical frequency of Earth's background free oscillations of about 0.01 Hz coincides with that of ocean bottom pressure sensors. (2) The excitation sources are dominated in the northern Pacific in winter of the northern hemisphere and in the circum-Antarctic in winter of the southern hemisphere. The source distribution is consistent with oceanic wave height data. Based on these observations oceanic excitation mechanism by ocean infragravity waves through their nonlinear interaction was proposed. However, the proposed mechanisms work efficiently only in shore regions, and hence may not be consistent with the observed spatial extent of the excitation sources, and they cannot explain observed acoustic resonance. At present there is little consensus about the excitation mechanism that can explain all of the observed features. These observations suggest that excitation sources are superposition of oceanic and atmospheric phenomena. The phenomena of background free oscillations should be understood as those in a single system of the atmosphere, ocean and solid Earth.
名和 一成 杉原 光彦 村田 泰章 風間 卓仁 西田 究 菅野 貴之 小山 悦郎 大久保 修平 奥田 隆
測地学会誌 (ISSN:00380830)
vol.54, no.2, pp.59-67, 2008 (Released:2013-02-25)

We carried out continuous gravity observation with a Scintrex CG-3M gravimeter at Asama Volcano Observatory from September 4 to October 22 in 2007.We tried to detect hydrological gravity effects after heavy rainfall by Typhoon 200709 (FITOW). To detect hydrological gravity effects we supposed a simple tank model as proposed for the Matsushiro superconducting gravimeter observation, which model represented immediate gravity increase and gradual decrease after rainfall. Parameters of the tank model were estimated using an ABIC minimization iversion method and precipitation data as inputs. As a result, hydrological gravity effects were extracted from gravity residuals although gravity residuals included a large non-linear drift. And the extracted hydrological gravity effects corresponded to temporal gravity changes simultaneously observed with an FG5 absolute gravimeter. Our success promises expanding opportunities of continuous observation by using CG-3M gravimeters in the future.
西田 究
