調所 廣之
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.85, no.1, pp.21-23, 1992-01-01 (Released:2011-11-04)
調所 廣之 福島 淑子 小柳津 聖子 岡 嗣郎 黒石 敏弘 風間 玲子 藤居 荘二郎 浅賀 英世
The Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan, Inc.
日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.83, no.5, pp.519-523, 1980-05-20 (Released:2008-03-19)
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A standard olfactory acuity test using T & T olfactometer has recently been developed and gradually becomes in wide use, while the conventional intravenous olfaction test is also widely used.In the present experiment we studied the relationship between results of these olfactory tests and prognosis in 180 patients with olfactory disturbances who had received the nose-drop treatment with glucocortico steroid hormone. As a result, cure or improvement was attained in 88 percent of the patients who gave a positive reaction to the standard olfactory acuity test and in 66 percent of those who were judged to be scaleout in this test.In the case of the intravenous olfaction test, cure or improvement was attained in 90 percent of cases which gave a positive reaction and in 40 percent of the negative cases. Particularly in reference to the patients who gave a negative reaction to the intravenous olfaction test, one out of 65 cases attained cure and 39 cases remained unchanged. The intravenous olfaction test proved most effective among the tests to tell the prognosis of olfactory disturbances.
渡辺 尚彦 根岸 正之 永井 大介 調所 廣之 岡本 途也
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.30, no.5Supplement3, pp.993-999, 1984-11-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

Experiments were made of how normal persons express pure tone, band noise (B. N.), and white noise (W. N.), by vowel sounds and the results were compared with those obtained from patients with tinnitus. Low tone was often expressed by the vowels of u and o, and middle and high tones were by the vowel of i in healthy persons. No great difference was made by using selected words. B. N. was expressed in a quite different way from that in pure tone. Patients with sensori-neural hearing loss gave different expression from that given by normal persons. However, their vowel expression tended to be similar to that of the others. The results, the way of expression by normal persons were used for anamnesis of tinnitus patients. Conductive tinnitus occurred particularly around the sounds, u, go, and 136, and the pitch was all less than 500 Hz. In mixed tinnitus, there was considerable variation, probably depending upon how conductive and sensorineural elements participate in. Sensori-neural tinnitus was found in a whole pitch range, and mostly expressed as the sounds of i series. The patients rarely complained of tinnitus of B. N.-like sound. There was found no specificity to pitch nor to disease in tinnitus.
奥田 稔 深谷 卓 小林 恵子 伊藤 依子 調所 廣之 設楽 哲也 八尾 和雄 小川 浩司 橋口 一弘 佐伯 哲郎 山越 隆行 濱田 はつみ 川崎 和子 石井 豊太 鳥山 稔 増田 哲也 杉山 博 川端 五十鈴 川島 佳代子 八木 昌人 田部 浩生 岡村 浩一郎 木場 玲子 斉藤 晶 安藤 一郎 野村 恭也 吉見 健二郎 窪田 哲明 大谷 尚志 波多野 吟哉 竹山 勇 上杉 恵介 林崎 勝武 鈴木 淳一 澤木 誠司 石塚 洋一 古屋 信彦 安達 忠治 坂井 真 新川 敦 小林 良弘 佐藤 むつみ 山崎 充代 斎藤 洋三 舩坂 宗太郎 斉藤 啓光 石井 正則 浅井 和康 森山 寛 遠藤 朝彦 小林 毅 関 博之 林 成彦 石井 哲夫 窪田 市世 水谷 陽江 荒 牧元 大竹 守 北嶋 整 上田 範子 山口 宏也 牛嶋 達次郎 坊野 馨二 菊地 茂 佐橋 紀男 臼井 信郎 原 俊彰 宮川 晃一 田中 康夫 喜友名 朝盛 井上 庸夫 八木 聰明 大久保 公裕 服部 康夫 町野 満 大塚 博邦 稲葉 真 島田 早苗 添野 眞一 星 慎一 頼 徳成 大橋 和史 村山 貢司 飯塚 啓介 市川 朝也 冨田 寛 小山 明 山内 由紀 渡辺 健一 佐藤 かおる 山田 久美子 木田 亮紀 牧山 清 亀谷 隆一 藤田 洋祐 井上 鐵三 田村 悦代 野原 理 阿部 和也 水野 信一 岩崎 真一 小川 裕 加賀 達美
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.6, pp.797-816, 1995-06-01
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To evaluate the effectiveness, safety and utility of Emedastine difumarate (ED) in the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis, a multicentered, double-blind comparative study was performed in 290 patients in 1994.<br>Patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis were divided into two groups; the first group was treated with ED at a dose of 4mg/day starting two weeks before the season and continuing for the whole season. The second group was given an inactive placebo instead of ED during the pre-season and the early portion of the season and then replaced with ED during the later portion of the season.<br>As a result, the final improvement rate was significantly higher in the first group than that in the second group.<br>All subjective symptoms such as sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction and eye itching were suppressed due to ED treatment.<br>In conclusion, it was better to continuously administer ED to patients with pollinosis from the preseasonal period till the end of the season.<br>However, when the ED treatment was started in the midseason, the outcome was good, although less satisfactory than the outcome of continuous treatment given throughout the entire pollen season.