遠山 紗矢香 白水 始
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.4, pp.494-517, 2018-05-31 (Released:2018-06-01)

Why do some collaborations lead to fruitful outcomes and some don’t? What are the differences between effective collaboration and ineffective collaboration? These questions remain unsolved in spite of the great progress in collaboration research. In this study, we propose an assessment framework for evaluating collaborative problem solving (CPS) skills from a theoretical perspective of constructive interaction. The framework comprises observational and analytical methods. The observational method lets children solve knowledge-rich problems both individually and collaboratively and assesses the differences in performance between these two modes and processes. The analytical method analyzes the performance data and the process data from conversational and cognitive analyses. We have collected data from 110 elementary school pupils belonging to five schools. We chose three math problems from the Type B problems of the National Assessment of Academic Ability that are not easy to solve alone. We assigned one problem from the three to each pupil, asking him or her to first solve it individually in 8 minutes, then with the nearest partner in 8 minutes, and finally individually again. The results indicate that the pupils’ performances in the paired phase mostly were enhanced compared to those in the individual phase. However, there were successful pairs in which both members improved (e.g., solved the problem successfully) and unsuccessful pairs in which neither did. The cognitive analysis showed that the successful pairs discussed the meanings of numbers in the problem and tried to connect them with their knowledge or experiences more than the unsuccessful pairs did. In the successful pairs, the different levels of abstraction in the pupils’ ideas prompted them to reconsider their own ideas from different viewpoints, which further caused the members of those pairs to question or challenge each other. We propose that CPS skills should be defined as learners’ persistent endeavor to deepen their understanding in reaction to others’ contribution by tying their experiential and conceptual knowledge.
遠山 紗矢香
教育システム情報学会誌 (ISSN:13414135)
vol.40, no.3, pp.192-202, 2023-07-01 (Released:2023-07-01)

The purpose of this paper is to introduce Japanese informatics education from elementary school through high school. To this end, we discussed what competencies are expected to be developed by programming education, the Japanese curriculum standard for informatics subjects, and what should be considered in future programming education. To concretize the discussion, we examined previous research about problem-solving skills, especially in Computational Thinking, the characteristics of the high school informatics I text, and standardized tests of informatics which are deeply related to the Japanese curriculum standard.
遠山 紗矢香
研究報告コンピュータと教育(CE) (ISSN:21888930)
vol.2018-CE-144, no.2, pp.1-8, 2018-03-10

本研究では ICT を用いた音楽的な創作活動とプログラミング活動との類似性に着目した.児童が目指すイメージに向かって楽曲を構成していく仮説検証的な過程を,音楽におけるプログラミング的な創作活動として捉えた.本研究の目的は,音楽における協調的な創作活動を設計し,その活動によって子どもたちの自己肯定感がいかに変化するかを検討することであった.児童 20 名に対して,Scratch およびボーカロイド教育版を用いたのべ 3 時間の副旋律を作成するワークショップを実施した.その結果,児童が作成した副旋律は事前よりも事後で向上したものが多かったが,児童の自己肯定感の向上傾向には児童間でちがいが見られた.
遠山 紗矢香

本研究の目的は, 学習ポートフォリオシステム(以下PFシステム)に蓄積されたログデータを, 大学生の授業内外の学びを包括的に促進するための手がかりとして活用する方法論を提案することである. 近年では個々の学習者を中心として授業外の学びも一連の学びとして評価することで学習の形成的評価やキャリア教育につなげようとする試みが盛んである. そこで本研究では, 大学での授業と日常生活が, 大学生の学習目標を設定し達成度を記録する場としてのPFシステムでどのように関連付けられているかを評価することとした.本研究では2つの分析を行った. 1つ目は, 大学生がPFシステムに書き込んだ学習目標と書き込み場所の関連性についての調査である. 静岡大学情報学部生のうち特にPFシステムの利用が多かった1年生約200名のデータを主に分析した結果, 学外の場所で記載された学習目標はボランティアやアルバイトといった大学外での生活に関係しており, 授業関係の学習目標の多くは大学内にて書き込まれていた. 2つ目は, PFシステムの大学内外での利用における事例分析である. PFシステムを恒常的に利用している就職活動中の大学生1名に対して1週間のPFシステム利用目的・回数等を尋ねるインタビューを行った. その結果, PFシステムへの書き込みは閲覧者からの反応が得られる場合に活発になり, 就職活動中は企業が閲覧・評価者としての役目を果たしていたことがわかった.以上より, 大学内外での大学生の学び・生活を一連の学びとしてPFシステムにまとめるには, (1)相互に閲覧し刺激し合うコミュニティをPFシステム上に用意すること, (2)大学外からもPFシステムに書き込みを行うよう動機づけること, が重要だと言える. 逆に言えば, これら条件を満たすことが, PFシステムに有意味なログデータを蓄積する上で必要不可欠だと考えられるため, いかに大学生の日常にPFシステムを組み込むかの工夫が急がれていると言える.
遠山 紗矢香

遠山 紗矢香
vol.62, no.8, pp.394-398, 2021-07-15

遠山 紗矢香
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.2, pp.177-203, 2013-06-01

In order for students to constructively interact for rebuilding their own thoughts with<br> peers, they should hold initial understanding of a topic before starting a discussion. The<br> initial understanding should consist of both concrete evidence and abstract summaries<br> that can be re-related to each other in discussion. This paper analyzed the effect<br> of scaffolding for constructing initial understandings in university. "Question-Answer<br> Tool" (Q-A tool) was provided to help students to extract structural elements such<br> as theme, experiment procedure, results, implications, and assertions from research<br> findings about cognitive science for a collaborative learning called"Dynamic Jigsaw. "<br>Students explain research findings to each other and summarize multiple research find-<br>ings with their colleagues in the Dynamic Jigsaw. "ReCoNote" was also provided for<br> students. It imports the extracted elements into each student's concept map to support<br> making relations among the elements. We compared 19 students who were supported<br> by the Q-A tool and ReCoNote in 2004 and 17 students who were only supported by ReCoNote in 2003 using design experiment paradigms to measure the effect of the Q-A<br> tool. All the concept maps and three explanations about research findings per group<br> were analyzed. The Q-A tool-supported students could describe implications and asser-<br>tions with appropriate evidence in their concept maps. In contrast, the non-supported<br> students could refer to evidence but not implications or assertions. Furthermore, the Q-<br>A tool-supported students described their original advanced implications drawn from<br> the research findings through making relations between the structural elements and<br> their original thoughts, and prepared summaries using two of the research findings by<br> comparing and relating the two research findings' structural elements in constructive<br>interaction with peers.
遠山 紗矢香
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.2, pp.177-203, 2013-06-01 (Released:2014-11-28)

In order for students to constructively interact for rebuilding their own thoughts with peers, they should hold initial understanding of a topic before starting a discussion. The initial understanding should consist of both concrete evidence and abstract summaries that can be re-related to each other in discussion. This paper analyzed the effect of scaffolding for constructing initial understandings in university. “Question-Answer Tool” (Q-A tool) was provided to help students to extract structural elements such as theme, experiment procedure, results, implications, and assertions from research findings about cognitive science for a collaborative learning called“Dynamic Jigsaw. ”Students explain research findings to each other and summarize multiple research find-ings with their colleagues in the Dynamic Jigsaw. “ReCoNote” was also provided for students. It imports the extracted elements into each student’s concept map to support making relations among the elements. We compared 19 students who were supported by the Q-A tool and ReCoNote in 2004 and 17 students who were only supported by ReCoNote in 2003 using design experiment paradigms to measure the effect of the Q-A tool. All the concept maps and three explanations about research findings per group were analyzed. The Q-A tool-supported students could describe implications and asser-tions with appropriate evidence in their concept maps. In contrast, the non-supported students could refer to evidence but not implications or assertions. Furthermore, the Q-A tool-supported students described their original advanced implications drawn from the research findings through making relations between the structural elements and their original thoughts, and prepared summaries using two of the research findings by comparing and relating the two research findings’ structural elements in constructiveinteraction with peers.