都司 嘉宣 白 雲燮 秋 教昇 安 希洙
vol.90, pp.1-96, 1985-01-14

At 12h00m, 26th May 1983, a large earthquake with magnitude 7.7 broke out off the coast of the Akita Prefecture, the north-east part of the Honshu Island, Japan. Accompanying with the earthquake a huge tsunami with height of 14 meters in maximum hit the coasts of Japan. Just 100 persons were killed due to the tsunami in Japan. About 90 minutes after the outbreaking of the earthquake, the tsunami reached to the east coast of the Korean Peninsula. Tsunami with inundation height of 5 meters was observed on Ullung Is. Tsunami also seriously attacked the mainland of Korea after 14h. Two fishermen were lost, and two persons were injured at Imwon Port. Wondok Town, Kangwon-do, where tsunami height of 3.6-4.0m was recorded, fishing boats rushed into the residential area, and a gas oil tank with volume of 130, 000 litters was carried by about 10 meter. One person was killed at Tonghae City. The amount of damage in the Republic of Korea is about 400 milion won (about 500 thousand US dollars). The initial movement of the sea level was upwards on the tide gauge records at Pusan. Ulsan, Mukho (Tonghae City), Sokch'o, and Chodong (Ullung Island), but only at P'ohang port downwards initial movement was recorded. The Kamuizaki-Oki Earthquake Tsunami of 1940-VIII-2 (M=7.5) also traversed the Japan Sea, and weaker tsunami with height of 0.5-2.0m recorded on the east coasts of the Korean Peninsula. Witnesses of this tsunami were newly discovered at Uljin Town, Kyongsang-Pukdo, and on Ullung Island, and tsunami of about 2 meters hit these places. The record of the Tsunami of the Kampo Earthquake (1741-VIII-29, M=7.5), which occurred off the south-west coast of Hokkaido Island and about 1, 500 persons were killed in Japan, was also newly discovered in the diary of the Choson Dynasty, and it was clarified that the tsunami hit the whole coasts of Kangwondo, where houses were swept and boats were destroyed. It is suggested that Yamato Rise, which is located in the center region of the Japan Sea, took a role of a lens on the propagation of these tsunamis. In the present paper the detailed report edited by Baek (1983) and studies on tsunamis and sea level anomalies made by Chu (1983) are introduced in chapters 2 and 3, respectively. Articles of the Nihonkai-Chubu Earthquake Tsunami on the Korean papers, and of historical earthquake tsunamis in old documents are mentioned in chapter 4 and 5, respectively. In chapter 6 old records of tidal waves are introduced.
今井 健太郎 都司 嘉宣 林 豊
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学) (ISSN:18842399)
vol.70, no.2, pp.I_211-I_215, 2014 (Released:2014-11-12)

Waveform analysis using data by the 2010 Chilean tsunami obtained in Tokyo Bay were carried out. Numerical experiments using single sine wave with various periods in and around the bay were also carried out. Then we conclude that a tsunami in Tokyo Bay is characterized by a tsunami originated from the Seiche excited in Sagami Bay; the Seiche in Sagami Bay is efficiently excited from offshore tsunami whose period is 30 min or more.
都司 嘉宣
歴史地震 (ISSN:13499890)
no.21, pp.65-79, 2006
都司 嘉宣

慶長9年12月16日の深夜,本州の南方海域で起きた地震による津波は,房総半島から四国・鹿児島に至る海岸に大きな影響をもたらした.この地震はしばしば,東海沖,南海沖に起きる巨大地震と解釈され,あるいは関東沖と南海沖の離れた2海域に生じた二元地震と理解されることもあった.たしかに,この地震による津波は,四国の阿波,土佐の二国と,八丈島,および房総半島で特に大きかったためこう理解されることには一理あった.しかし,この地震が明白に京都で無感であったこと,近畿・中部地方に地震の揺れによる被害記録が全くないこと,東海地方,あるいは紀伊半島の海岸で明白な大きな津波の来襲を示す記録が湖西市白須賀をのぞいてほとんどなかったことは,この地震が東海地震,あるいは南海地震であるという見解には大きな疑問を抱かせるものであった.このように見解の分かれる慶長九年の地震像に対して石橋ら(2013)は,この地震が小笠原海溝のプレート境界に生じた巨大地震ではないかという作業仮説を提案し,この地震が東海沖,および南海沖に震源がないモデルによっても既知の津波高分布を説明しうることを示した. この地震が,房総半島に大きな津波被害をもたらしたことは,『房総治乱記』などの軍記物の記録に記載があることが知られていた.そこには「潮災に逢しは,辺原,新官...」に始まる文章で,津波に被災した35個の集落名が記されている.この文章の文末に「都(すべ)て四十五ケ所也」とあるが,写本が書き写されるうちに10カ所の村名が脱落したらしく,現在の写本に見る集落名は35カ所である.この津波記録が軍記物にしか記されていないことから,文書としても信頼度が劣るとみなされてきたのはやむを得ないことであった.しかしながら,筆者らは被災35カ村の一つである鴨川市天面(あまづら,「尼津」)の西徳寺のご島津実隆住職から,この寺の縁起に地震・津波の生々しい現地記載があるとのお知らせを受け,その記載を調査した.その結果,この寺で大きな揺れを感じたこと,金属製の本尊が津波で流され,後に付近の井戸で発見されたと記された,この寺の縁起記録を検証することが出来た(伊藤ら,2005).これによって『房総治乱記』の記載の真実性をしめす具体的な現地記録を得たこととなった.しかしながら,この時は当時この本尊の仏像が安置されていた場所が不明で,正確な津波浸水値を測定することまでは出来なかった.昨年,同御住職から,寺の敷地の借り受けのいきさつを示す江戸時代以前の記録が新たに見つかったとの御連絡を得た.筆者はさっそく同寺に出向き,記録文献を閲覧させていただき,慶長津波当時,同寺の本堂は既に今と同じ位置にあり,そこにあった本尊が津波に流失したことの確証を得た.慶長津波の時に本尊が置かれていた台座の標高を測定したところ,ここでの津波浸水高さは17.3mであることが判明した. この調査の後,筆者は,津波被災があったと記録される房総沿岸35ヶ村のうちに,集落の形態から,そこでの津波の浸水高さの最小値が推定できる場所があることに気付いた.例えば矢指戸(やさしど,現いすみ市大原字矢指戸)は津波被害が起きた村の一つであるが,矢指戸の明治期の5万分の一地形図と現代の住宅地図を見ると,集落で一番低い家屋の前の道路の敷地の標高はすでに7.7mであり,そこから一気に海岸汀線に下りる地形をしている.いっぽう,津波によって家屋の全壊流失が生ずるには敷地上2.0mの冠水は必要であるとされる(越村ら,2009).このことから,矢指戸で家屋被害を生ずるためには,津波浸水高さは最小限9.7mあったことが知られるのである.同様の考察によって,岩船で7.7m,日在(ひあり)で6.8m(以上現いすみ市),一宮町東浪見(とらみ)で,6.4m,一宮で6.9mが津波浸水の下限値であることが判明する.以上のことから,慶長九年地震の津波の房総半島での浸水高さ(の下限)の分布図として図2を得る.宝永(1707),安政東海(1854),昭和19年(1944)東南海地震など,東海沖の海域に震源のある地震の津波が,房総半島の中部および北部でこのように大きな津波高となったことはなく,この津波起こした地震の震源の位置は関東地方の南部沖にあったことが示唆される. 謝辞:鴨川市天面の西徳寺の島津実隆住職には,同寺所蔵の貴重な文献を閲覧する機会を与えていただき,感謝申し上げます. 参考文献石橋克彦・原田智也,2013,1605(慶長九)年伊豆-小笠原海溝巨大地震と1614(慶長十九)年南海トラフ地震という作業仮説,地震学会秋季大会,108伊藤純一・都司嘉宣・行谷佑一,2005,慶長九年十二月十六日(1605.2.3)の津波の房総における被害の検証,歴史地震,20,133-144.越村俊一・行谷佑一・柳沢英明,2009,津波被害関数の構築,土木学会論文集B,65(4),320-331.
都司 嘉宣 佐竹 健治 石辺 岳男 楠本 聡 原田 智也 西山 昭仁 金 幸隆 上野 俊洋 室谷 智子 大木 聖子 杉本 めぐみ 泊 次郎 Heidarzadeh Mohammad 綿田 辰吾 今井 健太郎 Choi Byung Ho Yoon Sung Bum Bae Jae Seok Kim Kyeong Ok Kim Hyun Woo
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.3-4, pp.29-279, 2012-03-16

We report the results of field surveys conducted by the Earthquake Research Institute, to measure tsunami heights from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan Earthquake (M 9.0), on March 11. Measurements were taken at 296 points on the Sanriku coasts of Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures, and the Pacific coasts of Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures. The data are included in the results of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group. We did not cover the Sendai plain in the southern Miyagi Prefecture because other parties extensively measure there, nor Fukushima Prefecture because of the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The twelve surveys first sought traces indicating tsunami runup or inundation heights. Reliability was classified into A (most reliable based on clear physical evidence and eyewitness accounts), B (mostly based on natural traces), and C (least reliable based on equivocal evidence). Most physical evidence obtained after June was not significant; therefore, reliance was mostly placed on eyewitness accounts. Locations and relative heights above sea level were measured using handheld GPS receivers, auto-level, or total station. The measured heights were corrected for differences in tide level between measurement time and tsunami arrival time. The results are shown on table and four regional maps; however, the details of each measurement, including locations shown on 1:25,000 maps and photographs of evidence are shown in the Appendix. Along the northern Sanriku coast (Aomori and Iwate), most of the 141 heights range between 10m and 30m. Runup heights exceeding 30m were measured at one location in Noda Village and nine locations in Miyako City. On the southern Sanriku coast in Miyagi, most of the 76 measurements range between 4 and 20 m. On the Ibaraki coast, 36 measurements range from 2.8 to 8.1 m, and the heights generally decease toward the south. On the Chiba coast, 43 measurements range from 0.7 to 7.9 m, with the maximum height near Iioka, Asahi City.
加藤 健二 都司 嘉宣
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.69, no.1-2, pp.39-66, 1994-09-30

都司 嘉宣 日野 貴之
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.68, no.2, pp.91-176, 1993-09-30

vol.259, 1992
都司 嘉宣
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.4, pp.291-298, 2010-03-29

At 2 PM, on 7th December 1828, a major earthquake occurred at Kanagawa post town, in Yokohama city. In the present study, using historical documents describing this event, we obtain a detailed map of the distribution of seismic intensity. It is clarified that the area of seismic intensity 6 to 7 (JMA scale) covers the main areas of Yokohama city. The area of intensity 5 covers whole part of Tokyo city zone, the eastern part of Kanagawa prefecture. The magnitude of this event was estimated at 6.4 using the area of intensity 5.
都司 嘉宣
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.106, no.4, pp.486-502, 1997-08-25
2 7

A field survey of the damage of the Amami-Oshima-Kinkai earthquake (<I>M</I><SUB>w</SUB> 7.1) and its tsunami of October 18, 1995 was conducted for four days from the next day of the main shock. A large aftershock (<I>M</I><SUB>w</SUB> 6.8) occurred in the next day and was also accompanied with a small tsunami. We conducted interviews of the inhabitants, and measured heights of the both tsunamis. The maximum height of the tsunami of the main shock was 3.0 m at Urahara Port on the south coast of Kikai-jima. Earthquake damage mainly occurred on Kikai-jima, where stone walls were fallen down at 91 places, the water supply facility of the island was disordered, and several concrete slabs slid down at Wan Port. Several fishing boats were wrecked due to the both tsunamis at ports on Kikai-jima and Amami-Oshima. Imamura-Hatori's magnitudes of the main shock and the large aftershock are <I>m</I>=1.0 and <I>m</I>=0.0, respectively. Abe's magnitude of the tsunamis the main shock is estimated to be <I>M</I><SUB>t</SUB>=7.6 and is large for the earthquake magnitude. A gigantic earthquake (<I>M</I>8.0) with a larger tsunami occurred on June 15, 1911 in the sea region close to the present event, and its folktale is handed down by the inhabitants of Kikai-jima.
都司 嘉宣
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.39, no.2, pp.277-287, 1986-06-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

The Tenmei Odawara Earthquake outbroke in early morning of 23th August, 1782, and damages of building and houses took place at the castle town of Odawara and its vicinity, 80km SW of Tokyo. USAMI et al. (1984) had newly found out several kind of old documents and had made clear that intensity V or more was felt within the circle with the radius of 45km around Odawara. No reliable record of tsunami had been found out, and it had been considered that no tsunami was accompanied. But in the recent few years two old documents with tsunami disaster records at the fishery harbor of Ajiro in Atami City, 100km SW of Tokyo, were newly found out, inundation height was surveyed as 4 meters, and tsunami magnitude was estimated as m=1. The magnitude of the earthquake was judged by comparison of magnitude of tsunami, and areas of intensities III-IV, V, and VI with the 1982 Urakawa-Oki Earthquake-Tsunami (M=7.1, tsunami magnitude m=0), and was estimated as M=7.2. The Location of the epicenter was suggested to be situated at (35.1°N, 139.2°E), about 10km in the offing of Atami City.
日野 貴之 都司 嘉宣
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.49, no.1, pp.27-38, 1996-05-24 (Released:2010-03-11)

The Tonankai earthquake of December 7, 1944 occurred on the upper plane of the subducted slab located at the boundary between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. Recently it was pointed out that in the Kumano-coast region, the southeast part of the Kii Peninsula, the direction of the strike of the subducting Philippine Sea plate runs from southwest to northeast, while in the Ensyu-coast region, which is located between Nagoya and Shizuoka, the direction runs from east to west. We assumed that the dislocation of seismic faulting took place on the determined plate boundary and the dislocation is equal on each fault plane. As the plate boundary discontinues beneath the Ise Bay, two different fault planes were considered in our fault model: the one is located along the Kumano-coast on which the amount of slip is 200cm and its direction is N50°E, and the other is along the Ensyu-coast on which the amount of slip is 50cm and its direction is N50°E. We checked that the crustal movement calculated by our model is similar to the observed pattern. We carried out a numerical simulation of the tsunami based on our model. It was found that the sea level changes calculated by our model agreed well with the tide gauge records at four stations on the coast of the Ise Bay.