中西 康雄 野本 さい子 根岸 守 大屋敷 一馬 横山 淑雄 山内 保人 酒井 信彦 伊藤 久雄 梅原 千治
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.23, no.9, pp.1427-1432, 1982 (Released:2009-01-26)

A 74-year-old man without previous treatment was found to have an IgA paraprotein on serum immunoelectrophoresis and Bence-Jones protein on urine immunoelectrophoresis. Serum IgA level was 2,400 mg/dl with depressed IgG and IgM levels. Bone marrow aspiration revealed infiltration by both promyelocytes and plasma cells. Chromosomal abnormalities were found. Electron microscopy showed that promyelocytes had a lamellar structure arranged in a concentric circle pattern. The case was thus diagnosed as multiple myeloma complicated by acute myeloid leukemia. Complete remission of leukemia was achieved with combination chemotherapy. Acute leukemia tends to occur at a relatively high incidence in patients with multiple myeloma who are treated with alkylating agents. But the appearance of acute leukemia in patients with multiple myeloma without previous treatment is very unusual. The possible relationship between multiple myeloma and acute leukemia is discussed.
蓮沼 将太 波田野 明日可 泉 聡志 酒井 信介
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.846, pp.16-00264-16-00264, 2017 (Released:2017-02-25)

In this study, the effect of machined surface layer on residual stress relaxation was investigated. In previous study, low cycle fatigue strength was affected by residual stress. However, residual stress relaxation was complex because local plastic strain occurred by stress near yield stress. Also, machined surface layer affect the yield stress. Therefore, machined surface layer was modeled using the crystal plasticity model, i.e. plasticity model based on crystallographic deformation mechanics. To describe the microstructure of plastic deformation layer, initial dislocation density and back stress near surface were changed. To describe the microstructure of fine grained layer, grain size near surface was changed. Residual stress relaxation was simulated by crystal plasticity finite element method. Three types of machined surface layers were modeled. Two kind of strain amplitude condition was simulated. In simulation results, local plastic strain was occurred under global elastic condition. Residual stress after cyclic load was different from machined surface conditions under low strain loading. Residual stress was largely relaxed in all cases under high strain loading. Comparing fatigue life of experimental results, simulation results were thought to be valid. Therefore, residual stress relaxation is able to be predicted using this model. Hardening in plastic deformation layer prevents yield by tensile load. However, plastic strain was occurred in plastic deformation under compression load. On the other hand, fine grain layer prevent yield by not only tensile but also compression.
岡島 智史 岩崎 篤 泉 聡志 酒井 信介
一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会
圧力技術 (ISSN:03870154)
vol.43, no.6, pp.335-340, 2005 (Released:2005-12-26)

The verification test of machine diagnosis techniques was carried out by Japan Power Engineering and inspection Corporation, and a system called as the RET (Residual Life Evaluation of Thermal Power Plants) system was developed as the result of this activity. The RET system can evaluate the primary damage of equipments in boiler or turbine using several residual life evaluation methods. The RET system provides valuable function for the residual life evaluation. However, this system is not necessarily utilized widely. In this study, online version of the RET system is developed for the purpose of populization of the RET system. The online RET system can evaluate the primary damage of the equipments in boiler or turbine without any extra application, and is easy to reflect new information.
戒田 拓洋 最上 雄一 泉 聡志 酒井 信介
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集A編 (ISSN:18848338)
vol.77, no.777, pp.731-735, 2011 (Released:2011-05-25)

In order to rationalize the safety margin of pressurized components subject to local metal loss, we applied a probabilistic reliability method. The modeling of the local metal loss is based on API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 and we investigated the safety margin for the pressure equipment subjected to local metal loss utilizing the actual corrosion rate data. Probabilities of failure of both shallow metal loss and deep metal loss were calculated. These results showed the relation between time until next inspection and probability of failure was cleared. We also analyzed the sensitivity of an assessment curve based on the reliability index for local metal loss. The reliability-based assessment curve was available regardless of COV of the shape of metal loss.
菊地 博 川崎 聡 中山 均 齋藤 徳子 島田 久基 宮崎 滋 酒井 信治 鈴木 正司
The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (ISSN:13403451)
vol.43, no.5, pp.461-466, 2010-05-28

ノイラミニダーゼ阻害薬であるオセルタミビルは,インフルエンザAおよびB感染症の治療,予防に有効な薬剤である.慢性維持透析患者に対する,治療,予防に関する報告は少なく,その推奨量は決定されていない.2007年2月19日~20日,火木土昼に透析を受けている患者9人のインフルエンザA発症を確認した.発症患者の病床は集積しており,施設内感染が強く疑われた.透析患者は感染のリスク,重症化のリスクが高いと考えられ,感染の拡大を防ぐため,オセルタミビルの治療投与のほか,予防投与も行った.385名の透析患者に,十分なインフォームドコンセントを行い,同意が得られた患者にオセルタミビル75 mg透析後1回経口投与を行った.アンケート等の協力が得られた339名を調査対象患者とした.9人が治療内服,299名が予防内服を行い,31名が内服しなかった.治療内服後,全員が速やかに解熱し,重症化例を生じなかった.予防内服者には,インフルエンザ感染を生じなかったが,非予防内服者に2名の感染を認めた.この2名も同様の内服により,速やかに解熱,軽快した.内服者において,報告されている臨床治験時にくらべ,消化器症状の発症率が低かったが,不眠を訴える割合が多かった.また,内服者は非内服者にくらべ,臨床検査値異常は多くなかった.血液透析患者におけるオセルタミビル75 mg透析後1回投与は,健常者の通常量投与にくらべ,血中濃度が高値となると報告されている.過量投与による副作用の報告はなく,また,今回の透析患者339名の検討でも,安全性には概ね問題がないと考えられた.予防投与は有効で,当施設におけるインフルエンザAアウトブレイクを収束させた.
泉 聡志 横山 喬 寺岡 卓也 岩崎 篤 酒井 信介 斎藤 金次郎 名川 政人 野田 秀樹
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.71, no.703, pp.380-386, 2005-03-25
8 16

We have developed a new nut named 'super slit nut (SSN)', which realizes anti-loosening performance without complicated tightening procedures. In this study, tightening behavior and loosening behavior caused by shear load are analyzed by mean of three-dimensional finite element method. It is found that SSN has a prevailing torque of 15 to 19Nm, which closely agrees with experimental data. The load distribution of thread depends on the rotation angle of nut. At the angle of 24.6 degree, the distribution of 1st pitch turns to be 10% larger than that of conventional nut, reflecting the decrease in the thread at slit region. It is also found that the anti-loosening performance cas be realized by the thread contact force at the slit region. Since its contact force does not depend on the tightening force, the effect of anti-loosening performance drastically increases as the tightening force is decreased. Shear fracture would initiate not at slit region but at the bottom of 1st thread, whose stress is about 10% larger, as compared with conventional nut. Moreover, by mean of tensile and fatigue experiments, it is concluded that SSN involves sufficient strength in practical use.