前川 満良 今井 有希子 橋爪 慎哉 関 啓明 神谷 好承
精密工学会誌論文集 (ISSN:13488724)
vol.70, no.8, pp.1117-1121, 2004-08-05

Because the visually impaired desire to know not only color of the 1 point but also whole color on the object, we developed a color discrimination system by the presentation of the sound which enable the blind to recognize the color and its change. While the blind scans the surface of a target object with this system, it continuously makes sound corresponding to surface colors. The problem is the mapping between color and sound for the blind to learn easily and to get the color condition shortly. In this paper, we propose the Shepard Tone Method (STM) and the Trio Ensemble Method (TEM) as this mapping.
杉浦 淳 小池 雄一 古関 義幸
情報処理学会研究報告. HI,ヒューマンインタフェース研究会報告 (ISSN:09196072)
vol.71, pp.23-30, 1997-03-06

現在WWW(World Wide Web)上には多種多様の情報が提供されている。しかしながら、WWWからユーザが必要とする情報のみを取得するためのコストは小さくない。本稿では、WWW情報のパーソナル化のためのシステムInternet Scrapbookについて述べる。本システムでは、WWWページからユーザが必要とする箇所のみを切り出し、一つの個人用ページにまとめることができ、また、作成した個人用ページの内容を自動的に最新情報に更新することが可能である。これにより、ユーザは自分の必要とする情報のみを効率よく閲覧することができる。
鈴木 基志 高橋 耐志 原井 洋明 小関 健
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 B (ISSN:13444697)
vol.J88-B, no.8, pp.1411-1421, 2005-08-01

山本 雄二 Yamamoto Yuji 関西大学 Kansai University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.70-83, 1988-10-03

P. Willis's Learning to Labour is one of the most important books in the field of sociology of education. In this book, he attempts to explain how working class kids get working class jobs and why they let themselves. To answer this question, he adopts an ethnographical approach which elucidates what happens to them in school. By setting two classes a priori outside the text (=his ethnography), he takes out some traits of working class culture in which working class kids willingly select manual labour. With his approach, he loses some possibilities of interpretation that lead us to see the text as a whole world in its own right. Therefore, this paper attempts to read the text without setting concepts for explanation such as "class" outside the text. It is contended that this text can be read as a story of self-discipline. Self-discipline can be defined by saying that the temporary self is not a "real self" and that one has to deny oneself to aim at a "real self". Willis's framework of the actors, that is, ear'oles, lads, and teachers may be interpreted in the following manner. Ear'oles, committed to self-discipline, have no concrete culture while lads, being far from self-disciplined, are integrated into a concrete group culture. This difference causes gaps between the two groups in the way they define themselves. Ear'oles cannot define themselves but in contrast lads believe themselves to be complete. Teachers, agents of self-discipline, feel ambivalent towards both ear'oles and lads. The Distinction betwetn self-discipline and two other similar notions -"individualism" by Willis and "internalized norms" by Bowles & Gintis, are made clear in the final part of the paper. Self-discipline, as the ethos of modern education, helps us not only understand the relations among members in school but also causes us to reconsider what modern education is about.