辻田 眸 塚田 浩二 椎尾 一郎 Hitomi Tsujita Koji Tsukada Itiro Siio お茶の水女子大学大学院人間文化創成科学研究科 お茶の水女子大学アカデミックプロダクション お茶の水女子大学大学院人間文化創成科学研究科 Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences Ochanomizu University Academic Production Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences Ochanomizu University
コンピュータソフトウェア (ISSN:02896540)
vol.26, no.1, pp.25-37, 2009-01-27

携帯電話やメールなどさまざまな通信手段が普及したにもかかわらず,いまなお遠距離恋愛で悩んでいる人たちは多い.遠距離恋愛中のカップルは,個人差はあるにせよ,相手とつながり感を保ちたいという強いモチベーションをお互いに持っていると考えられる.こうした状況では,従来のアウェアネス共有システムのように弱いつながり感を共有するだけでなく,両者の生活空間での行為自体が相互に影響を与えあうような,比較的強いつながり感を提供する,いわば仮想的に同居しているような感覚を与えるシステムが有効になるのではないかと考えた.そこで,本研究では,プライバシーが守られる形で,遠隔地に設置されたランプ/ゴミ箱などの日用品の状態を相互に同期させることで,こうした仮想的な同居感覚を提供するシステム"SyncDecor"を提案,試作する.そして遠距離恋愛カップル間での遠隔実験の結果を示し,今後の展望を述べる.Despite the fact that various means of communication such as mobile phones, instant messenger and e-mail are now widespread; many romantic couples separated by long distances worry about the health of their relationships. Likewise, these couples have a greater desire to feel a sense of connection, synchronization or "oneness" with their partners than traditional inter-family bonds. This paper concentrates on the use of common, day-to-day items and modifying them to communicate everyday actions while maintaining a sustained and natural usage pattern for strongly paired romantic couples. For this purpose, we propose the "SyncDecor" system, which pairs traditional appliances and allow them to remotely synchronize and provide awareness or cognizance about their partners - thereby creating a virtual "living together" feeling. We present evidence, from a 3-month long field study, where traditional appliances provided a significantly more natural, varied and sustained usage patterns which ultimately enhanced communications between the couples.
木村 祐子 Yuko KIMURA お茶の水女子大学大学院 Graduate School Ochanomizu University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.5-24, 2006-12-10

Since the later half of the 1990s, lack of adaptability of children to the educational setting has been explained through the new medical category of "developmental disabilities." In this paper, medical intervention is conceived of as "medicalization," and the educational setting is focused on and inspected. In particular, the paper focuses on "developmental disabilities" as a medical diagnosis characterized by uncertainty, situational dependence and feelings of resistance toward labeling, and clarifies how these characteristics are interpreted in the educational setting. Section 1 reviews previous studies that look critically at the elements of medicalization, pointing out the characteristics and problems of "developmental disabilities" as medicalization. (1) The elements of "developmental disabilities" are vague despite the fact that they are medical concepts, and consequently there is a lack of scientific grounds, standardized tests and treatment. This enables interpretation by a diverse range of knowledge. (2) These disabilities function as a form of "risk management." This study dynamically analyzes how these medical diagnoses are interpreted in the educational setting, with the aim to approach the reality of medicalization. Section 2 summarizes the research method which was used in the interview research of nine teachers. Section 3 examines medicalization in children, first from the viewpoint of responsibility and the role and position of children. The viewpoint of medical treatment has made rapid advances through the intervention of institutionalized medicine. Medical labeling exempts parents and teachers from responsibility, based on the assumption that the problem is a "disability." In this way, the children are obliged to play the "sick role." Parents and teachers sometimes display feelings of rejection or resistance toward medical labeling. In addition, uncertainty regarding the cause of the "developmental disability" creates difficulties in medical practice. However, the feelings of rejection and the medical uncertainty can be minimized by medical practice and interpretation in the educational setting.
久野 靖 大木 敦雄 角田 博保 粕川 正充 Yasushi Kuno Atsuo Ohki Hiroyasu Kakuda Masaatsu Kasukawa 筑波大学大学院経営システム科学専攻 筑波大学大学院経営システム科学専攻 電気通信大学情報工学科 お茶の水女子大学情報科学科 Graduate School of Systems Management The University of Tsukuba Tokyo Graduate School of Systems Management The University of Tsukuba Tokyo Department of Computer Science University of Electro-Communications Department of Information Science Ochanomizu University
コンピュータソフトウェア (ISSN:02896540)
vol.13, no.3, pp.230-240, 1996-05-15

椎尾 一郎 浜田 玲子 美馬 のゆり Itiro Siio Reiko Hamada Noyuri Mima お茶の水女子大学理学部情報科学科 東京大学情報理工学系研究科 公立はこだて未来大学システム情報科学部 Department of Information Sciences Ochanomizu University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology The University of Tokyo School of Systems Information Science Future University-Hakodate
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology
コンピュータソフトウェア = Computer software (ISSN:02896540)
vol.23, no.4, pp.36-46, 2006-10-26

キッチンは生産の場であり,調理を媒介とした教育とコミュニケーションの場でもある.このため,家庭環境の中でも,実用的なユビキタスコンピュータアプリケーションの可能性が高い場所と考えられる.そこで筆者らは,コンピュータ,ネットワーク,センサを組み込んだ未来のキッチン,Kitchen of the Futureを開発している.このコンピュータ強化されたキッチンにより,単に調理の効率を向上させるだけではなく,キッチンを学びとコミュニケーションの場として復活させることができると考えている.本論文では,Kitchen of the Futureを利用して実装した,調理の記録とネットワークでの公開と共有,調理過程の再生,遠隔地キッチンを接続しての調理支援,調理教材の効果的な提示を実現するアプリケーションについて報告する.A kitchen is a place of food production, education, and communication. As it is more active place than other parts of a house, there are lot of potential ubiquitous computing applications in a kitchen. We are developing a computer-augmented kitchen environment: the Kitchen of the Future that embeds various computing elements into a standard kitchen unit. In this paper, we will describe overview of the Kitchen of the Future system and its three applications, i.e, web-ready recipe pages generator, video conference system for cooking instruction, and interactive cooking navigation system.
耳塚 寛明 Hiroaki MIMIZUKA お茶の水女子大学 Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences The Ochanomizu University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.23-39, 2007-05-31

The measurement of children's academic achievements and the explanation of differences between social classes should not be dismissed by sociologists of education. Although inequality is a major theme of the field, the sociology of education has lacked empirical evidence on the structure of disparities in academic achievements. This is partly due to the difficulties involved in collecting sufficient data on academic achievement through schools. In and after 2002, studies were begun on the relationship between academic achievement and social class in Japan. At the time, schools were being heavily criticized within the context of the debate over falling children's academic achievements. Some significant surveys were administered at that time, though they were small in number. However, they left some important issue to be solved. The first is that analyses of the determinants of academic achievement are inadequate for clarifying what factors will diminish class differences in achievement. The second concerns the reliability and validity of the variables collected. In particular, variables on the economic conditions of households are lacking. Finally, the surveys were conducted only in large cities. This paper examines the factors that affect children's academic achievements, and the extent of the effect of such factors, through an analysis of the data of the Japan Education Longitudinal Study 2003 (JELS2003). JELS2003 was conducted in two areas: one a middle-sized city within the capital metropolitan areas, and the other a small local city. It also contains variables about the economic conditions of households. The major findings of the paper are as follows. 1. In the small local city, the differences of academic achievement between social classes were relatively small. 2. In the middle-sized city within the metropolitan area, children's academic achievements were affected by the level of monthly educational expenses, level of educational expectations of the child, and income level of the family. Inequalities in children's academic achievements in our society should be grasped in the context of the substitution of "parentocracy" for meritocracy.