若林 功/八重田 淳 八重田 淳
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.904, pp.68-78, 2016-02-01

The importance of support in the workplace for persons with disabilities to adjust to working life has long been recognized in the literature. However, the effects of workplace support on the work adjustment of persons with disabilities have not been well documented. This paper examines whether workplace support is related to job satisfaction, performance (as evaluated by employers), organizational commitment, workplace integration, and their intention to quit their jobs. A survey of people with intellectual disabilities was conducted, and 169 answers were collected. The results of analysis of the survey are as follows: (a) workplace support consists of three factors: education, negative feedback, and supports for work performance, (b) moderate correlation was found between education and job satisfaction, (c) moderate correlation was found between organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and between workplace integration and job satisfaction; a moderate negative correlation was found between intention to quit job and job satisfaction, (d) only a weak negative correlation was found between intention to quit job and workplace support.The importance of support in the workplace for persons with disabilities to adjust to working life has long been recognized in the literature. However, the effects of workplace support on the work adjustment of persons with disabilities have not been well documented. This paper examines whether workplace support is related to job satisfaction, performance (as evaluated by employers), organizational commitment, workplace integration, and their intention to quit their jobs. A survey of people with intellectual disabilities was conducted, and 169 answers were collected. The results of analysis of the survey are as follows: (a) workplace support consists of three factors: education, negative feedback, and supports for work performance, (b) moderate correlation was found between education and job satisfaction, (c) moderate correlation was found between organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and between workplace integration and job satisfaction; a moderate negative correlation was found between intention to quit job and job satisfaction, (d) only a weak negative correlation was found between intention to quit job and workplace support.
小笠原 匡/和栗 珠里 和栗 珠里
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.40, no.3, pp.177-195, 2015-03-27

The joint study project of Momoyama Gakuin University titled "The Establishment and Development of Masked Comedy in Japan and in Italy during the Medieval and Early Modern Period and its Contemporary Practice" has been developing a series of researches and discussions on the roots of masked comedy through comparative study of Kyogen and Commedia dell'Arte. Both Kyogen and Commedia dell'Arte have long histories through which they have developed into the sophisticated styles as we know them today. On the other hand, their original spirit and dynamism has been lost or diminished. Our inquiry into the primitive forms of Kyogen and Commedia dell'Arte will hopefully contribute to restoring this spirit and dynamism to the contemporary theater. Kyogen in general is a genre of comic play whose main characters are Tarokaja , a quick-witted servant, and his master. In this point the parallelism of Kyogen and Commedia dell'Arte is often mentioned. But our interest regards another aspect of Kyogen in Nogaku : Sanbaso in Shikisanban. There are many mysterious sides to Sanbaso, probably because it maintains older elements than other Kyogen repertories. Sanbaso consists of dance rather than the form of a play and is composed of two parts : Momino-dan (stamping segment) in which the kyogen actor dances and sings rhythmically without amask; Suzu-no-dan (bell segment) in which he puts on the Kokushikijo (black old man) mask and dances solemnly with a bell tree in one hand. It is generally considered that Momi-no-dan is a dance of a young man cultivating the land and Suzu-no-dan is that of an elder sowing or planting the crop. We suggest a different interpretation. The black mask may imply a woman rather than a suntanned peasant as is generally conceived. In fact, traditional forms of Sanbaso in some regions include dances with female masks. It is evident that Shikisanban has its origin in old shamanic rituals. Shamans are often women, a mystic existence with the ability of giving birth to new lives. In the course of time the shamanic role of Sanbaso may have been taken from women and given to men who need some initiation in order to go into a trance. Momi-no-dan might be this initiation and Suzu-no-dan might be a dance of a transgender shaman. And for him a mask is necessary to turn into `something else'. It is noticed that Sanbaso derives also from the festivals of Matarajin. Matarajin is a guardian deity of Amida Buddha and of the performing arts and has many other aspects such as Kojin, Dosojin and Marebito. The worship of this deity is a mysticism and its festivals held by secret societies were very carnivalesque. The Hatsukayasai festival of Motsu-ji temple is a relic of Matarajin worship. The Ennen-no-mai performed at the end of this festival is a dance with a black old woman mask very similar to the Kokushikijo mask. Like Kyogen Commedia dell'Arte derives from old rituals and festivities, especially carnival, mystery plays and Renaissance theatrical arts. In Venice in the first half of the 16th century, the place and time of the birth of Commedia dell'Arte, a kind of performing art called momaria was greatly in fashion. In momaria there were a number of symbolic elements of pagan tradition which were also common to carnival festivities and mystery plays. Above all the presence of buffoonish characters is notable. The most important character of Commedia dell'Arte is Arlecchino, a typical buffone (fool). It goes without saying that the fool once had a shamanic role. Moreover, Arlecchino is thought to have his origin in a chthonian spirit which once had been a pagan deity (Dionisus, Hermes, Odin, etc.) and transformed into a demonic existence in the Christian era. He even has a hermaphrodite aspect. In fact, every attribute of Arlecchino, from the black mask and the slapstick to the acrobatic movements, is much more significant than is seen on the surface. Thus, we find many similarities between the black old man in Sanbaso and Arlecchino in Commedia dell'Arte. At the base of these performances lie people's awe and prayers toward nature, which has almost been forgotten in modern society.
総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科 総研大文化フォーラム2021企画委員会 / 編集
総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科

目次1 2021 年総研大文化フォーラムについて .....1 1-1 概要............................................. 1 1-2 テーマ・趣旨 ............................. 12 日程・プログラム ................................. 33 オンライン開催方法 . ............................ 5 3‐1 オンライン開催について ................. 5 3‐2 配信について(Zoom Meetings、YouTubeLive) ............. 5 3‐3 連絡について(Slack) ................................................ 6 3‐4 広報について(Peatix、総研大HP ほか) ......................... 74 当日の内容 ...................................................................... 5 4-1 基調講演 .................................................................... 9 4-2 口頭発表1 ................................................................. 11 4-3 口頭発表2 ................................................................. 12 4-4 口頭発表3 ................................................................. 14 4-5 独自プログラム(関西・関東) ....................................... 15 4‐6 研究紹介リレー ......................................................... 17 4-7 懇親会 ....................................................................... 18 4‐8 シンポジウム ............................................................... 195 学生企画委員会総括 ............................................................ 23 5‐1 概要 .......................................................................... 23 5‐2 感想 ........................................................................... 246 アンケート結果 ................................................................... 25編集後記 ............................................................................... 35
丹羽 啓子 / 久世 淳子 / 武田 啓子 / 水谷 なおみ / 藤原 秀子
日本福祉大学社会福祉論集 = Journal social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:1345174X)
no.141, pp.95-102, 2019-09-30

著者らはこれまで介護職員が抱く「介護観」に着目し,「介護観」が介護実践に及ぼす影響について研究に取り組んできた.「介護観」に類似する概念として,ソーシャルワーク(社会福祉)の領域では「援助観」という語が用いられており,「援助観」は専門職としての判断の基盤となるものとされている(日和(2012);34). 本稿では,CiNii を用いて文献検索を行い,該当する文献6 件から福祉専門職の援助観にみられる共通項を整理した.その結果,福祉専門職の援助観に通底するものとして,「クライエントを尊重すること」,多職種・クライエントとの「連帯・協働・共有」,「内性的・反省的実践」,「生活者としての視点」が抽出された. 今回の文献検討の結果をふまえ,今後は介護職員を含めた福祉専門職の「援助観」(または「介護観」)の形成過程について検討していきたい.
本多ハワード 素子/入吉 礼菜 入吉 礼菜
昭和女子大学生活心理研究所紀要 (ISSN:18800548)
vol.16, pp.11-19, 2014-03-31

We conducted a scenario experiment to investigate the effects of both of self-presentation style and story-telling style about experiences of past failures, on the evaluations of job applicants. Participants (N = 95) read one of four types of application forms which were constructed by combining one of two stories with or without self-discovery through past failure, and one of two self-presentation styles: self-enhancing or self-effacing. Then, impressions about the applicant, such as intimacy, ability, sincerity, obedience, decency, and attractiveness as an in-group member were evaluated. The results indicated that self-enhancing presentations had a positive effect on evaluations of an applicant's ability, and a negative effect on evaluations of intimacy. Moreover, stories of self-discovery had a positive effect on attractiveness of the applicant as an in-group member. Furthermore, there was an interactive effect between the story-telling and self-presentation styles on evaluation of an applicant's decency. We have discussed the effects of self-effacing presentations on the new graduate job-hunting system in Japan.
https://corp.rakuten.co.jp/ https://global.rakuten.com/corp/
国立情報学研究所 情報学研究データリポジトリ

楽天市場のサイトに,2015年1月から2019年12月までに登録され掲載された全商品データ (約2億8300万商品),商品レビューデータ (約7000万レビュー),ショップレビューデータ (約2250万レビュー) 。楽天データセットの一部。詳細は「収録データセット」を参照。
川口 真実 / 行實 志都子
日本福祉大学社会福祉論集 = Journal social Welfare, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:1345174X)
no.141, pp.83-94, 2019-09-30

本研究は,神奈川県における医療と介護に携わる福祉専門職がもつ連携に対する意識を明らかにすることを目的とした.また,本研究の仮説は,福祉専門職はそれぞれの職場が違っても,地域共生社会を支えるための連携に関する共通認識があるとした. 医療と介護の連携における具体的な共通課題として,「自分たちに求められる力」,「連携を見据えた研修体制の構築」の2つが明らかとなった.しかし,それぞれの専門職間において,"連携"に対する促え方の違いもみられた.この課題を解決するためにも「連携を見据えた研修体制の構築」が必要である.だが一方では,職場の事情により研修に参加したくても参加できないことや,「支援の縦割りの弊害」から自分の支援範囲以外に対する関心の低さが目立った.ただ連携に関する研修を整備するだけでは解決には至らない.連携には何がいるのか,自分はその中で何をするのかということをしっかりと理解し,行動に移すことができるようになる研修が必要である.
清水 真/鈴木 賀津彦 鈴木 賀津彦
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.904, pp.34-51, 2016-02-01

The purpose of this article is to describe the journalistic practice and business strategy of the Joyo Shimbun, a local paper distributed in 15 municipalities in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture. It is based on the authors' interviews with its president and a Joyo Shimbun journalist. Some findings are as follows:1) There were differences of opinion among the staff on what sort of news the paper should focus on: conventional mainstream journalism or local journalism, which some regarded as important because of the effect it could have on the local community.2) Not full-time professional journalists, but part-time reporters were the primary contributors to a report on a local referendum in Tsukuba-shi.3) Journalistic quality was maintained by journalists who were professionals with experience in conventional journalism and who were sympathetic toward public journalism.4) Local Journalism is now a key concept, not only for journalism practices but also for newspapers' business strategy.The purpose of this article is to describe the journalistic practice and business strategy of the Joyo Shimbun, a local paper distributed in 15 municipalities in the southern part of Ibaraki Prefecture. It is based on the authors' interviews with its president and a Joyo Shimbun journalist. Some findings are as follows:1) There were differences of opinion among the staff on what sort of news the paper should focus on: conventional mainstream journalism or local journalism, which some regarded as important because of the effect it could have on the local community.2) Not full-time professional journalists, but part-time reporters were the primary contributors to a report on a local referendum in Tsukuba-shi.3) Journalistic quality was maintained by journalists who were professionals with experience in conventional journalism and who were sympathetic toward public journalism.4) Local Journalism is now a key concept, not only for journalism practices but also for newspapers' business strategy.
林鎭代/中西一彦/濱田格子 ShizuyoHAYASHI /KazuhikoNAKANISHI /SadakoHAMADA
vol.4, pp.97-118, 2011-03-31
