川村 潤子 / 原田 忠直
日本福祉大学経済論集 = The Journal of Economic Studies (ISSN:09156011)
vol.57, pp.59-81, 2018-09-30

本論は,「子ども」を保育園などに預けることなく,母親たちの相互扶助システムのもと,新たな働き方を模索するNPO 法人マザーズライフサポーターの成立経緯や諸活動を紹介する.その上で,マザーズライフサポーターの運営方法(とくに経済活動)と中国の「包」的営みとの類似性から,その活動の社会的な意義を問い,「家族」にいかなる影響を与えるのかを考察する.
https://corp.rakuten.co.jp/ https://global.rakuten.com/corp/
国立情報学研究所 情報学研究データリポジトリ

Yasuaki Takeji Hiroki Shiomi Takeshi Morimoto Yutaka Furukawa Natsuhiko Ehara Yoshihisa Nakagawa Takao Kato Junichi Tazaki Eri Toda Kato Hidenori Yaku Yusuke Yoshikawa Tomohisa Tada Michiya Hanyu Kazushige Kadota Tatsuhiko Komiya Kenji Ando Takeshi Kimura CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort Investigators
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-19-0980, (Released:2020-01-29)

Background:The effect of diabetes mellitus (DM) status on the long-term risk for heart failure (HF) in patients undergoing coronary revascularization has not been adequately evaluated.Methods and Results:In this study, 15,231 patients who underwent coronary revascularization in the CREDO-Kyoto Registry Cohort-2 were divided into 2 groups according to DM status (DM group: n=5,999; Non-DM group: n=9,232). The DM group was further divided into 2 groups according to insulin treatment (insulin-treated DM [ITDM]: n=1,353; non-insulin-treated DM [NITDM]: n=4,646). The primary outcome measure was HF hospitalization. The cumulative 5-year incidence of HF hospitalization was significantly higher in the DM than non-DM group (11.0% vs. 6.6%, respectively; log-rank P<0.0001), and in the ITDM than NITDM group (14.6% vs. 10.0%, respectively; log-rank P<0.0001). After adjusting for confounders, the increased risk of HF hospitalization with DM relative to non-DM remained significant (hazard ratio [HR] 1.47, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.30–1.67, P<0.0001), whereas the risk associated with ITDM relative to NITDM was not significant (HR 1.17, 95% CI 0.96–1.43, P=0.12).Conclusions:The adjusted long-term risk for HF hospitalization after coronary revascularization was significantly higher in DM than non-DM patients, regardless of revascularization strategy, but did not differ between ITDM and NITDM patients.
岡坂 昌子 宮本 武晃 岩井 喜代仁 福島 ショーン 平山 晶一 オカサカ ヨシコ ミヤモト タケアキ イワイ キヨヒロ フクシマ ショーン ヒラヤマ ショウイチ Okasaka Yoshiko/ Miyamoto Takeaki Kiyohiro Iwai Shonne Fukushima Shoichi Hirayama
no.50, pp.31-42, 2014-02

背景:薬物依存症者の刑務所への再入所率は非常に高い。目的:民間の薬物依存症リハビリテーション施設に在籍している刑事処分歴のある薬物依存症者の実態を調査し、再犯を防止するための若干の提言を示すことを本研究の目的とした。方法:13の民間の薬物依存症リハビリテーション施設において、刑事処分歴のある薬物依存症者112名を調査した。結果:112名の刑務所入所回数は、平均2.0回であった。また、平均2.7回目の刑務所入所の後に薬物依存症リハビリテーション施設に入寮していた。保釈後、あるいは刑務所出所から再逮捕までの期間は、1年以内が55.3%であった。結論:刑事処分歴のある薬物依存症者は、少なくとも刑務所出所後の1年間は薬物依存症の治療プログラムが必要であると思われた。Background:The percentage of drug-addicts re-entering prison are very high.Objective:We examined drug addicts who were admitted to private drug-rehabilitation institutions with a history of criminal offences/incarcerations. The goal would be to minimize or prevent, even by little, the re-occurrence of criminal offences/incarceration.Methods:This survey was conducted on 112 drug-addicts with a history of criminal offences/incarceration, at 13 various private drug-rehabilitation institutions.Results:The average prison incarceration rate was two times. The drug-addicts were admitted to drug-rehabilitation institutions after an average of 2.7 prison terms. Fromthe time of release, be it released on bail or released from prison, 55.3% were re-arrested within one year.Conclusion:These results suggest that it is necessary for drug-addicts with a history of criminal offences/incarcerations to receive at least one year of drug-addiction treatment.
徐 龍達/伊代田 光彦 伊代田 光彦
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.167-207, 2016-07-22

This paper deals with the history of academic, education and cultural exchange between Momoyama Gakuin (Osaka) and Keimyung (Daegu) University (1981-2016). Ever since they established their sister university relationship on 14 December 1981, the two universities developed multi-level exchanges among academics, students and administrative staffs and have obtained rich results. This is perhaps not only the longest but also the most worthwhile and unique example of the sister university-exchange between Japan and Korea. We explore this accomplishment by tracing the development of each individual exchange. The paper also includes (1) the prehistory of exchange agreement, and (2) professors' opinions from the perspective of Keimyung University. Finally, we have included a tentative conclusion with evaluation comments. [This issue covers Preface, Chap. 1, Chap. 2, Chap. 3, and Resources I.]
浜根 知恵/大野 順子 大野 順子
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.43, pp.121-143, 2012-11-21

The pioneering activities on the Hojyo Dunes, Tottori Prefecture, came about due to the abundant cultivation of cotton and colza that took place during the Edo period. This changed to the cultivation of mulberry with the advent of the Meiji period because of the importation of cotton from foreign countries. This Dune area was irrigated using a small artificial pond known as the beach well and it was used to draw up subterranean water it came to be called the "Wife-killer beach well" because of the intense labor it required. In the 1950's the government provided this area with irrigation facilities. With these government sponsored policies and advances in farming technologies it became possible to cultivate items such as grapes, tomatoes, melons, eddo potatoes and leeks that could be used to make monetary profit in the market in addition to more traditional crops of sweet potatoes, shallots and watermelons. Farming in this desert area, which demanded that fields be treated with artificial measures due the lack of water created a state of affairs where there had to be a switchover to growing crops that were profitable and in demand in the marketplace along with the implementation of modern irrigation techniques. This resulted in advancing cooperation simultaneous with the development of large scale management that exceeded the range of the then existent traditional community. And thus, with the introduction of modern irrigation facilities along with the elimination of excessive labor connected with the Wife-killer beach well, we also see the development of communal farming and the sharing of production and distribution activities in the area and other areas as well as the advancement of usage regulations involving water used for agricultural purposes. With this, there also rapidly came into existence, a large-scale form of agricultural management concerned with the renting and leasing of land.
宍戸 邦章/佐々木 尚之 佐々木 尚之
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.62, no.3, pp.336-355, 2011-12-31

本稿の目的は, 2000年から2010年の期間に8回実施されたJapanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) の累積データに基づいて, 時代や世代の効果を考慮しながら, 日本人の幸福感の規定構造を検討することである. JGSSは, 各年または2年に1回実施されている反復横断調査であり, このデータをプールすることで, 単年度の調査では明らかにできない時代や世代の効果を検討することができる. また, 時代や世代の効果を統制しながら, 個人レベルの変数の効果を検討することで, 特定の調査時点だけで成り立つ知見ではなく, より一般化可能な知見を得ることができる. 分析手法は, 階層的Age-Period-Cohort Analysisである. 個人は時代と世代の2つの社会的コンテクストに同時にネストされていると考え, 時代と世代を集団レベル, 年齢および幸福感を規定する他の独立変数を個人レベルに設定して分析を行う.<br>分析の結果, 次のことが明らかになった. (1) 年齢の効果はU字曲線を描く, (2) 2003年に幸福感が低下した, (3) 1935年出生コーホートや80年以降コーホートで幸福感が低い, (4) 出身階層や人生初期の社会的機会が幸福感の加齢に伴う推移パターンに影響を与えている, (5) 絶対世帯所得よりも相対世帯所得のほうが幸福感との関連が強い, (6) 就労状態や婚姻状態が幸福感に与える効果は男女によって異なる.