吉田 康久 河野 公一 原田 章 豊田 秀三 渡辺 美鈴 岩崎 錦
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.33, no.2, pp.450-458, 1978

耐熱性の目的でポリアミド, ポリエステルが近年比較的多量に用いられているが, その限界温度以上での使用または廃棄時に毒性のある熱分解成分が生成する可能性がある。本研究はこれを解明する目的で空気中熱分解ガス等を, ガスクロマトグラフ, 同マススペクトログラフにより分析するとともに, また, 動物試験としてマウスについて急性暴露を行って, その主要死因を確かめたものである。<br>熱分解ガスとしてポリエステルでは一酸化炭素, エタン, プロピレン, アセトアルデヒド, ベンゼン等が, また, ポリアミドではこれらの成分に加えてアンモニア, ペンテン等が検出されたが, 毒性並びに発生量よりみて一酸化炭素が優勢な成分として推定された。<br>動物試験では, 単一, 一時間暴露, 一週間観察による概算的致死濃度がポリアミドで79.6g, ポリエステルで30.5g/1000<i>l</i>空気であり, この場合一酸化炭素濃度が2700∼3000ppmと認められた。この一酸化炭素が主要死因であることは, 血液の一酸化炭素飽和度をガスクロマトグラフにより分析した結果, その値が55%を越えることから確認することができた。<br>フユーム, またはグリース状物質として発生する熱分解成分は, 生成後直ちに凝集してその大きさ100μm以上に達し, また, 赤外分光分析により原試料に近似した構造を示すので, ある種のフッ素樹脂の熱分解における特異なポリマーフユーム熱の原因にはなり得ないと考えられる。動物試験ではまた暴露後48時間程度に肺水腫等の傾向が認められて死亡する場合も多いので, 一酸化炭素につぐ比較的毒性の大なる第2の致死因子が存在することも確実である。したがって, もし実際の症例においては, 予後における十分な観察と早期の治療が必要なものと指摘される。
阿賀 倶子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.31, no.3, pp.433-444, 1976

先に陳・槌本が報告したBMRと血清PBIに関する研究と併行して,同じ日本の気候に曝露される日本人10名と,白人10名の被検者について,血清遊離脂肪酸(FFA)濃度を1972年6月から毎月1回1年間にわたりItaya-Ui変法を用いて測定した。<br>(1) 血清FFA値の年間平均値には日本人と白人の間に差がなかった。これは教室の山口の米軍人と日本自衛隊員と比べて前者が有意に高かったという報告とは異なる結果である。そして白人のFFA値は1, 2月の厳冬期に日本人に比べて低く,かつこの季に大きく低下する動きを示し,その年間変動率(49.6%)は日本人(25.2%)よりも有意に大きかった。この点も山口の結果とは逆であった。また白人でも日本に移住して間もない者の寒期の低下は著しかった。<br>(2) FFA値とBMR値とは,日本人では有意の正相関を呈したのに対し,白人では負の相関傾向を示した。両計測値を各個人の平均に対する各月の変動率でみると白人の負の相関係数は有意であった。また季節別にみると,夏期のFFA値とBMR値との関係は日本人,白人とも正相関の傾向にとどまるが,冬期には日本人は正相関傾向を示すのに反して白人では有意の負の相関を示した。<br>山口は冬の居住気温が日本人で10°Cも低かった事が主因となって,日本人の方がより強く寒冷に順応されたものと解しているが,(1), (2)の結果を綜合すると,本研究では逆に白人被験者の方が強く寒冷に順応したものと解される。したがってFFA値の水準や季節変動には人種的な差はなく,その寒冷期の居住環境が大きく関与すると推論された。血清PBI値とFFA値とは両群とも負の相関傾向を呈した。血清FFA値と基礎代謝の呼吸商(RQ)の間に年間を通じて有意ではないが負の相関傾向がみられた。
大和 浩 姜 英 太田 雅規
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.1, pp.3-14, 2015

It is necessary to implement 100% smoke-free environments in all indoor workplaces and indoor public places in order to protect people from exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke (SHS). Forty-four countries have already implemented comprehensive smoke-free legislations according to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Guidelines on protection from exposure to tobacco smoke. The Occupational Safety and Health Law (OSHL) was partially revised to strengthen the countermeasures against SHS in Japan in 2014. However, the revision was only minimal. Firstly, it is necessary to make efforts to implement countermeasures against SHS (their implementations are not obligatory, as required in Article 8). Secondly, the revised OSHL allowed the implementation of designated smoking rooms inside workplaces (Article 8 requires 100% smoke-free environments). Thirdly, revised OSHL does not effectively cover the small-scale entertainment industry so that workers in restaurants and pubs will not be protected from occupational SHS. We explain the importance of implementation of 100% smoke-free environments by law, using the data on leakage of smoke from designated smoking rooms, and occupational exposure to SHS among service industry workers. The decrease in the incidence of smoking-related diseases in people where a comprehensive smoke-free law is implemented is also introduced. These data and information should be widely disseminated to policy makers, media, owners of service industries, and Japanese people.
高野 健人
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.57, no.2, pp.475-483, 2002-05-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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This is a review article on “Healthy Cities”. The Healthy Cities programme has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to tackle urban health and environmental issues in a broad way. It is a kind of comprehensive policy package to carry out individual projects and activities effectively and efficiently. Its key aspects include healthy public policy, vision sharing, high political commitment, establishment of structural organization, strategic health planning, intersectoral collaboration, community participation, setting approach, development of supportive environment for health, formation of city health profile, national and international networking, participatory research, periodic monitoring and evaluation, and mechanisms for sustainability of projects. The present paper covered the Healthy Cities concept and approaches, rapid urbanization in the world, developments of WHO Healthy Cities, Healthy Cities developments in the Western Pacific Region, the health promotion viewpoint, and roles of research.
劉 雲宝 千葉 百子 稲葉 裕 近藤 雅雄
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.4, pp.641-648, 2002-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
6 23

Objective: Keshan disease is an endemic cardiomyopathy found in Keshan, north-east China. The first patient was identified in 1935. This disease is characterized by a blood circulation disorder, endocardium abnormality and myocardium necrosis. Selenium (Se) deficiency is thought to be a major factor by Chinese scientists. However, the exact etiology has not been clarified up to now. The government decided to apply sodium selenite to growing crops, and the incidence of the disease decreased dramatically. However, a few cases still occur as chronic or latent types. This paper reviews Keshan disease from a historical aspect and also the present situation.Methods: We made a reference survey and summarised the etiology, pathological changes, clinical manifestation, and other views of Keshan disease.Result: So far, epidemiological surveys have shown that Keshan disease occurs in large areas in 14 provinces in China, mainly in the countryside. It has been confirmed by clinical and pathological studies that Keshan disease is an independent endemic myocardial disease caused by biological and geological factors. The largest prevalence age rates are boys under 15 years old and women of childbearing age. There are several hypotheses; acute carbon monoxide poisoning, virus infection, malnutrition, or selenium deficiency. The first is not currently believed to be the cause. The following was pointed out; studies on the relationship between diet and the endemic areas of Keshan disease in 1961, where the food custom of the local residents was relatively simple and a so-called “one-sided diet” (eating a limited variety of food) might be related to the incidence of Keshan disease. In 1973, large-scale investigations on the natural environments were performed in the endemic areas of Keshan disease in the whole country. As a result, it was reported that there was a relationship between the incidence of Keshan disease and the special natural environment in the endemic areas and the cause of Keshan disease was strongly supported by nutritional, biological, geological and chemical (selenium deficiency) factors. In 1981, on the other hand, it was found that the levels of antibodies against Coxsackie virus were higher in the serum of Keshan disease patients than of normal subjects. This fact supposed that the cause of Keshan disease was related to a virus infection. However, it is difficult to explain why the clinical and pathological manifestations of Keshan disease are similar to those of other diseases, e. g. idiopathic dilatational myocardial disease. Further research should be performed on Keshan disease to clarify the etiology.
足立 泰儀
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1090-1098, 1994-02-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
9 12 14

It has been reported that the standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) of biliary tract cancer (BTC) (female gallbladder cancer (GBC) in particular) are high in the Niigata plain and low in other parts of Niigata Prefecture. Based on epidemiological studies, the presence of environmental water pollution by agricultural chemicals is likely to be associated with the occurrence of GBC, and one of the most suspected of these is a diphenylether herbicide, chlornitrofen (CNP).The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether or not there was a difference in concentrations of CNP and its reduction product (CNP-amino) in river and faucet water between Niigata and Joetsu Cities, which are located in the Niigata plain and another part of Niigata, respectively. By employing a new method for CNP and CNP-amino extraction, the detection of CNP and CNP-amino was undertaken by using a gaschromatograph with an electroncapture detector.The maximum levels of CNP concentrations were 871 and 554ng/l in river and faucet water, respectively on May 6, 1992 in Niigata City. The concentration of CNP in faucet water was well correlated with that in river water. In Joetsu City, the maximum concentration in river water was 183ng/l on May 6 and had decreased rapidly towards the background level on July 29, 1992. As to the concentrations of CNP in faucet water in Joetsu City, they fluctuated between the levels of 2 and 9ng/l. In the case of CNP-amino concentrations in faucet water, a clear-cut difference was evident between the two cities; 384ng/l in Niigata and under the quantity limit in Joetsu.Examination of CNP and CNP-amino concentrations in faucet water was made in Murakami, Gosen and Kamo Cities, where the SMRs for female GBC were insignificant even in the midst of the Niigata plain. It was demonstrated that concentrations of CNP and CNP-amino were as low as in Joetsu City. The levels of pollution of faucet water with CNP and CNP-amino were well correlated with the SMRs of BTC, especially female GBC.
佐藤 元
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.3, pp.561-570, 2001-10-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Policy science provides the analytical frameworks to examine (1) the process of policy formation and implementation (Issue definition, Agenda setting, Alternative development, Decision and implementation, and Appraisal); (2) the initial and final shapes of policy content (Temporal and spacial distribution of costs and benefits, Selection of administrative organizations, and Choice of instruments to secure policy compliance); and (3) the effects and efficiencies of policy (Expected and unexpected effects of policy, beneficial and adverse ones). These three aspects are closely associated, and determine the functions of policy in society. Overseas, the application of policy science framework to health issues has thus far produced substantive knowledge which helps to improve both the policy making and policy designs, and at the same time, has provided good opportunities on which the workings of health and policy, both at the social and individual levels, are explored.The paper first outlines the themes and frameworks of political science, and then, introduces their application to the field of health. Issues associated with human life and health have special characteristics that distinguish them from those of other market commodities: special values placed on life and health, information inequality between service providers and consumers, and externalities, leading to a variety of moral hazards and market failures. Furthermore, there are some conflicts in values and technical opinions in society, regarding both the ends and means of health policies. In addition to the main topics in the field, empirical studies, from Japan or from other countries, are also summarized. Finally, future research needs and expectations are addressed.
津田 敏秀 馬場 明園 三野 善央 山本 英二 宮井 正弥 茂見 潤
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.55, no.2, pp.462-473, 2000-07-15
1 2

As a condition to achieving an agreement of recognition on the causal relationship in medicine, we firstly explained Hume's problem and counterfactual model. We, however, emphasized that we believe in the existence of causality on medical issues in our daily lives. Therefore, we illustrated conditions when we usually believe in causality. On the other hand, we criticized two well-known key phrases, "lack of mechanism in epidemiology" and "black box in epidemiology", which have often been used in Japan for skeptic viewpoints against epidemiologic methods even if epidemiology is often used to elucidate a causal effect in medicine in the world. We emphasized that a priori determinations of levels for inference of mechanism is necessary. And, the level and feature of mechanism should be defined in concrete expressions. After explanation of these basic concepts, we mentioned a classic view on specific diseases and non-specific diseases which have not been sufficiently discussed enough yet in Japan. As an example, we used the statements in the Japanese Compensation Law for the Health Effect by Environmental Pollution. In Japan, the classification of these diseases has been confused with that between manifestational criteria of diseases and causal criteria of them. We described the basic concepts to illustrate the causal relationship between non-specific disease and its exposure by using attached figures. Actually, we cannot recognize disease occurrence as a specific disease for several reasons. We indicated that we can recognize the magnitude of effect by causal relationships in medicine as a quantitative continuous variable.
津田 敏秀 三野 善央 山本 英二 松岡 宏明 馬場園 明 茂見 潤 宮井 正彌
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.52, no.2, pp.511-526, 1997-07-15
2 1

Kondo's "Incidence of Minamata Disease in Communities along the Agano River, Niigata, Japan (Jap. J. Hyg. 51: 599-611; 1996)" is critically reviewed. The data of the article were obtained from most of the residents living in the Agano river villages where Minamata disease was discovered in June, 1965. However, sampling proportions were much different between in the population base and in the cases. The method of identification of cases from the data and the reason for the difference were not clearly demonstrated. The citations of reference articles are insufficient despite the fact that other epidemiologic studies on methyl-mercury poisoning have been reported not only in Japan, but also around the world. His"analysis of the recognized patients" is erroneous. Both the sampling scheme of information of hair mercury and the modeling of the analysis are based on Kondo's arbitrary interpretation, not on epidemiologic theory. His "analysis of the rejected applicants" is also erroneous. His calculations of the attributable proportion are incorrect and self-induced in both the assignments of data and analysis of data. Kondo has failed to study the epidemiologic theories in light of changes in the field. Therefore, his article is lacking in epidemiologic theory, a logical base and scientific inference.<BR>In Japan, epidemiologic methodology has rarely been used in studies on Minamata Disease in either Kumamoto and Niigata. The government has used neurologically specific diagnosis besed on combinations of symptoms to judge the causality between each of symptoms and methyl-mercury poisoning. Epidemiologic data obtained in Minamata, Kumamoto in 1971 indicate that the criteria set by the government in 1977 have produced much more false-negative patients than false-positive patients. As a result, a huge number of symptomatic patients, including those with peripheral neuropathy or with constriction of the visual field, did not receive any help or compensation until 1995. The authors emphasize that the causal relationship between each symptom and methyl-mercury exposure should be reevaluated epidemiologically in Japan.
津田 敏秀 馬場園 明 三野 善央 松岡 宏明 山本 英二
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.51, no.2, pp.558-568, 1996-07-15
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Changes of causal inference concepts in medicine, especially those having to do with chronic diseases, were reviewed. The review is divided into five sections. First, several articles on the increased academic acceptance of observational research are cited. Second, the definitions of confounder and effect modifier concepts are explained. Third, the debate over the so-called "criteria for causal inference" was discussed. Many articles have pointed out various problems related to the lack of logical bases for standard criteria, however, such criteria continue to be misapplied in Japan. Fourth, the Popperian and verificationist concepts of causal inference are summarized. Lastly, a recent controversy on meta-analysis is explained. Causal inference plays an important role in epidemiologic theory and medicine. However, because this concept has not been well-introduced in Japan, there has been much misuse of the concept, especially when used for conventional criteria.
小栗 朋子 吉永 淳
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.177-186, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)

Objective: The objective was to estimate the inorganic arsenic (iAs) intake of the general Japanese adult population by a probabilistic approach. Methods: Bioaccessible iAs concentrations in rice (n=56) and hijiki (n=32), the two food items that are the major iAs sources for the Japanese, were measured by liquid chromatography-ICP mass spectrometry. The concentration in cooked rice was estimated from the measured concentration in a raw rice sample while taking into consideration the loss of iAs during cooking. The iAs concentration in hijiki was measured using soaked hijiki samples. The daily consumption of cooked rice and soaked hijiki was taken from published data. The distribution profile of daily iAs intake was estimated by multiplying the bioaccesible iAs concentration in cooked rice and soaked hijiki samples by the amount of these samples consumed daily, which were randomly extracted according to the respective distributions. This process was repeated 10,000 times. Results: The distribution profiles of iAs concentration in rice and hijiki were normal and log-normal, respectively, and those of the amount of cooked rice and soaked hijiki consumed were beta and log-normal, respectively. The daily bioaccessible iAs intake values were estimated to be 19 and 59 μg/day at 50 and 95 percentile. At 50 percentile iAs intake, the contributions from rice and hijiki were estimated to be equal, whereas the contribution from hijiki increased with the estimated total daily iAs intake. Conclusions: The iAs intakes of Japanese subjects estimated in previous duplicated portion studies were fairly consistent with the present estimation. Moreover, it was confirmed that the cancer risk derived from dietary iAs intake of the general Japanese population was not negligible.
嵯峨井 勝 ウィンシュイ ティンティン
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.2, pp.127-133, 2015 (Released:2015-05-21)

Traffic-related air pollution is a major contributor to urban air pollution. Diesel exhaust (DE) is the most important component of near-road and urban air pollution and is commonly used as a surrogate model of air pollution in health effects studies. In particular, diesel exhaust particles (DEP) and the nanoparticles in DEP are considered hazardous components on health effects. It is widely known that exposure to DEP is associated with mortality due to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Recently, there has been accumulating evidence that DEP and the nanoparticles in DEP may be causes of neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we introduce the evidence suggesting their association with such disorders. First, we describe the chemical components and the translocation of DEP and nanoparticles to the brain, and then introduce the evidence and a mechanism by which reactive oxygen species (ROS) and any inflammatory mediators can be produced by DEP phagocytosis of macrophages, microglia and astrocyte cells in the brain. There are many lines of evidence showing that the neurodegenerative disorders are profoundly associated with enhanced oxidative and inflammatory events. Second, we describe a mechanism by which neurodegenerative diseases, such as stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, are induced via oxidative stress and inflammatory events.
三ツ矢 隆重
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.28, no.3, pp.324-339, 1973-08-30 (Released:2009-08-24)

Male rats were trained in a multiple maze with five choice points in the pathway. Their behavior was recorded remotely to remove unnecessary stimuli during the learning. One group of rats was fed adlibitum and the other fasted from evening to the end of the learning period the next morning.Each group was subdivided into three groups for training under different noise conditions: group I was trained in silence; group II was exposed to wide bound noise at 100 dB(C) for one hour before the start of learning; and group III was exposed to the same noise during learning.In rats which had been trained for 20 days, the process of learning extinction was then observed in the same maze every four days under noiseless or noisy conditions.The following items were used as learning indices: the time spent to reach the goal, the number of times non-correct gates were passed, and the time spent between each of the gates.1. In the fasting rats all three learning indices were lower than in the adlibitum fed rats in group I. (noiseless)2. Adibitum fed rats of group III (exposed to noise during learning) showed lower learning indices than those in group I, and those in group II (exposed to noise before learning) passed non-correct gates more often than did those in group I.3. Among the fasting rats, group III showed higher values in the three indices than did the other two groups.4. In both fed and fasting rats, the learning process from the first gate to the goal was much more disturbed by noise exposure than was that from the starting point to the first gate.5. Group III rats (exposed to noise during learning) were much more affected than those in group II (exposed to noise before learning).6. Among the rats (both fed and fasting) which had been trained under noiseless conditions, those exposed to noise during the extinction process showed slower extinction than those undergoing extinction in silence.7. Among the rats which had been trained under noisy conditions, those fed ad libitum showed slower extinction in silence than in noise. However, in fasting rats, silence hastened extinction while noise slowed it.These findings suggest that noise affects learning by interfering with information analysis more than with memory, and that exposure to noise during learning severely hampers the learning process.
山口 直人
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.2, pp.78-82, 2013 (Released:2013-05-29)
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The International Agency for Research on Cancer of World Health Organization announced in May 2011 the results of evaluation of carcinogenicity of radio-frequency electromagnetic field. In the overall evaluation, the radio-frequency electromagnetic field was classified as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, on the basis of the fact that the evidence provided by epidemiological studies and animal bioassays was limited. Regarding epidemiology, the results of the Interphone Study, an international collaborative case-control study, were of special importance, together with the results of a prospective cohort study in Denmark, case-control studies in several countries, and a case-case study in Japan. The evidence obtained was considered limited, because the increased risk observed in some studies was possibly spurious, caused by selection bias or recall bias as well as residual effects of confounding factors. Further research studies, such as large-scale multinational epidemiological studies, are crucially needed to establish a sound evidence base from which a more conclusive judgment can be made for the carcinogenicity of the radio-frequency electromagnetic field.
稲葉 洋平 内山 茂久 欅田 尚樹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.1, pp.15-23, 2015 (Released:2015-01-29)

In Japan, ultralow-nicotine cigarette brands with ventilation holes on the cigarette filters have been widely marketed to smokers. The use of these cigarette brands leads to compensation smoking. Menthol cigarette brands that have a cooling and numbing effect are also sold. In 2013, smokeless tobacco products similar to the Swedish snus, which is banned for sale in the European Union except in Sweden, were released in Japanese markets. These tobacco products have “toxicity,” have a “ventilation filter,” are “attractive,” and promote “dependence.” Tobacco smoke and smokeless tobacco are classified into “Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The purpose of Articles 9 and 10 of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is to regulate the contents of tobacco products as well as to regulate tobacco product disclosures. The implementation of some other articles has gradually advanced in Japan. However, that of Articles 9 and 10 is late. Japanese governmental authorities are being urged to immediately implement Articles 9 and 10.
川原 正博 水野 大
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.155-165, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)

Trace elements including iron, zinc, copper, and manganese play essential roles in the maintenance of brain functions. Accumulating evidence suggests that dyshomeostasis of trace elements is implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular type of dementia, prion diseases, and dementia with Lewy bodies. These diseases share similarity in the formation of β-sheets containing amyloid fibrils from disease-associated proteins, including the β-amyloid protein (AβP), the prion protein, α-synuclein, and polyglutamine, and the introduction of apoptotic degeneration. Trace elements can bind to these proteins and cause their conformational changes. Furthermore, these proteins reportedly play crucial roles in the regulation of trace elements. Considering that these proteins colocalize in synapses, it is possible that the interactions between the disease-associated proteins and trace elements are based on the physiological roles of these proteins. We review here the current understanding of the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases based on metal binding to disease-associated proteins and on the disruption of metal homeostasis.
加藤 貴彦 松尾 佳奈 黒田 庄一郎 盧 渓 小田 政子 大場 隆
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.211-214, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)

In a long-term large cohort study, we introduced an electronic money system for remuneration of research participants. In comparison with the delivery of cash vouchers, the operation and mailing cost, and the processing time were significantly reduced. The workers were also able to save the time and effort they spent on the inventory management of cash vouchers. In addition, risk management was improved, as demonstrated by the reduction of complaints and associated problems such as nonarrival or content differences of cash vouchers. This is because only card points as additional money need to be added once the electronic money card has been distributed to the recipients. Furthermore, the psychological stress of workers associated with inventory management and ensuring cash voucher enclosure was also reduced.
稲葉 洋平 大久保 忠利 内山 茂久 欅田 尚樹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.205-210, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)
2 2

Objective: The tobacco tax in Japan was increased in October, 2010. Subsequently, the quantity of sales of domestic cigarette products decreased temporarily. However, smokers could import cigarettes directly through the internet. Because of the high value of the yen and the low price of foreign cigarettes, an individual could import cigarettes easily; however, the contents and emissions from privately imported cigarettes have not been investigated yet. In this study, we carried out a comparative analysis of domestic and privately imported cigarettes. Methods: Privately imported cigarettes from five brands and domestic cigarettes from the brand “Mild Seven” were selected for the study. For the fillers of the cigarettes, the levels of nicotine and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) were determined by methods that are usually used for cigarette products. For the mainstream smoke, the levels of tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and TSNAs were also determined by the methods used for cigarettes. Results: The average nicotine and TSNA levels in the fillers of the domestic cigarettes were 15.1±0.19 mg/g and 1,920±85.1 ng/g, respectively. The amounts of nicotine and tar in the mainstream smoke from the privately imported cigarettes were lower than those from the domestic cigarettes. However, the levels of TSNAs in the mainstream smoke from the privately imported cigarettes were higher than those from the domestic cigarettes. Conclusions: The amounts of TSNAs in the fillers of and mainstream smoke from the privately imported cigarettes were higher than those from the domestic cigarettes. Japanese smokers should be careful about consuming privately imported cigarettes because there is a variation in the amount of hazardous constituents in these cigarettes, even when they are from the same brand.
藤本 薫喜 渡辺 孟 坂本 淳 湯川 幸一 森本 和枝
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.23, no.5, pp.443-450, 1968
12 105 89

Various calculation formulas of body surface area are designed by the measured values of body surface area and other physical measurements, e.g. height, weight, chest circumference etc, of 201 Japanese of both sexes from neonatal to old age.<br>Statistically comparing the formulas, the following three may be used for all ages of Japanese with the slightest possibility of error.<br>1. Newborn (under 1 year) <i>S</i>=W<sup>0.473</sup>×H<sup>0.655</sup>×95.68<br>2. Young child (1-5 years) <i>S</i>=W<sup>0.423</sup>×H<sup>0.362</sup>×381.89<br>3. Over 6 years to old age (for general use) <i>S</i>=W<sup>0.444</sup>×H<sup>0.663</sup>×88.83<br>(<i>S</i>: Surface area in cm<sup>2</sup>, W: Body weight in kg, H: Height in cm)