長谷川 学 塚本 直也
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.64, no.4, pp.782-785, 2009-09-15
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In accordance with the Declaration of the Environment Leaders of the Eight on Children's Environmental Health (Miami Declaration) in 1997, the Japanese government (the Ministry of Environment, Japan) organized a commission tasked to discuss issues related to the present situation of the environmental health of children (Advisory Commission for Children's Environmental Health). Epidemiological research on children's environmental health has been recommended as one of the priority projects by the commission because the effects of environmental factors on children's health are clarified by only studies using children as subjects, particularly, a birth cohort study, and not by animal experiments. The Advisory Committee of Epidemiological Research on Children's Environmental Health was established in 2007 and decided to start a nationwide birth cohort study following up children from pregnancy to 12 years old. Under the Advisory Committee, a working group composed of scientific experts, including epidemiologists, toxicologists, obstetricians, orthopedists, and statisticians, was organized in 2008. Pilot studies are going to be conducted in several areas in Japan with the support of the working group. Study hypotheses will also be decided by the working group soon. The full-scale survey will start in 2010.<br>
渡久山 朝裕 松井 利仁 平松 幸三 宮北 隆志 伊藤 昭好 山本 剛夫
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.64, no.1, pp.14-25, 2009 (Released:2009-02-26)
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Objectives: To investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure as expressed by Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level (WECPNL) and preschool children’s misbehaviours around the Kadena and Futenma airfields in Okinawa. Methods: A questionnaire survey on children’s misbehaviour was conducted in nursery schools and kindergartens around the Kadena and Futenma airfields. The children living around the Kadena airfield were divided into four groups according to WECPNL at their residences and those around the Futenma airfield into three groups according to WECPNL. The subjects were 1,888 male and female preschool children, 3 to 6 years of age, whose parents, caregivers, and teachers answered the questions. The answers used for the analysis were limited to those of respondents fulfilling the following conditions: parents living with their children, fathers with a daytime job, and mothers with a daytime job or no job. Thus, the number of valid answers was 1,213. The responses were analysed using logistic regression models taking the number of misbehaviours related to the items of Biological Function, Social Standard, Physical Constitution, Movement Habit, or Character as the dependent variables, and WECPNL, age, sex, size of family, birth order, mother’s age at birth, mother’s job, caregiver’s career, and category of subject as the independent variables. Results: A significant dose-response relationship was found between the odds ratio and WECPNL for the outcomes of Physical Constitution around the Kadena and Futenma airfields. Conclusions: It would be reasonable to conclude that the aircraft noise exposure is a factor that increases the number of preschool children’s misbehaviours.
真鍋 龍治 欅田 尚樹 加藤 貴彦 黒田 嘉紀 秋山 幸雄 山野 優子 内山 巌雄 嵐谷 奎一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.63, no.4, pp.717-723, 2008 (Released:2008-09-30)
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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and effectiveness of the Quick Environment Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) in Japanese workers in specific buildings. Methods: The survey was performed in 2004–2006 in Japan. QEESI (Japanese version) and a checklist on accumulation of fatigue developed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare were used in the examination of 410 workers in specific buildings. Three criteria of QEESI’s “symptom severity”, “chemical intolerance”, and “other intolerance” were evaluated in this study. Clinical histories were also surveyed. Result: Responses were obtained from 368 (89.8%) workers. The results showed that 132 (35.9%) individuals have been diagnosed as having allergy. Only two (0.5%) individuals were found to be MCS patients. There was no sick building syndrome patient. Applying the “high” criteria with QEESI to the standard of Miller and Ashford, we determined that only four (1.1%) individuals met all the three criteria, and 17 (4.6%) individuals met two of the three criteria. The QEESI score of allergy persons was higher than that of nonallergy persons. Among nonallergy persons, those who have a high score on accumulation of fatigue in the checklist showed a high score in QESSI. Conclusions: These findings indicated that the QEESI score tended to increase with workload and be high in individuals with allergy. Therefore, careful consideration is required, when QEESI is applied for screening MCS patients in Japan.