村田 昌則 鈴木 毅彦 中山 俊雄 川島 眞一 川合 将文
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.116, no.2, pp.243-259, 2007-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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Four boring cores obtained by boring surveys conducted at Wadabori Park in Suginami Ward (core WDB), Kinuta Park (core KNT) in Setagaya Ward, Tamagawadai Park (core TMG) and Unoki (core UNK) in Ota Ward, southeast part of Musashino upland, Tokyo, were reexamined. Mineral assemblage, shapes of volcanic glass shard, refractive indices of volcanic glass, and heavy minerals and chemical composition of volcanic glass of several tephra layers from these cores were determined. As a result, it is revealed that six tephra layers are correlative with the key tephra layers in the Kazusa Group of the Boso Peninsula and Tama Hills in the Kanto district. The WDB-1 tephra from core WDB is identified as the Kd8 tephra in the upper part of the Kiwada Formation in the Kazusa Group. The KNT-4 tephra from core KNT, the TMG-7 tephra from core TMG and the UNK-1 tephra from core UNK are identified as the Kd16 tephra in the middle part of the Kiwada Formation. The TMG-18 tephra from core TMG and the UNK-8 tephra from core UNK are identified as the Kd18 tephra in the middle part of the Kiwada Formation. Based on the correlation among these tephras, the sediments of ca. 15 m above sea level (a.s.l.) at Wadabori Park is correlative with the upper part of the Kiwada Formation deposited at 1.21-1.27 Ma, and the sediments of ca.-2 m a.s.l. at the Kinuta Park, ca.-20 to-74 m a.s.l. at the Tamagawadai Park and ca.-9 to-44 m a.s.l. at Unoki are correlative with the Kiwada Formation in the Kazusa Group. The sedimentary ages of these sediments are between 1.27 and 1.45 Ma based on stratigraphic relations with the calcareous nannofossil datums.
中尾 正義
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.101, no.6, pp.458-470, 1992-12-05 (Released:2009-11-12)
中西 正男
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.126, no.2, pp.125-146, 2017

<p> A newly compiled bathymetric map including parts of the Kuril, Japan, and northern Izu–Ogasawara trenches in the northwestern Pacific Ocean demonstrates that most bending-related topographic structures are limited to less than 80 km from the trench axis. This observation contrasts with one that bending-related structures of eastern Pacific trenches are limited to less than 50 km from the trench axis. The discrepancy may be due to differences in the ages of subducting oceanic plates. Bending-related topographic structures of the western Kuril and southern Japan trenches are not parallel to the trench axis, but instead are parallel to magnetic anomaly lineations. Those of the northern Izu–Ogasawara Trench are parallel to fracture zones. These observations indicate the rule that the inherited seafloor spreading fabric is reactivated instead of forming new faults when the degree of obliquity between inherited seafloor spreading fabric and trench axis reaches about 30°. This rule is applicable to most trenches around the Pacific Ocean, except for some parts of curved trenches and trenches near seamounts or other volcanic edifices constructed by off-ridge volcanism. Most bending-related topographic structures near off-ridge volcanic edifices are parallel to the trench axis. This observation suggests that inherited seafloor spreading fabric around the volcanic edifies was disrupted by volcanism.</p>
杉本 興運 小池 拓矢
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.124, no.6, pp.1015-1031, 2015

&emsp;This study examines tourist behavior in the Mt. Fuji area in terms of distance traveled by tourists, and clarifies differences in types of tourist and their movements based on distance traveled. Moreover, it describes the social impact of the area's recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage site on the behavior of tourists. Tourism in the Mt. Fuji area began as Fuji Tohai, which means &ldquo;climbing for worship&rdquo; in the Edo era, and was popularized by subsequent tourism development. At present, the Fuji area is a tourism region that provides opportunities for sightseeing, leisure, and recreational activities, such as exploring and staying in the Fuji Five Lakes region, to visitors who live in or near urban and metropolitan areas. By analyzing the results of a questionnaire survey given to domestic individual travelers who use private cars, we found that their behavior is characterized by differences related to travel distance, although most of them share the common purpose of experiencing natural landscapes during their travels. Neighborhood residents tend to visit for daily leisure activities, whereas visitors from distant places tend to make overnight trips and visit only major tourist attractions. This shows the nature of the concentric model, which means that travel distance influences the behavior of tourists, their perceptions, and frequency of trips, and vice versa. However, we simultaneously discovered a distortion in this model, which is caused by the locality of the Mt. Fuji area. Tourism in the Mt. Fuji area currently faces changes resulting from the significant social impact of the area's recognition as a World Heritage site: Tourism demand is increasing, especially among persons who live in more distant places, which means foreigners living abroad in this study, and local residents are working to develop tourist areas and touring routes, focusing on World Heritage. Tourist behavior, such as perception and movements, have gradually changed in parallel with social and environmental changes.
菊地 俊夫
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.111, no.1, pp.81-99, 2002-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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In this paper the author analyses agricultural land use changes in the urban shadow of the Sydney metropolitan region and clarifies their sustainability on a micro-scale using the example of Castlereagh area, Penrith City. Castlereagh area is situated around the western suburbs of Sydney city centre, and is characterised by competition between agricultural and urban land use. In this area, rural and agricultural land use has generally developed since the colonial period. Although definite changes from agricultural to urban land use are not apparent with the advancement of urbanization, some kinds of agricultural use have changed to others in terms of function and quality since the 1990s. This sustainability of agricultural land use changes based on land, climate, and historical conditions as a suitable region for agriculture, and accessibility to the urban market for agricultural products, and land use policy of city planning and land use zoning.In Castlereagh area dairy farming and sheep grazing have traditionally developed with advantageous land and climate conditions for grass production. In particular, suburban dairy farming was important for town milk production. Although there were a few trends of conversion from dairy farming to sheep grazing, because of a decreasing agricultural labour force, the framework of traditional pastoral farming still remained until the 1980s. Since the 1990s most aspects of pastoral farming have changed into horse raising, horticulture, and hobby farming with the enlargement of urban land use for residential and factory sites. Such farming has been most apparent among all kinds of land use in the 1990s.Under an environment of urban shadow, both horse raising and horticulture have developed due to their suitability for expanding urban land use and farmland subdivisions. Agricultural land use changes are supported by economic factors such as capital intensity and high profitability. On the other hand, hobby farming is less intensive and rather unprofitable, and is developed for the mental satisfaction of aged and the urban residents, rather than the advancement of urbanisation and land subdivision. Therefore, agricultural land use changes into hobby farming are supported by non-economic factors such as productive aging and mental satisfaction. On the whole, a series of agricultural land use changes are identified for their sustainability, and are supported by economic and non-economic factors. In particular, hobby farming plays an important role in holding back urban sprawl and maintaining agricultural land use.
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.93, no.3, pp.168-181, 1984-06-25 (Released:2010-10-13)
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加藤 丈典
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.2, pp.122-131, 1999-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

The relative intensities of Fe Lα1, 2 and Lβ1 X-ray emission peaks differ significantly with valance state and bond association. These X-ray emission peaks cannot be distinguished from each other using an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS), because the difference in energy between these peaks is smaller than the spectral resolution of EDS (approximately 100-150 eV). However, these emission peaks can be distinguished from each other using a wavelength-dispersive spectrometer (WDS). A crystal whose 2d value is about 60 A is considered to be suitable for analyzing the first order of Fe Lα1, 2 and L β1 X-ray emission peaks. The second order of these peaks can also be analyzed using lead stearate (STE : 2d=100.4 Å) crystal. Although it is difficult to use the ' peak seek' routine for a mapping analysis, the effects of chemical shifts can be suppressed by configuring the spectrometer. The interferences of high orders of Si and Na emission peaks can be suppressed by a pulse height analysis. Applying a mapping technique to measuring Fe Lα 1, 2 and Lβ1 emission peaks, Fe2+/Fe3+ mapping can be obtained using an electron probe microanalyzer.
川畑 幸夫
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.61, no.4, pp.121-125, 1953

In this paper the author summarized the researches done in Japan on the relation between sunspots and meteorological phenomena.<BR>The idea common to almost all the researchers is that the sunspots as an index of solar activity cause the variations of atmospheric pressure on the earth namely, as the conditions of the earth's atmosphere which receives solar radiation are varying according to seasons and locations, the changes in solar radiation due to sunspots cause the variations of the distribution of atmospheric pressure, which result in disturbances of air currents and in climatic variations. And these disturbances are almost strongly effected, in Japan, by the changes in the intensity of the North Pacific High and by the migration of its center.<BR>A few Japanese researchers are making use of the faculae instead of sunspots in their researches, and they consider the degree of the faculae's facing to the earch as the solar activity index, and this consideration seems to be an excellent one perhaps unseen in other countries.
河本 大地
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.6, pp.Erratum6_2, 2011-12-25 (Released:2012-01-28)
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地学雑誌120巻5号(2011)掲載の河本大地著「ジオツーリズムと地理学発『地域多様性』概念―『ジオ』の視点を持続的地域社会づくりに生かすために―」(p.775-785)に誤りがありましたので,お詫びし訂正いたします。p.777 左段24行:(誤)尾形 → (正)尾方p.784 文献表:(誤)尾形 → (正)尾方
保柳 睦美
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.86, no.5, pp.273-284, 1977-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

In 1872 the Meiji Government adopted the solar calendar, the twenty-four hours system and the new date, and in 1886 decided the Japanese Standard Time based on the time of the meridian of 135°E., running through Akashi in Hyôgo Prefecture near Kobe. Since then, the date and the time have entirely changed from those of the Edo period when the lunar-solar calendar and many local times prevailed throughout Japan.The conversion of the old date into the new one is not so difficult task, but on the contrary, that of the old times into the new ones has complicated problems, because the old calendar system was different in many respects from the new one and also each clan adopted the local time derived from the time of each castle-town.Firstly, the structure of the old calendar, which was introduced from China, was basically different from the new one. The length of the hour-units of daytime and nighttime differed according to the twenty-four short seasonal unit days, including the day of autumnal equinox, of vernal equinox, of summer solstice and of winter solstice. The beginning hours of daytime and nighttime were partly improved by the astronomers of the Tokugawa Government ; in the early part of the Edo period they were the times of sunrise and sunset of the castle-towns, and later they were more improved.However, in 1797 TAKAHASHI-Yoshitoki, a young but an excellent astronomer, who studied the Western astronomy through the books edited by the European missionaries stationed in China and brought up INÔ-Tadataka, the greatest land-surveyor in the Edo period with the aid of astronomical observation, decided the times scientifically. He got the accurate position of the sun by spherical trigonometrical calculation, and cleared up the beginning and the end of twilight by the angle of depression of the center of the sun on the days of autumnal and vernal equinox at Kyoto the result was 7°21′40″. The new definition had been used until 1871.This paper deals with some ways of conversion of the old times into the new ones, and illustrated, taking outstanding examples of castle-towns in the Edo period, how the converted times were different from one another throughout Japan in accordance with the latitudes and the longitudes of the towns.
望月 公廣
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.126, no.2, pp.207-221, 2017-04-25 (Released:2017-06-12)
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Seismicity accompanying subduction of one plate under the other is active in subduction zones. This seismicity is not uniformly distributed along strike; aseismic regions may be identified in a band of active seismicity. Such an uneven distribution may be attributed to the heterogeneity of frictional properties along the plate interface. Variations in the physical properties of the top-most layer over the subducting plate and rough topography along the plate interface are considered to be factors determining frictional properties. Recent active-source seismic surveys have revealed characteristics of the plate interface in detail and provide an understanding of how regional seismicity and slip distributions of major earthquakes are controlled. Seismicity around the northern limit of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake shows a good correlation with seismic reflectivity along the plate interface, and suggests that the water content and/or the amount of clay minerals in a thin layer over the top of the subducting plate is a major factor. A subducting seamount was identified from a seismic survey around the southern limit of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake off Ibaraki Prefecture. Repeating M 7 earthquakes share the same source at the subduction front of the seamount, while the source area of the largest aftershock of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake lies next to it. The fault slip of these earthquakes, once initiated at the base of the seamount, did not propagate over the seamount. The same relationship between fault slip and subducted seamount is identified for a large slow slip at the Hikurangi margin. Physical or structural properties controlling seismicity or fault slip along the plate interface appear to be characteristics of the subducting plate. The importance of geophysical surveys of the incoming plate can now be further emphasized to provide a better understanding of seismicity along the plate interface.
池田 菜穂 小野 有五
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.2, pp.294-311, 2004-04-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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This study examines migration patterns of livestock herds in mobile pastoralism of yak/yak-cattle hybrid in two areas in eastern Nepal Himalaya : the Bharku Village, Langtang National Park, and the Ghunsa Valley, Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. The migration patterns were mapped in detail, identifying every household of herders in the research areas (six households in the Bharku, and eleven households in the Ghunsa Valley), and those patterns were analyzed in terms of natural resource use and influence of mountain tourism. Both field observations and interviews with herders revealed that the summer pastures were concentrated at the highest grazing areas, mostly spreading in the alpine belt, regardless of livestock type (yak and yak hybrid), while the winter pastures ranged widely in altitude even among households keeping a same type of livestock (yak). Measuring milk production indicated that the period of stay in the alpine pastures corresponded to that of high milk production. Migration of herds to the alpine pastures occurred simultaneously in herders' groups under the control of their organizations. On the other hand, the diversity of herd migration patterns in winter suggested dependence of those patterns on households' livelihood strategies. Herders of Tibetan refugees showed a migration pattern, which was different from the local one, staying in the alpine area throughout the year. Also, some herders changed their migration patterns and returned to higher pastures in the fall in the Ghunsa Valley to earn some money by providing accommodations to trekkers, who visit the area mostly in that period of the year to avoid the monsoon rain since the recent opening of the Ghunsa Valley to foreigners. On the other hand, herders in the Bharku changed their summer pastures to avoid a mass of pilgrims, a traditional type of mountain tourism in Himalaya, who visit Gosainkunda, a famous sacred place located above the herders' grazing area, on the occasion of a festival called Janai Purnima. These facts suggest the flexibility of migration patterns in mobile pastoralism of yak/yak-hybrids under the influence of newcomers and mountain tourism. Both natural and social influences caused by these recent changes of migration pattern need to be monitored in view of environmental management of higher Himalaya.
小野 重明
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.109, no.4, pp.564-575, 2000-08-25 (Released:2010-11-18)
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The presence of water can dramatically influence the chemical and physical properties of minerals that comprise the Earth's mantle. In order to understand these effects itis important to identify the phases in which water may exist under mantle conditions. High-pressure experiments on the stability of hydrous minerals likely to be present in the Earth's mantle provide constraints on the distribution of water in the mantle. In this article, the significance of hydrated subducting slab is evaluated as a water carrier, transporting water from the earth's surface into the subduction zone, where it isreleased to the overlying mantle wedge through the breakdown of hydrous minerals. The capacityt store and transport water in the hydrated part of the subducted slab is controlledby the pressure-temperature stability of hydrous phase assemblages in bulk compositions of peridotite, sediment, basalt, and harzburgite.