狐塚 寛
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.115, no.3, pp.157-169, 1995-03-25

"Toxicology"includes a broad range of application such as environmental, clinical and forensic toxicology. These several kinds of applied toxicology forms a mutually connected ring. This ring is supported by a column called as deductive and detective analysis by the author."Deductive toxicology"is a way of thinking to solve toxicological problems more multidimensionally. In this paper, an application of this way to the study of bone lesions observed in Itai-itai diseased patients is described. In cultured embryonic chick bone, both cadmium and copper induced an atrophic change of the osseous tissue. However, zinc induced an osteomalacic change as a result of strong inhibition of calcification. These histological changes were supported by investigation using a culture system of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Cadmium stimulated bone resorption in a neonatal parietal bone. In addition, cadmium stimulated the formation of osteoclast-like cells in bone marrow cell culture. It is thus suggested that cadmium and copper are factors of osteoporosis whereas zinc is a factor of osteomalacia when they directly act on bone tissues. A simultaneous exposure of cadmium and zinc to cultured bones resulted in an osteomalacic change with or without inhibition of bone matrix formation. Copper caused an atrophic change in the absence or the presence of zinc. A combination of cadmium and copper induced a severe damage of osteoblasts and osteogenic mesenchymal cells. These results suggested that an interactive exhibition of heavy metal toxicity can cause various bone lesions such as osteomalacia, osteoporosis and osteoporomalacia. The idea that heavy metals can directly act on bone tissues and their interaction can induce various histological changes in the tissue will help an understanding of bone lesions in Itai-itai disease.
櫻井 小平太
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.111, pp.397-399, 1891-05-26
石橋 祐子 村上 照夫 湯元 良子 酒井 正彦 新谷 洋通 板羽 秀之 神辺 眞之 益田 慎 夜陣 紘治 木平 健治 高野 幹久
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.124, no.11, pp.833-840, 2004 (Released:2004-11-01)
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Burow's solution, or aluminum acetate solution, is effective in inhibiting various microorganisms including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that are commonly observed in chronic suppurative otitis media. It takes several days to prepare Burow's solution using aluminum sulfate, and the pharmaceutical properties of the solution are not fully understood. In this study, the effect of storage (5 months) of Burow's solution prepared according to the Teine-Keijin Hospital manual on its pharmaceutical properties and antibacterial activities was examined. We also attempted to develop a rapid preparation method of aluminum acetate (or 1.7% aluminum) solution using two commercially available compounds of aluminum acetate basic (Al2O(CH3CO2)4, Al(OH)(CH3CO2)2). The properties of Burow's solution, pH, osmolarity and antibacterial activity, were the same among different preparations and its storage for 5 months at 4°C had no effect on these properties. The antibacterial potency of Burow's solution was dependent on aluminum concentration and its antibacterial potency against S. aureus and several MRSA strains was of the same magnitude. In a rapid preparation, aluminum acetate basic was mixed with appropriate amounts of tartaric acid and acetic acid, and the suspension was boiled for 2—2.5 hr until dissolved. The rapidly prepared aluminum acetate solution showed the same pharmaceutical properties and antibacterial activities as those of Burow's solution. The newly developed preparation method for aluminum acetate solution is expected to be convenient and feasible for hospital treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media.
伊佐間 和郎 河上 強志 西村 哲治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.8, pp.959-968, 2012 (Released:2012-08-01)

The International Standard ISO 8124-3:2010 “Safety of toys—Part 3: Migration of certain elements” controls the levels of migrated eight harmful elements (antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury and selenium) from infants toys. Moreover, the Japanese Food Sanitation Law controls the levels of migrated lead from metal accessory toys. However, the levels of migrated harmful elements from metal accessories that are not infants toys are not controlled, since they are not covered by the ISO Standard or the Food Sanitation Law. Therefore, we investigated the level of eight harmful elements migrated from metal accessories that infants may swallow by mistake. The extraction test of ISO 8124-3:2010 was executed in 117 products (total 184 specimens), and the concentration of these eight elements was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). As a result, 28 and one products released lead and cadmium beyond the maximum acceptable levels of the ISO standard, respectively. Metal accessories that infants may swallow by mistake should ideally not release harmful elements such as lead and cadmium.
一番ヶ瀬 智子 今井 一洋
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.2, pp.197-203, 2015 (Released:2015-02-01)

It is routine to search for and recognized genetic defects in human disorders to provide knowledge for diagnosis, treatment, and protection against diseases. It is also important to investigate and demonstrate the cause of a disease from the proteomic perspective, because intracellular signaling systems depend on protein dynamics. Demonstrating changes in protein levels enables us to understand biochemical events during the initiation and progression of a disease. To understand changes in protein levels in tissues and cells, we have developed a novel proteomics approach, FD-LC-MS/ MS. This consists of fluorogenic derivatization (FD), HPLC separation and detection/quantification of proteins in a biological sample, followed by the isolation and tryptic digestion of target proteins, and then their identification using HPLC and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) with a database-searching algorithm. The method is highly sensitive (femtomole-level detection) through the use of less noisy fluorogenic rather than fluorescence derivatization, and enables precise and comprehensive relative quantitation of protein levels (between-day relative standard deviation of peak heights of ca. 20%) by combining FD with HPLC separation. In this paper, after a simple review of differential profiling using FD-LC-MS/MS, for example the analysis of stimulated vs. unstimulated samples, we introduce the development and application of the FD-LC-MS/MS method for comprehensive differential proteomics of several tissues, including mouse liver, mouse brain, and breast cancer cell lines, to reveal protein levels and biochemical events in tissues and cells.
安原 智久 曽根 知道 河野 武幸 荻田 喜代一
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.135, no.1, pp.99-105, 2015 (Released:2015-01-01)
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A revised core curriculum model for pharmaceutical education, developed on the basis of the principles of outcome-based education, will be introduced in 2015. Inevitably, appropriate assessments of students' academic achievements will be required. Although evaluations of the cognitive domain can be carried out by paper tests, evaluation methods for the attitude domain and problem-solving abilities need to be established. From the viewpoint of quality assurance for graduates, pharmaceutical education reforms have become vital to evaluation as well as learning strategies. To evaluate student academic achievements on problem-solving abilities, authentic assessment is required. Authentic assessment is the evaluation that mimics the context tried in work and life. Specifically, direct evaluation of performances, demonstration or the learners' own work with integrated variety knowledge and skills, is required. To clarify the process of graduate research, we obtained qualitative data through focus group interviews with six teachers and analyzed the data using the modified grounded theory approach. Based on the results, we clarify the performance students should show in graduate research and create a rubric for evaluation of performance in graduate research.
三島 愛之助
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.341, pp.475-476, 1910-07-26
山田 純一 高柳 理早 横山 晴子 鈴木 康弘 篠原 智美 山田 安彦
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.12, pp.1331-1345, 2014 (Released:2014-12-01)

We evaluated the effectiveness of small group discussion (SGD) in association with a drug abuse prevention program for junior high school students. The students first received a lecture about drug abuse prevention, then participated in SGD. The discussion focused on how to take action when tempted to abuse drugs. We gave a questionnaire 3 times; before and after the lecture (before SGD), and after SGD. Seventy-seven students replied to these questionnaires. After the lecture, knowledge about drug abuse was improved and all students answered that they had never abused drugs. However, in answer to a different question, a few students noted that they might use drugs in some situations. We consider it necessary to give more consideration to this problem. After the lecture, 35.5% of the students felt that they had definitely acquired skills for drug abuse prevention, whereas after the SGD this was increased to 73.7%. In addition, more than 75% of the students answered that the SGD program was useful since the opinions of other students could be heard. These results suggest that more students acquired skills to prevent drug abuse by participation in SGD. Our findings showed that SGD was useful and that the students were able to more effectively understand important concepts related to drug abuse prevention.
服部 安藏 秋葉 朝一郎
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.72, no.4, pp.572-577, 1952-04-25 (Released:2010-02-19)

Detection of poisonous shellfish, asari and oysters, was carried out by the phenolphthalein reaction, in place of mice test, for two years from January 1950 to December 1951. It was thereby concluded that poisonous shellfish give positive phenolphthalein reaction.
守安 貴子 重岡 捨身 岸本 清子 石川 ふさ子 中嶋 順一 上村 尚 安田 一郎
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.121, no.10, pp.765-769, 2001-10-01
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A substantially available identification system for Sildenafil in health foods was established using 3 different analytical mathods; i.e.TLC, preparative TLC/MS and HPLC/photo-diode array. Sildenafil in health foods was extracted with ethyl acetate under alkaline conditions as sample solutions for TLC and preparative TLC, and also extracted with 50% methanol and then diluted with solution of HPLC mobile phase for HPLC. The sample solution for TLC was applied to Silica gel 60 F_<254> plates with chloroform/methanol/28% ammonia(90:1:5, under layer)as mobile phase. Spots were located under UV radiation at 254 nm and 366 nm, and spraying dragendorff reagent. The conditions for preparative TLC were the same as these of TLC method, samples abtained from preparative TLC were determined by MS with APCI interface, under both positive and negative modes. The HPLC analysis was carried out on a column of Cosmosil 5C18-AR(4.6mm×150mm, 5μm)with 0.05 mol/l phosphate buffer pH 3.0/acetonitrile(73:27)as mobile phase and the eluate was monitored by a photo-diode array detector. The quantitative analysis was available, when the peak of this sample on HPLC was detected at 290nm. When this system was applied to commercial health foods, Sildenafil was identified and their contents were 25 mg-45 mg/tablet or bottle. These contents nearly correspond to that in Viagra, 25 mg, 50 mg/tablet. Therefore, there is a fear of side effects for Sildenafil, when it is taken as health foods.
慶松 勝左衞門 横田 嘉右衞門
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.510, pp.629-636, 1924-08-26

Zur Darstellung der 2-Oxy-3.5-dinitrophenylarsinsaure haben die Verfasser die Methode von Hans Schmidt (Ann. 421,159), sowie von Bart (Ann. 429,57) benutzt, indem sie Pikraminsaure diazotirten und auf das Produkt in der alkalischen Losung arsenige Saure einwirken liessen. Die so erhaltene Substanz stellte gelbe Blattchen vom Smp. 237°. As-Gehalt (nach Lehmann) Gef. 24.35%, berech. f. C_6H_5O_8N_2As 24.34%. Diese ist identisch mit der 2-Oxy-3.5-dinitrophenylarsinsaure von Benda (Ber 44,3294). Reducirt man die letztere in der Kalte mit Natriumhydrosulfit, so wird eine Aminoverbindung gebildet, aber kein Arsenobenzolderivat. Behandelt man dagegen 2-Oxy-3.5-dinitropheny ars nsaure bei 60° kurze Zeit mit Hypophosphitlosung, so bleiben die Nitrogruppen intakt und wird Dioxytetranitroarsenobenzol gebildet. As-gehalt 28.95%, ber. f. C_<12>H_6O_<10>N_4As_2 29.05%. Lasst man die Hypophosphitlosung langere Zeit einwirken, so wird Dioxy-diamino-dinitroarsenobenzol (gef. As. 28.38%, ber. f. C_<12>H_<10>O_6N_4As_2・2HCl 28.34%) gebildet. Die Dioxytetraaminoarsenobenzol wurde jedoch nicht isolirt.
左右田 隆 川松 豊 藤田 剛 目黒 寛司 池田 衡
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.11, pp.909-918, 2002-11-01 (Released:2003-02-18)
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Insulin resistance is a characteristic feature of type II diabetes as well as obesity. This insulin resistant state at the peripheral tissue level causes impaired glucose utilization, leading to hyperglycemia. Studies of antidiabetic agents by Takeda originated more than three decades ago when KK mice were introduced, followed by the development of a highly insulin-resistant animal model, KKAy mice. The first 2,4-thiazolidinedione derivative AL-321, which exhibited hypoglycemic effects in KKAy mice, was discovered by modification of the hypolipidemic agent AL-294 as a lead compound. Extensive structure-activity relationship studies on the analogues of AL-321 led to the selection of ciglitazone (ADD-3878) as a candidate for clinical evaluation. Ciglitazone, a prototypical compound in the series, was shown to normalize hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hypertriglyceridemia in various insulin-resistant animal models without altering normoglycemia in nondiabetic animal models. However, it appeared that a more potent compound was needed for further clinical evaluation of this class of compound. Further study of this series of compounds led to the finding of pioglitazone (AD-4833) as a promising clinical candidate. Pioglitazone clearly ameliorates the abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism in diabetic patients and was marketed in the USA in August 1999 for the treatment of type II diabetes. Pioglitazone is now marketed in more than 40 countries world wide. Historical aspects of our studies on pioglitazone and its biological activities are described.
田中 一平 渡邉 清司 中南 秀将 我妻 ちひろ 野口 雅久
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.11, pp.1219-1225, 2014 (Released:2014-11-01)
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Recently, the procedure for surgical hand hygiene has been switching to a two-stage method and hand-rubbing method from the traditional hand-scrubbing method. Both the two-stage and hand-rubbing methods use alcohol-based hand-rubbing after hand washing. The former requires 5 min of antiseptic hand washing, and the latter 1 min of nonantiseptic hand washing. For a prolonged bactericidal effect in terms of surgical hand hygiene, chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) has been noted due to its residual activity. However, no detailed study comparing the disinfection efficacy and prolonged effects according to different contents of CHG and the usage of alcohol-based hand-rubbing has been conducted. The glove juice method is able to evaluate disinfection efficacy and prolonged effects of the disinfectants more accurately because it can collect not only transitory bacteria but also normal inhabitants on hands. In the present study, we examined the disinfection efficacy and prolonged effects on alcohol-based hand-rubbing containing CHG by six hand-rubbing methods and three two-stage methods using the glove juice method. In both methods, 3 mL (one pump dispenser push volume) alcohol-based hand-rubbing solution containing 1% (w/v) CHG showed the highest disinfection efficacy and prolonged effects, and no significant difference was found between the hand-rubbing and two-stage methods. In the two methods of hand hygiene, the hand-rubbing method was able to save time and cost. Therefore, the data strongly suggest that the hand-rubbing method using a one pump dispenser push volume of alcohol-based hand-rubbing solution containing 1% (w/v) CHG is suitable for surgical hand hygiene.
井本 泰治
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.123, no.6, pp.377-386, 2003 (Released:2003-06-03)
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I have pursued research on lysozymes for 42 years. During that time, I made Several new findings, some of them by chance. My enjoyment of the following areas is reviewed: the story of tryptophan; protease digestion mechanisms; peptide mapping with RP-HPLC; gene engineering; renaturation of protein; catalytic residues; fluctuation and function; stabilization; folding; antigenecity; tolerance; and various lysozymes.
山下 泰藏
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.385, pp.227-234, 1914-03-26

其一,アミグダリン酸の酸誘導體につきて著者はアミグダリン酸バリウムに無水醋酸と醋酸曹達とを作用せしめて得たるアセチール誘導體がアルカリに不溶解なることと其分析數C_<32>H_<38>O_<18>なることより六アセチールアミグダリン酸のラクトン體なることを唱へ又アミグダリン酸バリウムに冷時にベンツオイルクロリドを作用せしめて五ベンツオイール化合物を得たるも亦アルカリに不溶なるを以て四ツのベンツオイール基のみが水酸基と交換し一つはアミグダリン酸の炭酸基と混合無水酸の状態にあることを論ぜり又無水安息香酸の作用によりては八アセチール化合物に相當する物質を得たるも元來アミグダリン酸には七箇の水酸基あるのみなるを以て他の一つは亦無水酸の状態に附加せることを述べたり 其二、芳野櫻花蕾の配精體櫻葉及櫻花のクマリン香氣は生時に之を發せずして或る醗酵を受けて初めて生ずるものなればクマリンはもと他の化合物恐くは配糖體の状況にて植物體中に存在するもの、如し著者は此見地より芳野櫻の蕾を取扱ひしに珈琲酸の配糖體を得たるのみなりき
古川 純
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.2, pp.143-148, 2014 (Released:2014-02-01)

Research into environmental dynamics of radioactive nuclides released by the Fukushima nuclear accident, especially radiocesium 137Cs (half-life, 30.1 years), is highly focused especially on diffusion processes of radiocesium into ecosystems, which is high-priority knowledge. Because of relatively sparse knowledge about the reallocation of radiocesium contained in organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems, the effects of diffused rediocesium into ecosystem cannot be accurately estimated. In this article, the terrestrial environmental dynamics of radiocesium mainly in the processes of plant uptake and the possibility of release from plants will be discussed. Plants uptake minerals from soil and these minerals are likewise ingested by animals that feed on plants, including humans. Therefore one of the main gateways of radiocesium into ecosystem is via plants. From the viewpoint of human dietary consumption, rice contamination with radiocesium has been energetically investigated and useful data are accumulating. Processes of radiocesium uptake mechanisms by plants are being researched using legumes, e.g. soybean. Speculation on the possibility of radiocesium release into forest atmosphere via plant activity will be introduced.
井門 敬子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.126, no.6, pp.409-414, 2006 (Released:2006-06-01)
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Medical staff, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists, laboratory medical technologists, social workers, and case managers, should act as a team to support patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The therapeutic purpose of a potent cocktail of anti-HIV drugs is to maintain undetectable plasma levels of HIV over the long term. To achieve this, it is necessary to maintain treatment compliance. However, noncompliance frequently occurs because of a poor understanding of HIV therapy or difficulty in taking anti-HIV drugs. Thus pharmacists should contribute as HIV medical team members by providing medication counseling to ensure treatment compliance or delivering drug information to achieve successful HIV therapy. We describe the roles of pharmacists on HIV medical teams at Ehime University Hospital in examples of nutritional disorder or pregnant women with HIV.
吉田 智大 吉永 真理
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.8, pp.901-908, 2014 (Released:2014-08-01)

In order to examine the effects of music on mood, we administered a survey to patients awaiting the preparation of their prescription medicines in pharmacy lounges. Two pharmacies took part in this study, both of which are in a metropolitan area treating fewer than 100 prescription sheets per day. Two hundred and fifty-two patients were divided into two groups: one group listened to background music (BGM) while waiting (n=111) and the other did not listen to BGM (n=119). The questionnaire included items assessing mood, present state of health, and demographic information like gender and age. After excluding incomplete questionnaires, 230 patients were included in our final sample for further statistical analysis. BGM was involved in decreasing feelings of fatigue and increasing feelings of vigor in patients with poorer health. This trend was more evident in female patients than in male patients. Using multiple regression analysis, we found that, in addition to BGM, environmental factors such as light level and noise level significantly affected mood. In conclusion, BGM alleviates uncomfortable moods caused by illness, particularly among females in poor health.