芹沢 一也
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.35, pp.87-98, 2010

土井 隆義
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.13, pp.102-121, 1988 (Released:2017-03-30)

This paper studies the mechanism of the construction of an offender's motive during criminal investigation and prosecution as a statement by which to interpret his acts. Motives are constructed after the fact as interpretations of acts and are attributed to the actor. The criminal investigation and prosecution process adapts concrete offenses to abstract categories of crime. This process is a public ex post facto interpretation of offensive acts. Therefore an offender's motive is constructed during the criminal proceedings and is attributed to him. In other words, an offender's motive is not a psychological fact which existed at the empirical scene of the crime, but a product which is spun out of the communication between a representative of authority and a deviant actor. From this standpoint, the suspect's confession, the report of the criminal investigation and the trial in criminal court are analyzed. As an actor is an interpreter of his own acts, the confession of a motive by a suspect must be viewed not as venting a pre-existing psychological fact but as an attempt to account for his offensive conduct. This work is done under the case-solving-frame furnished by the investigator in the interrogation process, so the statement of motive constructed in this situation is constrained by the view of the authorities. Furthermore, the statement of motive fixed in the report of the investigation cannot be reduced to the suspect's past mental state at the scene of the crime, because the spoken words in the confession are transformed into written words in the report, and the information is limited by this conversion. Therefore the verdict in court is given not to the act itself but to the concept which was granted to it during the investigation. Since the offender's motive does not belong to the past empirical world, this verdict is actually a technical simplification of the multiple reality of the crime. The work of achieving a verdict is also a search for the motive of the suspect according to 'taken-for-granted ideas.' Thus the offender, an object attributed a deviant motive, comes to be categorized as the anonymous person type "criminal."
山口 直也
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.19, pp.95-111, 1994

This note describes the background and concept of the Teen Court which is one of the diversion programs in American Juvenile Justice Systems, analyzes its meanings and functions and clarifies some problems of it. In 1983, the first Teen Court was established in Odessa, Texas, with the proposal of Prof. Rothstein. The aim of it is to turn peer pressure and peer power from something that has always had a very negative influence to something very positive. With the success of declining recidivism rates of juveniles who were referred to Teen Courts, the Courts were appraised by many communities and have widespread all over the U.S.A. This note, however, clarifies some problems of Teen Court. First of all, there is disagreement about the estimation of the decline of recidivism rates. Therefore, we can not conclude that Teen Court program is useful. Secondly, Teen Court does not deal with serious delinquents in a meaningful way. We must treat both felony and misdemeanor juveniles similarly in the Juvenile Justice Systems. Finally, teen juries tend to be tougher on juveniles that formal court judges. Juveniles who are referred to Teen Courts are forced to be exposed to tougher sentences than first-time juveniles and adult offenders dealt with in formal courts. We must overcome this problem of inequality.
中河 伸俊
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.6, pp.100-121, 1981

Strain theory (anomie theory) and deviant subculture theory are both motivational theory in the sense that both theories focus on the formation of motivation (or inclination) toward deviance in explaining the causes of deviant behaviors. In contrast, control theory, which has been developed as control theory of delinquency by Briar and Pilliavin, and Hirschi, and as deterrence theory by Tittle and Gibbs, among others, explains deviant behaviors by the lack of control. An individual's internal control over his inclinations toward deviance can be conceptualled as his normative reference relationships with others. Employing Kelman's typology of interpersonal influence, Schmitt presents three types of normative reference relationships: compliance normative reference relationship, identification normative reference relationship, and internalization normative reference relationship. All three types of relationships are relevant to the explanations of an individual's internal control process. Compliance occurs when an individual percieves other's possible rewards and sanctions (punishments) significant and conforms to others' normative opinions. Identification occurs when he percieves a "self-defining" relationship with others as desirable and accepts other's normative opinions. Internalization occurs when he integrates other's normative opinions into his own value system. This paper describes internal control mechanism and contingencies of the control for each type of the relationships. Then, the basic proposition of control theory is refotmulated as follows: the more (any or all types) of normative reference relationships an individual has with others, and the larger the strength of the relationship(s) is, the less he is likely to deviate from the others' behavioral standards. Finally, the paper briefly discusses cultural and socio-structural factors which influence the formation and maintenance of the three types of control, and, also presents an attempt to apply the typology of the control to differential association theory.
土井 隆義
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.38, pp.78-96, 2013-10-15

ジョンソン デイビッド
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.33, pp.46-66, 2008-10-20

日本の刑事施設への拘禁率は,1992年から2007年までに75%増加している.他国と比較すると,この増加率は異常なものではなく,少なくともアジアの他の7ヵ国では,同じ期間にさらに高い増加率を見せている.日本が他のアジア諸国と異なるのは,拘禁刑の適用と死刑の適用の双方が近年増加しているという点にある.他のアジア諸国には,同様の状況は見られない.この論文では,日本の拘禁刑と死刑にかかわる政策状況と他国のそれとを比較している.特に,「penal populism」-より厳しい刑罰を望む世論を満足させるための政治的な動き-が,大半のアジア諸国の政策において,死刑の適用を促進させる方向に向かわせるものではないことを述べる.日本において,「penal populism」は,最近見られる死刑適用の再活性化に影響を与えている要因のひとつとされているようだが,「指導者によるリーダーシップ(leadership from the front)」が少なくとも重要な要因であると考えられる.将来的に,死刑廃止を求める国際基準の影響を受けて,(明治時代のはじまりから30年間に死刑執行が97%も落ち込んだように)日本が死刑の適用を縮減するのか,または,日本の歴史上顕著に見られる別の傾向,すなわち他の民主国家からの普遍化の要求(universalistic claims)を無視するという傾向のほうに従って,死刑が維持されていくのか,について予測を述べることは難しい.最後に,日本における人権の絶対性に対する反感は,同国に最近見られる死刑適用の再活性化を抑制し,結果的には死刑を廃止しようとする努力に対して,大きな障害となるであろう.
浜井 浩一
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.32, pp.8-26, 2007-10-20

山本 功
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.30, pp.138-150, 2005

矢島 正見 山本 功
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
no.19, pp.74-94, 1994

1. Aim The purpose of this paper is to study how a kind of comics called "YUUGAI (harmful) comics" became the social problem, and how petitions which ask for the revision of the Tokyo prefectural ordinance were presented to the assemblies. 2. Methods We investigated them by two methods. First, we collected the petitions presented to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly or to the 23 ward assemblies. We analized them: by whom, when, how were they presented? A tatol of 156 petitions were collected. The main groups which represented the petitions were CHOUNAIKAI (neighborhood associations), SEISHOUNEN'IINKAI (juvenile committee), women's groups, PTAs, and volunteer probation officers. Second, we interviewed the representatives of the petitioners. A sample of 32 persons were interviewed. We asked them their knowledge and opinons about "YUUGAI comics," and how they presented their petitions. 3. Findings (1) Only three types of compositions were found among these petitions. These were not written independently but copied from one another. And we suppose the original composition was the notification given by the Liberal Democratic Party. (2) The movements were developed not on their own initiatives. They were asked to petition by the other groups concerned. Most of them were police and the organs concerned. So, we conclude that the "YUUGAI comics" problem was developed through the network of police, neighborhood associations, PTAs, and so on. The petitions for the revision of the ordinance were directed by police and the organs concerned.
中島 学
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.44, pp.30-45, 2019-10-20 (Released:2022-04-26)

中條 晋一郎
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.28, pp.110-129, 2003-10-18 (Released:2017-03-30)

四方 寿雄
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.6, pp.73-97, 1981 (Released:2017-03-10)

This report is one of the attempts to organize a working hypothesis on the knowledge of the criminal behavior. The crime phenomenon is the socio-cultural phenomenon. The conception of crime is rather relative. There are differences in the concept of crime depending upon the time and the customs of the given community and society. All of Eenders are persons. There are no differences between a criminal behavior and a normal person's behavior from biological points of view. The criminal behavior is an unlawful act and violates the customs of the normal life. There are two factors in the control of criminal behaviors. The first are the directive factors which enfeeble self-control. The second are the indirective factors which enfeeble social control. The former factors are induced by the inherited and acquired physiological handicaps and physical diseases, etc. The latter factors consist of the pathological societies, defects in the economic orders, community disorganization, changing customs and group conflicts, inadequate educational activities, etc. Causes of crime are very complicated. The criminal behavior results from the interactions between the particular constituted personality and the particular environment. Causes of crime are within the scope of the individual consciousness. In other words, it is the matter of his self-control when he behaves. It is not until the judge labels his act as a crime that he becomes an offender. The judgement of the court decides whether he becomes an offender or not.
平山 真理
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.25, pp.104-122, 2000 (Released:2017-03-30)

It is welcomed that victims policy has developed recently in Japan. In this trend, however, there is a danger that "viewpoints of actual victims" are substituted for "viewpoints of potential victims(namely citizens)" in victims policy. Its typical example is Megan's Law in the U.S.A. In this paper, I examine the legislative process and the problems of Megan's Law. My examinations are following. As problems of the political character of the legislative process of Megan's Low: 1.The panic among citizens provoked by the sensational sexual crime helped Megan's Law pass in a rapid speed; 2.The politicians were very active toward Megan's Law's enactment because they wanted to show citizens that they cared for citizens' safety; 3.The Federal Government's role was great too, because they compelled all states to enact Megan's Law in a certain period. Next, as problems of actual functions of Megan's Law: 1.Megan's Law violates offenders' constitutional rights. And many offender have been attacked and ostracized by citizens; 2.The possibility of grasping sexual offenders. Megan's Law targets only a part of dangerous sexual offenders and gives citizens a false sense of security; 3.There may be the problem of "Crime displacement" and also it has not proved yet that Megan's Law prevent offenders from reoffending. From these perspectives, it can be said that Megan's Law makes it easier for law enforcement officers to track sexual offenders even after their release. As information provision systems for victims are developing recently in Japan, I think that examining problems stated above is important to discuss victims policy in Japan. And at last, I stress that the fundamental issue of victims policy is to respect victims' rights and offenders' rights at the same time, so policies which limits offenders rights too much should be criticized.
齊藤 知範
犯罪社会学研究 (ISSN:0386460X)
vol.43, pp.25-41, 2018-10-20 (Released:2020-03-20)

アグニューは,マートンの古典的な緊張理論を改訂し,一般緊張理論(GST)として再生した.それ以来,人々がなぜ犯罪へと追い込まれるのかを説明する有力な枠組みとして,一般緊張理論は幅広い支持を集めてきた.一般高齢者と初回の万引きにより検挙された高齢被疑者をマッチドペアにしたデータセットを用いて,一般緊張理論における2つの種類の緊張が高齢者の万引きリスクに影響するかを分析した.ひとつの緊張は目標を達成することができないことであり,もうひとつの緊張は価値あるものを失っていることである.また,対処スキル,社会経済的地位,セルフコントロール,ソーシャルサポートの供与が高齢者の万引きのリスクを低減させるかについても,分析した. 主要な結果は,以下に示すとおりである.1 目標を達成することができないことは,高齢者による万引きのリスクの高さに影響する.2 価値あるものを失っていることは,高齢者による万引きのリスクの高さに影響する.3 社会経済的地位,セルフコントロール,ソーシャルサポートの供与は,高齢者による万引きのリスクを低減させる. 結果にもとづき,理論的含意,実践的含意についても議論する.