熊坂 賢次
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.66, pp.75-97, 1977-09

3. レジャー領域の確定 (1) レジャー不要社会 (2) 偏レジャー出現社会 (3) レジャー抑圧社会 (4) レジヤー開花社会In what sense do we consider leisure as a social problem for the mass in contemporary society? In an attempt to answer it, four categories of leisure society are constructed and examined. Leisure society is a concept applied to the whole society from the viewpoint of leisure activities. It contains four typologies : (1) Leisure non-necessary society, where leisure is not needed as a part of social life system because the work of the society contains the components of play (consummatory act) as well as instrumentality. (2) Distorted two-facet leisure society, where leisure is possessed by the upper class only while the lower class is specialized to a little more instrumentalized works. (3) Leisure suppressed society, where lesure is completely suppressed in order to achieve the societal goal, ie., modernization. (4) Leisure prospering society, where the mass get leisure and its chances owing to the social justification and economic affluence. After examining them, the diagram on leisure industry vs passive mass is drawn as today's social problem. Now, we must seek for the possibilities to transcend this diagram from a value-relational standpoint. They are following : (1) voluntarity of play, (2) mass having aristocratic orientation, (3) leisure as an impetus of social solidarity, (4) recurrence to commune on denying leisure activities dialectically. These four possibilities, as well as the diagram, are sociologically important components to determine "the domain of leisure" in contemporary society, Hence is the need for the sociology of leisure to achive a new and meaningful "leisure society".
西山 晃生
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.120, pp.19-34, 2008-03

はじめに1. 賭けの必然性 : 強制的参加2. 賭けの合理性 : 公平な選択3. 賭けの継続性 : 習慣の力4. 議論の評価と解釈5. 結論投稿論文
小泉 仰
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.50, pp.1-21, 1967-03

第五十集記念号Amane Nishi's practical logic seems to represent the typical way of thinking in which the late-nineteenth-century Japanese beaurocrats and thinkers had dealt with the economic, political and strategic pro-blems they encountered after the Meiji Restoration. Furthermore, it seems to me that his practical logic shows a still living one in our present-day ordinary life. In this sense, it is very interesting for us to clarify his practical logic. I have tried in this paper to describe how Nishi developed his practical logic, and discuss how he applied it to various fields such as political, economic and strategic fields. By doing so, I trace J. S. Mill's, H. Spencer's and I. ant's influences upon Nishi's thought also.
町田 一 山口 まり子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.102, pp.15-36, 1997-12

Although we speak of fictitious person or things in books, films, or in our imagination very frequently and without any hesitation, the status of the names of fictitious things or things which do not exist has been quite ambiguous and problematic in logic. In this small paper, we would like to consider whether the sentences which include these names are susceptible of truth or false, by mentioning Abelard, who insists that the existence of a name is inseparably connected with the existence of a thing which is signified by the name (or at least, an evidence of the thing's existence), and J.S. Mill, who insists that the existence of a name does not necessarily demand the actual existence of a thing which is denoted by the name.
宮下 克也
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.119, pp.233-256, 2008-03

特集文化人類学の現代的課題II特集文化人類学の現代的課題II第1部 空間の表象投稿論文I. はじめにII. 字・公民館 1. 沖縄県A町C字 2. 「中心」としての字公民館III. 場所の記憶の覚醒 1. 字誌づくり 2. 青年会の再結成 3. 道ジュネーによる記憶の覚醒・再創造 4. 屋取集落と新興住宅地 5. 意識を覚醒する音 6. 没場所性と始原志向IV. 結語In order to address the needs of a low birthrate and an aging population, we need to reconstruct communities that are declining. The purpose of this paper is to analyze, through concepts, such as memory, space and placeless which is coined by Edward Relph, the process of reconstruction of a community in the suburb of Naha City in Okinawa, where there are longtime residents and newcomers. At first, I will analyze on the community the effect of Azashi-making which means the residents compiling historical data into a book by themselves. Secondly, I will treat the young men's association. The association, which temporarily had suspended its activities, started again a few years ago. They revived an old custom, Eisa, which is the dance devoted to their ancestors. The revival involved both longtime residents and newcomers in the reconstruction of a community. They evoked the community's memories by Azashi-making and the revival of Eisa and began to have a special attachment to their community. Put simply, to reconstruct communities, they instilled their memory into the place which has been mixed by both longtime residents and newcomers.
海津 忠雄
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.91, pp.291-312, 1990-12

文学部創設百周年記念論文集ITreatiseJacob Burckhardts Werk Baukunst der Renaissance in Italienerschien erstmals 1867 als Fortsetzung der Serie Geschichte der Baukunst, die mit dem dritten Band durch den Tod des Verfassers, des Berliner Kunsthistorikers Franz Kugler (1808-1858), unterbrochen war. Im Vorwort zu dieser Ausgabe sagt Burckhardt: Das Werk lasset sich nur in systematischer Anordnung so behandeln, dasse die planvoll bewussete Entwicklung der Kunst durch anderhalb Jahrhunderte hindurch zu einem neuen, konsequenten Stil dem Leser klar gemacht wurde. Seine Beschreibung auf systematische Anordnung verzichtet auf fortlaufenden Text und tritt in einzelnen Paragraphen, die nach Hauptsatzen und Darlegungen geteilt sind, nur die das Ganze der Kunst beherrschenden Triebkrafte in den Vordergrund. Unter §30 ist der Kunsttheoretiker der Fruhrenaissance, Leon Battista Alberti, behandelt: Alberti beruft sich daher nicht auf Triebkrafte, die im Einzelnen ausgedruckt sein musseten, sondern auf das Bild, welches der Bau gewahrt und das Auge, das dieses Bild betrachtet und geniesset. In der Darlegung sagt Burckhardt, dasse Alberti in seiner Jugendschrift della pitturasogar die Bauformen von einer praexistierenden Malerei ableitet; dies heisset die starkste Aussage fur den malerischen Standpunkt der Fruhrenaissance gegenuber den Bauformen. Unter §33 bedenkt Bunckhardt sich wiederum die malerische Architektur: Die Komposition nach Verhaltnissen und fur das Auge ist die Seele der Renaissance. Heinrich Wolfflin tadelt Burckhardts Wortverstand dafur, die Renaissance einen malerischen Stil zu nennen. Wolfflins Auffassung nach ist die Architektur ebenso selbstandig, abgeschlossen, fest-bleibend und tastbar wie der menschliche Leib; der architektonische Raum kann nur wieder mit korperlichen Organen aufgefasset werden. Das klassische Bauwerk ist das, was man gewissermassen mit dem Leib erlebt. Die Stilwandelung der neueren Baukunst verlauft von der Wirklichkeit fur den Korper zur Wirklichkeit fur das Auge. Also erkennt Wolfflin im Gegensatz zu Burckhardt die malerische Architektur nicht in der Zeit der Renaissance, sondern erst im Barock.
岩田 若子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.87, pp.203-218, 1988

はじめに1. Lebensführung概念の2つの側面 : 生活様式と生活態度の相互連関II. ライフスタイル論の展開とその概念規定 : 生活システム論の視点からむすびIn this paper, the concept of life-style will be redefined and reformulated through examining Max Weber's "Lebensfuhrung". This article is composed of two parts. In the first, it is clarified that his "Lebensfuhrung" has two aspects: maintaining the social structure (Japanese version of it, "seikatsu-yoshiki") and changing it (Japanese version of it, "seikatsu-taido"), and that they are mutually related. Secondly it is traced how the theory of lif-style has been developped, and the life-style is redefined from the viewpoint of life-system. The life-style is a patterned ethos, motivated by his own "life-needs" and directed by his own "life-value", according to which an actor or agent should choose "life-relationship" and "life-resources". As his life-style is collectively shared, it becomes a factor of social change. When the life-styles in the "life-world" are incorporated into the present social system, then a social transformation process initiated by the actor or agent of life-style will be terminated.
西村 義人
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.100, pp.125-149, 1996-03

100集記念号I. はじめにII. モラルのダイナミックスの一般理論の概念III. 希望の責任の観念史 : モルトマンとメッツIV. モラルの動力としての希望 : マッコーリーに即してV. 希望と,罪・恩恵・謝恩 : マッコーリーとフレッチャーVI. むすびIn this paper, the writer is presenting a general theory of moral dynamics. "Moral dynamics" herein means the ethics which deals with the forces acting on our moral lives such as motive force, motivation force, driving force, and energizing force. "General theory" represents a process for exploring what is common between Christian ethics and non-Christian ethics. The possibility of such a theory had been suggested in 1960's by several Christian theologians including Jurgen Moltmann, Johann Baptist Metz, John Macquarrie and Joseph Fletscher. Through the examination of the ethical theories of these theologians, I showed my theory that "gratitude for grace" and "hope" are the basic forces which act on our moral lives, and that these are also the concept of non-Christian ethics.
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.90, pp.165-197, 1990

自分が見たいものを見る,読みたいものを読むといった個人の自由が社会の安寧,秩序に反するとの理由で制限,制約をうけることがある.「個人の自由といっても,それは無制限に許されるものではない」というのが,制限論者の主張である.この主張の是非はともかくとして,一応それを受け入れるとするならば,次に問題となることは,その線引きをどのようにするのか,ということである.特に人びとが「黒か,白か」をめぐって厳しく対立しているような場合には,線引きは難航する.その一例として,ポルノグラフィー(porunography)の問題があげられる.ポルノグラフィーをめぐっては,規制の強化を主張する人たちと,表現の自由,思想の自由を盾にして規制反対を唱える人たちの間で激しい論争が繰り返されてきた.そこに社会科学者が関与することになったのは,ジョンソン大統領のときに大統領諮問委員会(Commission on Obscenity & Pornography)が設置され,委託研究という形で専門家の意見が求められたことによる.その後この委員会は「ポルノグラフィーは成人にとって無害である」との結論を導き出し,それに基づく答申案をまとめて(Lockhart Report),大統領と議会に提出することになった.しかしながら,それを受けた当時のニクソン大統領及び議会は,「この内容はアメリカ国民の道徳心を堕落させるものである」と手厳しく批判したうえで,答申の受諾を拒否してしまったのである.こうして200万ドルの予算と2年間の歳月を費した委員会の報告は(1巻の要約と9巻からなる研究報告書),悪評のうちに世間から葬り去られてしまったのである.それと同時に,社会科学者(心理学者,行動科学者)はその研究成果に基づいて社会政策の立案に参画するというまたとないチャンスをフイにしてしまったのである.本稿では,大統領諮問委員会の答申が何故このような結末を迎えることになったのか,この種の社会的争点の解決に心理学の手法を適用することが果して妥当であったのか,そこから得られた知見は一般の人たちにどのように受けとめられたのか,といった問題について,この諮問委員会(Lockhart Report)の活動を辿りながら考えていくことにする.
立野 清隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.29, pp.99-149, 1953-03

四. 時間性よりする存在の構成(脱我的思惟Ek-statisches Donkenによる存在の論理学の展開の試み)Die eigentliche Zeitlichkeit, die durch die Entschliessung der vorlaufenden Entschlossenheit erreichte wurde: d.h. der Dialog des Seins mit dem Nichts erlautert, indem er sich selbst als eine reine, Schemabildliche und selbstaffizierende Anschauung betrachtet, wie die Zeitigung der Zeitlichkeit die raumliche Vorstellung hervorbringen und das Sein im Anblickcharakter konstruieren kann, so dass wir sunachst den Begriff der transzendentalen Dynamik erreichten. Und die fundamentale Ontologie wird als die dialektische Entfaltung einer Anblick-bildlichen transzendentalen Dynamik, die die Zeitlichkeit als solche zeitigt, gefasst; und es zeigt, dass die Zeitigung der reinen selbst-affizierenden und Schema-bildlichen Zeitlichkeit die bildliche Fassung der reinen Idee der Zeitigung als solcher der Zeitlichkeit ist, und da gewinnen wir den Sinn des Daseins, der in die Zeitlichkeit reduziert ist: die Idee des Ek-sistenz. Damit wird das menschliche Seiende als solches von dem Ursprung der Selbster-schaffungen aus, (wir verstehen unter ihr das Werden des geschichtlichen Wesens des Seins) schopferisch wiedergewonnen; und dann zeigt sich zugleich auch die Philosophie der Geschichte des Seing, das systematische Ganz der reinen Erkenntnis, und konstruktiv entfalten wir den Ort des Ek-sistenz, den ek-sistenzlichen Raum, in dem ein menschliches Dasein zur Ek-sistenz wird und sich als Ek-sistenz vollendet, und versuchen wir, indem wir die dem jetzt und hier, stehenden und bleibenden Ich notwendig bestimmende Richtung der Transzendenz scharf erschliessen, die Losung des Grundproblems der Philosophie auf einen Schlag zu geben: wie man zu solch einem werden kann, das ein Mensch eigentlich gewesen ist.
菅野 博史
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.93, pp.223-248, 1992-01

0. はじめに1. 意味という現象2. ダブル・コンティンジェンシー3. 出来事としてのコミュニケーション4. コミュニケーションのオートポイエシス・システム5. 行為の接続と構造6. 基礎概念の検討The basic concept of sociology has been regarded as "action". This kind of thought, has long theoretical accumulations after Max Weber and holds a central position in social theory. Against this tradition, however, Niklas Luhmann suggests that the concept of meaning should be basic. According to him, meaning is more suitable to describe the contingent possibility of the "world". And he introduces phenomenological insights into his framework of system theory, building it up into the theory of autopoietic systems of communications. In this paper, the author tries to summerize his discussions on meaning and communication in the first place, and examines his most important conception like self-reference (Selbstreferenz) and self-observation (Selbstbeobachtung) in the next. In conclusion, the author (1) critisizes the ambiguity of his concept "self-reference" and (2) points out theoretically fruitful possibilities of observing self-observational systems which always deparadoxize its own paradoxes.
松木 洋人
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.106, pp.149-181, 2001-03

特集変容する社会と家族投稿論文0. はじめに1. 社会構築主義という視点2. 社会問題研究における社会構築主義3. 家族社会における社会構築主義4. 誤解と混同5. 家族言説と解釈実践の社会学へ6. おわりにRecently, a social constructionist approach is a growing concern in the field of family sociology. This trend reflects the recognition among family sociologists that they need an alternative perspective to approach "postmodern" contemporary family which differs from the traditional structural-functionalist framework. In order to examine the implications of social constructionism for family sociology, sociological studies of family based on a method of social constructionism will be illustrated here with examples mainly from works of Gubrium Holstein. Also, pointing out the popular but unsound evaluation of the constructionist family study as a "subjectivistic micro-theory", this paper emphasizes that the approach is very sociological in that it addresses the social character of interaction and discourse and the relation between family and social order.
間瀬 啓允
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.91, pp.95-103, 1990-12
