古賀 万由里
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.107, pp.261-275, 2002-01

1. はじめに2. ヴァヤナードゥ県部族の状況3. アーユルヴェーダ4. 民俗医療 (1) クルマ族のVヴァイディヤン (2) カートゥナーイカ族のKヴァイディヤン (3) 衰退する蛇毒治療 (4) 州政府の奨励したAヴァイディヤン (5) 妊娠儀礼,ガッディガ(gaddika)5. 民俗医療の特徴と展望特集文化人類学の現代的課題研究ノート
池上 健一郎
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.132, pp.309-341, 2014-03

特集 : 論集 美学・芸術学 : 美・芸術・感性をめぐる知のスパイラル(旋回)The symphonies of Anton Bruckner (1824‒1896) were evaluated both during his lifetime and subsequent to his death in terms of two opposing criteria : "absolute music" and "program music", terms that actually reflect aesthetic polemics. Especially since the 1980s, Bruckner scholarship has connected this dichotomy to methodological discussions of autonomic analysis and semantic interpretation. However, the methodological purism being undeniably at stake in both positions comes with the risk of misconceiving the multiple layers of Bruckner's symphonies.Hence my paper aims at demonstrating that both dimensions—the "purely musical" and the semantic—make up an inseparable unit in Bruckner's music. The third movement of his Ninth Symphony seems particularly suitable for this purpose, since Bruckner himself commented on its "content" on various occasions.By means of analysis, I seek to demonstrate how thematic ideas being integrated into a broader motivic network throughout the symphony are interlinked semantically. Remarkably, such "semantic networks" are strengthened through thematisch-motivische Arbeit, the technique which is commonly regarded as the "autonomous" principle. Along those lines, the culmination of the movement (mm.187ff.) gains a multidimensional character. In order to understand the related nature of Bruckner's "Doppeldasein"(Korte), the methodological purism ought to be overcome.
加田 哲二
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.3, pp.1-88, 1927-12-25

一. シュタインの生涯二. シュタインの業績三-四. シュタインの社会学史上の地位並にその思想の背景五-一八. 「仏蘭西社会運動史」に現われた社会学的思想
輿水 辰春
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.107, pp.169-187, 2002-01

特集文化人類学の現代的課題論文1. はじめに 1-1. 民俗芸能と伝説・昔話 1-2. 地域概略と問題点2. 雛鶴姫伝説 2-1. 伝説 2-2. 考察 2-3. 習俗と伝説3. おわりにThe purpose of this paper is to consider the legend Hinaduru-Hime Densetsu that tells of the origin of folk-performing-art Dainenbutsu and some social taboos. Dainenbutsu is a ritual dance to exorcise a human body of evil spirits. A representative social taboo is prohibition of setting up the New Year's pine. According to the legend that deals with the Nanboku-cho era (the 14th century), both are very old and traditional customs. But my researches reveal that the legend is formed in the modern age. Therefore, it is Invention of Tradition. My concern here is mainly formation and function of the legend. Formation and transition of the legend originate from reflection and reasonable interpretation of people's memory that join some places, and customs. Generally, legend is thought traditional and static. But, in modern contemporary society, legend is dynamic and variable. I attempted to explain the process of formation of the legend. This process shows people's sense of large and small history that is far and familiar. And function of legend is to give people some taboos and customs. People are under restrain. But this function is an un-finished product of those idea and thought.

2 0 0 0 IR Quineの集合論

大出 晁
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.46, pp.83-108, 1965-02

I. パラドックス Cantorの定理 順序数の定理II. Quineの体系III. NFにおける自然数と数学的帰納法IV. NFにおけるCantorの定理V. NFと選択公理VI. MLの利点 1. 数学的帰納法 2. 自然数の集合N 3. Cantor, Burali-Fortiのパラドックス 4. MLと選択公理VII. NFとMLとの関係 : 相対的無矛盾性VIII. MLとNFにおける個体の問題橋本孝先生古希記念論文集
三雲 夏生
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.32, pp.69-94, 1956-03

H. Bergson et M. Blondel sont les deux sources du spiritualisme francais de notre temps. Us sont comparables par un meme gout a la vie interieure, par la puissance avec laquelle ils ont lutte contre le positivisme, l'idealisme et le rationalisme etroit du temps. Ils ont montre un analogue retour au reel, en elargissant la notion d'experience humaine, Et ainsi ils ont introduit l'un et l'autre, une originate nouvaute dans la tradition spiritualiste francaise. Mais quoi que leur affinite soit tres profonde, d'en autre cots on ne peut cependant pas minimiser la difference essentielle entre ces deux philosophies. A nos yeux, dans les ecrits du philosophe de la duree, il y a une discontinuite remarquable, qui se traduit par unchangement de la methode entre ses divers ecrits consacres a des recherches sur l'experience humaine naturelle et Les deux sources dans lequel il a etudie l'nexperience des mystiques. Jusqu'a L'Evolution creatrice, son effort est absorbe uniquement dans les donnees naturelles de notre experience, et il n'a jamais pose le probleme moral et religieux. En fait il a cru qu'il n'y a pas d'experiences naturelles qui suflise pour construire une ethique solide et une theodicee montrable. Apres vint-cinq ans Les deux sources ont paru, ou Bergson parle pour la premiere fois de son aspiration marale et religieuse. Mais c'est un ouvrage de mysticisme qui ne peut plus pretendre, semblet-il, a l'objectivite aussi grande que celle des sciences positives. Nous avons done, conclu dans, que dans la pensee bergsonienne en tant que philosophie, il n'y a pas de consideration morale et religieuse; ni d'etique et detheodicee. Chez lui la notion de conscience exprime un simple elan vital et non pas un elan spirituel au sens precis du mot. M. Blondel au contraire, a etudie l'elan spirituel de notre vouloir. Des le debut il a consacre tout son effort a la construction d'une philosophic intrinsequement religieuse. Pour lui la dialectique de l'action humaine est une demarche morale par essence. II y a toujours une inadequation inevitable entre ce qu'on croit vouloir et ce qu'on veut profondement, entre le mouvement reflechi et le mouvement spontane du vouloir, ou entre la "volonte voulue" et la "volonte voulante". D' autre part l'homme cherche a identifier ces deux mouvements. C'est un fait d'experience humaine. La vie humaine est done un drame moral, dont M. Blondel a etudie le dynamisme ascendant, en montrant les conditions a la fois necessaires et consenties du perfectionnement de l'action humaine. Au terme de ce dynamisme il aboutit a une option inevitable devant la destinee surnatrelle. Four Blondel la destinee humaine C'est necessa irement surnaturelle. La vie humaine a necessairement un sens relgiieux. II s'est efforce de construire une philosophic de cette destinee humaine; une critique de la vie, une science de la pratique. Sa philosophie est donc une philosophic de notre elan moral et religieux. Notre presente etude vlse a eclairer cette difference essentielle et profonde entre ces deux philosophies.
石井 敏夫
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.93, pp.p79-105, 1992-01

Cet article a pour but d'essayer d'eclaircir le procede selon lequel Bergson introduit le mysticisme chretien dans sa philosophie pour depasser sa philosophie lui-meme. Dans ce but, je me propose de preciser les vues que Bergson a du christianisme a trois points de vue. 1° Bergson considere l'experience mystique de grands mystiques chretiens comme source interne du christianisme. Qu'estce que l'experience mystique en tant qu'il la comprend ? 2° Queue idee a-t-il sur la relation du christianisme et la philosophie en general 3° Queue idee a-t-il sur Jesus comme source historique du christianisme ? Apres quoi, je tente de formuler le procede que Bergson suit pour introduire le mysticisme chretien dans sa philosophie. Son procede est le suivant. 1° L'existence d'une experience en vertu de laquelle on peut depasser l'ordre philosophique, c'est-a-dire l'existence d'une experience mystique, est supposee. 2° L'etat de dissolution de l'intelligence est pris pour l'envers de, et tenant a, l'etat de dissemination qui couvre la surface de la vie. 3° L'experience mystique est tenue comme faisant notre vie revenir de l'etat de dissemination statique a l'etat d'unite dynamique. 4° Les experiences des mystiques chretiens, et la maniere d'etre de leur ame, sont examines en tant qu'exemple de l'experience mystique en vertu de laquelle on peut revenir a l'etat d'unite dynamique de la vie. 5° La maniere d'etre de l'ame des mystiques chretiens est comparee avec la maniere d'etre de l'ame close analysee du point de vue sociologique et psychologique. On envisage le contenu des experiences des mystiques en tenant les paroles des mystiques pour expressions purement personnelles d'emotion unique de leur ame. 6° Si l'experience mystique etait consideree par l'intermediaire du procede qui precede, la question suivante se formerait dans notre esprit: quelle lumiere l'experience mystique jette-elle sur la verite philosophique en general et l'etat de dissemination de la vie qui peut jaillir au cours de notre emploi de la philosophie ?
佐藤 方哉
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.45, 1963-12

We have a few available approaches, which are distinct from each other in their logical structure, in behavior theory (Skinner 1953; Tolman 1935, Hull 1943; Ogawa 1957). Nevertheless, they all have a common goal to establish functional relationship between socalled independent variables and dependant variables. In the present paper, auther tries to reiterate these approaches in terms of set theory and symbolic logic. In this attempt the followings are to be clarified: First, that the preceding approaches can be categorized among 156 logically possible alternatives. Second, other alternatives should have logically equal possibility in leading us to the common goal, the construction of theory which enables us to predict, to control and to explain human and animal behavior.
岡原 正幸 木田 邦治
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.94, pp.25-46, 1993-01

荻野先生の略歴0. 荻野恒一先生を追悼する1. 慶應義塾時代の荻野先生2. まよい出づる旅の思想Professor med. Dr. Kohichi Ogino, ein immer uns alle stutzender und von neben uns out der Reise zur echt wissenschaftlichen Uberlegung begleitender Lehrer, 1st am 15. Okt. 1991 mit Tode abgegangen. Es lag auf der Hand, dass wir alle in tiefste Trauer und in grauen Schock versetzt wurden. Aber deswegen ist unbedingt notwendig, daruber hinaus eine neue Beziehung mit unserem grossen Lehrer, die nicht mehr "wirklich" sondern seelisch und wissenschaftlich sein muss, mit aller Kraft zu stellen. Wir beide sollen, semen Tod betrauend, diesen Aufsatz mit dem Ziel schreiben, etwas Wichtiges fur unsere Gesellschaft vom psychiatrischen (phanomenologischen, Daseinanalytischen, vergleichend, trans-kulturellen) Denken Oginos heraus in die sozialwissenschaftliche Diskurse uberzuleiten.
浜野 正浩
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.104, pp.33-44, 1999-12

投稿論文1. はじめに2. Kirby-ParisのHydra Game3. GentzenのPAのためのcut除去法4. cut除去法による定理1の証明5. まとめWe give a direct independence proof of Kirby-Paris' Hydra Game [9] from Peano Arithmetic (PA). This is done by giving a relationship between Gentzen's consistency proof [5] for PA and the Hydra Game. Compared with Kirby-Paris' and Cichon's [3] proofs, our proof is direct in that we do not use any finite characterization theorem of the PA-provably recursive functions. We prove that one step reduction of Kirby-Paris' Hydra Game corresponds to finite steps of Gentzen's proof reduction. With the help of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, Kirby-Paris' unprovability result follows.
近藤 紀子 伊澤 栄一 渡辺 茂
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.121, pp.183-205, 2009-03

特集 : 小嶋祥三君退職記念展望論文カラスは, 霊長類や鯨類などの社会性哺乳類と類似した. 固定的な個体群が緩やかに結びついた離合集散型と呼ばれる社会を形成している. そこでは, 個体間に競合関係や友好関係が生じ, 資源競合の解決策として機能している. 近年のカラス科の研究はその証左としての優れた社会認知戦略を明らかにしてきたが, それらに不可欠な個体認知機能のメカニズムは明らかにされていない. 個体の離合集散を伴う社会では, 音声による個体認知が有効であり, 実際に, 多くの社会性哺乳類がコンタクトコールと呼ばれる音声を用いて個体認知を行うことが知られている. 鳥類の音声個体認知については, つがい相手や親と子, なわばり隣接個体などの社会生態学的に固定的関係をもつ個体間に関するものがほとんどであり, 個体間の社会関係が時刻 と変化する複雑な社会において, どのように個の個体を認知しているのかは不明であった. 本論文では, 離合集散型の社会を形成するハシブトガラス(Corvus macrorhynchos)について, 我 が近年行ってきた研究の中から, 音声コミュニケーションについて紹介する. 彼らは音声能力に長けているとされながらも, その多くは不明のままであったが, 野外観察研究と実験室研究の両者を行うことで, コンタクトコールを特定し, それを用いたコミュニケーションが担う個体認知機能を明らかにしつつある. これらの研究は, 従来なされなかった社会性鳥類における音声個体認知のメカニズムとその機能を明らかにするだけでなく, 社会性哺乳類の知見との比較議論を可能にし, 社会生態と音声コミュニケーションの進化に関する理解を深める可能性をもつ.
織田 竜也
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.119, pp.147-170, 2008-03

1. はじめに2. 交易港(Ports of Trade)3. 交易港としての長崎4. 交易港を認識する5. 異文化としての象6. 結語特集文化人類学の現代的課題II第1部 空間の表象投稿論文
長尾 真理
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.113, pp.131-164, 2005-03

1. はじめに2. 「対象関係論」の成立3. 「対象関係論」の特質4. ウィニコットと乳幼児の世界5. 自我の発達と母親の役割 (1) 絶対的依存段階 (2) 相対的依存段階 1) 鏡としての母親の役割 2) 移行対象の理論 (3) 人格統合の段階 1) 対象を使用する能力 2) 「一人でいられる能力」 3) 「思いやり」を持つ能力 (4) 自我の発達と母親の役割6. おわりに投稿論文
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.84, pp.243-266, 1987-05

譲る,譲らない,譲れないシルバーシートここは私の席 : 着席権とは何か少し待て,早過ぎるのでは : 電話口での礼儀,作法割り勘,おごる,おごられる : レジの前の社会心理学要約In this paper, some kinds of behavior occurring in the daily life are taken up as examples of the rule-following behavior. If we take a casual glance at them, they seem to be unsystematic and confused. But a close investigation of them will reveal the rules which people follow implicitly to smooth the human relations and to reduce the conflict among them. If it were not for such rules, the strain of human relations would tire people out, because the difficult decision-making is required at any moment in the social situation. People are unaware of them in many cases, but if they are broken, people feel insulted and get angry. For that reason, they are called the implicit rule of social behavior.

2 0 0 0 OA 新實在論序説

島原 逸二
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.7, pp.1-11, 1930-12-30

藤田 弘夫
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.114, pp.199-221, 2005-03

特集都市・公共・身体の歴史社会学-都市社会学誕生100年記念-B編 身体と公共の歴史社会学論文第一節. 人間の夢と科学・技術第二節. 人類の発展と地球環境第三節. 人類の進歩と社会の進化第四節. 生命への挑戦と豊かな生活第五節. 科学・技術と未来の神話While man realized the dream, he found out (lack) continuously and made a new dream. Man's dream is restricted and spreads that there is nothing. Man's greatest dream is release from the "death" which cannot be escaped as long as man is a living thing. Therefore, religion is securing a life in the next world, and established mighty power among people. However, man is going to live a present life the comfortable thing. And man has developed science and technology. Science and technology changed to God and have realized people's dream. However, development of science or technology does not have the use most important for anyone. The merits and demerits of science or technology are complicated. Man has realized various desires by picturing a dream to oneself. People's dream not only leads parents, a friend, and books, but now, it is transmitted through electronic media, such as television, a telephone, and a personal computer. The business by realization of a dream is acting [ man-like ] as man. Man can see various dreams also from not only the encounter with other human beings but one copy of mail, or one-sheet public lottery. Now, in the rich country, the birthrate is falling rapidly. Is this world such the pleasant world that it is difficult to induce for it and a child whether it is the world which does not deserve living? On the other hand, the poor country shows the high birthrate, it is going to tell man's importance-or is the child born in order to escape poverty? In advanced nations, while injuring health by overweight by delicious food, eating disorders, such as anorexia, have spread. However, in the developing country, health is injured by a poor meal and too much labor.
三井 宏隆
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.91, pp.567-590, 1990-12

本稿ではAttorney General's Commission on Pornography (Meese Commission)の答申を取りあげることにより,社会科学(行動科学,社会心理学など)がポルノグラフィーの法的規制という問題に対して,如何なる処方箋を提示し,それがどのような形で社会政策に活かされたのかということについて,社会科学と社会政策といった観点から検討を加えることにする.Attorney General's Commission on Pornographyとは1985年5月20日,Reagan大統領の支持のもとに,司法長官Edwin Meese IIIが設置した諮問委員会のことである.この委員会は一年間の審議を経て,「暴力による性関係の強要といった内容のポルノグラフィー(sexually violent materials)を見たり,読んだりすることと,女性に対する攻撃行動の増進との間には明らかに因果関係が見出される」との結論に到達し,それに基づいて「ポルノに対して,より厳しい法的手段を講ずるように」と答申したのである.この答申は内容的には1970年9月30日に提出されたPresidential Commission on Obscenity & Pornography (Lockhart Report)の結論を否定するものであったが,政治的にはmoral majority conservativesとanti-pornography feministsが新に手を結んだ妥協の産物とも解釈されたのである(Williams, L. 1990).一方,Meese Commissionの理論的な裏付けてとして引用されたのがNeil, M. MalamuthやEdward Donnersteinらの研究であった.彼らは主としてsexually violent materialsが与える影響について精力的な研究を重ねてきたが,その知見の解釈をめぐって,Meese Commissionとの間に対立が生じることになったのである.所謂,「実験結果や調査結果を現実の社会問題に適用しようとする場合,その限界をどこに求めるべきか」という妥当性の問題を巡っての対立である.この古くて,新しい問題に対して一般論を云々してもあまり益する所はないと思われることから,本稿ではMeese Commissionの活動を通して,社会科学と社会政策の接点はどこに求めるべきかを論ずることにする.
山岸 健
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.43, pp.131-197, 1963-01

1. 序2. 奈良県にみられる諸流派3. 流派の分裂,合併,創立/鵤御流の系譜4. 法隆寺と鵤御流5. 結語The Ikaruga School is one of the schools of flower arrangement, "Ike-bana" and tea ceremony, "Cha-no-yu" in Japan. This School is connected with Horyuji Temple which is the headquarters of the Shotoku sect of Buddhism. The Temple consists of two groups of buildings, that is to say, the Sai-in (West group) and the To-in (East group). It is generally believed that the Sai-in which was called Ikaruga-Dera originally was established in the Asuka Period (in 607 A.D.) by the Crown Prince Shotoku-Taishi. "Ikaruga" is the name of the district, where the Temple stands. In this paper, I try to investigate the structure and form of the "Iemoto" System analyzing the Ikaruga School and many other schools. I think the "Iemoto" System may be divided into two parts, namely, the varied and multiform relationships into which men necessarily enter in the course of arranging flowers or tea ceremony, and the norms or standards governing behavior. This study serves to focus our attention upon a way of life, a group, and a social organization or social structure in Japan. The Japanese flower arrangement had its primitive beginnings in the age when Buddhism was imported into Japan from China. Since then, Buddhism has contributed a great deal to enhance Japanese culture, not only in the field of religion but also of Japanese art, for example, architecture, sculpture, and so on. It was one of the customs of Japanese to place flowers as a offering to Buddha in the temple. Therefore the purpose of flower arrangement was originally to decorate the Buddhist altar with flowers. Of many arts peculiar to Japan, flower arrangement and tea ceremony are especially familiar to us In daily life. A knowledge of flower arrangement is considered so important to women that even busy peoples take the time to practice arranging flowers after their business hours. Tea ceremony today is practiced by women and men, and especially by young girls. The present head master of the Ikaruga School is Kyoichi Saeki. Exhibitions of flower arrangement put on by this School are held on festival days of Horyuji Temple. A set of traditional rules is maintained by the members of this School in arranging flowers. Though this School is supported by Horyuji Temple, it is important for us to notice the mutual aid between this Temple and the Ikaruga School.
中村 麻里子
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.108, pp.45-66, 2002-02

投稿論文1. 序2. 初期の心理学における内観と行動主義による批判 2-1. 初期の心理学における内観 2-1-1. ヴントの心理学 2-1-2. ティチェナーの心理学 2-1-3. ヴュルツブルグ学派 2-2. 行動主義による内観批判と内観心理学3. 哲学における内観の検討 3-1. 内観に関する高階の表象説 3-2. ドレツキによる表象主義 3-2-1. 置き換えられた知覚とメタ表象 3-2-2. 3つの気づき(awareness)の区別を用いた内観の特徴づけ 3-2-3. 表象内容の外在説と内在主義的な高階説の比較 3-3. 色に関する外在説と内在説 3-3-1. 色に関する内在説 3-3-2. 色に関する外在説4. 結論Introspection has been used to study mental states or consciousness. In psychology, the method of introspection was criticized by behaviorists because the method of introspection was subjective and so not reliable, though introspection is used in some psychological experiments even today. What we should be careful here is the target of the criticism; whether introspection or the content of introspection is subjective. Here we are talking of only the introspection of perceptive content. The content of introspection has been thought as something like a mental image, which is inevitably subjective. According to internalism, introspection is the internal process, so the content of introspection is also internal and subjective. Dretske suggests that the content of introspection be objective. When we are aware of experience having some properties, we are aware of something objective having these properties. We aren't aware of something subjective when we introspect our perception. This idea can make the content of introspection objective, and reliable in psychological researches. However, such idea doesn't perfectly exclude subjectivity from introspection. Introspection has the subjective property in that it is always experienced by one person. But the content of introspection itself, different from the introspective event, is objective. For we are aware of facts when we introspect.
中山 和久
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.119, pp.65-109, 2008-03

特集文化人類学の現代的課題II第1部 空間の表象投稿論文1. ウツシ巡礼の研究 (1) 研究の目的 (2) ウツシ巡礼分析の視角 (3) ウツシ巡礼と地方巡礼 (4) 民俗学の分析視角2. ウツシ巡礼とは何か (1) 「ウツシ」の含意 (2) ウツシ巡礼の類型3. 日本におけるウツシ巡礼の展開 (1) ウツシ巡礼の初期展開 (2) 新四国の展開4. 篠栗四国霊場の表象と実践 (1) 篠栗四国霊場の概要 (2) 篠栗四国霊場の発願 (3) 篠栗四国霊場の開山 (4) 篠栗四国霊場の創設 (5) 篠栗四国霊場の展開 (6) 篠栗四国霊場の巡礼者 (7) 篠栗四国霊場における儀礼 (8) 篠栗四国霊場の戦後5. 篠栗四国霊場の巡礼空間 (1) 霊場の模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (2) 拝所の模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (3) 儀礼の模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (4) 思想の模倣による巡礼空間の創造6. 模倣による巡礼空間の創造 (1) ウツシ巡礼の構成原理 (2) ウツシ巡礼の意義In Japan, there was travel over the pilgrimage course that was called 'Utsushi' in the whole country. 'Utsushi' is concisely a pilgrimage course created by imitating 33 sacred places of goddess of mercy in West Country or 88 sacred places in Shikoku Island in Japan. It is in the 19th century that they were created in succession in nationwide various places though the history of the 'Utsushi' pilgrimage is thought to go back before the 13th century in Japan. And, it takes pride in the deep-rooted popularity in Japan of the 21 st century called the irreligion and no belief. Why is it created, does it spread, and does dress still a lot of people to such a 'Utsushi' pilgrimage? In this text, I first examine the problem of what the 'Utsushi' is, and understand the historical development of the 'Utsushi' pilgrimage in Japan, then examine in detail the pilgrimage course of Sasaguri Shikoku sacred place as a example. And, I reconsider a creative technique that the human race uses while arranging natural environment and designing the existing space culturally. Finally, I clarify the principle of folk customs that generates the cosmology of the pilgrimage.