植竹 勝治 中谷 治奈 増田 尚子 吉田 善廣 江口 祐輔 田中 智夫
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University (ISSN:13465880)
vol.17, pp.191-193, 2009-03-31

γ-アミノ酪酸 (GABA) の経口投与が肉用牛の長距離輸送および出荷・屠畜時のストレスを低減するかどうかを調べた。試験1では,対照区の去勢牛4頭に20mLの蒸留水を,処理区の去勢牛4頭に体重当たり10mgのGABA粉末を20mLの蒸留水に溶解した水溶液を,それぞれ130.1kmの陸路輸送直前に経口投与した。分散分析の結果,供試牛の唾液中コルチゾール濃度に対する処理と輸送経過時間との交互作用は,経過時間が60分までは有意 (P<0.05) であったが,120分以降については有意ではなくなった。試験2では,肥育牛20頭を5頭ずつ4処理区に分け,屠畜場への輸送前と翌朝の屠畜直前に,G区には13gのGABA粉末を100mLの蒸留水に溶解した水溶液を,S区には100mLの生理食塩水を,SG区には輸送前に生理食塩水と屠畜直前にGABA溶液を,それぞれ経口投与した。C区には輸送前も屠畜直前にも何も投与しなかった。多重比較検定の結果,いずれの処理区のウシの血漿コルチゾール濃度も,C区のウシよりも有意に低かった (全てP<0.01)。血漿アドレナリン濃度も,C区に比べ,S区のウシで有意に低く (P<0.05),G区のウシで低い傾向 (P<0.10) がみられた。これらの結果から,GABAの経口投与は,肉用牛の輸送および屠畜時のストレスを投与後数十分間は低減させることが確認された。We examined whether orally administered γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) would reduce stress of applied animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs. We report here only about the results of tests of transport and handling stress in cattle. In test 1, 20 mL of GABA solution containing 10 mg of GABA powder per kg body weight was administered to a group of 4 steers. Twenty mL of deionized water was administered to another group of 4 steers. Both groups of steers were then transported together 130.1 km by road. A significant interaction between group and salivary cortisol level for transport times up to 60 min was shown in two-way repeated-measure ANOVA (P<0.05). In test 2, 100 mL of GABA solution containing 13 g of GABA powder was administered to 5 steers twice, just before transport and before slaughter (group G). One hundred mL of normal saline solution (NSS) was administered to 5 steers (group S); 100 mL of NSS and 100 mL of the GABA solution were administered to 5 steers just before transport and before slaughter, respectively (group SG). The remaining 5 steers did not receive any solutions (group C). Significantly lowered concentration of plasma cortisol in groups G, S and SG compared to group C was shown in multiple comparisons (all P<0.01). The concentration of plasma adrenaline was significantly lowered in group S (P<0.05) and tended to be lower in group G (P<0.10) compared to group C. These results indicate that orally administered GABA can be a kind of stress reliever for cattle transported and handled by human.
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University (ISSN:13465880)
vol.23, pp.1-16, 2012-02-29

André Masson was a French modern painter, regarded as one of the foremost surrealists of the early 20th century. Masson indeed left many works based on surrealistic automatism, notable for their striking lines, colors, and unique compositions. His main subjects involved depictions of eroticism and cruel violence. It should be stressed that Masson was a painter who considered and tried to express his profound philosophical ideas, mainly derived from the influence from F. Nietzsche and G. Battaile. Complete transcendental individualism, serious critical viewpoints that negate reason and Christianity resulted from the influence of Nietzschean philosophy. His startling images of sexuality, immolation and sacrifices, and the cruelviolence of massacres developed from the archeological ideas of G. Battaile. Among these themes the most remarkable characteristics of Masson’s art are the expression of cruelty and eroticism. Cruelty is the essence which Masson obtained through his personal experiences of the horrors of the First World War, and the anxieties and depression of fascism before the World War II. His images of merciless cruelty and violence are thus derived from his own experience. Eroticism and sexuality are closely related to both life and death, suggesting that birth is in equilibrium with death, and sexuality is equal to corruption. Continuity of life is made possible by cruel immolation and sadistic sacrifice. Sexuality is essential for this continuity of human survival. Death basically means the discontinuity that breaks the continuity of life. Therefore, sexuality and immolation are necessarily described in violent and cruel mythical expression. Masson applied the method of myth to his works, with the figures of Dionysus and the Minotaur as the symbols of the method. The purpose of this study is to clarify Masson’s fundamental ideas for art, to reveal the essence which constitutes his art, and to make clear the place of Masson’ s art in modern art of the 20th century.
大倉 健宏
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University (ISSN:13465880)
vol.28, pp.5-18, 2017-03-31

One part of the research investigates the epidemiological aspect, and the other the sociological aspect. As a result of this research, we would like to find out what is or are the critical conditions for building "pet-friendly communities"Recently, as smaller dogs have increased in popularity, the tendency for dogs to be kept indoors has also increased, thus leading to closer contact between pets and their owners. As a result, diseases exchanged between dogs and their owners have been more frequently observed.While the spread of dental caries (tooth decay) between dogs and owners does not occur, it is possible that periodontal diseases (gum diseases) could be spread between them. Our study focuses on the bacteria "Campylobacter rectus", a cause of periodontal disease, and aims to identify this bacteria in dogs and their owners by conducting a DNA level analysis.
石井 康夫
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.19, pp.5-21, 2009

Ernst Barlach was a German sculptor who lived his life in Germany when the country was controlled by the government of Nazis. The persecution of his art was due to the characteristics of the sculpture's forms and ideas that did not correspond to Western aesthetic ideas which are based on Greek, or Renaissance art. That was the reason why the Nazis denied his works. Most representative works, the monuments for the World War I, which were for the cities of Magdeburg, Güstrow, and Hamburg, were criticized by the establishment and people who considered the works unsuitable monuments for each city, because the faces of the figures appealed eminently to the pacifistic public. The characteristic factors which constitute Barlach's sculptures are ascribed to his experiences of a journey to Russia. The Mother Nature of Russia and Russian people affected him significantly. The encounter with the landscapes of Russia and her people were such a stimulating experience for him that this experience remained in his mind and fueld his art. Also, Asian ideas that are based on religious images of Buddhism and the thoughts of Chuang-tzu can be noticed in his works. As he admired the sculptures of the Japanese Buddhism arts, his works and Buddhist art have a common spiritual essence. The philosophy of Chuang-tzu, "all things are equal," seems to have influenced Barlarch's creative ideas. They are converted to concrete forms as mercy and tolerance which are immanent in Barlach's sculptures. These tolerant and merciful ideas are realized in slender bodies with few wasted expression. The simple body lines and facial expressions are sophisticated and include sacred and religious images. The slenderness and tolerant expression are common to those of the Budhisattva. It is necessary to realize that Barlach's works are affected not only by Russia and Buddhism, but by his fundamental German tradition. Sculptures of Romanesque and Gothic art ornament the walls and capitals of cathedrals in Germany as peripheral decorations that create a religiously solemn world. It is thought that these sculptures which include people, animals, birds, monsters, and plants expressed in abstraction affected Barlach. He himself recognized that he was a successor of masters who made European traditional art in Medieval age. Barlach created modern sophisticated sculptures through unsophisticated people's figures in which he found essential humanism. He carved the modern saints in the figure of beggars, and offered resistance to Nazism.
和田 恭則 伊東 正吾 恩田 賢
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.13, pp.170-173, 2006

高槻 成紀 宇根 有美
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University (ISSN:13465880)
vol.21/22, pp.117-122, 2011-03-31

An exhibition entitled as “Hands and legs of mammals: the morphology and variations” was held at Azabu University from June to September, 2010. Bones were chosen from many specimens preserved at the specimen store at Azabu University. At the introduction corner, a cat specimen was exhibited in order to explain the principle of mammal body morphology. At the “hindleg corner”, hindlegs of six terrestrial mammals were exhibited. The visitors could compare the “lifting heels” and simplification of the legs in “running” mammals. At the “foreleg corner”, forelegs of a dolphin and a Japanese macaque, whole body of a bat, a flying squirrel, and a mole were exhibited. This corner showed how the mammal forelegs are modified according to the differences in life styles of the animals. At the “femur corner”, femurs of six species of terrestrial mammals were exhibited. This corner told the femurs of larger mammals are more robust than those of smaller mammals, which is explained by physical reasons. At the last corner, forelegs of a giraffe, an elephant, and a horse were exhibited to emphasize the differences of the size and shape as “long”, “gigantic”, and “simple” bones. All the specimens were arranged on boards of deep blue backgrounds which are contrastive to whitish bones, and Chinese kanji letters to symbolize the functions of the bones were laid out.
堂ヶ崎 知格 角野 洋一 川上 泰 山本 裕介
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.11, pp.203-206, 2005

福山 正文 角野 洋二 原 元宣
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.5, pp.194-198, 2002

田中 智夫 太田 光明
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.5, pp.230-234, 2002

平成14年4月より行っている動物介在活動・療法(AAT/AAA)教育プログラムは,行動学者,人と動物の関係学の研究者,動物福祉の研究者,獣医師,心理学者,精神科医,心理療法士,ソーシャルワーカー,教育学者らが集まって,AAT/AAAに関わる人材を育てるための継続的な教育カリキュラムで,2年間で修了する。このプログラムは,Dennis C.Turner博士(institute for applied Ethology and Animal Psychology所長,スイス,本学客員教授)によって開発されたもので, 1998年に行われたプラハでのIAHAIO(international Association of Human and Animal Interaction Organi-zations)国際会議で発表され,1999年の4月に第1期生をスイスで迎え,現在はアメリカはじめ国際的に認知されている。本学では,Turner博士を含む欧米の教育・研究者6名と本学教員からなる講師陣を構成し,獣医学部ならびに獣医学研究科の研究教育カリキュラムヘの導入を図った。講義(英語)は,心理学,人と動物の関係学,人と動物に関する行動学,動物の心理学,AAT/AAAに携わる動物の適切なケア,AAT/AAAに関する倫理や危機管理,患者自身の安全管理,人獣共通感染症,動物のトレーニング方法,産業動物や野生動物を用いた作業療法など多岐にわたる。また,精神科病院や刑務所(アメリカ,カナダなど)の見学,学校への訪問など学外実習も含まれている。2年間の間に,課題レポート(英語)の提出があり,また最終試験は口答試問(英語)によってなされる。このプログラムを修了することによって得た認定書は,日本はもちろん,ヨーロッパ各国および北米でも通用するものであり,2004年3月に修了する第一期生への期待は極めて大きい。この4月より,第二期生に対するプログラムが開始された。