富本 靖 Yasushi Tomimoto 昭和女子大学 Showa Women's University
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.800, pp.36-49, 2007-06-01

In this paper the author examines the historical background of physical education. Wherefrom it came, whereto it goes and how it should be in the future? Chapter 1 discusses its historical background as well as pointing out the problems it contains from the beginning. Chapter 2 focuses on the historical backgrounds and thoughts on the physical education in the United States of America and China eliciting the typical conditions of both the Western and Asian countries. Conditions in Japan are also compared in this chapter. Chapter 3 explores the ideal way the school physical education should be and our future task is shown.
永岡 都 Miyako Nagaoka
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.765, pp.72-85, 2004-06

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the relation between music and emotion in the field of music philosophy and psychology. However, different interpretations of emotions in musical experience have generated confusion regarding the issue of musical meaning. Therefore, we must examine various interpretations of musical emotions and the mechanism by which they construct musical meaning and guide us to an understanding of musical works. In this paper, I select two important previous studies by L. B. Meyer and P. Kivy and attempt to examine their theories of how emotions are generated in musical listening and how they effect the construction of musical meaning. L. B. Meyer proposed that there are two types of musical meaning; referential and absolute, and regarded the latter as the more essential, because absolute meaning enables the process of constructing meaning in musical listening. But Meyer could not explicate the difference between absolute meaning and the emotion that is experienced as a kind of expectation in musical listening. P. Kivy considered the musical meaning in pure instrumental music and described aspects of musical emotion not described in previous studies; 'move' and 'expressive property', but there is a question with regard to his interpretation of the concept of 'emotion'.
ケビン ライアン
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.858, pp.65-77, 2012-04-01

AbstractMethodology is dead. Long live methodologies. As language teachers take an a la carte approach to classroom methodologies, we enjoy freedom-with a bewildering amount of alternatives-to improve the classroom experience and more seamlessly wed it to experience outside the classroom. We look at one combination of theories, methods, and tools to facilitate a university classroom of language majors with laptops and wireless Internet connections.Borrowing bits from Massively Online Open Courses (MOOCs), Constructionism, Social Learning (Vygotsky), Problem Posing, Krashen, Tolstoy, Roger Schank, Task and Project Based Learning (TBL and PBL), Thornbury and Meddings' Dogme (Teaching Unplugged), Ubiquitous Learning, Gamification (i.e. OnePlusMe), and Peer Teaching, we set about creating a semester-long experience (including vacations) that transcends the classroom.This style is similar to a workshop, is designed for intermediate language learners and above, starts with specifics and moves to general, is Flipped (content outside, activities inside), and focuses on developing autonomy. It uses Moodle, Google Docs, feedback mechanisms, along with many web-based materials. It balances cooperation and competition with peer evaluation and small group work.
川原 奈津子 佐野 武仁 山口 温
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.766, pp.85-92, 2004-07-01

When young, one of the authors heard someone say 'In fact there's little difference between the refreshing waterfall sound and the traffic noise on roads.' So-called good sounds include insects' chirping, tinkles of the wind-bell and piano tunes. Bad ones include noises of trams or machinery. What makes the difference between a 'good sound' and a 'bad sound'? This paper intended to visually compare the frequencies of various sounds using Windows Media Player. The results obtained were as follows. 1. So-called good sounds generally had sharp fluctuations in their frequency ranges as shown on attached graphs. 2. So-called bad sounds had less sharp fluctuations in their frequency ranges, hence did not show a clear sound. 3. However, the fluctuations of the waterfall sound and the fluctuations of the traffic noise of the road were not very different, which suggests for some sounds the existence of other factors such as listeners' psychology; memories of the past, the milieu and connotations.
佐藤 道子
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.763, pp.74-83, 2004-04-01

In my previous article (Gakuen 736, Nov. 2001), the role of Byron Bunch was discussed. He looks like a very ordinary, diligent, rather timid man without a hint of attractive youth, and seems to be just a good-natured man. But the truth is that he plays a very important role in this novel as a man who leads the next generation. In other words, Faulkner suggests that Byron will make a new home with Lena Grove and bring up Lena's and Lucas Burch's baby as a foster father. He is supposed to be a warmhearted and open-minded foster father, who is quite different from Joe Christmas's foster father, Simon McEachern. Unlike McEachern, Byron has no such religious prejudice and so he will never have control over the life of his foster child. In this paper, Byron's role in the work will be discussed further. For this purpose, I will consider the matter of the establishment of ego and self-realization in Byron.
ライアン ケビン
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.882, pp.32-43, 2014-04-01

In an effort to develop autonomous language learning as students end their tertiary education and set off into the world, a classroom approach uses Project Based Learning, small group work, a Learning Management System, information technology, and the Open Badges system. This case study covers 3 classes over one semester, with an explanation and rationale for this approach. Student feedback is summarized and a look at adapting this approach more widely is discussed. EFL class sessions require deft management to maintain a successful learning environment. Project Based Learning allows for more student talking time as well as more autonomous learning. Adding freedom of choice during each classroom session allows students to take responsibility for their own learning. This is all made possible with use of technology to access materials not available in a normal classroom situation. Adding Badges as a mechanism that both evaluates and motivates leads to an increase of both autonomy and interaction within the classroom situation. This paper focuses on a case of three different classes, and their reaction to a system designed to require students a more active and autonomous role in their language acquisition.
志摩 園子
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.772, pp.89-96, 2005-02-01

This article is the writer's attempt to examine Japanese source materials relating to the diplomatic relations between Japan and Latvia in the period between the two World Wars. This paper, the first part of my work, begins with the Japanese government's approach toward the Latvian affairs at the time of Latvia's emergence as a nation state. The Estonian struggle for independence will also be examined under the new light of sources from the Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The most interesting materials on Latvian affairs are included in such files as "The State of Russian Affairs at the Time of the Russian Revolutions and the Wars in Europe", "Secession and Incorporation of Various Countries", "The State of Internal Affairs in Various Countries: Latvia", "The Establishment of Japanese Diplomatic Agencies Abroad" and "Riga Joho (Riga Intelligence)", etc.. These documents reveal three features which characterize the Japanese government's position toward Latvia in the period leading to its independence. First, Japan's policy toward Latvia followed that of the Great Powers. Second, the Japanese government also had an interest in Latvia's economy. Third, the Japanese had very little information , about Latvia and other Baltic States.
森本 真一
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.763, pp.84-94, 2004-04-01

William Faulkner told two different stories alternately in The Wild Palms. In one of them an intern falls in love with a married woman who becomes pregnant and asks him to perform an abortion. After she dies because of the operation, he is determined to serve his fifty-year sentence remembering her. The End of the World and Hard-boiled Wonderland by Murakami Haruki is similar to The Wild Palms structurally and thematically. An engineer in "Hard-boiled Wonderland" has a specific circuit installed in his brain by a scientist. The data is stolen and the engineer's consciousness is about to be extinguished. Then the scientist's granddaughter declares that he will remain in her heart as long as she lives. The protagonist of "The End of the World" lives in a town separated from his shadow. Though he has lost his memory, he is presumably in the situation imagined by the engineer. He plans to escape, but finally lets the shadow go alone, saying that he cannot abandon a world he created. Both Faulkner and Murakami cherish or rely upon the memories of what has vanished. In "The Bear" Faulkner dramatically depicts the wilderness as the hunters' utopia that is being destroyed by civilization. Murakami's "Firefly" deals with a young man's longing for a girl who leaves him after their intercourse. Murakami makes a character of Dance, Dance, Dance warn the narrator to go on dancing without doubting how foolish it is. This may be the author's critical view of mechanized and high-speed society in which people are deprived of profound thinking. Sheep Expert in his Adventuring after a Sheep observes that Japan was destined to be defeated in World War II because there have been no thoughts based on life. Faulkner wrote an essay, "To the Youth of Japan." He mentioned his belief that in Japan out of the disaster and despair after World War II there would appear writers who would speak not a Japanese truth but a universal truth. Murakami is certainly among such writers. Readers should notice his pursuit of human ego in the midst of complicated circumstances.
堀内 正昭
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.777, pp.92-106, 2005-07-01

The Museum Island mainly goes back to the vision of Frederick William IV of Prussia, who wanted to reorganize this island in the Spree River for "a shelter of art and science". The five museums built between 1830 and 1930 reflected stylistic tendencies of classicism, historicism and neoclassicism. From a viewpoint of architectural planning they illustrated the evolution of museum design over a period of a century. In the Altesmuseum designed by Schinkel one could appreciate classical sculptures at a glance in the rotunda. In the Neuesmuseum the exhibit rooms were decorated so that the interior matched historical styles of the collection. The Alte Nationalgalerie was designed as a monumental temple which symbolized the German Empire. In the Bodemuseum the exhibits were displayed with the collection of several contemporary genre. In addition, for the first time the Pergamonmuseum had special rooms for ancient architecture and the exhibits were classified into many groups according to age and country.
安蔵 裕子 Yuko Anzo
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.887, pp.62-73, 2014-09

Abstract The Koyo Museum of Showa Women's university houses a lawyer's robe and cap tagged "Lawyer's robe and cap used around the 10th year of the Showa Period". This paper introduces images of the garments and records details pertaining to them, explains the history of the Japanese modern court dress, and explores the symbolic function of professional uniforms. In 1890 the Empire of Japan prescribed a law that required judges, public prosecutors, and lawyers to wear uniform court dress while at court. Three years later, in 1893, a Ministry of Justice Ordinance specified the lawyers' robes and caps. The materials owned by the museum are identical with this description. These garments continued to be worn until new rules were made in 1947. Preceding studies have shown that, in designing the original garments, then Minister of Justice Akiyoshi Yamada researched the garments worn in the courts of Western countries that honored the classical style, and that taking this knowledge into account, Mayori Kurokawa, who was well versed in Japanese ancient court practices and a historian of costume, designed garments for Japanese courts. The material of the robe is black with fly front, with white embroidery around the neck and in the front which signify that this was for lawyers, and in the bottom, both sides are pleated offering an example of how oriental and western design are mixed. The black cap is inspired by that of Nara period, a style that originated in the Tang Dynasty in China.
島田 太郎
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.763, pp.100-106, 2004-04-01

Poe sometimes chooses for his characters sets of names that suggest they are closely related and yet often antagonistic to each other, such as Dupin and Minister D- ("The Purloined Letter"), Fortunato and Montresor ("The Cask of Amontillado"), two William Wilsons, and Bedloe and Oldeb ("A Tale of the Ragged Mountains"), though the last set mentioned is exceptionally unantagonistic. The choice betrays Poe's uneasiness about his own identity. He is always haunted by the dissociation of his own personality because he is, just like August Dupin in his stories, conscious of the coexistence in his own self of "creative Poe" who creates esoteric worlds of poetry and mystery, and "resolvent Poe" who destructs the former worlds by means of his own ratiocination. It is suggestive that he uses a very rare word "Bi-part soul" twice, no example of which can be found in The Oxford English Dictionary. My argument is, I believe, supported by the fact that Poe is at once attracted to and repelled by mirrors. Though he allows only one mirror in his ideal room ("The Philosophy of Furniture"), the use of the word "mirror(s)" in his stories count as many as twenty-seven.
中山 栄子 高野 美夢
學苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.861, pp.50-54, 2012-07-01

The concept of third-hand smoke(exposure to the poisonous substances in cigarette smoke that remain after a cigarette has been extinguished)is still little known, and certainly not as well known as second-hand smoke. In this study, the status of third-hand smoke awareness was first established by conducting a questionnaire survey. The survey results showed that many people are familiar with neither the term nor the concept "third-hand smoke." To help people understand that, though third-hand smoke can't be seen, it is still harmful, a clear airtight container of the type which can be obtained anywhere was employed as a pseudo-smoking area, and using this with a gas detection tube, a smell monitor, and a color sensor we were able to make the existence and effects of third-hand smoke clear. This study proposes that the pseudo-smoking area which makes clear the existence of third-hand smoke can be used as a learning material because it allows learners to experience the harm with all five of their senses.